Chapter 0762 – Returning Home (I)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:33:05
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Under the setting sun, the snow leopard standing on the top of the high mountain, that graceful body full of wild beauty, stayed in the crowd’s memory for a long time.

As the car went away, that lonely figure, gradually disappeared in the crowd’s sight, only in the sky, there was a pair of golden eagles, following the car along.

But after the sun set, the two golden eagles also let out a clear chirping sound, bidding farewell to Zhuang Rui.

Looking at the dark prairie outside the window, Zhuang Rui’s agitated and sad mood slowly returned, this trip to the snowy mountains made Zhuang Rui’s heart become much purer, and the obsessions in his heart, much less.

At the very least, he didn’t forcefully take the snow leopard away based on his own preferences, but very sensibly let that big cat stay and stay on the big snowy mountain.

“Hey, Zhang Qian, it’s me, I’m fine, I went into the mountains these days, and just came out today.”

“I’m fine, Brother Zhuang, he’s fine too! It’s fine, almost the day after tomorrow, let’s talk about it when we get home! What, oh, I know, tell him right away ……”

Peng Fei while driving, while the cell phone is turned on, these days in the mountains, there is no signal at all, Zhuang Rui and Peng Fei are turned off, so that can also save some electricity.

Peng Fei this just a boot, daughter-in-law’s phone called in, he and Zhang Qian has also received a marriage certificate, wedding photos are with Zhuang Rui, but Peng Fei daughter-in-law belly can not have children, do not have to rush so urgent, ready to wait for the weather to cool off, and then held a wedding.

“Brother Zhuang, you quickly turn on! Sister-in-law and Auntie Zhuang are in a hurry, hurry, hurry ……”

In fact, no need to Peng Fei said, Zhuang Rui saw him call, also took out his cell phone, in the mountains, there are so many animals to accompany, Zhuang Rui is not very homesick, and now left the mountains, Zhuang Rui really hang up daughter-in-law.

“Chirp …… chirp ……”

Looking at the phone in Zhuang Rui’s hand, the little guy jumped out of the backpack and pecked at the metal cell phone with his pointed beak, his eyes full of curiosity.

“Oh, go and play with the white lion, white lion, Xue’er, can’t bully Jin Yu ah!”

Zhuang Rui smiled, grabbed the little guy with his hand and put it on the white lion sitting in the back row, the white lion is used to sitting in the car, but Xue’er is not very accustomed to it, so I can’t help but say that Zhuang Rui will have to use his aura to appease it again.

Mentioned Xue’er, Zhuang Rui again remembered the little one on the snowy mountain, the heart can not help but hurt a little, hopefully the next time they come, the snow leopard can find their own partner, can give birth to a group of small snow leopard.

But Zhuang Rui’s thoughts were soon attracted by the cell phone, he just opened the phone, clattered in thirty or forty messages, the display of the cell phone was not blinking, suggesting that there were messages coming in.

“Older brother, are you happy? Hurry back, there’s good news for you.” This was from Huangfu Yun.

“Boss Zhuang, our small store you do not see eye, also give a call!” This is the tone of Zhao Hanxuan in Xuan Rui Zhai.

There were also messages of greetings from Qin Xuan Bing, the first few were still relatively normal, but the later ones seemed a bit anxious, probably because Zhuang Rui hadn’t heard from him for a few days.

“Drip, drip ……”

Just as Zhuang Rui looked through the messages, a new message was sent over again, Zhuang Rui looked at the name, it was Ouyang Jun’s, and casually gave it a click.

“Brat, brother I’m a father, you kid even face not show, phone also can not find, is not want to get beaten ah!”

Looking at Ouyang Jun’s message, Zhuang Rui could not help but laugh, Ouyang family brothers, Ouyang Lei is slightly older, and he has nothing in common, the other two are serving in the field, not much interaction, to say that the relationship is the best, on the Ouyang Jun.

“Congratulations, recently back, face to face.”

Zhuang Rui smiled and gave Ouyang Jun back a message, just clicked send, the cell phone rang, this time it is a phone call rather than a message.

“Xuan Bing, was thinking of dialing over to you!”

Zhuang Rui picked up the cell phone and pressed the answer button, listening to his daughter-in-law’s voice on the phone, he couldn’t help but feel a little bit as if it was a lifetime ago.

These few days of living in isolation on the Great Snowy Mountain made Zhuang Rui slightly feel a little unaccustomed.

“Hubby, why don’t you return a call for a few days! Are you alright? Did you bring enough clothes?”

Qin Xuan Bing began to want to blame Zhuang Rui, but the words came to her lips, but turned into concern, she has also been to Tibet, know that the natural climate there is very harsh.

“Enough …… enough, daughter-in-law, I go back this time, bring you an unseen little thing.”

Listening to Qin Xuan Bing’s words, Zhuang Rui heart rises a wave of warmth, can’t wait to rush back to Beijing now, rushed back to his own home, to enjoy the warmth of home, the care of loved ones.

“Chirp, chirp ……”

Seems to feel Zhuang Rui mentioned himself, the little golden feather jumped down from the white lion, fluttering the wings without feathers, and returned to Zhuang Rui, it heard the sound coming from the cell phone, and couldn’t help but curiously circled around the cell phone, not to emit a childish cry.

“What is it calling ah?” Qin Xuan Bing also heard it at the other end of the cell phone.

Zhuang Rui touched Jin Yu’s little head and smiled, “Oh, you’ll know when we go back, I won’t tell you now.”

“Uh, Zhuang Rui, mom wants to talk to you.”

Qin Xuan Bing was about to ask a follow-up question when she saw that her mother-in-law seemed to want to talk to Zhuang Rui, so she hurriedly handed her cell phone over.

“Zhuang Rui, still haven’t put this family in your heart? Still haven’t put your wife and child in your heart ah?”

Ouyang Wan’s voice makes Zhuang Rui cold sweat, mom easily does not get angry, this fire is thunderous anger.

“Mom, is my wrong, you criticize right. But I’m not also working, the place I went to didn’t even have electricity, I didn’t take a bath for almost a week.”

Zhuang Rui knows his mother’s temper, first admitted his fault, then emphasized the difficulties, since he is already so big, he will not be like a child, let himself go write a check, right?

“Xiao Rui ah! Immediately do father’s people, to understand, line, come back to Xuan Bing to make amends and apologize, so long do not know to come to a phone call to care.”

Ouyang Wan heard her son go to the place where the conditions are very hard, immediately heartbroken son to come, just said the words, in fact, is also said to the daughter-in-law to listen to, she is afraid of Qin Xuan Bing in the pregnancy, Zhuang Rui is not around, will inevitably produce some resentment.

“Definitely, definitely, go back and my son will apologize to you guys.”

After hanging up his mother’s phone, Zhuang Rui that is a head of cold sweat, since childhood, he was afraid of his mother’s anger, recalling the kinship between this large family of Golden Eagles, Zhuang Rui’s attachment to his home, suddenly became unusually strong.

After hanging up the phone, Zhuang Rui looked at Peng Fei who was driving and said, “Peng Fei, you immediately give a call to He Shuang and Ding Hao, let them fly to Chengdu, right, how long will it take for us to go back to Chengdu from here overnight?”

“It’ll take a day or two at the earliest, right? This stretch of road isn’t very good.”

Peng Fei flipped out the electronic map and looked at it, not to mention, this off-road vehicle that the Tibetan district government gave Zhuang Rui to use has a very good performance, not only is the body reinforced with steel plates, but some of the more advanced settings are configured.

“It takes so long?”

In fact, this road Zhuang Rui has traveled, but now misses his family, his heart feels stronger, after thinking about it, said, “You call He Shuang, let them prepare, tomorrow morning will fly to Chengdu, we go overnight today.”

While Zhuang Rui was talking, his cell phone rang again, he signaled Peng Fei to call He Shuang and picked up the phone himself.

“Bastard, finally turned on the phone, grandma, my son was born, you as a little uncle is not even there? You say how to punish you? Is this giving birth to a son or an ancestor? You’re not even allowed to speak.”

When Ouyang Jun started to speak, his voice was very loud, but Zhuang Rui seemed to hear a chiding sound, and Ouyang Gongzi immediately lowered his voice, aggrieved like a little daughter-in-law.

After Xu Qing gave birth to a child, Ouyang Zhenwu knew that his son would not take care of it, and if he hired a nanny, he did not feel at ease, so he simply let the two families still live in Zhuang Rui’s home.

Ouyang Zhenwu and Ouyang Wan are siblings, there is nothing polite, because of this, Ouyang Jun know Zhuang Rui phone can get through the news.

But in this way, it was a bitter experience for Ouyang Jun, the little guy had to toss Ouyang Gongzi a few times every night and didn’t manage to get a full night’s sleep.

“Oh, Fourth Brother, congratulations! How many days has this nephew of ours been here? Don’t worry about it! When I go back there will definitely be a big gift, but it will take a few days!”

Zhuang Rui smiled at his words, he could hear that Ouyang Jun’s complaining words actually revealed more of a happiness and fulfillment.

“Why do we have to wait for a few days? Don’t you have a private airplane? Won’t you be back tomorrow?”

Ouyang Jun was a bit puzzled, during this period of time living in Zhuang Rui’s house, except for him and Hao Long who was guarding the doorway were men, a yard was full of old ladies, there was not even a drinker, but Ouyang Jun was suffocated.

“I would like to go back tomorrow, but the plane is private, the airfield is public ah!” Zhuang Rui told the matter of having to go to Sichuan to change planes.

After a moment of silence on the other side of the phone, Ouyang Jun’s voice came to mind, “That’s so! Wait a minute, I’ll ask for you if there’s a military airport near Zuogong.”

“Alright, dozens of kilometers away from Zuogong, there is a military airport, you give me the phone number of your plane’s captain, I’ll arrange …… it.”

Just past two or three minutes, Ouyang Jun’s phone to return, this buddy is also being held anxious, Zhuang Rui words less wine good, Ouyang Jun favorite pulling him to drink and Kan Dashan.

“Peng Fei, is He Shuang’s phone? Take it to me ……”

After Zhuang Rui reported He Shuang’s phone to Ouyang Jun, he saw Peng Fei still talking on the phone, and quickly picked it up, telling He Shuang to listen to Ouyang Jun’s arrangements, before hanging up the phone.

“Alright, go back to the guest house to take a shower and sleep, tomorrow we’re going home.”

These days in the mountains, Zhuang Rui this hair is messy like a chicken nest, body dirty like a beggar, just short of the face did not whole a bit of plateau red to, so back home to designate not many people still recognize him.

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