Chapter 0763 – Returning Home (II)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:33:07
A+ A- Turn Off Light

With Ouyang Jun’s arrangement, Zhuang Rui didn’t need to worry much, and after returning to the county’s guest house, he first took a shower, and only then contacted Ouyang Jun and asked about the location of the airport.

Ouyang Jun although talking out of tune, but the work is still very stable, even the airport ground staff of the cell phone and the need to find people are reported to Zhuang Rui, let him go to the place to contact.

You know, the military airport can not be found on the map, and the general public can not enter, this is the country’s military secrets.

The next morning, Zhuang Rui drove the SUV, came to the airport, received them actually a major, after a few words of shabby, brought them to the tarmac, Zhuang Rui’s Silver Eagle, has long been parked on the airport runway.

“Senior Captain Li, thank you, when you have the chance to go to Beijing in the future, be sure to contact me.”

Zhuang Rui was in a hurry to go home, so he didn’t say much, after bidding farewell to that flight brigade captain, he took White Lion and Xue’er, and boarded the airplane.

The white lion is okay, but Xue’er saw the airplane obviously some uncomfortable, in Zhuang Rui’s appeasement, only hesitant to go up.

As for the small golden feather, is some excitement, standing in Zhuang Rui shoulder looking around, mouth from time to time issued a tender chirping sound.

I don’t know if it was the effect of Zhuang Rui’s Reiki moisturizing, originally it still needed more than twenty days to grow feathers of the little chick, in its tail and back, actually already had a few pieces of tawny feathers, but overall it still seemed to be white fluffy a little guy.

However, the golden feather’s claws and sharp beak, compared to the time when he just saw Zhuang Rui, a lot of strong, grasping on Zhuang Rui’s shoulder, as long as a little bit of force, Zhuang Rui’s shoulder’s clothes will surely be torn off, and the muscles of the shoulder, but also can feel the sharp claws of the sharp claws.

Fortunately Zhuang Rui wear is cheap camouflage clothing, which if Qin Xuan Bing to buy those sets of clothes, guaranteed Zhuang Rui will be heartbroken, rich can not take tens of thousands of dollars a piece of clothing spoiled ah!

“Mr. Zhuang, this …… has more Tibetan mastiff ah?”

Zhuang Rui in order to save space in the cabin, and did not let Liuli and Tianya random, but standing in the cabin entrance to meet Zhuang Rui He Shuang and Ding Hao two positive and vice captains, after seeing the snow mastiff, also ate a shock.

Although the size of the snow can not be compared with the white lion, but compared to the ordinary Tibetan mastiff, to be much larger, and the fur color is extremely pure, Zhuang Rui yesterday to her also took a bath, that sells absolutely better than the white lion.

Grown up white lion, and compared to the childhood, a few less cute, more than a few fierce look, compared to the white lion, Xue’er body type lines to be slender and graceful, more than the white lion lovely, if removed from the Tibetan mastiff ferocious nature, Xue’er is more like a pet dog.

“Oh, Xue’er, this is your big brother He, that is big brother Ding, go, smell the flavor on them.”

After hearing Zhuang Rui’s words, the Snow Mastiff walked to He Shuang and Ding Hao and sniffed on them, sort of remembering such two people.

As for Zhuang Rui’s words, it made He Shuang and Ding Hao a head of black lines, this confused, how did the two of them have one more dog sister ah? Generally women like pets, they are still the first time to see a man like Zhuang Rui so like pets!

But fortunately, Zhuang Rui play are large dogs, which if every day in the arms of a Pekingese, the two will really suspect that Zhuang Rui head has a problem.

This will see Zhuang Rui shoulder stood a chicken, He Shuang and Ding Hao but do not dare to ask again, they are afraid to say more words, may be more what chicken nephew it!

“Chirp …… chirp ……”

After the plane took off, the little golden feather was obviously excited, from Zhuang Rui’s body to the white lion’s body back and forth, the white lion and Xue’er have long been familiar with this guy, also do not think that, let it go to toss.

“In the future, you can also fly like this.”

Zhuang Rui grabbed the golden feather and let it look out the window, this will Zhuang Rui heart sprang up a very odd idea, the white lion was nourished by the spiritual qi from a young age, the body size is bigger than the average Tibetan mastiff, three or four times bigger.

And the little eagle is also the same, from childhood to follow their own, aura is not less, when it grows up, I do not know will become what appearance?

“Maybe in the future the eagle’s back will be able to sit on people!”

Deeply poisoned by the Golden Warrior Zhuang Rui, squinted his eyes and began to YY, accompanied by the energetic little golden feather’s flying east and west, time passes very quickly, a few hours later, the plane stopped at the capital airport.

Hao Long drove to the airport to pick up Zhuang Rui, just Hao Long did not expect, Zhuang Rui and brought back a volume than the white lion is not much smaller than the Tibetan mastiff, even the big cut, stuffed down the white lion and Xue’er, there is no place. Poor Peng Fei could only take a taxi home from outside the airport with the crew.

“Mom, daughter-in-law, I’m back!”

Entering into the backyard from the garage, looking at the familiar yard, Zhuang Rui’s heart was soothing, seeing his relatives waiting at the yard door, he opened his arms and hugged them.

“Go aside, no big or small, Xuan Bing is still pregnant with a child, can withstand you tossing like this.” Ouyang Wan pushed her son away.

“Hey, mom, I’m not missing you guys too much?”

Zhuang Rui smiled and put an arm around his old mom, I don’t know why, after returning home, Zhuang Rui’s heart has been filled with joy, always wanting to laugh out, maybe this is the charm of home!

“Daughter-in-law, our baby, honest?”

After releasing his mother, Zhuang Rui came to Qin Xuan Bing’s side and gently embraced her.

“What nonsense! Put the things down, let’s go to the center courtyard to talk and get ready for lunch, right, this is the Xue’er you were talking about, right?”

Qin Xuan Bing delicately crossed Zhuang Rui’s eyes, but her attention was immediately attracted by Xue’er behind the white lion, Xue’er, who was covered in soft white hair, was obviously much more popular than the white lion.

However, coming to such an unfamiliar environment, Xue’er was obviously very uncomfortable, and the wildness that was cultivated in the snowy mountains had not been eliminated, this would be next to the white lion, and bared its teeth to all those who approached it.

“Xue’er, come, get acquainted, this is your future mistress, uh, this is the mistress his mom, also my mom ……”

Zhuang Rui combed Xue’er’s body with his aura while holding its neck, bringing it in front of Qin Xuan Bing and his mother, one by one, letting her sniff the flavors.

For canines, especially Tibetan Mastiffs, only familiar flavors would make them relax, otherwise it would be easy for an incident of attack to occur due to nervousness.

“White Lion, go, take Xue’er to your room to rest!”

Seeing that Xue’er’s spirit was a bit sluggish, Zhuang Rui knew that this was due to the fact that she had just come from the harsh cold of the snowy mountains to the hot Beijing, and that she would be fine after a certain period of events.

In the backyard of this courtyard, the white lion exclusively occupies a set of three big houses, the temperature inside is below 16 degrees all year round, and the environment where Xue’er survives is not too far away from each other.

“Brat, you still know to go home! Go, go with me to see your great nephew.”

The sound in the backyard startled Ouyang Jun, he also hurried over, walked to Zhuang Rui side and pulled his clothes, this is a father, but he likes to take his son to show off the most.

“Chirp …… chirp ……”

May be feeling their own long time was ignored, was Zhuang Rui put into the backpack of the small golden feather, can not help but call up, and also with a sharp beak pecked at the backpack, the two small paws also kept on tossing.

Zhuang Rui had no choice but to open the backpack and put the little guy on the ground, the golden feather deserves to be the descendant of the king of the sky, fiercely seeing so many people, also not afraid, crooked little head, one by one, surveyed the crowd.

“Hey, I say old brother, brother I wronged you ah! Hey, not bad, is my good brother, this go out and still think to buy black chicken to your sister-in-law stew ah! Not bad, turn around and I’ll let your sister-in-law praise you.”

Ouyang Jun saw Jin Yu, immediately smiled, these days Xu Qing sitting on the moon, this does not eat that also do not eat, chicken soup is even more tired of drinking, but this brother from Tibet to bring the chicken, their daughter-in-law can always be satisfied with it! It is for Zhuang Rui’s face, it is estimated that it will also drink a few more mouthfuls.

In fact, Ouyang Jun for Xu Qing to eat how much, is not heartily concerned, but this nutritional supplement, but the relationship to breastfeeding, eat something good, absorb more nutrients, out of the milk is more, the child can eat enough.

Not to mention that Comrade Ouyang Jun lack of motherly love since childhood, and now also pulls down the face from time to time, and their own son to grab milk to drink it!

Ouyang Jun self said gleefully, but did not see, his brother’s face black, simply can scrape down a layer of gray.

In order to this little guy, Zhuang Rui that really is born to die, even with the white lion was seriously injured, and finally made the aura killer, only and that pair of golden eagles into a peace, got the little golden feather, Ouyang Jun actually want to stew soup, which makes Zhuang Rui almost did not storm.

These days the witty little guy is very good at teasing, and Zhuang Rui has produced a deep affection, Zhuang Rui would rather stew himself, but also can’t let Ouyang Jun move the golden feather for a moment.

Just as Ouyang Jun rolled up his sleeves and was ready to grab the chicken, he heard a broken cry from Zhuang Rui in his ears, “Fourth brother, if you stew it, brother I’ll turn my back on you.”

“What for? Isn’t it just a chicken? I don’t care about other people’s brother, aigoo!”

Ouyang Jun was already squatting down his body, stretching his hand towards the golden feather, after hearing Zhuang Rui’s words, he twisted his head and flirted, but the moment he turned his face, Ouyang Jun felt a numbness in his hand, followed by a sharp pain.

Turning back to look, Ouyang Jun realized that on the back of his right hand, three deep blood marks appeared, and immediately blood gushed out, and in the blink of an eye, Ouyang Jun’s entire right hand, along with his clothes, was stained with blood.

“I say, this Wu Ji also knows Eagle Claw Kung Fu?”

Looking at the wound on the back of his hand, Ouyang Jun was dumbfounded, and his mouth somehow came out with such a sentence.

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