Chapter 0764 – Spirituality

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:33:10
A+ A- Turn Off Light

“Xiao Jun, you child, why are you so careless! You can be scratched by a chicken, quick, hurry back to the center courtyard, I’ll go find medicine.”

Ouyang Wan saw the blood on the back of her nephew’s hand, she also became flustered, speaking in a loud voice, she headed to the middle courtyard.

“Mom, I have medicine here, or a good medicine that specializes in treating trauma, so don’t run away.”

Zhuang Rui was mom and Ouyang Jun words, is Ray’s outside the tender, face a look of tears and laughter, this is obviously a national level of protection of animals of the golden eagle, how is said to be a chicken ah? This all what eyes ah?

“Golden feather, come up ……”

Zhuang Rui hand to the ground of the little guy, this look, Zhuang Rui’s position is also a little unfaltering, do not say, Jin Yu in addition to the head melon less than a chicken crown, really quite like the crow chicken.

Covered with snow-white fluff, some places although open feathers, but the overall appearance, are still white, golden feather’s sharp beak and claws, have not yet peeled, the whole on a small size of the ostrich.

“What are you staring at ah? There is medicine still not for your brother to use it?”

Ouyang Wan saw her son put that blackbird chicken on the shoulder, then began to daze, could not help but urge her son a sentence, this when the aunt’s also heartbroken nephew ah!

“Oh, right away ……”

Zhuang Rui was awakened by his mother’s words, touched the golden feather’s head with his hand and said, “No pecking and scratching, obey ah!”

This kid is also too powerful point, but more than a month old, actually can scratch the back of the human hand like this, Zhuang Rui suddenly remembered the wound on the back of the white lion, a bit of a chilling feeling all over the body, such as this little guy grows up, I’m afraid that the whole of the pets of the city of Beijing, can be scourged by it.

“Aigoo, you kid lighten up, what kind of medicine is this spraying! Why does it hurt so much?”

“Bear with it, it won’t hurt anymore, Yunnan Baiyao, old brand.”

Zhuang Rui turned out the bottle of unused Yunnan Baiyao, sprayed on Ouyang Jun’s wound, and pulled out gauze from the bag, to Ouyang Jun bandaged up, these things are necessary in Tibet carry-on items, Zhuang Rui lazily pulled out of the bag, and brought it back together.

Fortunately, Jin Yu is too young, and did not scratch the meridians and blood vessels, otherwise this injury will definitely have to go to the hospital, of course, there is Zhuang Rui, even the heaviest injuries will become minor injuries.

“Huh, this medicine is really good, cool and painless.”

Sure enough, after Zhuang Rui seeped a trace of aura into the back of Ouyang Jun’s hand, the pain immediately decreased greatly, making Ouyang Jun moan in comfort.

This was still Zhuang Rui controlling the amount of aura, just letting the wound stop bleeding, otherwise, it was not impossible to make Ouyang Jun’s wound heal immediately.

“Alright, fourth brother, you said that you’ve become a dad and you’re still so careless.”

After Zhuang Rui bandaged Ouyang Jun’s wound, he couldn’t help but tease him.

“Right, where’s that chicken? Grandma, I have to slaughter it today, think of the time when your fourth brother was also the stubborn master of Forty Nine City, growing up so big has not eaten this kind of loss, hey, this …… what is going on?”

After hearing Zhuang Rui’s words, Ouyang Jun immediately jumped up, furious to find Jin Yu to settle the score, but raised his eyes to see Jin Yu standing on Zhuang Rui’s shoulders, could not help but be a little dumbfounded, this chicken could still be playing acrobatics?

“Okay, fourth brother, don’t bother with a flat-furred beast.”

Zhuang Rui smiled and rounded up, then said: “This is not a chicken, is a golden eagle, one of the largest birds of prey, the national level of protection of animals, if you give to eat, a quasi-Minger Animal Protection Association will have to come to you.”

“Gold …… gold what the hell?” Zhuang Rui said faster, Ouyang Jun did not hear clearly.

“Hey, so to you! Have you seen the Divine Eagle Couple?” Zhuang Rui asked with a smile.

“Seen, my daughter-in-law has a role in that movie!” Ouyang Jun some inexplicable, when he did not stop, Xu Qing will play the little dragon lady, that is a passionate scene.

Zhuang Rui then asked, “Do you know who the main character inside is?”

“Who doesn’t know this, Yang Zao ah! You take brother happy right? Let me tell you, when I read this book, your kid was still playing with mud!”

Ouyang Jun some annoyed, net say these nutrient-less words why, is not what a protected animal? Just buddy has not eaten it, maybe this thing stewed soup, out of the milk can also be a little more it!

“Well, know as good as, divine eagle, remember, brother this shoulder standing, is that divine eagle’s offspring.” Zhuang Rui looked at Ouyang Jun’s exasperated appearance and couldn’t help but laugh.

“You, you are saying that this thing, is …… an eagle?”

Ouyang Jun reacted, the folk did not shout the eagle’s statement, are said to be eagles or harriers, in fact, eagles and harriers, are belong to the small birds of prey, generally weighing about two or three kilograms.

Only eagles and buzzards are huge, the world’s largest vultures and golden eagles, after the wings unfolded, can be up to about seven or eight meters long, the weight is more than twenty kilograms.

To know the golden eagle’s claws, can grab the prey that weighs almost 10 times more than their own, this data is very scary, tearing tigers and leopards said, is not empty talk.

Just Zhuang Rui said that this little guy is an eagle, not to mention Ouyang Jun do not believe, this full of people in the yard, the face is showing a stunned expression, in his (her) impression, eagles should be fighting in the air, the sky to roam, where it will be this look?

Little Golden Feather heard Zhuang Rui’s words, but at the moment, he was looking out of the corner of his eye with his head held high, looking as if no one else was there, just by looking at this demeanor, it was a bit like an eagle.

“Hey, fourth brother, have said, not eagle, is a golden eagle, the same belongs to the bird of prey, but the species is not the same, the eagle and it compared to the difference out a few streets.”

Zhuang Rui feels that he is very necessary to give Ouyang Jun explain clearly, otherwise this brother, maybe one day secretly under the black hand, really like what he said to the stewed soup.

Zhuang Rui but know, Ouyang Jun in order to eat a kind of relatively rare lark, specially let people run to the north side of the river to lay nets to catch.

“Growing up like the kind written in books? The one that can sit on people on its back?”

Hearing Zhuang Rui said so, Ouyang Jun came to the interest, raising eagles to play with dogs, is a man like, this will Ouyang Jun eyes can be all favorite color.

“You are not afraid to fall, sit up I have no problem.”

Zhuang Rui hehehe laughed a little, then said: “I can tell you, this golden eagle’s mother, almost killed the white lion, the two guys fought a lose-lose.”

Zhuang Rui’s words made Ouyang Jun shrink his neck, the white lion’s power he knew, some time ago his clubhouse that hadn’t made a move yet, once held a Tibetan mastiff competition.

In Ouyang Jun’s circle, are rich and powerful people, bring to the Tibetan mastiff blood is very pure, general Tibetan mastiffs early that occasion simply can not take the hand.

At that time dozens of Tibetan mastiffs who are not convinced who, the scene messed up into a mess, but after the white lion past, immediately quiet down, dozens of Tibetan mastiffs did not dare to call the mouth of the white lion, well-behaved like a pug.

“Shit, its parents are powerful, and it has no ……”

Ouyang Jun just wanted to say a word to find face, but look at his right hand, and then swallowed the words back, this little guy did not grow up are so powerful, after growing up that is even more needless to say.

Zhuang Rui smiled and ignored Ouyang Jun, turned his face to his mother and said, “Mom, is there any fresh beef or mutton at home? Cut some for the little one.”

Don’t look at Jin Yu’s small size, the little thing’s food quantity is not small, every meal has to eat almost a small half a kilogram of beef and mutton, Zhuang Rui also doesn’t know how it digests with such a big little stomach.

“Yes, yes, I’ll go and cut it for it.”

Hearing that this thing is an eagle, Ouyang Wan was surprised but also quite fond of it, in her mind, an eagle is just a bird, the yard is so big, more birds would be good.

However, Ouyang Wan does not know, the eagle is the natural enemy of the bird, later Zhuang Rui this quadrangle around the small park, often occur in the morning walking the bird missing events, a lot of birds hanging in the tree, I do not know how to disappear, at most there are only a few bird feathers.

Later on, if it wasn’t for Zhuang Rui’s very serious criticism and education of little Jin Yu, I’m afraid that Beijing City is going to become a no-fly zone for birds, of course, these are all afterthoughts.

“Golden Feather, in this house, the first is not allowed to peck people, the second is not allowed to scratch people, remember ah!”

After sitting down in the dining room of the center courtyard, Zhuang Rui began to explain the little golden feather, this courtyard is living several small children, especially the naughty Nui Nui, don’t tease the golden feather at that time to be scratched by it.

After hearing Zhuang Rui’s words, the little guy tilted his head and looked around for a while, the pair of eyes that were already slightly sharp, looked from everyone’s face once, and finally nodded at Zhuang Rui.

“Uncle, uncle, I want to play with the little eagle ……”

Nui Nui has long been unable to resist, this will not even be willing to eat, drilling into Zhuang Rui’s arms to pamper.

“This can not be, did not see to put your uncle Ouyang that hand scratch.”

Ouyang Wan, who brought a bowl of meat strips into the restaurant, heard her granddaughter’s words and couldn’t help but be startled.

“Mom, it’s fine, let Jin Yu and Inan go play! Nui Nui, remember, Jin Yu is still young, you have to love him.”

The bowl in Zhuang Rui Ouyang Wan’s hand picked it up and handed it to Inan, he also wanted to see if little Jin Yu actually understood the meaning of the words he just said.

“You child, why do you like to talk in a godly manner, can it understand what you say?”

Ouyang Wan glared at her son in dissatisfaction, she used to be like this to the White Lion, now she is even more outrageous, actually talking to the little eagle in human language, is the eagle’s IQ that high?

“Oh, oh, Ya Ya sister, come and feed the little eagle with me.”

Nui Nui didn’t care about that much, it was good to have something to play with, and excitedly called out.

When Zhuang Rui put the little golden feather in front of her, Nui Nui immediately squatted down and took out a shredded meat and put it by the golden feather’s beak.

The crowd also stared wide-eyed, wanting to see if this little guy, would give the inamorata another claw.

The fact shocked the crowd, after swallowing the shredded meat, the little golden feather actually rubbed its sharp beak against the inamorata’s hand, as if to show its friendliness, appearing to be full of spirituality.

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