Chapter 0774 – Protective Gear (II)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:33:36
A+ A- Turn Off Light

“Now this thing is not very practical, Mr. Zhuang, look at this, this thing is good, it’s convenient to go out and bring it with you, and it’s good to place it when not in use ……”

Li Dali pulled out an object that should also be made of leather from his bag and handed it to Zhuang Rui.

“This is an elbow protector, right?”

Zhuang Rui looked at it for a while before he could see the purpose of this thing, mainly because it was a bit too finely made.

This is a length and width of about forty centimeters in a square leather sleeve, in the leather sleeve on both sides of the embroidered gold silk plum blossom ornaments, leather fine and tough, in the leather on both sides of the extension, inlaid with a circle of gemstones, in the sunlight flashes all kinds of luster.

On the inside of the holster, on one side, there is an adhesive surface made of bristles, while on the other side, there is a fine fleece, when the two fit together, they can be tightly adhered to each other, and the holster can be fixed on top of the arm according to the thickness of the individual’s elbow.

If not for the fact that Zhuang Rui observed it with his aura and saw that the object contained a faint white aura, he really doubted that this thing was made by a modern process, because that kind of process, Zhuang Rui had only seen it on some modern items.

“Good, really good, did not think that before can have this kind of craft, see the wisdom of the ancients and not to be underestimated, this thing is now people to do, also can not do this kind of effect.”

Zhuang Rui look is nodded repeatedly, this is obviously several pieces of leather sewn together, the most rare is that the leather above and there is no sewing traces, and the leather is very soft, also do not know how the ancients are nit.

“Mr. Zhuang, this arm guard is made of good yak skin, and after a special technique of nitro, very tough, hundreds of years of objects, it still looks like new, you wear try?”

Li vigorously explained to Zhuang Rui on the side, since the decision to send out, but also to let others read their own good ah!

Zhuang Rui sniffed and pulled the holster apart, it looked like a square piece of leather pad, the ends naturally drooped, as long as the bites were combined together, it was a small arm guard.

After Zhuang Rui put the leather on the elbow of his left arm and fixed it, he raised his hand and tried it, and it didn’t add much weight, and it was very beautiful.

“Jin Yu, come up ……”

Zhuang Rui raised his left arm and signaled the little guy on his shoulder to fly up.

“Wow wow ……”

The little golden eagle’s wings flapped slightly, Zhuang Rui only felt a tightening of his arm, followed by a sinking, the little thing was already standing on his elbow, head held high, a look of looking left and right.

“Not bad, this thing is good.”

Zhuang Rui swayed his arm back and forth for a while, the little golden eagle now also had a weight of two or three pounds, inciting his wings, his claws clasped the arm guard dead on, while the arm guard did not show any signs of falling off, even though it was an object from more than a hundred years ago, it was still quite practical.

“Mr. Zhuang, there are still some small objects in here, take another look.”

Back then, what Li Dali collected was a set of boiled eagle things, but the Eight Banners’ children of that time played with eagles just for the sake of a face, not like the hunters on the prairie in the past, who were Yang eagles for the sake of hunting.

The things they use, are extremely luxurious, the best craftsmanship that can get at that time, the most expensive objects, are given to use.

Zhuang Rui weighed the bag, feeling that there were not many things left inside, he turned the bag upside down on the table, a string of silver chains, and two small objects, rolled out of the bag.

“This chain can’t be used.”

Zhuang Rui saw that the chain had a button nose on each end, obviously it was usually when not releasing the eagle, restricting the falcon’s movement, Zhuang Rui but the little golden eagle as a family member to see, naturally refused to tie it up.

Zhuang Rui picked up another object and sized it up, saying under his breath, “This is a bit interesting.”

This is a small thumb-sized whistle, round hollow, in a section there is a flat cut, should be the outlet, the whistle has an extremely thin live button on each end, in the surface of the whistle, there are also engraved with some floral patterns, very delicate.

What is more valuable is that this whistle is still made of gold, not to mention, is that this gold can also be sold on a million or so.

This can be seen when the gang of playboys luxury and boredom, pets wear contraptions, are all gold beaten, but this is also just in line with the origin of the royal family products.

“Don’t move, hey, I said stand still! Alright, go to the shoulder!”

Zhuang Rui lifted his right arm, the little golden eagle felt not as comfortable as standing on the shoulder, stirring its wings back and forth to balance its body, Zhuang Rui scolded the little guy for a few words, and laughed himself, his own arm was unstable, how could he blame the little golden feather?

But a long time to lift the left arm, is really not an easy thing, Zhuang Rui this is not five minutes of time, feel a little bit of soreness, had to let the golden feather and fly back to their shoulders.

The gold whistle installed in the claws of the small gold feather, the little guy is a little unaccustomed to stretch the claws, but in Zhuang Rui’s stop, or not use the sharp beak to peck, but lowered his head to curiously survey up.

In addition there is an object, looks a little ridiculous, actually is a top with gold and silver silk woven into a crown, although exquisite workmanship, but this is really can not be used, the little golden eagle if you fly with this thing, may be cheaper to who?

Zhuang Rui does not know, this is also those who are idle and bored dude, evaluation of the merits of the falcon made a prize, there is no practical value.

“Okay, go play by yourself! Find the white lion to go ……”

Zhuang Rui shook his arm, the little golden eagle unfolded its wings, Zhuang Rui only felt his arm sinking violently, the little guy rushed up in the sky, accompanied by the little golden eagle flew up in the sky, there was also a sharp whistling sound, that was produced after cutting through the air.

The little guy in the sky seemed to be startled by this sound, obviously can be seen in the air of the golden feather has a pause in the action, lowered his head in the observation of their own feet, seems to want to see why this thing will make a sound to?

Just now this scene, see Li Dali father and son is envious, especially Li Jun, a pair of eyes closely chasing the sky of the small golden feather, love is overflowing.

Zhuang Rui did not know, Li Jun left from him, actually really spend a lot of money to buy an eagle, but in the face was scratched a few mouth almost broken, Li Jun finally gave up his dream of wanting to train eagles.

However, Li Jun has always been very puzzled, why Zhuang Rui’s eagle so obedient, he bought that one, but wild and difficult to train it? Of course, all of this was an afterthought.

“Mr. Li, I’ll take this, can you make a price?”

After Zhuang Rui took down the shoulder pads and arm guards, he looked at Li Dali, although he said he was giving them away, but these objects can barely be considered curiosities, they can be worth 30,000 to 50,000 dollars, Zhuang Rui didn’t want to owe this favor.

These days, owe money good return favor is difficult to return, there are a lot of itself is relatively honest officials, is because of a variety of reasons owed a favor, and finally had to use the hands of the right to repay, and finally slowly assimilated corrosion off.

After hearing Zhuang Rui’s words, Li Dali made a look of anger, said: “Mr. Zhuang, you are looking down on my old Li, so a little something, if you still talk about money, that is not hit me in the face? That’s not worth mentioning, otherwise I’ll take all these things back.”

“Come on, let’s not talk about money then, take this thing Mr. Li! When you’re not doing anything in the future, you can come here to play.”

Zhuang Rui nodded and didn’t mention the money again, instead, he took out one of the two envelopes that the security guard had given him when the battery car sent Li Jun over just now and handed it to Li Dali.

This envelope contains the membership card of this place, just now during the meal, Zhuang Rui gave Li Dali’s business card to the manager of the clubhouse and asked him to handle it.

Accepted Li Dali’s set of simmering eagle protective gear, Zhuang Rui also gave him a card, counting or Li Dali took advantage.

To know, although this card can only enter the third floor to play, but it does not matter to the people, is to spend a half a million dollars, may not be able to buy this qualification, than the general golf club membership card are much more expensive.

“Thank you, thank you Mr. Zhuang ……”

Seeing the card in the envelope, Li Dali instantly glowing eyes, with this card, represents that he can contact a completely different circle in the future, for Li Dali’s career, there will be a great help.

Zhuang Rui stood up and said, “OK, but also trouble Mr. Li and the friend surnamed ‘Xu’ contact, see if you can meet with him early.”

Zhuang Rui now has an immature idea in his heart, but he must meet that person before he can decide, because if this matter spreads out, the impact will be too bad, by the time Zhuang Rui leaves the country again, I’m afraid that it’s really everyone’s fault.

“Mr. Zhuang don’t worry, I will do this for you, just listen!”

Li Dali also appeared a few Beijing words, and then said goodbye to Zhuang Rui, he also has a house in Beijing, there is no need to rush to Hebei, besides, just got this card, Mr. Li still want to see before going back!

“Brother Huangfu, this is your, can enter the second building, well, often in the second building to play in the people, are holding real power in Beijing hall level officials, or some of the boss of the listed company, if you are not accustomed to play, go to the third building, but that side of the starlet is going to be worse.”

Zhuang Rui laughed and threw another envelope to Huangfu Yun, for ordinary people, the temptation of female stars is still very big, Huangfu Yun is more of a flirt seed, Zhuang Rui is sure that this buddy will not go today.

Originally, Zhuang Rui wanted to give Huangfu Yun for a first floor of the VIP card, but the manager of the club, then gave Zhuang Rui said, he did not have the authority.

Then Ouyang Jun personally gave Zhuang Rui a phone call, explaining the situation, want to enter the first floor, there must be Ouyang Jun such as the background of the people can, otherwise it will not be recognized or accepted by the people there.

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