Chapter 0776 – Senior Brother

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:33:41
A+ A- Turn Off Light

“Shame on you! I can actually get lost?”

Zhuang Rui stood in the campus of Beijing University, a depressed look, originally thought that he was an old bird, looking at the signage can also find Professor Meng’s office of the Institute of Archaeology, did not expect to turn around, actually can not distinguish between the southeast and northwest.

In the middle of Zhuang Rui also asked a few students, but this asking for directions, others will know that he is not a teacher, pointing up is not very attentive, coupled with a lot of teaching buildings are similar, so that the first day of Zhuang Rui students enrolled in the University of Beijing campus is lost.

In fact, this is not shame, Beijing University campus covers an area of nearly 6,000 acres, three square kilometers, there are 234 research institutes, 126 research centers, five national engineering research centers, has been like a small city, not to mention the first-time Zhuang Rui, is that a lot of teachers, but also can not figure out the way to the campus.

In desperation, Zhuang Rui made a call to Prof. Meng, who asked where he was and had one of his students pick him up.

“You’re Zhuang Rui, right?”

A crisp female voice rang out from behind Zhuang Rui, looking back, Zhuang Rui couldn’t help but light up.

This is a twenty-three or twenty-four year old woman, the reason why I don’t say it’s a girl, because whether it’s in dress or appearance, this woman and the student are not very much involved, the bumpy and devilish body shape and that exquisite face show that the other party is a mature woman.

Especially that black silk thighs and short to above the knee professional skirt, full of temptation, this girl if the teacher, to ensure that the countless students below the top of the feet, will be placed on the small mirror.

This woman’s face wore a pair of black frame glasses, although blocking its pretty face, but also more of a sensible beauty, used to seeing the beauty of heavy makeup Zhuang Rui, the heart actually have a kind of cool feeling.

“I am Zhuang Rui, and you are?”

If Professor Meng hadn’t said on the phone that it was his student who came to pick him up, Zhuang Rui would have thought that the woman in front of him, was a teacher at the Beijing University, and who would be the student who would dare to wear such a short skirt?

“My name is Kan Yuhan, it’s Prof. Meng who told me to pick you up, let’s go!”

That girl didn’t say much, after introducing herself, she turned around and led the way, that arse wrapped under the professional skirt suit, exuding infinite sexiness and seductiveness.

“Holy shit, didn’t I say that there are no beauties in the archaeology department?”

Zhuang Rui froze, before following up, to say than the appearance, this girl and Qin Xuan Bing compared to a lot worse, but that from the bones emanate out of the sexy, that is, Xu Da Xing Xing and compared to it, is also slightly inferior.

Zhuang Rui followed the beauty of the back, walked about ten minutes later, came to a small independent building, above the sign hanging on the words written “Archaeological Research Institute”, in front of the Institute, parked a few cars.

Along the way the woman did not talk to Zhuang Rui, did not introduce the meaning of the campus of Beijing University, Zhuang Rui did not care, while walking while memorizing the road, can not come next time, or let someone pick it up?

However, Zhuang Rui is also prepared to apply for a Beijing University vehicle pass, that is to say, from the entrance alone to here, it will take nearly half an hour of time.

“Wipe, this is the Institute of Paleoanthropology, or archaeological research institute ah?”

As soon as Zhuang Rui entered the gate of the institute, he was startled, because next to the gate, there were actually two half-bodied skeletons placed on it, the white bones on them were slightly yellowed, and the two empty eye sockets, were wordlessly surveying Zhuang Rui.

“Hehe, the teacher said, archaeology should be learned and used, people without some guts can’t carry out field archaeological excavation at all, these two things are specially placed here by the teacher.”

Seeing Zhuang Rui being startled, walking in front of the originally unsmiling Kan Yu Han said a bit gloatingly, when she first entered here, she was similarly startled, seeing Zhuang Rui’s woeful appearance, Kan classmate laughed very unkindly.

“It’s not like digging a grave and working in the middle of the night, our archaeological excavations are all done in broad daylight, as for this? That’s not as good as going to the graveyard to practice your guts!”

Zhuang Rui muttered, he used to listen to the monkey said, he and Daxiong in order to practice guts, really have been to the cemetery vigil, but not even after the third night, by the ghost fire of the graveyard scared shitless, and ultimately fled.

In fact, the so-called ghost fire, in fact, is a phosphorus fire, because human bones contain phosphorus, phosphorus and water or alkali action will produce hydrogen phosphide, is a gas that can be spontaneous combustion, light weight, the wind will move, walking will drive it in the back of the move.

As the folk do not know the cause of the ghost fire, only know that this flame more than in the place of the dead, and hidden, so this mysterious flame for the “ghost fire” as an ominous sign, is the phenomenon of ghosts.

“After going to the excavation site do not be afraid on the line ……” Kan Yu Han glanced at Zhuang Rui, did not say anything else.

Zhuang Rui smiled, also did not say anything, eyes turned to the Institute of this hall, they have not seen the dead, and handled so many antiques, which is not the dead once played ah! In terms of psychological quality, Zhuang Rui asked himself absolutely not bad.

After transferring his attention to the Institute, Zhuang Rui found that in many shelves, filled with bamboo slips, ancient books and silk, bronze and ceramic fragments, and each of the artifacts, even if as small as a fingernail, are affixed with labels, indicating the number, compared to Professor Meng in the study of the subject.

Following Kan Yuhan to an office with an open door, Kan Yuhan did not go in directly, but knocked twice on the door.

Zhuang Rui took a look at the door, in addition to Prof. Meng, there were also three men sitting in the office, two of them were a little younger than himself, about the same age as Kan Yuhan, while the other one was a few years older than himself.

All three men were sitting on the sofa in the office with respectful faces, while Prof. Meng seemed to be reading a document before he heard the knock on the door and looked towards the door.

Seeing Zhuang Rui come in, Prof. Meng raised his head from the pile of documents on his desk, and to the surprise of these few men and women in the office, their mentor actually left his desk and greeted Zhuang Rui.

“Xiao Zhuang, why haven’t you visited me for a long time? That girl in my house, she still often reminisces about you!”

Professor Meng’s later words, even more so, made several people open their mouths wide in surprise, to know, Professor Meng was presiding over the Archaeological Research Institute of Beijing University, had sorted out and excavated countless major archaeological discoveries, in the domestic archaeological community, is definitely a premier figure.

And Professor Meng’s temperament is also very strange, rarely to people with color, these students follow him although he learned a lot of knowledge, but compared to other tutors, Professor Meng more or less give them a little unsympathetic feeling.

However, Professor Meng in the line of prestige is very high, his disciples as long as it is out, to the following provinces, at least can also be a research institute deputy, after a few years of training, are not the backbone of the Archaeological Research Institute of the provinces.

So even if Professor Meng temper is a bit strange, they can also endure, to know, although the archaeological department is a clear water Yamen, but the annual financial allocation is still quite a lot, fat so one or two people, is not a breeze?

Now seeing the teacher who always only talked about academics regardless of feelings, actually stood up to greet a student, a few students thought they had blurred their eyes and rubbed their eyes incredulously.

“Teacher Meng, this period of time has been too busy to listen to your teachings, but things are pretty much taken care of, so I’ll be able to study with you at ease in the future, and by the way, Uncle De asked me to greet you on his behalf!”

And the office of the other few people feel the opposite, Zhuang Rui is to think that this old man is quite cute, some time ago ran to his Xuan Rui Zhai begged for a seal, but also repeatedly urged Zhao Hanxuan, do not tell yourself it!

Kan Yuhan and the others heard Zhuang Rui’s words, their faces all showed a trace of the original so look, thought Zhuang Rui how material? Dare I say that it was introduced by the teacher’s friend.

“It’s okay, I saw that thing you did some time ago, it’s good, it’s good for the country and the people, I also said that I would take time to visit your place again!”

Prof. Meng’s words made the thoughts of the other few people in the room confused again, listening to this doesn’t sound like a back door ah? What in the world is this young man doing? Even letting a teacher pay a visit to his door, it’s a bit too bullish, isn’t it?

In fact, a few people do not know, although from the archaeological theory, Professor Meng can be Zhuang Rui’s teacher, but there are specialties, if the appreciation of antiques, I’m afraid that in turn Professor Meng will have to give Zhuang Rui as a student.

And Zhuang Rui get along with a few times, Professor Meng is also very admired Zhuang Rui in antique appreciation on the background, but also often to Zhuang Rui to teach some problems, so although the two are now for the teacher-student relationship, but in the bottom of the heart, Professor Meng is the Zhuang Rui as a forgettable friend to look at.

As for Prof. Meng said to go to Zhuang Rui’s place to take a look, in fact, is to see Zhuang Rui’s museum, rather than Kan Yuhan and others think of paying a visit.

“Oh, to do something small to the best of my ability, it’s not worth the teacher’s praise, the learning that the teacher has done, that’s what benefits the country and the people!”

Zhuang Rui modestly, he knew that Professor Meng was talking about his own works with Picasso, and foreign museums to exchange the collection of things, in the eyes of the old generation, foreign devils of art, naturally not as deep as the cultural heritage of those antiques in our country.

“Haha ……”

Prof. Meng smiled happily at his words, took Zhuang Rui’s hand, and said to a few people standing on the side next to him, “His name is Zhuang Rui, he’s the master’s student I recruited this year, and also the last master’s student I’ve brought with me, and a few of you who are the senior brothers and sisters, you can take care of him a bit more!”

“Yes, teacher, we will take care of Senior Brother Zhuang.” Zhuang Rui was thunderstruck by those people’s words in unison.

In addition to the one who looked almost thirty years old, who was older than himself, the other few were obviously those who had never experienced society, and they actually all turned out to be their own senior brothers and sisters, and had to take care of themselves?

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