Chapter 0780 Director Xie (II)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:33:52
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Xie is the director of the Ministry of Culture Museum Management Bureau Affairs Management Division, this officer is not big, but the function is not small, but all about the declaration of private museums, or national museums personnel mobilization, the initial report, it is always necessary to land on his desk.

As the saying goes, the king of hell is good to see the devil is difficult to entangle, said Xie director of this kind of people, do not look at him only for the cadres, in this four nine city drop a brick can be smashed on a few, but in the country’s museum system, Xie director can be said to be a handful of characters.

Ren Chunqiang and others know Xie director, because in the last year, Professor Meng hands of a national scientific research project, need to cooperate with the Museum Division, the two sides of this acquaintance, but Xie director just in the end of the project after the celebration of the meeting just show a face, the work is the following people to complete.

Ren Chunqiang and others know that this Director Xie is hard to talk to, Jiang Yi even went to privately to ask its people, but it was a nose, others did not even let him into the door of the house.

“Yes, yes, I’m Xiao Jiang, Commissioner Xie still remembers me ah! This is a toast to you before I do.”

Dr. Ren’s job destination was already set last year, greeting with Director Xie was just out of politeness, but Jiang Yi and the others were different, they were aware that as long as Director Xie gave a word, the jobs in various museums across the country were at their disposal.

To know, archaeology students, generally will return to the provincial archaeological research institute work, although the conditions of treatment is also good, but compared to stay in Beijing, that is not the same. Therefore, after Jiang Yi saw Director Xie, his face was a surprise, and just now he spoke to Zhuang Rui with that kind of arrogance, completely changed into two looks.

“Alright! To be able to meet up with a few doctors, let’s have a drink then.”

After hearing Jiang Yi’s words, Director Xie hesitated slightly before withdrawing his eyes from Zhuang Rui and nodded in agreement.

Jiang Yi was overjoyed to see this and hurriedly gave up his own chair, ran to an empty table next to him and moved a chair, sitting next to Director Xie.

“Director Xie, I toast to you, I’m dry, feel free to ……”

Seeing this usually hard to talk to Director Xie so give face today, Dr. Jiang hurriedly poured him a drink, himself replaced a large cup, poured it full, tilted his head and dried it in one gulp.

“Grandma, taking buddy’s wine as a favor.”

Zhuang Rui looked a little upset, just now Ren Chunqiang looking for this kid to drink, Jiang Yi also took the strength, said a moment to drive, now the whole on a different person, look at his situation, and then on two bottles of Maotai are not enough.

“Uh-huh, small ginger drink is good ah!”

Director Xie nodded, the cup touched on his lips, looking a little distracted. Other people didn’t know, Director Xie was wondering in his heart at the moment, that young man, was he the big boss of the Dingguang Museum or not?

From the declaration of the fixed light museum to the approval, Xie director just over the hand, the rest is the top boss handled, but this does not prevent him from getting some news, the fixed light museum is the focus of the Ministry to support the private museum.

The water depth of the city of four nine, Xie director at that time did not pay much attention to how the Museum Authority is only a departmental unit, Beijing has the ability to pinch their forces have a lot.

Xie director to play with the mind that can not afford to hide, for the procedures of the museum of fixed light, naturally, the green light, but also by him not to give the green light, the document late sent over a moment, was criticized by the director of a meal.

Fixed light museum opening time, Xie director also got an invitation to attend the opening ceremony of the museum, originally he received their own people, just a deputy director is still quite a word, but when Ouyang Minister personally opened the scene, Xie director to know that the museum, far from his imagination is so simple.

To know, is the opening of the national museum, in accordance with the usual practice, are also the ministry’s deputy to participate in the opening ceremony, this is just a private museum, alarmed the Ministry of the boss, that background can be imagined.

Later Xie asked about, only to know Zhuang Rui is the Ministry of Minister of the pro-nephew, so after the opening of the museum, Xie was very attentive to the museum ran a few trips to the Tingguang Museum, want to make friends with Zhuang Rui, but unfortunately, once did not see.

Opening day Zhuang Rui is busy, naturally have no time to pay attention to a small bureaucrat, but Xie is the director of the Zhuang Rui’s appearance to firmly remember, just a look, feel familiar, sat down after the thought, but Xie director is not yet dare to confirm.

This is not to blame Xie director of the eyes, Zhuang Rui that day wearing a suit and tie, but also deliberately blew a hairstyle, and now just plain wearing a white shirt and pants, coupled with a period of time in Tibet, the sun is also a little bit of black, and the image of the museum opening, there is a big difference.

After Jiang Yi toasted, Ren Chunqiang and others also got up and toasted Director Xie a cup, even Kan Yuhan also drank a small cup of white wine, can and the director of this hold real power out of a good relationship, for their future employment is a great benefit.

These days, the doctorate is not good to find a job, not to mention the domestic doctorate, returnees are now a swarm of domestic run, and reading to the doctorate of the people, to put it bluntly, that is the family has no money and no background.

People with money at home, up to read a bachelor’s degree out of business, parents have vision, at most, and then go abroad for a gold plating, if the family has a background, it has long been into the authorities in the government sector, as for the academic degree, now there is not adult education well?

So like Jiang Yi, Wu Zhao, including Kan Yu Han and others, these others in the eyes of the pride of God, to put it bluntly, is a low education is not good to find a job, which is a force to read up to seek a way out.

To be honest, whenever Xie director and these pride of heaven together, the heart of that superiority is not to mention how cool, we are Xie is a high school graduate, and then only to make up for the college undergraduate diploma, you masters and doctors, is not the same as to look at our face to do people?

“Xiao Zhuang, don’t you want to make a toast to Director Xie?”

After a round of wine, the table only Zhuang Rui sits there, is a fan of shark’s fin in general sent to the mouth, not the slightest intention to toast to the Xie Director.

Jiang Yi just drank the cup of white wine, almost also have more than three taels, this will be the wine on the head, can not help but say: “Xiao Zhuang, you are now only a master’s degree student, is that we doctorate graduated, that is also to listen to Xie director of command, do not be so unaware of the size of the, come on, to toast to Xie director of the cup of wine.”

Zhuang Rui frowned at the words, raised his head and looked at Jiang Yi with some boredom, on the age of buddies than you, on the social experience of your kid is not to know where to go, is not just a little higher than their own education? Actually dared to teach himself a lesson to come?

“Xie director right? Come to sit down and eat it! Well, feel free! I won’t greet you.”

Zhuang Rui didn’t want to give Jiang Yi a hard time in front of outsiders, no matter how to say it is Professor Meng’s student, at that moment, he raised the cup in his hand and signaled to Director Xie, then put it down again to eat the food.

Zhuang Rui does not like to deal with these small bureaucrats too much, if it is not to see Ren Chunqiang and others are quite respectful of this Xie director, he simply even lazily said.

“Xiao Zhuang, you ……”

As soon as Jiang Yi saw this attitude of Zhuang Rui, he was on fire, the Director Xie whom he had invited with great difficulty to sit down, isn’t this giving himself a hard time?

Although Ren Chunqiang and other people did not say anything, is also a feeling that Zhuang Rui a little big, how to say that the other age and position are higher than Zhuang Rui, this is not polite, right?

In fact, this is also the human psychology, Zhuang Rui that greeting words, if replaced by Xie Director said to Zhuang Rui, is a matter of course, and vice versa, that is not respect for people’s performance.

It’s just that these people here don’t think about it, why should Zhuang Rui respect each other ah! He is not a guest invited by Zhuang Rui, a greeting is already for the face of a few classmates.

“Excuse me, are you Zhuang Rui, Mr. Zhuang?”

Jiang Yi pointed at Zhuang Rui and was about to teach him some truths about dealing with people in the world when the voice of Director Xie suddenly came to his ears.

“Zhuang …… Zhuang, also …… teacher?”

A few big question marks popped up in the heads of the people at the table, and Jiang Yi even hardened the words that had already reached his mouth and swallowed them back into his stomach.

Several doctors are not young, and learned, know that in society, the teacher is a kind of honorific, general refers to a person in a certain area worthy of learning, initially refers to the old senior scholars, as for the school called “teacher” that has been a later thing.

However, several people and Zhuang Rui drink half a day of wine, did not see Zhuang Rui where it is worth learning, the old senior four words is not to use Zhuang Rui’s body, so after hearing the words of Xie Director, are surprised to open their mouths wide.

“I am Zhuang Rui, teacher dare not be, Xie director call me small Zhuang on good.”

Zhuang Rui was a bit strange, he was only a bit famous in the antique circle, and this government official in front of him, didn’t have any interactions, how could he recognize himself?

“Can afford it, can afford it, Mr. Zhuang’s learning and character in the circle, that is there for all to see, I also went to your museum some time ago to study! Just didn’t get to meet you.”

Xie director heard Zhuang Rui recognized down, the excitement overflowed, immediately changed a glass, poured a full cup of almost three or four wine, said: “Mr. Zhuang, in the future there is an opportunity, but also ask you to come to the guidance of the work of the Department ah! If there is anything we have not done enough, please point it out. This cup of wine is considered my toast to you, I’m dry, feel free to ……”

Xie director’s words, let Jiang Yi and other people completely dumbfounded, just Jiang Yi to Xie director of the words, now the original use of Zhuang Rui’s body, the attitude of respect as if Zhuang Rui forty years old, Xie director is a hairy child in general.

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