Chapter 0781 – Director Xie (III)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:33:55
A+ A- Turn Off Light

“Director Xie is too polite, I also dry.”

Zhuang Rui is not a small child who is not familiar with the world, as the saying goes, do not hit a smiling person, others are so respectful, if they are arrogant, that is not the world, and then a mouthful of wine in the cup.

Xie see Zhuang Rui give face, can not help but face joy, a cup of wine down, even coughed a few times, and then boldly put the cup down empty, to show that he finished drinking.

Xie director of this action, so that the next few people are even more confused, like Xie director of such a person, should only be in front of their own leaders to make such a move, right?

Look at the Xie director drinking quite fast, Zhuang Rui opened his mouth and asked: “I do not know where the Xie director in the high ah?”

In fact, this question is a little impolite, but Zhuang Rui this is also on the head of alcohol, speak more casually, and then again this table is not so much to say.

Xie director heard Zhuang Rui words, hastily took out his business card, with both hands to Zhuang Rui, said: “Mr. Zhuang, this is my business card, have time to go to my place to sit, I personally like to collect antiques, but also hope that in the future you can give identification one or two.”

In accordance with Zhuang Rui’s identity, Xie director should actually call Mr. Zhuang, but he boasts that he is also a person in the circle of antiques, call the teacher that the relationship between the two sides will be more intimate.

However, more than forty years old, open mouth shouting a young man in his twenties as a teacher, but let a few other people look at each other, always feel that the atmosphere, there is so a little twisted.

“Museum Administration, the director of affairs management.”

Do not say more than forty years old to call himself a teacher, is more than sixty years old people also shouted Zhuang Rui teacher, Zhuang Rui did not dwell on the name, but through the wine on the business card title read out, mouth muttered: “Museum Division, how do I seem to have heard?”

“Hehe, I was there when your museum opened.” Director Xie reminded Zhuang Rui from the side.

“Aigoo, Director Xie, you are a parent official! If there are any benefits in the future, don’t forget about our museum!”

After hearing the words of Director Xie, Zhuang Rui this wine suddenly woke up a few points, but the mouth shouted the parents of the official, the tone of voice is not much respect for the meaning of the Zhuang Rui heart, these sub-officials, eat, take, take, take in the line, to do serious things is not good.

Zhuang Rui and Xie director of the conversation, so that the onlookers are more cloudy and confused about the southeast and north and west, although several doctors of intelligence is very high, but the relationship between the two, or a little clues can not be sorted out.

From the words of Director Xie can be heard, Zhuang Rui seems to have opened a museum, opened when Director Xie also once went to congratulate, but this is also precisely to let a few people can not figure out the place.

According to say that Zhuang Rui opened can only be a private museum, is under the jurisdiction of the Xie director of the function, this Zhuang Rui if the boss, it is impossible to even approve the museum Xie director do not know it? Furthermore, even if Zhuang Rui does not know Xie, is the underlings to handle the formalities, but now meet, should be Zhuang Rui to flatter Xie, rather than Xie rushed to toast Zhuang Rui’s wine ah? This county official is not as good as the present management, Zhuang Rui is not afraid of Xie Director in the future work, to give him some small shoes to wear?

Xie director originally did not put the rest of the several doctors on the heart, after hearing Zhuang Rui words, quickly said: “Zhuang teacher rest assured, if necessary, I can arrange some collection exchange, some museum inventory of the collection of fine art, temporarily loaned to your museum exhibition.”

The exchange of collections between museums is a very normal thing, but it is all public to public, like the operation method mentioned by Director Xie, it still requires people with a certain amount of energy to be able to do it.

“That dare to be good, but Director Xie, I don’t care about this, when you have time, I’ll let the Huangfu curator find you to talk about it!”

Zhuang Rui heard this, only then is considered to be in front of this chubby Xie director of the importance of a few points, will be the business card received in their own handbag, someone rushed to help themselves to solve the problem, can not be turned away, right?

Zhuang Rui’s museum, to place there is a place, to money is not lacking, is less collection, if you can turn over some from other museums, several other pavilions, can also be opened up first.

“OK, I still have some entertainment, today will not bother Mr. Zhuang, later have time to ask for advice again.”

Director Xie is how eye-catching a person, after hearing Zhuang Rui’s words, he immediately stood up to take his leave, as soon as he stood up, Dr. Ren and the others also followed and stood up to see him off.

“Mr. Zhuang …… Zhuang, what exactly do you do?”

After Director Xie left, Wu Zhao finally couldn’t help himself and asked Zhuang Rui through the strength of his drink, but originally he was shouting Brother Zhuang, but now he changed his words to become Teacher Zhuang.

After Wu Zhao’s words left his mouth, the table became quiet, Dr. Ren and the others all perked up their ears, wanting to hear how Zhuang Rui would explain, even Kan Yu Han blinked her big eyes, curiously sizing up Zhuang Rui.

Jiang Yi at this time the most rich expression, no matter what is Zhuang Rui, but one thing is certain, that is absolutely since I can not afford to provoke, thinking about just sarcastic Zhuang Rui words, Jiang Yi can not wait to have a crack to let themselves drill in. And look at Xie director bows to Zhuang Rui’s appearance, if Zhuang Rui can say so for himself, that is into the Palace Museum work is not a problem ah!

Jiang Yi will bow his head, regret in secretly think of ways to make up. However, cultural people want to save face, Jiang Yi for a moment can not pull the face to talk to Zhuang Rui, can only perk up the ears to listen to Zhuang Rui’s head first.

“Wu Zhao, don’t hurt me ah! Never call me that, I’m a few years older than you, it’s better to call Brother Zhuang!”

Zhuang Rui smiled bitterly, he was going to Beijing University to go to school, not to be a teacher, if this was heard by Prof. Meng, he would surely take this as a dig at himself.

“Okay! Brother Zhuang, why is that Director Xie so respectful to you? What kind of business are you in?” Wu Zhao asked the questions in his head.

“Hey, didn’t I just say that? It’s just a store in Panjiayuan, in addition to a private museum near the Third Ring Road.”

Originally, Zhuang Rui reentered the school because he wanted to make friends with a few classmates who talked like Brother Wei when he was in college, and didn’t want to talk about his grades and his family, but coincidentally today, he ran into someone who knew him, and Zhuang Rui didn’t want to lie to a few people, so he just said it directly.

As for why Xie Director so respectful, Zhuang Rui did not explain, but it is clear in his heart, must be the reason for the brother-in-law, even outsiders know that their museum approval procedures are very inconsistent with the regulations, not to mention the Xie Director of these staff.

In fact, Xie Director flatter Zhuang Rui, not to say that Zhuang Rui to help him what favor, as long as Zhuang Rui occasionally in the mention of the museum work, still remember his name that would be, if you can incidentally in the face of some people in front of a sentence, then Xie Director will have to go home and burn high incense.

This officialdom want to promote, in fact, do not need to have much ability, the first is to stand in line, the second is to lead to remember you, you have an impression, in the future, if there is an opportunity to promote, the leadership in the candidates, generally will promote their own impression of the people, of course, that impression must be a good impression to become.

“Private museum, in the third ring there?”

Dr. Ren thought about it thoughtfully and said, “I remember, the teacher went to see the opening ceremony of a museum a few months ago, could it be that it was Xiao Zhuang’s?”

To say that Ren Chunqiang’s mentality is still relatively good, no desire is no demand, and he does not ask Zhuang Rui for anything, so the name calling is still like before, so that Zhuang Rui is very comfortable.

Originally on Zhuang Rui back to campus, is also stored in a minute to find the past campus memories of the idea, if the students to speak to their own mouth a you word, that Zhuang Rui is really can not stand.

“Yes, it is that museum, only opened not a few months, the collection is still very little, Ren brother later have the opportunity to go to point down, come on, today do not talk about work, we drink ……”

Zhuang Rui raised his glass, this time not only Jiang Yi raised his glass to touch with Zhuang Rui, that is, tonight only drank a glass of wine Kan Yu Han, also poured a glass of white wine, and Zhuang Rui touched the glass.

Zhuang Rui’s attitude has not changed much from before, did not do anything against Jiang Yi, with his current status, is not going to go and Jiang Yi, that would be too low.

Kan Yuhan joined, behind the drink, the atmosphere is more and more warm up, but Zhuang Rui can not find the beginning and Ren Chunqiang and Wu Zhao chat conversation feeling, Dr. Ren is okay, but Wu Zhao talk flatter Zhuang Rui’s meaning is more obvious.

Jiang Yi knows that he did earlier a little too much, but did not deliberately flatter Zhuang Rui, coupled with Zhuang Rui is still not cold to him, Dr. Jiang depressed, just bowed his head and drink, not a moment drunk on the table, but to save the embarrassment.

Two bottles of Maotai quickly finished again, Zhuang Rui also has no interest in continuing to drink, beckoned and shouted over the waiter ready to pay the bill.

“Sir, the consumption of your table, someone has already paid the bill.”

Zhuang Rui froze for a moment at the words, but immediately thought of that Director Xie, could not help but shake his head with a bitter smile, buddy grew up so big, but also enjoyed a legendary public consumption.

Today, several people drank a lot, are not able to drive, Dr. Ren sent already drunk Jiang Yi back to school, while Wu Zhao is responsible for sending Kan Yu Han, Zhuang Rui took a taxi, gave the driver the name of the place, and then left alone.

“Hm? Who’s calling now?”

Getting out of the car in front of the alleyway of the quadrangle, Zhuang Rui paid the money and just after getting out of the car, his cell phone rang.

“Hello, Mr. Zhuang? I’m Old Li ah!”

The phone came a vaguely familiar voice, but Zhuang Rui will drink wine, a little confused, could not help but ask: “Lao Li? Which old Li?”

“Mr. Zhuang, I’m the old Li of Hebei ah! We also met yesterday.”

Li vigorously slightly depressed, he did a good job on the rush to tell Zhuang Rui, did not think that others had forgotten him.

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