Chapter 0784 – Trampling Incident

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:34:03
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“Thank you students, today’s lecture ends here, I hope that in the near future, we’ll switch places, and the students on the stage, will be able to stand here with me and express your creations and insights, thank you all!”

An hour passed very quickly, the venue resounded with endless applause, all the students stood up and applauded for this wonderful lecture.

Zhuang Rui also feel this trip is not false, listen to some of the meaning of the words of Dean Zhou just now, some of the less important acupuncture points on the human body, raw hands can also learn to tie the needle, of course, to be willing to give you to tie the line.

Just as Zhuang Rui sat in his chair still pondering, the classroom became a bit chaotic, due to the fact that too many people came today, the students at the back had to squeeze to the front to ask for autographs, while those sitting in the front also got up from their chairs and crowded towards the podium.

“Students be quiet, follow the order, Prof. Zhou is old and can’t sign to the students one by one, everyone don’t squeeze.”

Now a teacher, after seeing the scene is a bit chaotic, immediately picked up the microphone to say a sentence, did not think if he did not say okay, this said to let the crowd crowded more vigorously, go up late there is no signature ah!

Sitting next to Zhuang Rui Zhang Mang, this also took a book, stood up from the chair, because the front and back are people, Zhang Mang simply climbed to the chair, stepped on the back of the chair in front of him, ready to flip to the front row to go.

Just don’t know is Zhang Mang feet slip, or was touched, Zhuang Rui looked up, just to see the whole body of this buddy pushed the gold mountain, fell down like a pillar of jade fell down.

Zhang Mang this young man is still considered smart, hands protect in front of the face, but the body heavily smashed in front of the chair, can only Zhang Mang mouth let out a cry of pain sound, and then tumbled sideways in the middle of the two rows of seats in the step corridor.

Corridor is full of people, see someone fell over, instinctively let a little, hard to squeeze out a piece of open space, so that Zhang Mang students fell solidly on the ground.

I do not know whether Zhang Mang students go out in the morning did not check the calendar, do not know this day is not appropriate to go out the day, and even fell these two is not over, the surrounding people reacted, is ready to help him when the back do not know the front of this happened ah! There are still people squeezing forward.

Trampling, definitely a group trampling incident, not waiting for Zhang Mang to be helped up, was behind the people to step on several feet, and even more people are unsteady, directly pressed on Zhang Mang’s body.

The classroom immediately became a world of chaos, the front of the students issued a rebuke, the back of the clamor, but also some female students screaming, but also a breath of continuous rhythmic screams.

Zhuang Rui listened to the sound, enough to go to the conservatory, the sound of this sharp can reach the piano’s highest tone G7.

The chaotic scene was more than three minutes before the hysterical hissing of the teacher on the stage, calmed down, the students in the back were shunted out of the staircase classroom, and those who were originally in their seats, resumed their seats.

However, after these few minutes of time, more than a dozen pairs of men’s shoes and women’s high heels were trampled off on the ground, the whole is a shoe store.

More exaggerated is, in the ground actually also threw two bras, do not know which brother out of touch, but look at the size of the bra, the original owner of this bra, definitely belongs to the type of boobies.

Many just out of the classroom female students, at this time are full of scarlet face of indignation, wearing a skirt of the students are suffering from unmitigated disaster, these buddies studying medicine, for the human physiological structure are exceptionally familiar with, underhanded that is called a ruthless ah! Anyway, those who went out to run to the dormitory female students, nine out of ten are wearing lace shorts.

Due to the scene just now is too chaotic, simply is unable to check, from the classroom out of the most ruthless hand a few male wolves, at the moment the expression on the face is absolutely more than a gentleman gentleman three times, these female students can only be dry eat a dumb loss.

“Mangzi, Mangzi, wake up!”

“Zhang Mang, Zhang Mang, wake up!”

“Teacher, Zhang Mang fainted.”

After picking up the several students who pressed on Zhang Mang’s body, Zhang Mang who had become a meat cushion was already breathing weakly and dying, to say that this student is a student, although all of them are studying medicine, but now each of their faces are panicked and don’t know how they should give first aid.

“Get out of the way, let me take a look ……”

The place where Zhang Mang fell was originally very close to Zhuang Rui, seeing those two squatting students who would only scream like ghosts, Zhuang Rui hurriedly rushed to Zhang Mang and pushed those two away.

“It’s really miserable.”

The student Zhang Mang who appeared in front of Zhuang Rui, at the moment that was called a miserable word! The white shirt on his body was full of black footprints, on the small arms of both hands, there were two blood marks that were seeping blood outward, his face was pale, and there was blood seeping out of his nostrils, probably injuring his internal organs.

However, Zhang Mang’s combat experience is still very rich, no matter when he fell or was stepped on, his hands were protecting his head, and at this moment, although his breath is weak, it is not life-threatening.

“Young man, you make way, let me take a look ……”

Dean Zhou also did not expect that one of his lectures would actually turn out like this, just as Zhuang Rui squatted his body to look at Zhang Mang’s injuries, Dean Zhou also stepped down from the podium, ready to take Zhang Mang’s pulse.

The teacher who was at the scene, on the other hand, even arranged for people to get first aid equipment and stretcher, this place is not far from the experimental center, where all kinds of equipments and medicines are available, however, now that the injuries are unknown, and it is not known if there are any injuries to the spine, that teacher did not dare to hastily let people carry Zhang Mang and leave.

“Good, Dean Zhou, you come and take a look, it seems to be all traumatic injuries, not a big problem.” Zhuang Rui stood up and made way.

Although he was inexplicably dragged to listen to a lecture on Chinese medicine, but Zhuang Rui still had a very good impression of Zhang Mang, this enthusiastic young man, just a moment ago, he had input a lot of spiritual qi into Zhang Mang’s chest and abdomen, and he thought that it would be able to alleviate some of his internal injuries.

But those obvious external injuries on his arms, Zhuang Rui didn’t bother, everyone can see the injuries, if he cured him, it would be too obvious.

“Well, the young man has some eyesight, that’s right, it’s all traumatic injuries, and there’s also a broken arm.”

Dean Zhou took Zhang Mang’s pulse for a few minutes, and after turning over his clothes to look at them, he gave his diagnosis.

As he spoke, the serious look on Dean Zhou’s face, also became relaxed, if this was really a big disaster, although it was none of Dean Zhou’s business, the old professor would still blame himself.

“Aigoo, aigoo, ma yo, it hurts me.”

The ground suddenly came Zhang Mang’s voice, just now this guy was stepped on and closed his breath, after Zhuang Rui’s aura entered his body, he immediately woke up, just full of pain, so that Zhang Mang couldn’t help but grunt.

“Young man, next time don’t do such a dangerous action, pay attention to safety!”

Dean Zhou was on the stage just now, naturally saw that it was this student who fell when he tumbled over the tables and chairs, and couldn’t help but utter a few words of advice.

“Aigoo, Mr. Zhou, I know, where’s my book, Mr. Zhou, you sign it for me!”

When the people next to him saw Zhang Mang looking around, they originally didn’t know what he was going to do, but now after hearing his words, they realized that this kid was still thinking about signing, and the group of people were all a little bit in tears and laughter.

“Here, your book.”

Zhuang Rui picked up a book and pen from the ground, not knowing if it was Zhang Mang’s or not, and picked it up and put it on Zhang Mang’s chest.

“Alas, buddy, I’m sorry, I’m like this, I guess I won’t be able to send you over to the history academy in a while, boss, you’ll have to help me send it over!”

To say that Zhang Mang’s character is really good, he himself is not human, actually still remember this, Zhuang Rui smiled and did not say anything, the aura is not used unjustly.

“This student, make way, make way ……”

The stretcher came very quickly, after Professor Zhou gave his diagnosis, they also dared to move Zhang Mang, accompanied by Zhang Mang’s classmate’s crying and howling, a few people lifted him up and headed out.

After this incident, no one dared to ask for autographs anymore, they were all kicked out of the lecture hall by the teacher, but Zhuang Rui stayed behind, maybe it was because that teacher didn’t see him as a student?

“Dean Zhou, if you had a needle in your hand just now, could you heal that student?”

Zhuang Rui saw that Dean Zhou’s forehead was full of fine sweat, obviously this matter was not a small shock to him.

“It can be, but it can only temporarily help him relieve the pain, if you want to cure the disease you still need to cooperate with drugs, just using needles is not enough.”

Acupuncture is the combined name of needle and moxibustion, at the end of the needle can also be used with medication, after Dean Zhou heard Zhuang Rui’s words, he casually explained.

“Huh, young man, it seems like I’ve seen you somewhere, right?” Dean Zhou sized up Zhuang Rui and asked out of the blue.

“Hehe, Dean Zhou, when my wife was pregnant, it was you who took her pulse.”

Zhuang Rui smiled at his words, his current image and that would be completely different, before it was all shirts and pants, today it’s a t-shirt with jeans, plus being tanned a bit in Tibet, it’s normal that Dean Zhou couldn’t recognize himself.

“Oh, I remember, you are Xiao Zhuang?”

Dean Zhou slapped his forehead and thought about it, their hospital’s service objects, are a very special category of people, after Zhuang Rui brought Qin Xuan Bing to see a patient at his place, he also backed up a condition file.

Zhuang Rui nodded and said, “Yes, coincidentally today, I didn’t expect to have the honor of hearing your lecture.”

“Well, Xiao Zhuang, let’s talk next time we have time, I’m going to leave first.”

Originally, Dean Zhou wanted to say a few more words to Zhuang Rui, but two guards came to his side, and after whispering a few words to Dean Zhou, Dean Zhou could only speak out and say goodbye to Zhuang Rui.

After Prof. Zhou left, the classroom was really quiet, and Zhuang Rui followed Zhang Mang’s classmates and also left the medical department to go to the history college. As for the leather shoes and two bras on the ground, they were all picked up by the students arranged by the teacher and uniformly handed over to the teacher, presumably to let the students who lost their things go to the student office to collect them. But those leather shoes might be claimed by someone, but I’m afraid that who those two bras belong to will become a case of doubt.

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