Chapter 0785 – Wen Bo College

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:34:05
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“Little Li, let’s leave a phone number! I’ll go see Zhang Mang when I have time, this young man is nice.”

Zhuang Rui followed Zhang Mang’s classmates all the way and knew that they were the junior students of the medical department of Beijing University, due to the thought of fooling people with acupuncture, Zhuang Rui exchanged his cell phone number with that classmate so that there was a name to go and sit in on the lecture if nothing else.

And Zhang Mang’s major is the Chinese medicine major, this year happens to learn acupuncture, Zhuang Rui is ready to learn from him some acupuncture, nothing to take Ouyang cousin to practice, in the future you can be open and honest to the relatives with the aura combing the body.

“Okay, Brother Zhuang, if it’s okay we’ll come to Wen Bo Academy to find you to play too!”

That Xiao Li answered with his mouth full, in the eyes of them students, archaeology is an extremely mysterious thing, knowing Zhuang Rui, if nothing happens, he can also come to play and feel the current antique fever.

“One may be the most confused graduate student.”

Standing at the entrance of the College of Arts and Sciences of Beijing University, Zhuang Rui shook his head and laughed bitterly, he only now realized that the archaeology course of Beijing University was not inside the College of History, but had a separate College of Archaeology and Arts and Sciences.

College of Arts and Sciences is composed of several white skin, red roof glazed tile houses, between each house, there are brushed with large red baking paint corridor connected, very classical atmosphere, in the courtyard, there is a small pond, pond side of the growth of a few weeping willows, the environment is very quiet.

Zhuang Rui walked in from the main door, after seeing some pictures and brief introduction on the wall, this is to understand the history of the College of Arts and Sciences.

Although as early as nineteen fifty-two, Beijing University established the archaeology profession, but this profession has always been in the Department of History inside, is not a completely independent discipline, just a derivative of the Department of History.

Until 1983, after the decision of the presidential office of the University, the archaeology major was separated from the Department of History and the Department of Archaeology was established independently. The Department of Archaeology is now composed of two majors: archaeology and museology, and has set up four research directions, namely, archaeology, museology, conservation of cultural relics, and architecture of antiquity.

In 2000, the Department of Archaeology cooperated with the State Administration of Cultural Heritage and changed its name to “Peking University Institute of Archaeology and Letters and Museums”. The School of Archaeology and Letters and Museums now has 19 professors (including 16 doctoral supervisors), 12 associate professors and 9 lecturers.

Every year, the School of Archaeology and Letters and Museums of Peking University enrolls 30-40 undergraduates, 15-20 master’s degree students, 8-10 doctoral degree students, and 10 foreign students and trainees at home and abroad.

In addition, the College of Arts and Sciences also accepts 3 to 5 advanced students and teachers, 3 to 5 visiting scholars, and enrolls college classes of different directions from time to time. Now there are more than 200 students at different levels.

Zhuang Rui’s tutor, Professor Meng, is not only the doctoral supervisor of the College of Arts and Sciences, but also the dean of the College of Arts and Sciences. After arriving at the College of Arts and Sciences, Zhuang Rui realized that it was not easy for him to come to this postgraduate school.

Imagine, not to mention foreign countries, is the domestic every year, there are adult tens of thousands of undergraduates applying for graduate school in Beijing University, while the College of Arts and Sciences only enrolls 15 to 20 people, the odds are likely to be one in a thousand or even one in ten thousand.

Zhuang Rui originally still felt that he was admitted on the basis of his real material, but now he had a little bit of a heart attack, this thing is nine times out of ten that Professor Meng took care of him.

“Brother Zhuang, didn’t you say you’d come to the lecture in the morning? How come you’re only here now?”

Zhuang Rui was looking at those profiles and photos on the wall when the sound of greeting came to his ears, following the sound, it was Wu Zhao holding a notebook, walking in from the long corridor outside the house.

The day before yesterday and Zhuang Rui had a meal, the next day Wu Zhao and others, ran to the tutor to inquire about the Zhuang Rui’s head, it does not matter, I did not think that Zhuang Rui not only has a private museum, themselves or the Jade Association’s director, this name is not low, take out can be called an expert.

This is not enough, when Professor Meng said Zhuang Rui in the jade industry when there is a “jade king” title, so that a few doctors heart, and then there is no underestimation of the meaning of Zhuang Rui.

To know, Zhuang Rui in the jade jadeite line inside the status, completely no less than their teacher in the status of the archaeological community, although the two disciplines are different, but can reflect a person’s ability to strong and weak, Zhuang Rui if there is no real material, can be called “Jade King”?

These ivory towers in the pride of God, although the heart has a stock of arrogance, but for learning than their strong people, or sincere admiration, so Wu Zhao this “Zhuang brother” shouted willingly, if not to take into account are Professor Meng’s students, I’m afraid Wu Zhao shouted out of the three words of Mr. Zhuang.

“Don’t mention it, I got lost again.”

Zhuang Rui smiled bitterly and told Wu Zhao what happened in the morning, almost Dr. Wu was dumbfounded, he had stayed in Beida for five or six years, he had never encountered such a thing, Zhuang Rui hadn’t been here for two days, and encountered a lot of rare things.

After listening to Zhuang Rui’s words, Dr. Wu said: “Brother Zhuang, let’s go eat first! Turn around, I’ll get the vehicle’s pass for you, and take you on another trip to familiarize yourself with it.”

“Okay, thank you then, I was thinking about this!”

Zhuang Rui hastily nodded his head, and followed Wu Zhao at noon to mix a meal, there is no way, his meal card and student ID card have not been done, it is estimated that he will have to wait for three or four days before he can get it.

After lunch, Wu Zhao went to give Zhuang Rui for the vehicle pass, while Zhuang Rui ran to the College of Arts and Sciences, listened to an old professor to undergraduates to teach a professional class.

Zhuang Rui found that the number of undergraduates in the last session, to be far more than thirty or forty people, that classroom is not big, but sat full, should not be less than eighty people.

Looking at those students around the age of just the early twenties, Zhuang Rui is also under the heart of dark sigh, in his undergraduate time, the school also has archaeology professional, but the students are fewer than pathetic, a student even a class are not fully recruited, a few years of different grades of students, the class is to get together.

It is also from the year 2000, antique fever began to rise, along with the archaeology also entered into the people’s line of sight, those students do not understand the difference between antiques and archaeology, are a swarm of enrollment in this profession, archaeology is also that period, only to be the majority of the general public are familiar with.

Relatively speaking, the archaeology department graduates belong to the academy, accept is the country’s formal higher education, a variety of professional theoretical knowledge is very solid, for the history of cultural relics through the ages to understand a lot. But compared with many of the wildlife origin of antique identification experts, the shortcomings of the academy is also very obvious.

First of all is the identification of the real thing, the college school on the opportunity to start to be far lower than the beginning of the play antiques, with the knowledge from the books set to the physical identification, that in all probability is to pay tuition eye. And antique appraisal experts relatively learned more miscellaneous, they identify antiques, is from all aspects of different perspectives.

Let’s say, a porcelain appraisal, to look at its texture, glaze, modeling, ornamentation, and many aspects of the pulp, which requires appraisers to contact the discipline more broadly, texture glaze involved in ceramic professional knowledge, and modeling ornamentation, is to require appraisal of the teacher has a certain degree of art skills.

In addition there are some common sense things, that is the need for experience to accumulate, and the academy of dogmatic theory, it is difficult to work here.

This is also a lot of archaeology graduates, after going out into the community, want to use professional knowledge to buy antiques, but repeatedly out, repeatedly fooled one of the reasons, even Professor Meng, in the antique market is also paid a lot of tuition.

After the class, Zhuang Rui received a call from Wu Zhao, went to get the vehicle in and out of the Beijing University pass, he does not live on campus, see no more classes, left alone, but let want to get along with Zhuang Rui more a few doctors, there is no opportunity.

The next few days, Zhuang Rui are traveling between the courtyard and the school, life has become regular, very full, reading during the day, and return home at night to tease nieces and accompany the family, Zhuang Rui seems to have found the life he wants.

Little golden eagle this period of time, almost a day change a mold, claws on the toes, become is more and more long, also more and more sharp, is the yard of the big tree, the little guy a claw can tear off a piece of bark to.

In the head of the small gold feather also changed, originally white fluff, now became golden yellow, sharp beak also became more and more curved, like a hook in general.

I don’t know if it’s because Zhuang Rui used his spiritual qi to help him groom his body, the feathers on the little golden eagle’s wings are not tawny like his parents, but a light golden color, and his wings are spread out to almost a meter in length.

Whenever the golden eagle hovered over the courtyard in the morning, the sunlight shone on its body, reflecting a golden glow.

Fortunately, the country did not have any regulations regarding captive bird pets, otherwise a large raptor like the golden feather would definitely not be allowed to survive inside the city.

To the weekend, Zhuang Rui received a phone call from Li Dali, this time he did not take the white lion a few little guys to go together, but took the set of eight Tang three-color figures figurines, with Peng Fei drove to the entrance of the highway, Li Dali has long been waiting there.

After seeing Zhuang Rui waving his hand, Li Dali immediately greeted up and said: “Mr. Zhuang, I’ll get into your car! I’ve inquired about that Boss Xu’s origins in the past few days, so I’m just in time to tell you about it.”

Mr. Li has been in Beijing these days, but the joy of the world, almost not willing to go back to Hebei, the Beijing suburbs club inside the starlet that is more than a tender, see Mr. Li would like to change his career to do showbiz.

Of course, Li vigorously these days waist bag also shrunk a lot, only and a in a few TV show a face, not a few lines of the starlet exchanged a night “feelings” let him shell out more than two million sponsorship fees.

“Mr. Zhuang, that Boss Xu is really a legend.”

Li Dali got into the car, did not beat around the bush, directly put his own inquiries into the matter said out.

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