Chapter 0796 Matters (II)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:34:34
A+ A- Turn Off Light

“Hanging a sign is considered business? I haven’t done a single business, how can this be counted?”

Xu Guoqing didn’t expect there to be this argument, he never asked about the factory’s affairs, let alone bothering about the factory sign in front of the factory, that thing has been hanging for 20 years, and he hasn’t seen anyone say anything about it?

“This is not your call, Xu Guoqing, today is a joint law enforcement, not only to solve the problem of your business license expired operation, but also Zhang director also suspected that you in the operation of the middle of tax evasion.”

Through this conversation, Wu director also saw out, this called Xu Guoqing’s people, a little so do not understand the world, if not the factory door there are so many leaders waiting for the results, Wu director is too lazy and Xu Guoqing gabbing it, there is this time not as good as to go to rub a couple of mahjong.

“You are wrongly accused people ah! I don’t even do business anymore, what kind of tax did I pay?”

Xu Guoqing yelled out, he had just called his daughter-in-law and knew that this factory hadn’t had any income since 2000, so how could it be possible to still pay taxes?

“I know, I know you guys are found by that Mayor Cen, let me tell you, don’t think you’re an official, I’m not afraid of you, that Mayor Cen is a traitor.”

Xu Guoqing suddenly figured out that all this is just an excuse, is to force himself to go to Japan, to burn porcelain for the little Japan, Xu Guoqing is also a person with blood, and at that moment broke into a curse.

“You …… what did you say ah? Simply incomprehensible.”

Hearing Xu Guoqing scolded Mayor Cen, Wu Director’s face, brushed a moment to become white, turned back and rushed Zhao Director shouted, “Lao Zhao, take back, take back to your institute, properly shut down a few …… no, so that he recognizes his own mistakes.”

Wu director originally wanted to say is, properly put Xu Guoqing to lock up for a few days, but think about the outside leaders are still waiting to be formulated it, this is a delay can not be.

“Ah? What’s going on, what’s going on?”

Director Zhao was outside the door chatting with Boss Yu over a cigarette, when he suddenly heard a noise inside and rushed into the room.

Director Wu pointed at Xu Guoqing and said, “Old Zhao, arrest …… him ……”

Just now Xu Guoqing’s voice is so loud that it can be transmitted to the outside of the gate, if this is heard by the leaders, one’s own impression of incompetence will certainly not be able to escape.

“What right do you have to arrest people?”

“What right do you have to arrest me?”

Two voices sounded at the same time, but it was Zhuang Rui who just happened to stumble upon this after making a phone call.

“What are you doing? Don’t interfere with our official duties, Director Zhao, kick this person out.”

Director Wu didn’t expect this halfway to kill a Cheng Bite Jin, immediately glared at Zhuang Rui, he also want that formula from Xu Guoqing’s hand, he didn’t dare to push too much, he said arresting someone, just want to scare Xu Guoqing, then mention the formula thing.

But for Zhuang Rui, the young man who came out of nowhere, Director Wu had no scruples.

“Older brother, this …… matter is not something you can afford to get involved in, it is better to go out first!”

Director Zhao looked at Zhuang Rui, he knew that this young man was brought by Li Dali, so he didn’t speak ill of him.

“Director Zhao, Zhuang Rui is my friend, I also want to ask, on what grounds are you arresting people.” Li Dali didn’t support Zhuang Rui at this time, so what better time to wait ah?

“This …… this, Lao Yu, don’t make it difficult for me!” Director Zhao was a bit embarrassed.

“Zhao director, you are a good person, this matter you do not get involved, in addition, this is a private factory, you can all leave, want to arrest people can, take the arrest warrant to, want to fine under the notice, OK, all out!”

Zhuang Rui suddenly stood out, some noisy words, listening to a room of more than ten people, are dumbfounded, this buddy fierce ah! Actually dared to drive these law enforcement officers out?

“Old Zhao, see you good people, this you can’t get involved, strong out of the head of the words, you this body of police uniforms may have to be peeled off, that …… is the main …… from the capital.”

Zhao was originally Zhuang Rui these words, angry was ready to greet the police officers to take the time, Li Dali pulled him a hand, whispered in his ear, immediately let Zhao’s fire subsided down, dare to own just look away ah! This young man is not small?

Stone City is not far from Beijing, driving is also two or three hours of time, Zhao director for the capital of those government officials have heard a lot of things, heard the words of Mr. Li, immediately shrunk his neck, he did not think that the mayor of the Cen, can fight over the capital of the government officials.

“Director Zhao, hurry up and drive this irrelevant person out!”

Director Wu was already almost mad by Zhuang Rui, he originally wanted to scare Xu Guoqing first, and then logically mention the ancient porcelain formula, but he didn’t expect to be stirred up by Zhuang Rui.

Zhao director is now already not ready to intervene in this matter, and at that moment made a difficult expression and said, “Wu director, this …… this is no arrest warrant, but also …… also really can not arrest people ah!”


Wu director sniffed and froze for a moment, almost did not suspect that he heard the wrong words, public security to arrest a few times is with a warrant ah? Are not all arrested after the replacement, Lao Zhao this is trying to shift the blame ah?

“You …… Lao Zhao you, Xiao Li, a few of you, push this person out.”

Instructed not to move Zhao director, Wu director simply let himself bring people move gas hand to come, this thing is the Kong governor personally accounted for, and there is the city of Cen mayor, in the eyes of Wu director, they are their own day.


“Aigoo, it hurts me.”

“Don’t even move, Director Zhao, I’m acting in self-defense!”

Just when those few staff from the Bureau of Industry and Commerce were ready to pull Zhuang Rui, Peng Fei didn’t agree, three times, several people fell on the ground, after Peng Fei put down these guys, he also smiled and explained to Director Zhao with a face full of concern.

“You guys, you’re simply lawless, Director Zhao, if you don’t care anymore, I’ll report this directly to Prefect Kong.” Director Wu had been in politics for more than twenty years, this was the first time he had seen such a situation, this was about to turn his worldview upside down.

“Bureau Chief Wu, let’s just report to the leaders first! The others aren’t without a clue.”

Director Zhao came in front of Director Wu and whispered in his ear.

“There’s still a reason to hit someone? Okay, you don’t care, I’ll go to find Governor Kong to say.”

Wu director this will already be angry dizzy head, even good words and bad words can not hear out, Zhao director refused to use the police force, he stayed here a little rut no, at the same time, waiting for those few people who fell to the ground to get up, huffing and puffing out of the factory.

“I say, old Yu, we are old friends, you can’t harm me?”

Seeing that Director Wu had gone to file a black complaint, Director Zhao’s heart was also in turmoil, and he hurriedly followed him out, but when he was on his way out, he still asked Yu Zhengjun.

“What are you afraid of! Old Zhao, in the future, if you don’t wear these clothes, come to Stone City and work with me, I guarantee you won’t be treated badly.” Before Yu Zhengjun could speak, Li Dali patted his chest from behind.

Don’t say, after hearing Li Dali’s words, Zhao director’s heart really calmed down a lot, Li Dali is what he knows, the big boss with over a hundred million dollars, if you really don’t do this police, follow him is also good.

“What? Beating public officials, then our public security is what to eat? Will not arrest them ah?”

Wu director went out so a learned words, immediately let the Kong prefect storm, their own carefully arranged team, actually so no combat power, one twenty mouths of people, even by two or three people to drive out, their own this time is considered to be in front of the city leaders lost face.

“Kong …… Kong Governor, they …… they said it was self-defense.”

Zhao director can not hide in the past, stammered, do not see him inside the courage is not small, but in the face of this parental officer, the heart is still timid.

“Imbecile, how did the police force raise someone like you?”

Governor Kong was furious! In front of Mayor Cen’s face, he couldn’t have a fit with Director Zhao, so he took out his cell phone and dialed a number before shouting, “Wang Guotao, I’ll give you 10 minutes to immediately pull the riot squad over to the XXX factory here.”

Zhao director heard the governor’s phone call, that neck and shrink back, see no one to pay attention to him, slipped out of the crowd to the throne to call, this thing to not notify the next Wang Bureau, when their own certainly do not have good fruit to eat.

“What did you say?”

Has assembled a good team of Wang director, received Zhao director of the phone, immediately head is big, dare to this governor to arrest the person, most likely is a Beijing government officials, this is not to put themselves on the fire roast it?

“It seems that the governor doesn’t know about this? No, we need to notify Prefect Kong about this.”

Director Wang’s brain turned, immediately dialed the phone back again to County Commissioner Kong, this is called reporting by level, can’t overstep, the director reports to the director, the director only has the right to communicate with the county commissioner.


After hearing the words of Director Wang, the Kong Prefect was also surprised and grew his mouth, when his eyes skimmed over to Mayor Cen in the small car, he was furious, “Paralyzed, dare you mess with someone you can’t afford to mess with, letting my old man take the lead ah?”

“Well, Director Wang, let the people from the riot squad come over, you don’t have to come, that’s it!”

Although Governor Kong’s official is not big, he is also a person with a bit of background, after hanging up Director Wang’s phone, he immediately dialed a phone out, he is trying to take himself off the hook.

“Mayor Cen, I’m really sorry, there are some urgent matters in the county, I’m required to go over there immediately to deal with them, this is Captain Xiao of the riot brigade, if there are any orders you can just give them directly to him.”

Kong county governor this side after answering the phone, that side of the riot brigade people also came, his words, but just now on the phone that person taught him to say.

“What …… is this all about?”

Mayor Cen saw this joint law enforcement team of people, hooting and hollering all withdrew, leaving himself more than twenty heavily armed police, is also a little dumbfounded.

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