Chapter 0797 Matters (III)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:34:37
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Mayor Cen is really a little confused, according to his intention, this matter has the county people to step forward on the line, did not expect that this turned around, things are back to the very beginning of the starting point, or to face it themselves.

“Mayor Cen, the riot brigade is here for orders, please instruct.”

Xiao captain a upright, mouth shouted to let the leadership instructions, the heart is thinking about the words of the director, come when the director explained, this out of work, in the end what is the meaning of ah?

Xiao captain is Wang Bureau’s beloved, although on the official position, the mayor in front of him is much bigger than a county’s director, but to do things, Xiao captain will still absolutely carry out the director’s instructions.

“You guys don’t go in, wait here!”

Mayor Cen vaguely felt that things are not quite right, just now, somehow received a phone call from the big mayor, asked himself where he was, Mayor Cen did not think too much about it, directly said that he was taking Japanese guests to inspect the work, could it be that there are people in here who are setting themselves up?

And then recalled the appearance of the Kong governor who left in a hurry just now, Mayor Cen’s heart is even more uneasy, looked at that riot brigade captain, said: “Captain Xiao, here do not need you, withdraw the people back!”

“Yes.” Captain Xiao was not wanting to rush this muddy water, and hurriedly agreed.

Only before these heavily armed police officers got on the car, sirens sounded in the distance, two police cars opened the way, a small car with a provincial license plate, stopped at the entrance of the ceramic factory.

“Mayor Xue …… Xue?”

Seeing the person who first came down from the car, Mayor Cen’s eyes couldn’t help but be a little straight, that is the city’s big mayor, not his own deputy mayor who is not even a member of the Standing Committee can be compared.

Mayor Cen didn’t dare to think that Mayor Xue had come to steal the 100 million dollars of political achievements from himself.

The thing that surprised Mayor Cen was still behind, after Mayor Xue got out of the car, he immediately turned to the other side of the car and pulled the door open, and then the person who came down made Mayor Cen’s forehead break out into a cold sweat.

Director Xia of the Provincial Party Committee Office, Mayor Cen could not possibly not recognize, this is the big boss’s big housekeeper, when the big boss is on TV, the back of the big boss behind him is usually Director Xia’s, so it can be said that, to a certain extent, Director Xia represents Secretary Xiao.

Although in terms of administrative level, Mayor Cen and they are all about the same, Mayor Cen knows that he, a deputy mayor who has not even entered the standing committee of the municipal party committee, is not even remotely comparable to them.

Mayor Cen greeted them stiffly and said, “Mayor Xue, Director Xia, why are you two here?”

Director Xia didn’t pay any attention to Mayor Cen, turning a blind eye to Mayor Cen’s outstretched hand, but instead looked at Mayor Xue and asked, “Xu Guoqing’s ceramics factory, that’s the one, isn’t it?”

“Yes, that should be it.”

Mayor Xue glanced at the heavily armed police officers, his face was a bit ugly, and he whispered to Mayor Cen, “Xiao Cen, what are you up to? What’s going on with these cops?”

On the way here Director Xia has already revealed a little thing with Mayor Xue, this ceramic artist called Xu Guoqing, is highly valued by the boss, but this time, but found that the police surrounded the factory, if this matter spreads to the ears of Secretary Qi, Mayor Xue also has to bear the leadership responsibility.

“Mayor Xue, I …… I can’t help it! Mr. Yamaki had to ask Mr. Xu to go to Japan to exchange ceramic art, otherwise that one hundred and fifty million dollars, he is not willing to invest ah!”

Mayor Cen a little aggrieved, the reason why I do this, not all for the city or the province’s economic development, put in the eyes of these two people, as if it is making a big mistake in general.

“Economic construction, but also can not sacrifice the environment, the sacrifice of the interests of the people, Mayor Cen, do not let a hundred years after the people, poke our spine ah!”

Director Xia copied Secretary Qi’s words word for word, and after saying that, he walked into the ceramic factory with his hands behind his back, and walked into the factory door that was wide open.

Today’s people are really too much, the factory door that the wolf dog, has long been scared out of its wits, tail between the legs to hide in the nest to go, but no one to stop Director Xia.

“Xiao Cen, Director Xia’s meaning, but also my meaning, we can not simply use economic indicators to see the problem, people’s livelihood is also very important, the environment is easy to destroy, and then build can be difficult!”

Mayor Xue glanced at Yamagi Oro in the car, faintly said a few words to Mayor Cen, and then followed Director Xia to chase the factory.

“What the …… fuck is going on here?”

Mayor Cen lost his mind standing in front of the car, a little bit at a loss, a few days ago when the mayor’s office meeting, Mayor Xue also let himself these deputies to step a little bit bigger, all centered on economic construction, this is only two days work, how the wind has changed ah?

This is 150 million dollars! Translated into yuan, has more than 1 billion, even in other economic provinces, that is a considerable amount of investment, how to see the meaning of Mayor Xue and Director Xia, this investment was rejected directly?

For Mayor Cen, the investment is not important, but this to the hand of the performance flew away ah! This makes his heart very unwilling, if not to ask a question to the end, Mayor Cen tonight is not sleep well.

“Mr. Cen, what’s going on here? I have a feeling that your side, is not taking this investment very seriously, ah?”

Yamagi Dairou had just vaguely heard a few lines of conversation between them, but although he was a China expert, he still couldn’t fully understand the kind of cryptic expressions of Chinese officials.

“I don’t know, Mr. Yamaki, let’s go in and take a look!”

Mayor Cen still wanted to fight a little more, this vigorous economic development would of course be detrimental to some people’s interests, wouldn’t it be fine as long as the compensation was done properly?

Just mayor Cen does not know, just after the secretary Qi finished the importance of environmental protection speech, the province, such as paper and other serious pollution projects, are in the phase of stopping.

Of course, Zhuang Rui also does not know, because of their own a phone call, so that a province’s economic center of gravity have been adjusted, if those investors know that this originated in Zhuang Rui words, I’m afraid that they use spittle can drown Zhuang Rui.

“Mr. Xu, the Magnetic State Kiln, is the most important cultural heritage of our Ji Province, representing the advanced ceramic craftsmanship of Ji Province in ancient times, you can restore it, this is an important contribution to the cultural cause of Ji Province!”

Director Xia on the way here, but also fill in the culture of the Magnetic Kiln is what is going on, and now shaking Xu Guoqing’s hand, said also head on, but Director Xia’s eyes, but in Peng Fei and Zhuang Rui, back and forth to measure.

According to the boss’s greeting, to be polite to the young man surnamed Zhuang, but there are two young people in this room, Director Xia can not figure out exactly who is Zhuang Rui?

“Director Xia, that’s not what those people who came just now said.”

Xu Guoqing skimmed his mouth, just in time to see Mayor Cen, who had just walked in, and went on to say, “But just now, there were people who wanted to be traitors and give the craft of firing the Magnetic State Kiln to the Japanese!”

Mayor Cen heard these words as soon as he entered the door, that face was immediately suffocated red, he didn’t expect that this person would actually point at the monk and curse the bald donkey, not giving himself as the mayor any face at all.

“Mr. Xu, I’m not asking for your firing process, I’m hoping that you can go to Japan, I can provide you with the most advanced ceramic laboratory in the world, a hundred times better than the conditions you have here.”

Yamaki walked in right behind Mayor Cen and also heard Xu Guoqing’s words, the little brat came forward and gave another ninety degree bow, but the words that came out made the room of people frown.

“What Mr. Yamaki means is that our domestic conditions are not working?” Zhuang Rui spoke up.

“It’s like this, I can responsibly say that your country’s experimental conditions are far inferior to ours.”

Yamagi was also a little upset, he came to China from, officials from all over the world are all competing for the invitation, not to say slavishly, but it’s not far off, but just now after the arrival of those two officials, pressed not even look at their own, which made Yamagi Dairou a little hurt his pride.


Zhuang Rui raised his eyebrows and said, “As far as I know, you Japanese have been studying the official porcelain of the Magnetic State Kiln for decades, right? Since you have the best laboratories in the world, why is it that you haven’t had any research results until now? Is it because your researchers are too stupid, or is what you said untrue, Mr. Yamaki?”

“Baka, you are not allowed to insult our Great Japanese Empire.”

Originally, Yamagi Oro, who still had a respectful look on his face, after hearing Zhuang Rui’s words, his face immediately showed a fierce look, and that look seemed to want to fight with Zhuang Rui for his life.

“Paralyzed, or a militarist, motherfucker.”

After Zhuang Rui cursed, he looked at Mayor Cen and said, “You’re looking for such a thing to invest in China? Aren’t you afraid that your ancestors will crawl out of their graves to scold you?”

Mayor Cen has never heard such words? Being said by Zhuang Rui’s lips chattering, face like a pig’s liver, but can not say a word of rebuttal, would like to have an earthquake, cracked out a crack so that they can drill into it.

“Baka, I want to duel with you.”

Shanmu heard Zhuang Rui insult himself, angrily rushed towards Zhuang Rui, just before he could get close, he was blocked by Peng Fei, his right hand gently pressed under Shanmu’s ribs, a strong force, pushed Shanmu back and forth.

“Mr. Cen, I am very dissatisfied with your country’s investment environment, the previous investment agreement, all null and void.”

Shanmu was Peng Fei this block, only then recognized the situation, really want to fight, I’m afraid that even Mayor Cen won’t help himself, after explaining a sentence of the scene, Shanmu also don’t want to stay here, directly walked out.

“Paralyzed, but also fucking Great Japanese Empire, fuck, if I let my grandfather see this little Japan, not a knife chopped him not.”

After Yamagi Dairou left, Zhuang Rui is still a little indignant, originally rarely swear Zhuang Rui, not to curse a few sentences, is really the heart blocked.

Zhuang Rui suddenly thought of a crooked idea, with his arm touched the side of the Yu Zhengjun, whispered: “Old Yu, find a few people, give that little Japanese to a car accident chant?”

According to Zhuang Rui’s idea, anyway, less a Japanese businessman, Japan at most but protested a few words, this matter has the Foreign Ministry to manage, said all is diplomatic rhetoric, that will be their own long ago left.

“Do not dare, that can not dare.”

Yu Zhengjun was Zhuang Rui words almost jumped up, this Beijing buddy looks quite quiet, how to start crazy so terrible? Directly to kill people.

Although Zhuang Rui’s voice is small, but the room is not big, his words were heard in the room, Mayor Cen will also understand in his heart, dare this surnamed Zhuang, is not a good guy ah?

Dare to say this kind of words in the face of government officials, not the brain from childhood lack of oxygen, that is, the background of the deep, not afraid to find the back (counting) of the account, look at Zhuang Rui this look, how also does not seem to be a patient with eclampsia, right?

Peng Fei see Zhuang Rui still a little indignant look, put his mouth to Zhuang Rui ear, whispered: “Brother Zhuang, I just gave that guy a moment, dark injury, half a month after this old boy if he still did not find out, enough to take his life.”

Peng Fei this move, is with an old Chinese medicine cut off the vein, sounds very subtle, in fact, is in the human viscera blood and gas exuberant place, gave a nail, long time more bruises, it is very difficult to save, but this technique is very sinister, Peng Fei is also the first time to use.

“Good, deserved, haha, Peng Fei, turn around when you get married, I’ll give you a big red packet.”

After Zhuang Rui heard Peng Fei’s words, his heart was so happy, the suffocating mood of the afternoon that he came here, all dissolved in the laughter.

Peng Fei spoke in a much smaller voice than Zhuang Rui, Director Xia and others do not know what Zhuang Rui is laughing at, but in their hearts are guessing, this bold young man, turn back will not really do that little Japan, right?

“Mayor Xue, Director Xia, this …… thing I have to review, I only focused on economic development, and ignored the environment and livelihood issues, and did not take into account the ideas of Mr. Xu Guoqing, Mayor Xue, I have to review to you.”

Mayor Cen is considered to see, Director Xia this trip, in all probability is that young man to facilitate, can let the provincial party secretary’s great steward personally to deal with the matter, one is not to want to flip again.

Mayor Cen is also considered to be a decisive person, immediately changed course, overturned his previous claims, his face showed a heavy look, actually in front of Zhuang Rui’s face, did a review, this buddy is definitely also capable of stretching and bending people.

“You are Zhuang Rui, Mr. Zhuang, right?”

Director Xia didn’t pay attention to Mayor Cen, but walked towards Zhuang Rui, and when he was still three or four meters away from Zhuang Rui, he stretched out two hands, and Mayor Cen could see very clearly that it was two hands.

Now not only is Mayor Cen’s eyes wide open, even Mayor Xue, that is also very shocked, these two are in the capital city of the province as a mayor, usually and Director Xia also quite contact, naturally know clearly how big Director Xia usually frame.

To know, in this acre of Ji Province, the people who can let Director Xia stretch out his two hands can be counted in one palm.

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