Chapter 0802 – Acupuncture (I)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:34:49
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“Don’t intervene! Older brother, let’s talk, isn’t it just a needle? Come on!”

Seeing the wolf in front and the tiger behind, with a golden eagle staring at his head, Ouyang Jun instantly softened, saying that a needle in the hand won’t kill anyone, Ouyang Da Shao was very honorable and put his left hand out.

To be honest, Zhuang Rui during this period of time, really put some effort into acupuncture, although he hadn’t stabbed anyone yet, but the acupoints on a person’s arm were already memorized, and at that moment his eyes were fixed on Ouyang Jun’s wrist.

“Fourth brother, straighten your palm, zap it down in a while, you will know it’s comfortable.”

Zhuang Rui’s words made the corner of Ouyang Jun’s mouth, involuntarily twitched a bit, very reluctantly spread the palm of his left hand and said, “Is your kid okay? Don’t tie me up with a quadriplegic, you give me a son to raise ah?”

“Don’t talk nonsense, but Xiao Rui, this …… can really be zapped in?”

Although Big Star Xu wanted to cure her husband, she was a bit shocked to see that Zhuang Rui was really ready to do it.

That said, Zhuang Rui used the plum blossom needle, made of alloy aluminum, divided into two sections, the two sections are articulated by the spiral silk mouth, the front section is thinner, 12cm long, the back section is thicker, 10cm long, the needle head is 6cm long, this more than ten centimeters long silver needles, not to mention zapping the body, looking at people a little bit oozing panic.

“It’s okay, sister-in-law, fourth brother’s skin is thick and blood is plentiful, it’s okay to get a little blood when it’s pierced.”

Zhuang Rui hehehe smiled a little, made Ouyang Jun goosebumps all over the body, yelled: “Brat, I don’t care, wait for the zapping needle, you made those gold jewelry, I want to pick for my son first.”

He did a live experiment himself, how can he get back some benefits! Ouyang Jun said those gold ornaments, is Zhuang Rui with the basement of the gold bricks, made some long-life locks and other objects, was to give Ouyang Jun’s children, and his own unborn dragon and phoenix tires ready.

“OK, as you pick ……”

Zhuang Rui sighed in his heart, buddies spend effort to help you heal and cure, as a living thunderbolt not to mention, this motherfucker also to the inside of the backwards.

Zhuang Rui padded a towel on the table, Ouyang Jun’s wrist on the top, to be honest, his heart is also a little apprehensive, although he let the students of the medical school for their own zapping, but the self zapping other people, that is really the first time.

Zhuang Rui chose to needle the acupuncture point, is in the wrist ulnar side, when the ulnar tuberosity and deltoid bone between the depression in the Yanggu point, this position is relatively good to find, and is not what the key points, how to tie will not have an accident.

Stimulate the Yanggu point with acupuncture, can make people clear eyes and tranquilize the mind, and energize the meridians, used for pregnant women is the best, Zhuang Rui this is also to take Ouyang Jun to do the next test, back to their own daughter-in-law with.

Repeatedly viewed a few times, Zhuang Rui and hand touch for a while, this is to determine the location of the Yanggu point, Zhuang Rui with the right thumb and forefinger, pinch the silver needle, the tip of the needle aligned with the Yanggu point.

“Aigoo, you kid lighten up!”

Ouyang Jun’s mouth, suddenly let out a miserable scream, startling Zhuang Rui.

“I say Fourth Brother, this hasn’t been stabbed down yet, what are you screaming for?”

Zhuang Rui’s words made the onlookers laugh, and the original somewhat tense atmosphere became lighter.

Ouyang Jun scratched his head with some embarrassment, assumed a posture of going to war and said, “Hurry up, are you kid good!”


Zhuang Rui promised with his mouth, his right thumb and forefinger rubbed together, and that silver needle then stuck into Ouyang Jun’s skin.

“Does it hurt?” Seeing that the tip of the needle had gone down about a centimeter, Zhuang Rui spoke out and asked.

“Hm? You stabbed it here? It doesn’t hurt, it’s a bit itchy, I say you’re good!”

Ouyang Jun froze for a moment, looked at his wrist, not to mention, he really did not feel pain, just a little bit of itching.

Acupuncture acupuncture points, the earliest can be traced back to ancient times, when people, in the labor, occasionally by some sharp and hard objects, such as stones, thorns, etc. collision of a part of the body surface, there will be an unexpected pain is alleviated phenomenon.

Ancient people began to consciously use some sharp stones to stab certain parts of the body or artificially puncture the body to make it bleed, in order to alleviate the pain, in all kinds of historical books, there have been many references to the primitive tool of acupuncture is a stone needle, known as acupuncture stone.

As long as the right acupuncture points, generally will not have the feeling of pain, unless the person’s technique is too raw, Zhuang Rui, although it is the first time to give people needles, but learn like a model, but did not let Ouyang Jun suffer.

“What do you feel now? Will it feel cool?”

Using the stabbing method to zap the Yanggu point, it can only go half an inch deeper, which is almost a centimeter or so, after zapping it in, Zhuang Rui stopped his hand and a silver needle was erected on Ouyang Jun’s wrist.

“No, a little swollen feeling.” Ouyang Jun replied.

“Now what?”

Zhuang Rui slapped his head, he was so focused on sticking the needle that he actually forgot about the time of aura, he hurriedly spilled a trace of aura from his eyes and seeped into Ouyang Jun’s skin along the silver needle.

“Hey, is feels cool, so comfortable?”

As the aura entered his body, Ouyang Jun’s eyes narrowed, although the amount was very small, but it also gave Ouyang Jun a feeling of floating, but it was only for a few short minutes, that feeling disappeared.

“Hey …… hey, I said, how come it’s gone, it’s starting to swell again ah!”

After the aura disappeared, Ouyang Jun yelled in displeasure, just now that feeling was too comfortable, as if many dirt and impurities inside the body had been eliminated, making people refreshed.

“Alright, the great work is done.”

After Zhuang Rui estimated that the silk aura had almost dissipated on Ouyang Jun as well, he pulled out the silver needle from his wrist.

For this test, Zhuang Rui was very satisfied, if he wanted to increase the amount of aura, he would only need to twist the silver needle at that time.

However, Zhuang Rui would still control the dosage, after all, if the results were seen once, it would be too magical, with Ouyang Jun and the others’ status, it would be easy to get in touch with the top acupuncturists in the country, Zhuang Rui didn’t want to botch it up.

“Older brother, give me another needle, another needle, I didn’t feel it just now!”

Seeing Zhuang Rui ready to put away the silver needle, Ouyang Jun was in a hurry, a pull Zhuang Rui, put out his left wrist, this action to see the people on the sidelines is dumbfounded, is it so magical?

These days everything has been robbed, but only things like injections and medicines, no one is willing to do more, today comrade Ouyang Jun subverted the cognition of the crowd, and had to Zhuang Rui to give him another needle can not be.

“Hubby, are you alright?”

Xu Qing saw Ouyang Jun’s appearance, couldn’t help but stretch out her hand, wanting to try whether Ouyang Jun has a fever, this is not a cheap bone, begging for someone to put a needle in his body?

“What for! Zhuang Rui kung fu is very good, don’t believe you try, bah, bah, you’d better not try.”

Ouyang Jun speak is always mouth without scruples, just now that sentence said Xu Qing full of scarlet, this kung fu …… used in modern times, the meaning is slightly more.

“Alright, Fourth Brother, you make way! I’ll give sister-in-law a needle.”

Zhuang Rui pushed Ouyang Jun away, thinking is quite beautiful, buddy this aura is priceless, if it is not for the sake of all relatives, Zhuang Rui guilty of spending so much effort to learn acupuncture?

After Xu Qing gave birth to a child, in order to return to the big screen, she also tried acupuncture to lose weight, but not too afraid, directly put her wrist on the table.

“Huh, it’s really, cool and soothing!”

The kind of cool feeling that can soothe the soul, so that the big star also could not help but moan in a low voice, like Ouyang Jun, after just a few minutes, the big star actually had the idea in her heart to let Zhuang Rui put in another needle.

“Really? Give me a try as well.”

“I’ll go first, I’ll go first ……”

“You guys are bad, none of you are letting Nui Nui.”

Seeing Xu Qing’s reaction, the courtyard instantly exploded, except for Ouyang Wan’s few elders, surprisingly, they all stretched out their arms, and even the little inamorata, who was usually the most afraid of needles, also came together to join in the fun.

“Nui Nui, not afraid of needles anymore?”

Zhuang Rui smiled and picked up the little one, he didn’t need to use a silver needle to input aura to the inamorata, because every day at noon when the little one was sleeping, Zhuang Rui could help her comb her body.

With so many people in the yard, I’m afraid that besides the white lion guys, it’s the inamorata that’s been conditioned by the aura the most times.

“No …… afraid, Nui Nui is afraid of needles.”

Looking at the silver needle in Zhuang Rui’s hand, the little guy still flinched, childish appearance, attracted a laughter in the courtyard.

Zhuang Rui held back his laughter and said, “Give it to mom first!”

Ouyang Wan also stretched out her wrist when she heard this, but when that trace of aura seeped into her skin, she asked in surprise, “Huh, Xiao Rui, this is almost the same feeling as the last time I hurt my back when you rubbed me with that medicine, ah?”

“That’s for sure, your son is a divine doctor! This medical skill is naturally more magical than the Tibetan medicine given by the living Buddha.”

Zhuang Rui put on a very stinky look, Ouyang Wan didn’t think too much about it, she also thought that this cool feeling was brought by the silver needle, no one has such a rich imagination to guess that it was Zhuang Rui who gave the silver needle aura.

“It’s so comfortable!”

“Yeah! Brother Zhuang, a needle every day ah!”

“Xiao Rui, I feel that my shoulders are much more comfortable after you gave me this needle!”

When Zhuang Rui gave everyone in the yard a needle, mother-in-law rubbed her shoulder with her hand with an unbelievable expression, Fang Yi had frozen shoulder for many years, every fall and winter she would feel sore, she didn’t expect that after a needle just now, she didn’t feel much pain.

“Oh, mom, you that is a psychological effect, which is so magical ah!”

Zhuang Rui cheerfully replied, this is not a hairy son-in-law can not drill mother-in-law’s room, Zhuang Rui a long time ago to Fang Yi’s disease.

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