Chapter 0804 – Acupuncture (III)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:34:55
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“No, absolutely not, chief, we have to be responsible for your health, if you feel uncomfortable anywhere and want to have acupuncture, it would be no problem for me to stick a few needles for you.”

Dr. Dou, who had rushed to the scene, vetoed Zhuang Rui’s idea in one breath, these elderly people who were in their twilight years were the most valuable assets of the Republic, and could not afford a little bit of carelessness.

These chiefs, usually is a little cold and flu disease, that have to be reported to the upper layers, how can Dr. Dou let Zhuang Rui this a little no acupuncture foundation of people, rashly go to the old man needle it?

If Dr. Dao really agreed, it is estimated that the next day will be isolated for examination, maybe it will be given a hat of a dangerous molecule lurking around the chief!

“Dr. Dou, it’s not a big deal to let Xiao Rui give his grandfather a needle, right? It’s just a zap on the hand.”

Ouyang Wan, who had seen her son’s magic, opened her mouth to interject, coming to Beijing for more than a year, she and these doctors who cared for her parents were already very familiar with each other.

“Alas, I say Ouyang big sister, every acupuncture point on this person’s body, are closely related, and can not just stick needles, in case something goes wrong with the head of the head, this responsibility who can not afford ah!”

When Dr. Dou heard Ouyang Wan’s words, he sighed, he did not expect that Ouyang Wan, who has always been reasonable, would actually help Zhuang Rui to speak.

In Dr. Dou’s opinion, this is just Zhuang Rui’s way of showing off to Grandpa after learning a little bit from school, probably just wanting to curry favor with the old man and be more favored in the family.

To be honest, Dr. Dou on Zhuang Rui really a little eye, with this way to please the old man, you do the younger generation can not cherish the old man’s body, but these doctors, can not dare to take the old man’s body jokes, this is their duty.

However, Dr. Dao does not know is that Zhuang Rui this ten thousand family fortune, but did not rely on the Ouyang family one point of power, all are earned, and is in just two years.

To say light, I’m afraid that the Ouyang family stained the light of Zhuang Rui, if not last year Zhuang Rui to cure the old man’s disease, I’m afraid that Ouyang Zhenshan can not be successful on the throne, Ouyang family may not have the current scenery.

“It should be fine! Xiao Rui has given us all needles and it feels very comfortable!”

Ouyang Wan didn’t know Chinese acupuncture, but she had personally tried the effect of Zhuang Rui’s acupuncture, even if she couldn’t relieve her old father of his illness, it wouldn’t do any harm.

When Ouyang Wan and Dr. Dou were talking, Zhuang Rui had been silent, and it would be counterproductive for him to intervene in this matter.

If Dr. Dou can be persuaded, that is the best, if it is really not possible, at most, in the future, he often come to live in Mount Yuquan for a few days, taking advantage of the old people’s lunch break in the middle of the day, but also to help them freshen up their bodies.

“No, we have to be responsible for the chief’s safety and health, even if I agree, the group of experts won’t agree.”

Dr. Dao shook his head repeatedly, these people of his own are already busy enough throughout the day, I didn’t think that these family members who are family members would come to add to the chaos, which made the dutiful Dr. Dao’s heart depressed.

“Old grandma is afraid of pain, Nui Nui is not even afraid, old grandma shy.”

When Ouyang Wan and Dr. Dou were negotiating, the little nui nui came over and actually had the audacity to use her finger to draw on her face, shying away from old master Ouyang.

“Put …… bullshit, how can I be afraid of pain, little girl piece, then say beat your ass.”

As the saying goes, children’s words are reckless, what the little girl said, is exactly what she thought in her heart, this is to let the self-proclaimed rigidity of a lifetime of the old man can not stand.

“Xiao Dou, it’s okay, a needle and can not die, when Tiger Xu participated in the death squad, received a gunshot to the head, hard to give themselves to pick out the warhead, is it that I’m not as good as him?”

In fact, Ouyang old man is really not as good as that tiger Xu, that is the beginning of the founding of the country in the generals of the number of figures, young in Shaolin Temple, young people to participate in the revolution, the nature of the fire, has been to do when the division commander, actually still holding a big knife to form a death squad, is a legend in the army.

Although the same founding general, Ouyang Gang in the war achievements is not inferior to that, but in the folklore has been reputation, he is going to be a little bit worse, this is also the old man has always been nagging at the reason, as soon as things come up, like to take Tiger Xu out of the comparison.

“Chief, you are asking me to make a mistake!”

Dr. Dao couldn’t help but smile bitterly after hearing the old master’s words, he had been working here for more than ten years, and was very familiar with the character of these old men, each one of them was decisive and unswerving, the chief’s few opened their mouths, and he must have been unable to stop them.

“What mistake was made? My grandson is treating me, what is that called making a mistake?”

Ouyang Gang glared up, then looked at the little girl on the side and said, “Girl, I’m not afraid of it, I’m not afraid of a big knife slice on my neck, it’s not just a bowl-sized scar?”

Come on, this old child and the real child to compete, listen to a yard of people can not help but laugh, even to the old grandpa fear like a tiger Ouyang Jun, are hiding in the corner snickering up.

“Old grandpa is awesome, old grandpa is awesome.”

The little girl crossed her thumbs, those who didn’t know thought that Nui Nui was childish, only Zhuang Rui understood in his heart, this is all about himself using a box of chocolate flavored Haagen Dazs, and this little girl made a deal.

“That is of course, think of when your old grandpa I ……”

The old grandpa had heard a lot of good words in his life, but felt that none of them were as comforting as this sentence complimented by his own heavy granddaughter, and couldn’t help but start his memoirs again.

“But, Old Grandmaster, you haven’t tied the needle yet! Still not as good as Nui Nui.”

Zhuang Rui was afraid that the old grandpa wouldn’t be able to collect his strength and start another two hours of reminiscing, he quickly gave a wink to Nui Nui, and the little girl immediately opened her mouth to block the old grandpa’s words.

“Uh, zap, that kid, quickly that needle to zap, how big a thing!”

The old man was said by the little girl face some can not hang on, even to Zhuang Rui beckoned, this is Zhuang Rui to take a knife in his body to dig a piece of meat, it is estimated that the old man can grit his teeth and bear it down, by a little girl piece of contempt, that who can stand ah?

Zhuang Rui did not answer, but looked at Dr. Dou.

“What are you looking at Little Dou for! Hurry up!”

The old man saw that Zhuang Rui did not say anything, and immediately became anxious, the expression was like a child who spoke and no one believed, eager to prove the general, making Dr. Dou also laugh and cry.

“Ahem, let’s put it this way! Xiao Zhuang, what acupoints are you going to zap? Zap it for me first, I’ll feel fine and then zap it for the headmaster, okay?”

Dr. Dou knew that when the old man’s temper came up, it was useless for anyone to speak, so he simply tried the needle himself first, in case Zhuang Rui’s level stunk and he made himself bleed, then I’m afraid that Zhuang Rui would be too embarrassed to go and give the old man a needle again.

This will be the expert group of people, almost all came to Ouyang Gang’s small courtyard, a doctor wearing glasses, grabbed the first to say: “Dr. Dou, or I’ll do it! I’ve specialized in acupuncture with Tutor Zhou.”

Zhuang Rui did not expect that there are still students of Dean Zhou here, but looking at these people, I’m afraid that they all thought that they were here to clamor for attention, so Zhuang Rui also did not say anything, waiting for them to discuss the matter, their own needles are just, the facts speak louder than words.

“No, I’ll do it.”

Dr. Dou waved his hand, to put it bluntly, acupuncture is to activate the blood circulation, by stimulating the acupuncture points, to treat the corresponding diseases, even if the level is not good, at most, the most is to zap the blood, as long as it does not zap the vital points of the human body, generally will not have any big problems.

Just the head of the age is really too big, can not withstand the toss, Dr. Dou this is not agreed Zhuang Rui zapping the needle, he suffered a few needles, Dr. Dou does not care.

“Xiao Zhuang, come on! Is it the acupuncture points on the back, or the legs?”

Dr. Dou took off his white coat as he spoke, he didn’t think that Zhuang Rui would dare to zap needles on the head and face and other important points after listening to a few acupuncture lessons.

“Dr. Dou, I just learned one needle, it’s the one that zaps the Yanggu point, this point can stimulate people’s nerves, functions to brighten the eyes and calm the mind, my grandpa often has tinnitus, so maybe it’s a little bit effective!”

Zhuang Rui’s words, so that Dr. Dou froze for a moment, this young man said it is the same thing, medical theory is quite fluent, it seems to have made some effort.

And Zhuang Rui said that he wanted to treat deafness and tinnitus for the old man, no matter how his acupuncture skills, it is a filial piety of the younger generation, not like the storage of claptrap mind.

Thinking of this, Dr. Dou’s face eased, walked to the courtyard in the middle of the stone chairs and sat down, pulling open the clothes on the wrist, said: “OK, then the Yanggu point, Xiao Zhuang, come on!”

Seeing Zhuang Rui really want to zap the needle, the people gathered around the stone table, the old lady who was originally teasing her little heavy grandson all gathered around.

However, the old lady did not have much confidence in her grandson, looking at the silver needles in Zhuang Rui’s acupuncture bag, she said, “Good grandson, don’t stick them all in! This needle is not short.”

The old lady’s words, so that the steady sitting in the chair of Dr. Dou, could not help but shiver, this is not, more than ten centimeters long silver needle, are tied in, that is not the wrist to be tied through off ah?

Stealing a look at Zhuang Rui, Dr. Dao is also a little afraid, what to do these days, not afraid of you do not understand, the most afraid of is the kind of bottle of vinegar dissatisfaction, half a bottle of vinegar wobbly people.

“Grandma, how can it be, the most zapped in about a centimeter, you also too underestimate me!”

Zhuang Rui smiled and opened the acupuncture bag, took a plum blossom needle, and then used himself to bring an alcohol stove only the size of a toothpick box, burned the needle, and then wiped it clean with a gauze with added medical alcohol, and only then aimed at the Yanggu point on Dr. Dou’s wrist, and began to lay the needle.

Not to mention, Zhuang Rui this set of actions, so that Dr. Dou’s face was a little white, and then returned to the red, no matter how Zhuang Rui technology, this acupuncture before the sterilization measures, do is absolutely impeccable.

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