Chapter 0808 Splash of riches

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:35:05
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Yuquan Mountain’s two old masters after Zhuang Rui’s acupuncture conditioning, the body have obvious improvement, but the two are deep and simple, no one outside knows, and even these two even their own health care practitioner, are intentionally or unintentionally hidden down.

With the advent of winter, Zhuang Rui courtyard in the old acacia tree, became bare, but Zhuang Rui spent a lot of money transplanted over some hardy tree species, is still lush, courtyard does not seem depressed.

White lion and snow mastiff, recently quite sneaky, often in the garden of the wigwam side to see the figure of the two guys, make some children prohibited action.

December, is the female mastiff rutting season, next year whether there can be a small snow mastiff birth, are in this month.

Zhuang Rui also attaches great importance to this, afraid of sister-in-law Li they can not buy fresh mutton, especially explained Peng Fei, every two days, go to the west cargo yard to buy a live sheep, to ensure that the white lion two can eat the freshest food every day.

Golden feather that little guy, I do not know if it is not nourished by Zhuang Rui aura effect, which was born only six or seven months of time, the body type has been directly after the two adult golden eagles, standing on the ground, the height of more than a meter, which makes the small golden feather quite unaccustomed to, because it can no longer stand up to Zhuang Rui’s shoulder to go.

Compared to the golden eagle’s life span of eighty to ninety years, the little golden feather is really a baby now, so although its head is not small, there is no need for Zhuang Rui to worry about the matter of finding a partner for it, and this matter should be talked about at least four to five years later.

“Zhuang Rui, January’s Myanmar public market, you really do not go?”

The old man’s body see good, Song Jun also free down, nothing to turn to Zhuang Rui’s courtyard drink a little wine, he and Ouyang Jun and others are known since childhood, in Zhuang Rui here is no sense of constraint.

Seeing that the Myanmar public market is about to start again, Song Jun often come to find Zhuang Rui in the past few days, trying to persuade him to go to Myanmar for another round, he would like to experience the feeling of betting up again.

Sitting in the courtyard and Fatty Ma, this buddy recently came to Beijing to talk about business, live in Zhuang Rui courtyard not far from a hotel, walk a few minutes to Zhuang Rui’s home, just now and Song Jun together in Zhuang Rui here to rub a lunch.

“Don’t go, don’t see my daughter-in-law that belly ah! The beginning of February will almost be born, where can I go ah!”

Zhuang Rui shook his head, it is now the end of December, there are two months time, their own pair of children will be born, Zhuang Rui now in addition to the daily classes, is at home to guard his wife, and even a few of Beijing’s industry can not care about the management, where will also be running with Song Jun to Burma?

Words back again, Zhuang Rui now want jade, simply do not need to pass the public disk, Hu Rong in Mandela and Yunnan border, opened a smuggling channel, so far has been sent to the domestic several times the original stone.

These raw stones smuggled from Burma, not only enough to support the consumption of Qin Ruilin jade jewelry, even the Hong Kong Qin’s is also benefited greatly from Zhuang Rui here to buy a lot of good material at a low price, more cost-effective than participating in the public market.

This also makes Zhuang Rui did not move his last shot of the original stone, including that piece of superb yellow jadeite, including more than a dozen pieces of original stone, are now hidden in the basement of Zhuang Rui, it can be said that these stones out of any piece, can cause the industry to scramble.

With the increasing scarcity of jadeite resources in Myanmar, more than a year, the international jadeite market prices are still rising, especially high-end jadeite, is simply the market without price, only in the auction house, can occasionally see.

The capital Qin Ruilin inside those medium and high-grade jadeite jewelry, has become the first choice of jadeite collection enthusiasts, in the capital’s share of sales is expanding, even the old Chow Tai Fook jewelry, can not be compared with it.

“You kid do not go, the old horse and busy with investment things, I’m not going alone.”

Song Jun is aware of how much weight he has, although the last time in Burma public market made a fortune, but that is all dipped in the light of Zhuang Rui, if he let himself choose the raw stone, I’m afraid that the loss can only wear a pair of pants back to the country.

The good thing is that Song Jun betting on stones, just for the sake of a stimulus, he is not short of these two money, as the old man’s health improves, like him this kind of official down, naturally, the benefits are many.

“Forget about gambling on stones! That thing is okay to play occasionally, it’s going to be a problem if you get addicted.” Fatty Ma said with a smile, Zhuang Rui hadn’t seen him for a few months, this dude was huge again, sitting there like a meat mountain.

Fatty Ma since and Song Jun befriending, but also took advantage of a lot of cheap, the family soared, in last year’s national coal resource consolidation, a lot of small coal kilns were shut down and rectified, but he took the opportunity to merge a lot of coal enterprises, business is also bigger and bigger.

Recently, Fatty Ma and foreign countries to talk about a cooperation project, involving funds as high as more than 30 billion U.S. dollars, more than 20 billion yuan, and even the Ministry of National Resources have been alarmed.

Because Fatty Ma is to invest in a uranium mine in South Africa, this thing belongs to the national strategic reserve ore, so it is highly valued, this nearly a month’s time, Fatty Ma are in Beijing busy with this matter.

“I also just play around, not so addicted, but you’re the fat man, less scourge a few yellow flowers girl ah!”

After Song Jun heard Fatty Ma’s words, he disdainfully skimmed his mouth, turned his face to Zhuang Rui, and said, “By the way, old Ma’s business, are you interested? This business is definitely a sure thing.”

Fatty Ma this business, is Song Jun to its bridge pulling the line, otherwise like foreign uranium investment, where is the turn of Fatty Ma? More people are scrambling for it!

But Fatty Ma took over this business, is a blessing or a curse is still hard to say, because although the uranium content in the earth’s crust is very high, much more than mercury, bismuth, silver, but due to the difficulty of extracting uranium, the average of each ton of crustal material, can only be extracted about containing 2.5 grams of uranium.

And uranium ore is a dangerous mineral with radioactivity, if you want to mine it, the initial investment is very large.

In this way, even if Fatty Ma has a few billion on hand, is not enough, if not the government and the Song family in the private injection of funds, Fatty Ma simply can not eat this business.

But even if the government intervenes, Fatty Ma’s funding gap is also very large, he knows Zhuang Rui hand inside a few free money, so this is pulling Song Jun to do the lobbyist to come.

Just Fatty Ma does not know, even if he does not find Song Jun, Song Jun will also talk to Zhuang Rui about this matter, because the old man in the family sent a message, this business let Zhuang Rui participate in a share, although Song Jun does not understand the old man’s meaning, but also do not dare to disobey the grandfather’s words.

“Brother Ma, how much money do you need for that business?”

Zhuang Rui recently had quite a bit of free money on hand, because most of the houses developed by Ouyang Jun had been sold, and the dividends Zhuang Rui took according to the shares were as much as 1.2 billion.

In addition, this year’s Myanmar jadeite mine’s two dividends also have more than six hundred million yuan, plus Xinjiang jade mine side, also to Zhuang Rui over a more than two hundred million dividend money.

Even if you don’t count Qin Ruilin and the museum and Pengcheng’s industry profit, seven or eight count down, Zhuang Rui now actually have more than two billion yuan in the hand, and all can be withdrawn at any time of cash.

Don’t look at those rich people on the Forbes list, often is billions of dollars of wealth, but really want them to immediately take out two billion cash, I’m afraid that none of them can come out.

When the Hong Kong Island’s super-rich man with a fortune of 10 billion dollars, in order to save his son, he had to work hard to gather one billion in cash, so Zhuang Rui is now absolutely called the top of the country’s invisible tycoon.

Zhuang Rui also did not think about how to spend the money, listening to Fatty Ma said, but a little bit of intention, money in the hands of the dead, only to invest out, in order to create benefits.

However, Zhuang Rui is relatively new to the field of rare minerals, and do not dare to hastily agree, but first asked the situation.

Fatty Ma heard Zhuang Rui’s words, smiled bitterly, said: “Originally thought only need ten billion yuan will be enough, but the experts went to South Africa after the inspection, that deposit contains uranium is very high, it is estimated that it can be ranked in the world’s top five, so the investment has to be additional, probably need between twenty to thirty billion yuan.”

Zhuang Rui heard a breath of cold air, originally thought that the money in their hands, has been quite a lot, did not think that even one-tenth of the investment in this project are not up to, it seems that they are still too “poor” ah!

Song Jun saw Zhuang Rui hesitated up, then said: “brother, this opportunity is very rare, many people want to invest in this business, I did not agree, others do not say, you give Ouyang Jun make a phone call to see what the boy means?”

Song Jun’s words in fact, the status of his own raised a lot, this business is not at all he can decide the distribution of shares, involving a lot of interest entanglements, only the old man at home to send a word to work.

Originally this kind of thing involves politics, and the business of the Song family, most of them are in the resources, want to do this business, can not bypass the support of the Song family, to put it bluntly, Fatty Ma is just the country and the Song family launched an agent.

Of course, this agent is not anyone can do, because as long as the uranium mine can be successfully put into production, that is a fortune, otherwise Fatty Ma can all his coal mining industry, are mortgaged to the bank, loan out five billion dollars?

Zhuang Rui bowed his head and pondered for a while, and said, “Brother Song, Brother Ma, this is something I have to think about, I’ll give you an answer in a couple days!”

Billions of investment, Zhuang Rui can not dare to act rashly, Xinjiang’s jade mine has been developed to the end of the future output will be very little, and the real estate project has also ended, no longer gain, in addition to the Myanmar jadeite mine, Zhuang Rui in the future will not have a large sum of money into the account.

So Zhuang Rui would like to carefully consider, and then decide whether to invest in this business.

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