Chapter 0815 – Diamond Trade (III)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:35:24
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The few diamonds that Zhuang Rui pointed out, the lowest starting price was above half a million dollars, among them, there was the pink diamond worth 15 million dollars and the diamond weighing forty-eight carats.

William in his heart estimated the price, Zhuang Rui want to see the diamond, almost in more than fifty million dollars.

In fact, Zhuang Rui on that 15 million dollars of pink diamond interest is not very big, because such diamonds, the final bidding, will certainly be in the 30 million dollars above.

Zhuang Rui’s hands now only left a total of more than 40 million euros, converted into dollars, it is about 50-60 million dollars, if you buy this pink diamond, then there is no money to purchase other high-quality diamonds.

But since he came to South Africa, Zhuang Rui naturally wants to see the extremely rare diamond raw stone that is still unprocessed.

“Okay, Mr. Zhuang, please wait a moment, I’ll bring these diamonds for you right away.”

William wrote down the numbers of the more than forty loose diamonds above five carats that Zhuang Rui had selected, as well as the six or seven extremely rare diamonds, and then hurriedly walked out of the office to prepare the diamonds for Zhuang Rui to inspect.

But Zhuang Rui’s wait was not short, after more than twenty minutes, William walked into the office with an apologetic face and said, “Mr. Zhuang, I’m really sorry, due to the fact that you didn’t make an appointment beforehand, these diamonds are all being inspected by someone right now, so they need to wait a little longer.”

According to the rules of the exchange, they would go about arranging each person’s time to see the goods based on the application submitted by the person who owns the license, Zhuang Rui stepped in and naturally disrupted their arrangements, so it’s only normal for this situation to occur.

“It’s fine, Mr. William, please just arrange it as soon as possible.”

Zhuang Rui knew the rules and waved his hand to show that he didn’t care, as the world’s largest diamond trading place and an annual diamond fair, there were certainly less people looking at the goods.

“Definitely, definitely.”

After William went out with a promise, Zhuang Rui waited for more than half an hour, in addition to a white girl with freckles on her face came in and poured him a glass of water, but William never appeared again.

Zhuang Rui waited for some anxiety, stood up and opened the door of the office, ready to go to ask the next time, just to see William hand carrying a four-square metal box, and two black people and a yellow-skinned Arabs, side by side from another room came out.

Behind them, there were two white men with submachine guns in their hands, compared to the exchange’s security personnel.

The one walking at the front was an Arab, around his early thirties, with very short hair and wearing a flowery outfit, which was a big contrast to the diamond exchange where they were all dressed in suits.

A black man behind the Arab youth, while walking out, while pointing at William, an unhappy look, and William’s attitude makes Zhuang Rui feel very strange, actually is a continuous nod, mouth is more has been saying sorry.

To know, in South Africa this country, although it is the black people ruling, but the black people’s status is still very low, the whole country’s economy as well as energy arteries, are in the hands of the white people, it can also be said that the whole of South Africa, are working for the Western countries.

White people in South Africa, has a lot of privileges, which are left over from the colonial era, although Mandela ruled after the abolition of most of the white privileges, but the white people’s status in South Africa is still very high, and always look at the black people with nostrils.

William was so respectful to a black youth, and this black man should only be that Arab young man’s valet, can’t help but let Zhuang Rui look at that Arab a few more times.

After sending a few people to the door of the exchange, William wiped the sweat from his forehead before he turned toward Zhuang Rui with his suitcase.

However, that Arab did not walk out of the exchange, and when he saw William walking towards Zhuang Rui, he suddenly grinned at Zhuang Rui, revealing his snow white teeth.

Zhuang Rui didn’t recognize this person, but he still politely returned a smile, only what made him angry was that the Arab, after laughing, suddenly raised his right hand, thumb and forefinger open, in the shape of a pistol, pointing at his temple, making a shooting gesture.

“Paralyzed, sick?”

Zhuang Rui saw this person’s action, first froze for a moment, followed by anger, look at this person’s move, and the kind of unkindness that comes out of his eyes, is not joking with himself.


Arabs are rich, but they can’t make such insulting gestures to themselves! Zhuang Rui opened his mouth wide and cursed out an English sentence with the shape of his mouth, then crossed his palm and scratched between his throat.

Although Zhuang Rui didn’t want to cause trouble, he wasn’t afraid of trouble either, the big deal was that he wouldn’t participate in this trade fair, and patted his ass and went back to his country, he didn’t believe that this person could do anything to himself?

After seeing Zhuang Rui’s action, the Arab obviously froze for a moment, and then his face revealed a color of anger, rushed at Zhuang Rui cocked his thumb, and then slightly sideways head, said a few words to the black man beside him.

“Zhuang …… Oh my God, Mr. Zhuang, please come in, come in quickly.”

William but facing Zhuang Rui came over, at first when he saw Zhuang Rui make this action, he was still a little puzzled, but as he turned around and saw the Arab youth, his face immediately showed a look of panic, a pull Zhuang Rui, pushed toward the room.

Two gun-wielding security guards also followed into the room, their duty was to ensure the safety of the customer’s goods during the inspection, turning a blind eye to the silent clash just now.

“Oh my god! Mr. Zhuang, how did you offend that man?”

After entering the room, William’s face was still a bit ugly and said, “Zhuang, you have to be careful, that man is a villain, he will definitely go after you.”

“Mr. William, he was the one who provoked me first, he just made a shooting motion at me.”

To be honest, Zhuang Rui was also depressed, who did dude provoke? That guy made a threatening move towards himself for no reason, is it possible that he had to lie down on the ground to cooperate with him?

But can William scared into this look, it seems that the Arab seems to be not small.

William sighed and said, “Ugh, you shouldn’t have come out of the room, that way he wouldn’t have known who was going to look at the goods, Zhuang, you’re too ignorant of the diamond exchange.”

The reason why diamond exchanges held separate auctions and didn’t allow traders to meet each other was to ensure the privacy of their clients to the greatest extent possible.

To know, diamond trading can easily reach hundreds of millions of dollars, and is missed by many crime syndicates, once it leaks out, I’m afraid that just staying in the police station may not be seen as safe.

“William, tell me who that person is?”

William said all of this Zhuang Rui knows, but he is not a god, knowing that as soon as he went out, he came across William and the guest walking out from the other room ah? What Zhuang Rui was concerned about right now was that Arab who harbored ill will towards him, just who was he?

“He is the general of Libya.” William said.

“General, so young?”

Zhuang Rui couldn’t help but be a little curious when he saw that the man was only in his early thirties and was actually a general.

“Goodness, he’s Gaddafi’s son!”

William was unhappy with Zhuang Rui interrupting him and continued, “Do you know who Gaddafi is? Do you know what kind of power that man has in Africa and the Arab world? Young man, you shouldn’t have provoked him.”

Hearing the name Gaddafi, Zhuang Rui’s face finally changed, although he didn’t ask about politics, he happened to have read a book written by the famous reporter Donald Duck, which was a documentary of some interviews with Gaddafi.

Gaddafi is a controversial figure, the world’s evaluation of him is mixed. In the eyes of some people, he is a “savior”, “national hero”, “leader of the revolution”, while in the eyes of others, he is a “madman”, “madman”, “madman”, “madman”, “madman”, “madman”, “madman”, “madman”, “madman”, “madman”, “madman” and so on. In the eyes of others, he is a “madman”, a “lunatic”, and a “supporter of terrorism”.

But both his supporters and opponents have to recognize the fact that Gaddafi led this country of about six million people out of poverty, and in 1981, Libya’s per capita national income reached 11,000 U.S. dollars, becoming the richest country in Africa.

Even after years of Western economic sanctions, Libya is one of the richest places to live in Africa, with its citizens enjoying compulsory education and a comprehensive health care system.

Gaddafi came to power through a coup d’état, and immediately after coming to power, he drove out the Western forces in the country and carried out a revolution. It can be said that in Libya, Gaddafi is the only God, and is respected by many small African countries.

Such a person who has been hated by Britain, the United States and other Western countries for decades, actually live a tasty life, can not help but admire his strength, but Zhuang Rui in Africa to mess with his son, that is not a pleasant thing.

Gaddafi’s 7 sons and 1 daughter, involved in domestic oil, gas, hotels, media, circulation, communications, social infrastructure and many other industries.

Libya’s proven oil reserves of about 43 billion barrels, natural gas proven reserves of 1.48 trillion cubic meters, just by the export of oil and gas, Qaddafi’s children made a fortune.

Every year, tens of billions of dollars flowed into the pockets of Gaddafi’s children, it is speculated that Libya’s capital invested overseas is also attributed to them, the size of about 70 billion U.S. dollars, Gaddafi’s children overseas also purchased a large number of properties.

Zhuang Rui met this person, is Gaddafi’s youngest son Muta, this guy character anxious brutality, relying on Gaddafi’s power, in Libya’s domestic no evil, was accused of beating the entourage during the Swiss, and by the Swiss police “retained” and the year Saddam’s son Udai all have a spell.

“Zhuang, I suggest you leave here after the bidding opens tomorrow, then Muta won’t be able to do anything to you.”

After giving Zhuang Rui an introduction to Muta’s character, William kindly advised Zhuang Rui, he has been working here for five or six years, and knows the lawlessness of these African countries’ children, even if Muta killed someone in South Africa, he still has diplomatic immunity.

“Thanks, William, I’ll seriously consider your suggestion.”

Paralyzed, this Muta whole is a Libya’s princeling ah? Zhuang Rui’s heart was a little depressed, if he was serious about it, he could also be considered the third generation of domestic officials, right? How come I haven’t enjoyed their treatment?

However, Zhuang Rui is not afraid of that Muta, tomorrow afternoon after the opening of the bid, the evening of their own pat ass to leave, anyway, go back and do not pass through the airspace of Libya, that guy again have the ability, can not be in the airspace over other countries to send out fighter jets to shoot down their own right?

Besides, now from the opening of the bidding is only a day’s time, I’m afraid that Muta has not yet found out where he came from, Zhuang Rui is already on the way home.

“Zhuang, as a friend, I still hope you can pay attention to safety.”

William saw Zhuang Rui somewhat unimpressed and sighed secretly in his heart, but he knew that Muta’s heart was very small and vindictive.

Once there was a western reporter who reported some negative news about Muta in the newspaper, Muta hired a killer to kill that reporter on the street, and this matter once caused a furor in the western countries.

However, since Gaddafi never gave a damn about the West, the matter was finally settled, only that Muta no longer dared to travel to the West, or else he would be accused.

Has been nestled in Africa and Arab countries Muta these years do not know whether it is idle boredom, actually did the diamond business, with the help of strong financial strength and his father’s reputation in Africa, monopolized a lot of countries of the diamonds raw stone.

Of course, South Africa’s domestic forces are intricate and complicated, Muta is not that capable to monopolize the diamond business in South Africa.

“Thank you, let’s just look at the diamonds first!”

Zhuang Rui didn’t want to dwell on this matter any longer, even if he was afraid of him, wouldn’t it be better to leave tomorrow?

After William heard Zhuang Rui’s words, he took out a magnetic key and inserted it into one of the holes of the metal box on the table, while a security guard behind him, also took out a key and inserted it into another keyhole.

After William and the security guard twisted the key at the same time, the metal box buckle nose “pop” sound, the lid of the metal box slightly upward movement.

William moved his body out of the way, turned the front of the metal box towards Zhuang Rui, and said, “Mr. Zhuang, inside here are all the diamonds you need to inspect, but you only have thirty minutes to inspect the goods, because there are still people with appointments downstairs, and that’s the longest time I can arrange.”

“I think thirty minutes should be enough time.”

After Zhuang Rui opened the metal box, he found that inside that metal box was a small lattice that could be folded like a drawer, and as the lid was lifted up, six lattice drawer boxes made of black metal, appeared in front of Zhuang Rui.

Above each layer of the lattice, there was a note labeled with Arabic numerals with the reserve auction price of the diamonds inside this box.

At the top of the box, there is a high magnifying glass and a clip, this is the exchange to provide customers with tools to check diamonds, of course, customers can also bring their own tools.

Zhuang Rui came in a hurry today, did not bring anything, immediately picked up that magnifying glass, pulled open the top of a grid!

“This is the raw diamond?”

Inside the first drawer, there were eighteen rough stones weighing above ten carats, unlike those finished diamonds Zhuang Rui had seen before, these rough stones were also crystal clear, but they didn’t have the same kind of luster that was found on processed diamonds, and they hadn’t been faceted, and the diamonds’ shapes were also extremely irregular.

“Mr. Zhuang, these are all fully flawless D grade diamonds with VVS1 level of purity, I believe they can satisfy you.” William introduced Zhuang Rui from the side.

“Well, let me take a look first.”

Zhuang Rui used a clip to pick up a raw stone that was only the size of a soybean grain, brought it to his eyes, and used a magnifying glass to carefully check it out, from the surface, the raw stone indeed didn’t have any imperfections, and the luster was also very good.

After Zhuang Rui separated out a stream of aura into the diamond, immediately felt a kind of cold breath, he previously used the aura to view the diamond, know that this is the unique breath of the diamond.

Time is tight and the task is heavy, after Zhuang Rui finished looking at the first diamond, he used his aura to sweep through the box he pulled out, carefully distinguishing the strength of the aura contained in these diamonds, and then dialed out twelve of them with a clip, these twelve raw stones are relatively a little bit stronger in terms of aura.

Zhuang Rui pretended to check these twelve raw stones, took out the quotation, filled out his auction bid sealed and handed it over to William, while William took out a small black bag, loaded these diamonds into it and put it back into the box.

In those grids below, the number of diamonds is not so much, only three diamonds in the second layer, the bottom auction price has been more than half a million dollars, while the following layers, are placed in a diamond, the bottom of that box, is placed in that colored diamond.

The weight of this diamond is 78.2 carats, the whole diamond is pink, even if there is no faceted and polished, are to the outside exudes a kind of glittering pink luster, like a layer of halo outside the diamond in general, very beautiful.

Of course, the price of beauty is that the bottom auction price of this pink diamond is as high as 15 million U.S. dollars, Zhuang Rui looked at half a day, and finally shook his head to give up, because the diamonds in the upper layers of the drawer, has allowed Zhuang Rui to consume the funds he brought this time.

In order to win the bid tomorrow and leave this hell, Zhuang Rui’s offer is 30% higher than the market price, if there are no accidents, he should be able to take the diamonds in addition to the pink diamond.

If Zhuang Rui has the patience to wait for another week or two, perhaps he can spend nearly ten million euros less to buy the same diamonds, but after yesterday’s events, and this day again saw the arrogance of the African princelings, Zhuang Rui would rather spend more money, but also want to leave Africa as soon as possible.

“Mr. Zhuang, I hope you can successfully win the bid tomorrow, I still have clients to entertain, so I’ll send you here.”

After Zhuang Rui voted all the bids, William re-locked the box and sent Zhuang Rui to the door of the exchange, according to the regulations, customers who have already voted for the inspection of the goods are not allowed to stay too long in the exchange.

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