Chapter 0820 – Crisis (II)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:35:37
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Only customers with a trading volume of more than one hundred million dollars can get this special password box given by the exchange, and the general public has no place to buy it even if they have money.

This kind of password box and the U.S. President’s hands of the nuclear password box, is a company produced, the performance is extremely outstanding, special light alloy can be in the laser cutting, large yield bomb explosion intact.

The size of the code box is only thirty by fifty centimeters or so, but the cost to be as high as 100,000 U.S. dollars or more, that is, the Diamond Exchange, every year, but only to order 10 or so.

In the code box above the handle, also hung a silver handcuffs, as played on the movie, this handcuffs is handcuffed to the extraction of the code box people’s hands.

Zhuang Rui set up a good fingerprint password, the password box will be opened to verify the password box is divided into two layers, the upper layer of only more than thirty diamonds, these are the weight of more than five carats of the finest diamonds, although unpolished, still exudes an attractive luster.

The lower layer, on the other hand, was a countless number of broken diamonds laid out, more than thirty thousand carats sounded like a huge number, but it was only about six kilograms in weight, placed in this password box, there was still a lot of space left over.

“Mr. Bernard, the money can be transferred.”

Zhuang Rui swept the broken diamonds with his aura, he didn’t have the work to examine them one by one, and after feeling that almost every diamond contained an aura, he closed the password box.

The exchange does not collect checks, after Zhuang Rui transferred 198 million dollars on the transfer card machine, this transaction is considered to be over.

“Mr. Zhuang, I hope to see you again next time.”

Having taken a big order for nothing, Bernard was in a great mood, the commission for this deal was a few tens of thousands of dollars, he really couldn’t figure out why William had let his client to himself.

“I don’t want there to be a next time.”

Zhuang Rui smiled and shook hands with Bernard, who loves to come next time, anyway, killed Zhuang Rui will not come back to South Africa this ghost place.

Pick up the password box weighed, but the weight of eight or nine kilograms, for Zhuang Rui is nothing, in the two armed security guards under the protection of Zhuang Rui out of the exchange.

“Mr. Zhuang, should we wait for the boss to come out?”

After George, who was waiting outside the exchange, saw Zhuang Rui, he waved his hand, and several security guards immediately surrounded Zhuang Rui in the center.

“This …… forget it! Next time, if Mr. Wayne has time, invite him to China as a guest.”

Zhuang Rui thought for a moment and shook his head, now it was already more than five o’clock, rushing to the airport then it is estimated that it is dark, in order to avoid the night is long and dreamy, Zhuang Rui still want to board the airplane earlier.

“That’s good, Mr. Zhuang please get on the car!”

George did not force Zhuang Rui, Zhuang Rui left a little earlier, his task can be completed earlier, provoked Muta that crazy, George also not Zhuang Rui in South Africa more stay.

“Boss, this is loaded with diamonds?”

“Mr. Zhuang, show us!”

“Brother Zhuang, hold it for me!”

After Zhuang Rui carried the box onto the armored car, the eyes of the two women in the car, immediately stared at the combination box without blinking, as if they wanted to go through the metal outside the box and see the diamonds inside.

“Look at it when you get on the airplane!”

Zhuang Rui handed the box to Peng Fei, this dude knows his way around, directly using another handcuff, handcuffed to his left wrist, so that unless someone can take out Peng Fei and cut off his hand, he can snatch this box of diamonds from Peng Fei.

George saw Muta walk out of the exchange from the window and quickly said, “Zhuang, Muta is out, let’s go!”

“Go, go to the airport.”

Zhuang Rui nodded, George immediately used the walkie-talkie to contact the front and rear cars, and each of the front and rear a bullet-proof car sandwiched Zhuang Rui’s armored car, emitting a loud roar, and drove away from the diamond exchange.

“Damn, who bought that pink diamond?”

Muta’s face was filled with a grimace after he walked out from the exchange, the 80+ carat pink diamond that he had his eye on was actually bought away by someone else at a high price.

“It must be that Hong Kong kid.”

Muta saw Zhuang Rui’s fleet left the exchange, no need to think also know that Zhuang Rui is sitting in the car, he hated that this place is Libya, so that he can let Zhuang Rui enjoy a taste of being roasted alive in the car.

In fact, Muta is wronged Zhuang Rui, although Zhuang Rui bought a lot of large carat diamonds, but the pink diamond did not fall in the hands of Zhuang Rui, South Africa diamond trading concentrated in the world’s diamond jewelers, more than Zhuang Rui rich people.

“What I can’t get, no one can get.” Muta sneered, picked up the phone and dialed out.

“Are things done yet?”

Mu Ta’s somewhat grim voice made the person on the other end of the phone, knowing that his master was not in a good mood, hurriedly said, “I’m already at the airport, there are still ten minutes to go, that brat surprisingly didn’t leave a watchman on the plane.”

Muta gritted his teeth and said, “Set the time at eight hours, I want them to be the flyers over the Indian Ocean.”

“No problem, eight hours, I think you will see the report tomorrow.” The person on the other side of the phone heard Muta’s satisfied laugh before hanging up the phone.

Since they were sitting inside an armored vehicle, the arrival time at the airport was an hour later than expected, and the convoy arrived at the airport at eight o’clock in the evening, and Zhuang Rui and the others switched to the Hummer and drove it directly next to the plane.

“Mr. Zhuang, I wish you a safe journey.”

It was only then that a big stone in George’s heart fell to the ground, but he was still a bit puzzled, according to that Muta person’s temperament, how come he should be looking for some trouble, instead of being as calm as he is now?

“Thanks, George, I’m very satisfied with your work.” Zhuang Rui shook George’s hand and turned to walk onto the airplane.

“See ya! Damn South Africa!”

As the airplane began to pick up speed on the runway, Zhuang Rui finally breathed a sigh of relief and shouted, “Tenya, go get a bottle of red wine, to celebrate leaving South Africa, let’s have a toast.”

“Brother Zhuang, it’s better to open this box first and show us!”

“Yeah! Boss, let’s take a look!”

Knowing that what he was carrying in his hand was worth hundreds of millions of dollars, but touching it and not being able to see it made Peng Fei’s heart itch, and the people on the side, such as Tenaya, nodded their heads in succession after hearing Peng Fei’s words.

“Alright! Turn the headlights on, uh, that spotlight is also on, Peng Fei you put the box here.”

Zhuang Rui couldn’t help but smile when he saw the crowd, after directing Peng Fei to put the case, Zhuang Rui matched his fingerprints and opened the password box.


“It’s so beautiful.”

“How good would this be if it was mine!”

With the opening of the box, a burst of exclamation came from the cabin, even the co-pilot, Ding Hao, ran out from the cockpit, his eyes full of mesmerization, as for the two girls, their eyes had long been full of little stars.

“Hey, hey, is it that exaggerated?”

Zhuang Rui some can’t see, these are just diamonds, without any processing and carving, looks like rough glass, which has what they say is so beautiful?

To know, the diamond is to be cut and polished, in order to show its dazzling light, and the reason why the diamond is brilliant, but also because of the reflective principle of the facets, the more facets of a diamond, the more expensive the value.

“Alright, put it away! It’s not yours even if you look at it again.”

Zhuang Rui didn’t forget to hit the crowd in the end, saying, “I wanted to let you guys choose one within the broken diamonds, but the generous Mr. Wayne has already given it to you, so my reward is gone.”

“Brother Zhuang, it’s not fair! They all dug up diamonds, but I didn’t!”

Peng Fei immediately shouted after hearing Zhuang Rui’s words, with an aggrieved look on his face.

“Don’t you have that black diamond? Keep it to show your daughter-in-law at home!” Zhuang Rui couldn’t help but laugh out loud when he saw the tangled look on Peng Fei’s face.

Leaving South Africa, the mood of the crowd was quite good, Tenya and Liuli made a fried steak, except for the driver, everyone drank a little red wine, this day from the morning up has not been idle, after eating, the two stewardesses also find a seat to sit down and rest.

Zhuang Rui also feel very tired, just do not know why, since the plane, he has been feeling a little distracted, according to reason at this time has left South Africa, even if it is Muta also take their own nothing to do.

But Zhuang Rui heart always feel a little wrong, seems to have something bad to happen in general, Zhuang Rui grew up so big, or for the first time have this feeling.

Just now, joking with the crowd was not so obvious, now after being quiet, Zhuang Rui only felt his heart beating especially fast, his heart was restless, he couldn’t help but undo the safety belt and stood up his body.

“Brother Zhuang, what’s wrong?” Peng Fei’s voice came.

“I don’t know, it feels very wrong, ouch!”

While Zhuang Rui was talking, the airplane shook violently, directly dropping Zhuang Rui back onto the sofa.

Zhuang Rui picked up the intercom next to the sofa and asked, “What’s going on?”

“Mr. Zhuang, encountered strong air currents, have to fly lower, it’s fine, don’t worry.”

He Shuang’s words came out from the intercom, and the people in the cabin felt at the same time that the airplane had a downward dive, and the shaking of the fuselage became stronger and stronger.

“Mr. Zhuang, it’s fine, you guys rest!”

After about twenty minutes or so, the airplane finally became stable, and He Shuang’s voice came over.

“No, why do I still feel a little panicky?”

After escaping the strong air currents, Zhuang Rui still felt anxious, his chest seemed to be pressed with a big stone, making him breathless.

“Brother Zhuang, I also feel a bit off, it’s like encountering a minefield in the jungle.”

Peng Fei’s eyes were also filled with suspicion, he used to often wander on the edge of death, and had an extraordinary sense of danger.

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