Chapter 0822 – Crisis (IV)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:35:42
A+ A- Turn Off Light

“Grandpa, this is how things are, don’t worry.”

After Ouyang Lei arranged the rescue work, he immediately drove to Mount Yuquan, such a big thing, he dared to hide it from his little aunt, but he didn’t dare to hide it from the old master.

Although the old master has retired for one or two decades, but his influence in the military is too great, even if Ouyang Lei does not say, there will be others to inform Ouyang Gang, when Ouyang Lei can not avoid a reprimand.

In the end, the old master was killed from the war era, after hearing Ouyang Lei’s words, there was no special surprise, but Ouyang Lei in the old master’s side, but it is true to feel a regal murderous aura.

“Little Lei, no matter what method you use, you must protect your little brother’s safety.”

The old man closed his eyes somewhat tiredly and said, “Inform the South Sea Fleet stationed at the Yulin base to immediately set off and rush to the Indian Ocean, well …… there will be the name of the act to carry out the search work.”

“Grandpa, isn …… this a bit inappropriate? I’ve already contacted the embassies of all the countries that have established diplomatic relations around the Indian Ocean and asked them to send rescue teams.”

The old man’s words made Ouyang Lei shocked, he didn’t expect the old man to overstep his authority and give this order, this was the first time the old man made a directive to the army after he retired.

And this directive is extraordinary, we must know, there are three domestic fleets, the South Sea Fleet guardian of the entire southern sea border of China, Yulin base, the South Sea Fleet is the only military base, the status of the position of the pivotal.

It can be said that every move of the South Sea Fleet, are subject to the attention of the world’s countries, the old man’s this order, will make many countries suspicious, and the continent separated by a body of water that place, I’m afraid it is even more to be a chicken and dog jumping.

“What’s inappropriate? Developing the economy, also can’t forget the founding of the country, go out and turn around, there is no harm.”

The old man knew Ouyang Lei’s concern, then said, “If Xiao Rui can’t find back, this old man of mine doesn’t have much time to live.”

“Grandpa, you mustn’t worry, I will definitely get Xiaodi back.”

Ouyang Lei thought that the old man was worried about Zhuang Rui and said these words, but he didn’t know that what the old man was referring to in his words was not what he meant.

This period of time Zhuang Rui’s acupuncture treatment had made the old man’s condition a lot better, if he didn’t get Zhuang Rui’s treatment for a long time, Ouyang Gang knew that he couldn’t support these old men for much time.

“Go! Communicate this matter with Zhenshan, remember, don’t tell your little aunt.”

The old man waved his hand to indicate that Ouyang Lei could leave, who did not know what the old man with closed eyes was thinking about, only the nurse who came in later, saw the corner of the old man’s eye, leaving a drop of muddy tears.

“Hurry up, Peng Fei, distribute the food.”

The cabin flying over the Indian Ocean was now a busy scene, the two flight attendants took the food from the airplane as well as the mineral water, and filled it up in the middle of the cabin.

Peng Fei and Zhuang Rui and others, on the other hand, were stuffing things inside the pockets of the life jackets placed in the cabin, these objects in the coming period of time, but to come in handy.

The night rescue would not go well, and they might have to drift in the sea for a few days, so Zhuang Rui asked them to pack as much food and fresh water as possible.

Otherwise, if the fresh water is interrupted in the sea, the pain of facing the boundless sea water and not being able to drink at that time is definitely greater than the despair in the desert when the water is exhausted.

“Mr. Zhuang, this is a fluorescent stick, it can give off a strong glow at night, everyone take one each.”

He Shuang was holding a handful of glow sticks that were around forty centimeters long and short, and was distributing them to the crowd, as a veteran pilot who had flown fighter jets for more than twenty years, He Shuang had a lot of experience.

Zhuang Rui’s plane was very well equipped, there was even an inflatable raft for six people and an electric inflator with a battery.

The inflatable raft was enough for a few of them to ride on, and with this equipment, as long as they didn’t have any problems during the parachute jump, they should be able to support themselves until the rescue team arrived.

“Brother Zhuang, this is for you.”

Peng Fei handed Zhuang Rui the satellite phone in his hand that was packed up in a plastic bag, as long as he held this phone, even if he was separated in the sea, he could search for Zhuang Rui’s location based on the satellite signal in the sky.

Zhuang Rui configured a total of two satellite phones, at the moment the other one was in the hands of the deputy captain Ding Hao.

“Ding Hao, give the phone to Tenaya and the girls!”

Zhuang Rui thought for a moment, and handed the satellite phone in his hand to Liuli, he was at least a man, and no matter what, he also had an aura to protect his body, how could he support himself in the sea for a longer period of time than the two women, right?

Ding Hao glanced at Zhuang Rui and silently handed the phone to Liuli, Zhuang Rui nodded, although Ding Hao had just raised a different opinion and did not act calm enough, but his action of handing over the phone without saying a word was not bad for a man.

Seeing that everyone had begun to put on their life jackets, Zhuang Rui said, ”When everyone jumps, turn on the glow sticks and pay attention to where others are jumping. Lao He, you go and operate it, after the airplane is lowered to a suitable altitude for parachuting, then set it to autopilot. Peng Fei, you’ll be the first to jump later, the rubber raft will be handed over to you, after you go down, immediately use the electric inflator to inflate the rubber raft and pick up the parachutists below.”

Zhuang Rui arranged it methodically, seeing the boss’s calm appearance, the crowd’s emotions were also a bit infected, the two stewardesses were still pale, but when they were putting on their life jackets, their two hands were no longer shaking like they were just now.

“Don’t be afraid, if you don’t die this time, we’ll change to a bigger airplane in the future, as long as you’re still willing to continue to serve me, the salary will be tripled.”

After He Shuang left, Zhuang Rui clapped his hands and attracted everyone’s attention to himself, as the saying goes, people die for money, birds die for food, Zhuang Rui’s words made Ding Hao’s eyes light up.

Now their treatment is already not low, if they can triple it, that’s 200,000 to 300,000 RMB a month, in which case, they can retire after two years of work.

Ding Hao continued with Zhuang Rui’s words, “Mr. Zhuang, we’ll be fine, wait for my second jump.”

Everyone on the plane, including Zhuang Rui, was experienced in high altitude skydiving, and if it wasn’t over the ocean, the danger wasn’t very great, but seeing that Zhuang Rui had just contacted the domestic rescue, the crowd’s fearfulness calmed down a lot.

“Let Liuli and Tenya be in the second and third place, we can also see where they landed from the airplane.”

Zhuang Rui shook his head and vetoed Ding Hao’s suggestion, this time, the crew could be considered completely unmitigated, especially since the two girls had only just gotten married, if anything went wrong with them, Zhuang Rui would not have peace of mind for the rest of his life.

“Mr. Zhuang, the autopilot is set, wait and lower it a bit more, then you can jump, I’ve altered the route, this plane will keep circling over this sea until the fuel burns out.”

After about five or six minutes of time, He Shuang got out of the cockpit and looked back somewhat reluctantly, after all, he was the captain of this airplane.

“Running out of fuel? I’m afraid that you won’t have to wait much longer before you can see what happened when the plane exploded.”

Zhuang Rui shook his head, hating his teeth, just because of a provocative action, Muta was going to put himself to death, Zhuang Rui swore that if he could survive, he would definitely take Muta’s little life, even if he took out a few hundred million dollars to hire a killer, Zhuang Rui also admitted it.

But the next time you buy a private airplane, make sure to have two security guards, after the crew leaves the plane.

“Old He, hurry up and put the parachute on your back, everyone check their equipment to see if there is anything left behind, does everyone have any questions?”

Zhuang Rui threw a parachute bag to He Shuang, Peng Fei helped He Shuang to carry it on his back, the parachute jump was about to take place, Zhuang Rui was also a little bit nervous, he didn’t notice that he slightly brought a little bit of trembling when he was speaking.

“No problem.”

“I also have no problem.”

“Mr. Zhuang …… Zhuang, I am a little nervous.” Tenya blushed a little.

“I’m also nervous, but a moment in accordance with the steps of the training can be, eyes closed to jump down, count to five seconds when pulling the parachute on the line, remember, the phone do not lose, the rescue team will be based on the satellite signal, the first time to find you.”

Zhuang Rui patted Tenaya’s shoulders, Tenaya temperament is a little weak, no Liuli bold and spirited, he is really afraid of this chick back to a nervous, even pulling the parachute rope thing to forget.

“Know …… know, Mr. Zhuang ……”

After hearing Zhuang Rui’s words, Tianya calmed down a little, but facing the dark and unknown sea below, even Peng Fei’s heart is a little drumming, Tianya’s fear is also normal.

“Lao He, prepare to open the hatch.”

Zhuang Rui took a deep breath, turned back and looked at the wing, there are still twelve minutes, can not be delayed any longer, ghosts know this time bomb is not allowed to head? In case of an early explosion, it would be a wrongful death.

“Brother Zhuang, this you take.”

Peng Fei walked to Zhuang Rui’s side, flipped his wrist, a two-finger long knife, appeared in his palm.

“Forget it, you’re used to it, besides, this umbrella rope doesn’t need to be cut, it can be loosened by pulling down the button nose.”

Zhuang Rui shook his head, he knew that Peng Fei had always kept his knife close to his body, this small knife had followed him for many years.

“Brother, you take it! Be careful not to cut your hand.”

Due to his family’s poverty, from the time he remembers, Peng Fei undertook what a man should do, after his sister was born, he even did his duty as a big brother, and his parents took it for granted, and after both his parents passed away, Peng Fei has always played the role of a big brother and a parent in front of his sister.

Until he met Zhuang Rui, Peng Fei realized that the original feeling of being cared for is really good, and from the inside, Peng Fei has taken Zhuang Rui as his own family.

When Peng Fei spoke, his eyes were a little foggy, the sea is vast, no one knows what will happen, if you can, Peng Fei would rather use this life of his own, to exchange for Zhuang Rui’s peace.

“OK, pay attention to your own safety, get the rubber raft right after you go down, we can all count on you!”

Zhuang Rui laughed and punched Peng Fei, and when he looked at his left hand, he said with some hesitation, “Throw this thing on the airplane! It can still be found later when there’s a chance to salvage the airplane wreckage.”

Zhuang Rui was talking about the box of diamonds, even with his wealth, but also a little bit so a little bit reluctant to give up, who all know that things sunk in the sea, is very difficult to salvage.

Other not to mention, is China to Europe this route, on the sinking of countless loaded with gold and silver jewelry precious porcelain sea ship, although there have been people in the salvage, but successfully salvaged the wreck, even one percent of the number of not.

“It’s fine, Brother Zhuang, this thing isn’t sinking, I’ll turn around and tie it to the rubber raft.”

Peng Fei shook his head, he couldn’t do it if he was asked to hold someone to jump, but to take a ten or so pound object, that was still no problem, besides the water was buoyant after reaching the sea, this thing wouldn’t delay his actions.

“Be careful!”

Zhuang Rui shouted out these two words, and I don’t know if Peng Fei heard them or not, because at this time the door of the cabin had already opened, and the sound of the howling wind and the sound of the engine turning, suddenly filled everyone’s ears.

Peng Fei stood at the cabin door with his back, both hands supported the iron door, suddenly a backward lean, the whole body disappeared from the cabin door, Zhuang Rui only saw Peng Fei jumping down, his right hand rushed to his own thumbs up.

Probably affected by the storm not far away, the sky was cloudy, the fluorescent stick on Peng Fei’s body was also on and off, it was not too clear to see.

“Liuli, Tenya, you guys jump at the same time.”

Zhuang Rui twisted his head around and shouted to the two girls who were deathly gripping a corner of the table.

“Hurry up! Not jumping is waiting to die.”

Zhuang Rui looked at the two girls hesitating and refusing to come over, he was anxious, knowing that the bomb only had a ten-minute countdown by now, and could detonate at any time.

Hearing Zhuang Rui’s shout, the two women gathered enough courage, almost in tears to jump down, fortunately, the two did not forget to pull the parachute rope, looking at the air vaguely appearing two parachutes, Zhuang Rui relieved.

“Lao He, Ding Hao, you guys jump!”

Zhuang Rui twisted his head to look at the two captains, not that he had much style, the key to this was that he caused it, Zhuang Rui felt that he should be the last one to leave the airplane.

“Mr. Zhuang, it’s better if you go first!”

“Alright, cut the crap, hurry up.”

By the time He Shuang and Ding Hao jumped down, the countdown of the timer wrapped inside the bomb had only five minutes left.

Looking at the darkness below, Zhuang Rui’s heart was also drumming, standing at the hatch and hesitating, knowing that the last time he jumped, he was kicked down by Peng Fei.

“Muta, fuck your whole …… family woman!”

When the countdown was only three minutes, Zhuang Rui let out a miserable howl from his mouth and jumped out of the airplane with his eyes closed.

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