Chapter 0823 – Sea Storm

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:35:44
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“One …… two …… three …… four …… five ……”

The earth’s gravity pulled Zhuang Rui’s body, and it was continuously falling down to the sea surface, and the skin on Zhuang Rui’s face was blown by the gusty winds as if it was like playdough, and it couldn’t help changing its shape.

After secretly counting to five in his heart, Zhuang Rui violently pulled the parachute rope on his hand, a white flower-like parachute popped out from behind Zhuang Rui, and the momentum of the fall was stopped at once.

Zhuang Rui only felt the body shocked, is to one second about one hundred and fifty speed downward falling body, stayed in the air, Zhuang Rui even have a kind of illusion, the body seems to be now rising general.

Due to the wind just now, Zhuang Rui only now dare to open his eyes, just put his eyes down to look, everywhere is black, simply can not see a few of them used to mark the direction of the fluorescent stick.

Zhuang Rui they parachute height, probably in 2000 meters or so, is considered to be a medium-high altitude parachute jump, and Zhuang Rui is in the fall of six or seven hundred meters, open the parachute, that is to say, he is now in more than 1,200 meters in the air, even if the use of spiritual qi, can not sense the rest of the several people.

“Damn, no matter what, anyway, there is food and drink on his body, he can still hold out for a few days, as long as he doesn’t encounter sharks, his buddy is not afraid of anything.”

Looking at the darkness below, Zhuang Rui heart qi is a little bit afraid, mouth reciting words to give himself a gas and drum.

To know, on this earth, the area of the ocean is much larger than the land, and the ocean is also one of the areas that mankind has not been able to conquer so far, the bottom of the sea that is thousands of meters deep, is also a place that mankind can not reach, full of mysterious colors.

Even the boldest person, facing the endless sea, will have a feeling of powerlessness.

Zhuang Rui is now in the place, is the Indian Ocean subtropical, but will not feel very cold, in the air blowing the sea breeze floating for a while, Zhuang Rui a little panicked mood, slowly calmed down.

From 2000 meters high altitude skydiving, under normal circumstances is estimated to be 20 minutes to fall to the ground, if the wind is strong, the time will be extended, and now it may be Peng Fei, also failed to reach the sea.

After floating in the air for five minutes, the distant sky, suddenly came out a muffled thunder-like sound, followed by a ball of fire rising, illuminating a large piece of sky.

Not only Zhuang Rui, the previous parachute a few people, also found this change, in addition to Peng Fei had a premonition, the rest of the few people are looking dumbfounded, open mouth, let the sea breeze into the stomach.

This will no longer have resentment in their hearts, for Zhuang Rui and Peng Fei’s intuition, no longer have a trace of doubt, if they insist on staying in the plane, now I’m afraid I can only along with the fireballs on the day, headlong into the sea.

At this time outside the earth, belonging to China’s military satellite, also found this situation, countless data summary, came up with an extremely accurate location of the direction, sent to the various to this sea to search for survivors of the wrecked aircraft search team.

“What? A fire was found, suspected to be caused by an airplane explosion?”

Ouyang Lei, who has been waiting beside the phone, also knows this news, but he can only pray now that the Jade Emperor, the three Qing godmothers, Lord Buddha blesses Zhuang Rui, even if he controls millions of elite soldiers, Ouyang Lei at this moment is also powerless to do anything.

“Order all rescue teams to feel the designated sea at the fastest speed.”

After giving this order, Ouyang Lei sat on his chair with his butt, staring at his reddened eyes, frowning as he looked at the graphic on the computer screen that had been transferred from the military satellite.

But now, we can only do the best we can, who knows what exactly is going on at the scene.

Obviously, the landing speed of the exploded wreckage of the plane was much faster than Zhuang Rui and the others, and almost at the same time as the explosion of the plane, a huge fireball, crashed from the sky towards the sea.

“Damn, how come I’m so far away from them?”

Through the fire caused by the explosion of the plane, Zhuang Rui found a few other parachutes that were at least a kilometer away from himself, which was thanks to Zhuang Rui’s good eyes, or else he wouldn’t have been able to find them at all.

However, he is still floating in the sky, although his professional skills are not too good, Zhuang Rui is still confident that he can control the direction and land in a place that is not too far from them.

In the parachute hanging down the rope, the first and the last parachute rope, the lower end of the rope, specifically sewn a short rope, the short rope is tied to a joystick, with this joystick, you can control the direction of the parachute.

Zhuang Rui had learned a little bit of this stuff, he knew that when the skydiver needed to turn, as long as he pulled down the joystick, he could drive the parachute rope to the left and right, thus making the parachute turn.

“Hey? How did it run upwards? Paralyzed, which instructor taught me that?”

Zhuang Rui pulled down a manipulation stick, but found that the parachute does not fall instead of rising, with their own bodies, to the high rise, can not help but anxious as fire, in the air cursing up.

The left side …… is not working the right side is still not working, Zhuang Rui almost to pull the rope on this manipulation stick are pulled off, the parachute is still drifting in the opposite direction of the crowd just found.


Only after fiddling for a while did Zhuang Rui realize that the wind around his body, seemed to be a lot stronger, and the reason the parachute couldn’t steer seemed to be caused by the howling gusts of wind around him.

“Where is the water coming from? Or is it light?”

Zhuang Rui suddenly felt a burst of wetness on his face, stretched out his tongue and licked it, then looked down at the sea surface which was still seven to eight hundred meters away, and after freezing for a while, he realized that it was raining in the sky.

“Mal’s next door, storm?”

Zhuang Rui shook his head vigorously, he was now sure that he didn’t know what was going on, and after jumping down from the airplane, he actually arrived at the edge of that stormy sea.

And the sea breeze kept pushing him towards the center of the storm, becoming farther and farther away from where Peng Fei and the others had landed.

Zhuang Rui felt the wind blowing on his body, becoming bigger and bigger, the rumbling thunder in the clouds, seemed to be exploding in his ears, the parachute was like playing acrobatics, swinging left and right, wobbling towards the center of the storm.

A drop, two drops …… of rain on Zhuang Rui s face, slowly turned into a line, hitting Zhuang Rui s face raw pain, followed by Zhuang Rui whole body poured wet.

Clothes wet Zhuang Rui not afraid, anyway, to the sea is still the same, but was blown by this gust of wind roaming chaotic drift, so that Zhuang Rui heart produce a trace of powerlessness.

Being in the air, looking at the distance a lightning splits in the sea, Zhuang Rui’s heart almost stopped beating, thunder and lightning, howling wind, the power of heaven and earth at a glance.

Zhuang Rui at this moment even chanting a few words of blessing of the Bodhisattva’s mind are gone, the wind is like a big hand, grabbing Zhuang Rui’s parachute thrown around, under the dizziness, Zhuang Rui’s thinking has been like a paste, can not make any judgment and reaction.

I do not know how much time, Zhuang Rui only recovered intuition, found himself actually still in the air, but the side of the rainstorm, seems to be much smaller, and the distance from the sea does not seem to be very far away, but the wind is still very big, Zhuang Rui also do not know where he was blown to.

“Paralyzed, two hours? There’s no end to it! Die God, give a pain!”

Zhuang Rui tried very hard to raise his left wrist, glanced at his watch with luminous waterproof function, and found that more than an hour had passed since he jumped out of the sky.

In Zhuang Rui’s feeling, those two hours just now, it seems like a century so long, the parachute is just like a paper crane floating around in the sky, it just doesn’t go down.

Zhuang Rui does not know his experience of this parachute jump, can apply for the world Guinness Book of Records in the longest parachute landing time record?

Zhuang Rui also did not know that he had been blown to hundreds of kilometers away from Peng Fei and others by the storm.

In fact, to say, Zhuang Rui luck is good, because if it is in the Atlantic Ocean accident, that meet Zhuang Rui is not the Indian Ocean every second one or two meters of the “storm” but in every second more than 30 meters of the “hurricane”.

To know, the destructive force of the hurricane is extremely strong, is a small car was involved in the hurricane, when thrown out, is definitely a big dismantling of the appearance of the eight pieces, if Zhuang Rui this time encountered a hurricane, I’m afraid that it is even a complete piece of bone is very difficult to find.

“He, come up!”

It took Peng Fei more than 30 minutes to inflate the rubber raft.

After unlocking the handcuffs and handcuffing the safe to the nose buckle of the rubber raft, it was only then that he slid the rubber raft with difficulty and searched for the people who had just jumped out of the plane, and at this time, nearly an hour had passed since he jumped from the plane.

He Shuang grabbed Peng Fei’s hand, and after climbing onto the rubber raft, he pointed in a direction and said, “Liuli and Tenya, seem to have landed in that direction.”

Rowing in the rough sea is an extremely depressing thing, often you just rowed out a dozen meters, a big wave hit, it can make the rubber raft backward a twenty to thirty meters.

Coupled with the storm in the sea not far away, the waves here became very big, often a big wave hit down, the entire rubber raft filled with water, Peng Fei is responsible for paddling, while He Shuang is constantly using plastic paddles to displace the water outward.

Even though they could already see the glow sticks on Tenya and Liuli, the two of them, Peng Fei and He Shuang, still saved the two of them on the rubber raft after more than half an hour.

“Help …… help!”

Amidst the sound of the waves, a cry for help came from one direction, and Peng Fei didn’t bother to ask the two of them for a phone call, so he hastily maneuvered his oar and paddled over following the sound.

“It’s Ding Hao!”

Peng Fei was a little disappointed in his heart, and after pulling Ding Hao onto the rubber raft, he couldn’t wait to ask, “Which one of you guys saw where Brother Zhuang landed?”

“Didn’t see it, the wind was too strong to open my eyes!”

“No, I didn’t see it.”

“I didn’t see Mr. Zhuang either, it’s dark, I can’t see anything.”

The replies of the crowd made Peng Fei’s heart, slowly sink.

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