Chapter 0825 A ray of hope

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:35:50
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Due to the distance is too far, Zhuang Rui can only roughly see the outline of an island, but this also makes him ecstatic, in this boundless sea, can see land, the mood is no less than in the desert to see the oasis in general.

“Compressed cookies, bread, there’s no more?”

Zhuang Rui emptied the pockets of the lifejacket, and found that in addition to seven or eight sealed packages of compressed cookies and two fist-sized bread, there was no other food.

The worst thing was that both of these things were eaten with water, although Zhuang Rui was now rumbling with hunger, he still stuffed these things back into his pocket, he would rather starve to death than be killed by thirst.

In addition, there is a knife that Peng Fei stuffed to Zhuang Rui, the black blade emits inexplicable cold light, if not inserted in the foam inside the life jacket, Zhuang Rui really do not know how to carry this thing.

Standing on the reef, Zhuang Rui observed the flow of seawater, let him feel happy that the seawater seems to flow in the direction of the island, in this way, he can swim to the island of the odds, will increase a lot.

As the saying goes, when you look at the mountains, it is the same in the sea, and those who have been on a sea vessel will know that when the sea vessel is about to dock, you can see the coastline from afar, but it often takes a long time to get to the place that is within your sight.

But …… the distant island, or let Zhuang Rui heart rise infinite hope.

“Damn, spell it out.”

Looking at the distant hidden island, Zhuang Rui gritted his teeth, no fresh water, stay on this reef, sooner or later is a dead end.

Originally also hope that the rescue team can find themselves, but more than ten hours, not to mention the silhouette, even a bird did not see a bird, it seems that heaven and earth is only left Zhuang Rui a person, that kind of loneliness, so that Zhuang Rui really can not endure.

And now is in a day of sea water tide time, if you wait to the evening time, sea water tide, that even if Zhuang Rui stay on the reef, but also very likely to be the horror of the suction to pull to the bottom of the sea.

Although Zhuang Rui has a special ability on his body, but he is not a person from the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, smother him for a few minutes, as usual, his life is not guaranteed.


Zhuang Rui jumped off the water very clumsily and swam in the direction of the island.

Zhuang Rui swimming is and Liu Chuan as a child in Pengcheng Yunlong Lake will be tossed, although the posture is not very beautiful, but very practical, coupled with his physical strength is sufficient, a few minutes later, swam out of the hundreds of meters, will be that life-saving reef, far behind.

“Fuck, what kind of place is this?”

For fear of encountering a shark attack in the sea, Zhuang Rui had been releasing his aura as he swam, and he realized that in this sea, those reefs he had just seen were just the tip of the iceberg.

Underneath the sea water, there are countless semi-tidal reefs, after swimming hundreds of meters in the sea water alone, Zhuang Rui found no less than hundreds of reefs, if the sea water recedes, this place will definitely become a jagged and rocky tourist attraction.

As for the half-tide reef, that is, refers to the ebb tide to half of the reefs exposed to the sea surface, while the tide is submerged, is now in the period of high tide, so a lot of reefs, have not been able to reveal the water surface.

This reef is called ship killer, hidden in the sea water in the half tide reef strange shape, jagged, large enough to dozens of square feet, small also have three or four meters or so.

Semi-tidal reef draught position is very shallow, if the ship really sailed into this sea, absolutely will touch the reef sinking, like Zhuang Rui just swam through a reef, shape long and pointed, like a cock on the crown, from the surface of the water is only one meter or so, the ship if it touches it, as if inserted in the sharp knife.

Zhuang Rui aura probing range, now is about five hundred meters, in the swim, Zhuang Rui also looked at the depth of this sea, about sixty or seventy meters, you can see the riverbed.

But compared with the riverbed covered with fine sand, the riverbed here is much more colorful, countless swimming fish swimming in it, and full of colorful coral reefs, let Zhuang Rui eyes light up is that in the middle of those reefs and sand, there are many ship wrecks.

Some of the ships were bow up and their hulls were buried in the riverbed, while some were lying flat at the riverbed, only on the sails and boards, seaweed moss grew everywhere.

There were also ships that were already indistinguishable from each other, and were connected to the reef, with countless swimming fish weaving in and out of them, and this had become their habitat.

Most of these shipwrecks were wooden vessels, thought to have been left behind in various forms during that great age of navigation in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries.

However, most of the wrecks on the seabed were wooden two-masted sailing ships, and the hull connections were made with wooden pegs, and after half a day’s look Zhuang Rui didn’t find a single modern iron-armored ship, and if these wooden ships were salvaged, I’m afraid that they could have opened up a museum of ancient ships.

In a large ship about thirty meters long, Zhuang Rui clearly saw that the hull of the original used to extend the oars of a round hole, and now it is turned into a sea creature in and out of the door.

Moreover, in those wooden boats that had already rotted, Zhuang Rui could clearly sense the presence of aura, with more than a few stars.

“Damn, it’s so damn suffocating to be able to see and not be able to eat.”

Sensing the place where those strong and weak auras are located, Zhuang Rui’s heart is itchy.

Needless to ask, those things must all be treasures of years, no wonder it is always said that the ocean is the biggest treasure in this world.

In order to set foot on land earlier, Zhuang Rui constantly combed his body with his spiritual qi and swam towards the distant islands without stopping for a moment, only finding a reef that could be found everywhere to take a rest when he was extremely mentally exhausted.

These reefs don’t have much influence on Zhuang Rui, and occasionally he can still stop his feet to rest, but what kills him is that the sea creatures in this area are extremely numerous, and most of them are clinging around the reefs, and a large portion of Zhuang Rui’s aura that disperses out in all directions is injected into the bodies of these sea creatures.

A coral reef can support four hundred kinds of fish, Zhuang Rui’s aura attracted a group of colorful sea fish, Zhuang Rui also can not name, it is even interspersed with a large sea turtle in a diameter of about one meter.

The sea creatures that had absorbed the aura were like stimulants, and they all emerged from the reef and followed behind Zhuang Rui. After the initial surprise, Zhuang Rui was enjoying this situation, knowing that the feeling of loneliness when you are alone in the sea is hard to describe in words. Now that there were so many sea fishes accompanying him, Zhuang Rui’s mood changed for the better.

“Damn, is that …… a shark?”

After Zhuang Rui swam a few hundred meters forward again, he suddenly found that the fish behind him became chaotic, and a big guy with a silver body, about two meters long, rushed into the fish, opened his big mouth with jagged teeth, devouring the fish that fled in all directions.

This is the Zhuang Rui scared a Buddha out of the world two Buddha ascension, although once imagined in the sea may encounter sharks, but how Zhuang Rui did not think, this thing is actually attracted to their own aura.

Although the shark is still twenty to thirty meters away from himself, but Zhuang Rui’s heart has been fast jumping to the eye of the throat, and hastily collected the aura not to mention that the body does not dare to continue to swim, relying on the buoyancy of the lifejacket, floated on the surface of the sea.

“Buddha bless, Bodhisattva bless, don’t come over, don’t come over, can’t see me, can’t see me.”

After seeing the shark dispersing the school of fish, it leisurely swam towards itself, Zhuang Rui’s heart, which was jumping straight up, was almost in his throat.

Zhuang Rui muttered in his mouth, his expression at the moment, just like the Hong Kong six Xiaofu movie played his own supernormal capabilities in general, hoping that this big guy can not see him.

But that shark didn’t seem to understand Zhuang Rui’s language very well, it still swam over slowly, a pair of eyes as black as marbles, looking at Zhuang Rui.

“Knife, right, I still have a knife.”

Zhuang Rui’s hand gripped on that small knife, although he knew that this thing would not be any threat to that shark, but it could always make his heart a little bit more comfortable, as if it was a person who fell from a cliff and grabbed a life-saving straw.

With the shark’s approach, Zhuang Rui’s spirit is taut, he knows that in the sea and sharks meet, they have no chance of winning, but Zhuang Rui and refused to give up, he has not seen the unborn children it!

The shark did not come straight at Zhuang Rui, but circled around Zhuang Rui, seemed to be sniffing something with his nose, and after about ten seconds or so, he suddenly swung his tail fin and swam to the bottom of the sea.

“Never eat shark fins again, who the hell said sharks eat people?”

After seeing the shark swim away, Zhuang Rui’s whole body’s strength seems to be drained, the whole person seems to be paralyzed in general, if it is not the life jacket is playing a role, he will be designated to sink to the bottom of the sea.

Zhuang Rui will be incomparable resentment Spielberg, if not the guy directed the movie “Jaws”, he was scared into this look?

Just Zhuang Rui do not know, the ocean shark species up to more than three hundred and eighty species, of which only about thirty species of sharks will actively attack humans, more sharks just to marine fish for life, for human flesh is not so hobby.

And Zhuang Rui’s luck is also good, he just encountered that one, just ordinary long-tailed sharks, rather than bloodthirsty great white sharks, if it is a great white shark, even if Zhuang Rui will be full of God and Buddha are worshiped once, it is estimated that this will also be buried in the belly of the fish.

Looking for a distance of dozens of meters away from their own reef, Zhuang Rui drummed up all the strength to swim over, climbed on the reef, Zhuang Rui is a move do not want to move, just now the situation is too stimulating, so that his cerebral cortex secretes out of the hormones, than the usual dozens of times higher.

The whole lying on the reef lying half an hour, Zhuang Rui is considered to have recovered, took a look at the sun gradually sinking to sea level, Zhuang Rui drummed up the courage, and jumped into the sea water.

Staying on this reef that protrudes out of the sea but is only two or three meters high is not a safe choice, at low tide, it is very likely to be swept into the depths of the ocean by the sea water.

Now swimming in the sea, Zhuang Rui no longer dare to release the aura to look around, just now the shark although does not bite, but the courage of the small, it is estimated that can be directly to the death of fear, Zhuang Rui is not the courage to try something so exciting again.

Along with Zhuang Rui exhausted paddling, the distant fuzzy island also gradually become clear up, just the sun is setting, the sea slowly started the mist, the whole island is shrouded in the mist, full of mystery.

“There are still five hundred meters.”

Zhuang Rui used his aura, he could already see the white sandy beach, which made him almost burst into tears, after drifting in the sea for almost 20 whole hours, Zhuang Rui only felt that he seemed to be puffy all over.

This sea water is not very deep anymore, only about twenty to thirty meters, like the turtles and those large sea fish with wings and strange shapes that we just saw, have all disappeared, only some smaller fish, from all kinds of coral reefs in and out.

The sun is slowly setting towards the sea level, and at this time the calm sea is rippling again, a small wave, making Zhuang Rui swim extremely difficult, often swim out several meters after being hit back by a wave.

“This won’t work, we have to dive into the sea water.”

Zhuang Rui felt that the flow of the seawater has changed, it seems that the tide is now starting to ebb, the waves are unpredictable, which is precisely the omen of the sea before the tide.

Deeply inhaled a breath, Zhuang Rui head into the sea water, head to the coast of the direction of the dive swim over, the sea under the surface of the sea is relatively calm.

Swimming out dozens of meters in one breath, until the chest suffocation is about to explode, Zhuang Rui only explored the surface of the water, took a deep breath of air.

This continuous non-stop diving, let Zhuang Rui from that island is getting closer and closer, looking at the coast not far from the tall coconut trees, Zhuang Rui suddenly excited tears.

“There are coconuts in, even if there is no water, that is not fucking thirsty buddy.”

However, just when Zhuang Rui was still thirty to forty meters away from the sea island, he felt that the sea water behind him, suddenly sent out a huge suction force, pulling his entire body backwards more than twenty meters.

“The sea is going to ebb.”

Zhuang Rui suddenly reacted, which made his heart and guts crack, this kind of suction force was simply not something he could resist.

Seeing the island gradually edge away again, just when Zhuang Rui was almost about to despair, suddenly a big wave hit, but it pushed Zhuang Rui to the shore for more than 20 meters again.

“Paralyzed, play me ah?”

Zhuang Rui was shocked and happy, fiercely sucked in a breath, submerged into the water, desperately paddling to the shore, he is now only praying for the sea ebb tide a little bit at night for a few minutes, as long as you can step on the beach, will be able to escape from the catastrophe.

The ebbing of the sea is not as swift as a river, but there is a process, in this stage, the waves on the beach will become particularly large, they will sweep all the creatures on the shore and pull them into the bottom of the sea.

However, Zhuang Rui was fortunate that around this sea island, there were forests of reefs everywhere.

These reefs changed the direction of the flow of the sea water, and even the ebb tide became more moderate, which gave Zhuang Rui a ray of hope.

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