Chapter 0827 Surviving on a lonely island (I)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:35:56
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Zhuang Rui took off the lifejacket, the whole person lying on the reef, put his face on the reef concave, first moistened the lips that cracked open a small mouth, and only then carefully drank a mouthful.

In Zhuang Rui’s feeling, this water is no less than agar jelly, put the water in the mouth stayed for a while, Zhuang Rui this is some reluctance to swallow the stomach.

Don’t know whether this is rain or dew, but after a mouthful of water, Zhuang Rui body anxious feeling, suddenly subsided a lot, the body also has a little strength.

Although the mouth is still thirsty, Zhuang Rui still forced himself not to drink more, the story of the four bottles of mineral water told Zhuang Rui, the vision to put a little farther, a moment of pain, but it is likely to lead to a world of difficulties.

If he didn’t finish a few bottles of mineral water early yesterday, Zhuang Rui wouldn’t have been able to try the flavor of seawater.

“Where did the blood come from?”

Zhuang Rui had wanted to comb his hair with his hand, who knew that he grabbed a hand full of blood scabs, and hurriedly shone a light on the spread of clear water.

Zhuang Rui tried to mobilize his spiritual qi, to his delight, last night’s completely exhausted spiritual qi, is now abundant again quite a lot, although not as usual that, but enough to freshen up his own body.

After treating the wounds with his spiritual qi, and then traveling around in his body, Zhuang Rui immediately felt refreshed and fatigued, of course, his stomach was still hungry and “gurgling”, after all, spiritual qi can’t be taken as a meal.

Gritted his teeth, Zhuang Rui a ruthless, from the life jacket and pulled out a compressed cookie.

This kind of cookie is not the kind sold in the supermarket, but the army issued, don’t look at a piece of only the size of a business card, but after eating the stomach, it will expand, enough for a person’s food for a day.

Tearing open the package, on that not much fresh water, Zhuang Rui will that piece of compressed cookies ate a third, the hungry stomach and intestines which was relieved. The remaining one and a half cookies, let Zhuang Rui carefully put away.

Zhuang Rui secretly decided, not until the end of the mountain, can no longer use the compressed cookies, always have to leave themselves some war supplies, right?

“What exactly is this place?”

After solving the problem of the stomach, Zhuang Rui only surveyed the surrounding environment, only to let him be somewhat surprised that the scenery here is actually extremely beautiful.

Not far away from the surface of the sea were jagged rocks, strange rocks, and foreign reefs all over the place. Covered with white sandy beach, stretches for thousands of meters away, the azure sea water impact on the beach, stirred up a piece of white mist, this beauty to be even more than Zhuang Rui once went to the seashore of Hainan Island.

The front of the island is tree-lined, pleasant climate, and there is a high mountain towering, standing in the sea, Zhuang Rui can only see the peaks of the mountain was covered by a light mist.

According to the plants on the island Zhuang Rui can see, this should be a volcanic island, hundreds of millions of years ago by the seabed volcanic eruptions piled up into the formation of the formation and after a long period of weathering and erosion, the island’s rock is completely broken, and gradually soil, so the island can grow so many plants. And in Zhuang Rui’s opinion, this towering mountains and forests, I am afraid there will be the existence of animals, and even wild beasts are not certain.

Seeing this scene, Zhuang Rui can’t help but be a little strange, according to theory, this kind of island is very valuable for tourism development, but I don’t know why there is no one to develop it, look around, there is no sign of people at all, it should be a deserted island.

Although now in the world, there are still ninety-four percent of the deserted island has not been developed, but like this beautiful scenery, almost no less than the Maldives kind of tourist resort island, no one to develop, it is a bit unreasonable. This kind of deserted island as long as invested heavily, and then build a sea apron, absolutely can attract tourists from all over the world.

And this mysterious island shrouded in fog, but also to develop the gimmick of adventure, with a few “desert island” and other blockbusters, will certainly let the tourists rush.

The idea is beautiful, but once saw the American blockbuster “Jurassic Park” and “King Kong” Zhuang Rui, this heart some apprehension, that a storm, do not really blow themselves to Jurassic Park?

Thinking of this, Zhuang Rui could not help but shiver, do not just get out of the tiger’s mouth, and then into the wolf’s lair? Although Zhuang Rui’s nerves are thick enough, this is also a little can not withstand.

“Grandma, next time can’t do thunderbolt.”

Zhuang Rui now has some regrets in his heart, what was the big head at that time? If I had known that I had taken that satellite phone, I wouldn’t be as helpless as I am now.

Although the heart wants to go to the island to explore some, but the heart of the fear of the unknown, make Zhuang Rui step difficult, looking at the island for a long time did not dare to go forward.

Such an island, almost 100% will have the existence of animals, small cats and dogs Zhuang Rui not afraid, but in case there are lions, wolves, tigers and leopards, that Zhuang Rui into the mountains, purely to send food.


Zhuang Rui suddenly saw a lot of shells on the seashore, and in the reef around him, there are many sea crabs crawling, can’t help but have a bright eye, just now only ate a half-full stomach, and now screamed again.

Since there is something to eat on the beach, there is no need to rush into the island, compared to the mysterious and unpredictable island, the beach seems to be a bit safer, just sleeping at night will be a bit troublesome.

But now the sun is shining brightly, from the night is still very early, Zhuang Rui excitedly took off the ragged clothes, the two cuffs a tie, as a pocket used up.

The climate of this island is very pleasant, even if the body is only a pair of jeans with holes everywhere, Zhuang Rui did not feel cold, the sea breeze blowing on the body, on the contrary, is very comfortable.

More than half an hour later, Zhuang Rui picked up slowly two cuffs of oysters, in addition there are actually seven or eight sea urchins, Zhuang Rui had eaten this thing before, sea urchin yellow is especially delicious, looking at this body burrs of things, Zhuang Rui almost drooled out.

“Damn, old man really want to be a savage?”

Returning to the side of the reef, after Zhuang Rui poured out all the sea urchin oysters in his clothes, he was suddenly dumbfounded because he realized that he didn’t have anything that could start a fire.

“Forget it, just think of it as seafood!”

Looking at the oysters and sea urchins on the ground, Zhuang Rui couldn’t hold back any longer and took out that knife of Peng Fei’s and pried the oysters open one by one, and for each one, he directly stuffed the oyster meat into his mouth.

Although there is a slight hint of the bitter taste of seawater, but also belongs to the category of Zhuang Rui can endure, even after eating a dozen or so, Zhuang Rui even got used to that flavor, eating is delicious.

But the sea urchin is going to be a little bit of trouble, covered with burrs is very difficult to get, the last Zhuang Rui or find a stone, put the sea urchin on the reef to smash open.

“Damn, so bitter ah? How can you eat before not the same?”

Zhuang Rui think is the sea urchin yellow piece of stuff, just put into the mouth, can not help but spit out, this thing is simply more bitter than Huanglian, engaged in the Zhuang Rui even drank a few mouthfuls of fresh water gargle, and then directly with clothes wrapped in the hands of the sea urchin, far away from thrown out.

Zhuang Rui where know, sea urchin although delicious, but processing up very troublesome, to be very skilled master, in order to sea urchin yellow and viscera peeled away, Zhuang Rui just eat, even viscera with yellow are eaten into the mouth, not bitter is strange!

The bitter Zhuang Rui never touched the rest of the sea urchin again, after finishing those oysters, he patted his stomach comfortably, and lay down on the beach on all fours.

“Paralyzed, it’s so hot?”

Although lying in the middle of a piece of reef, but the midday sun is still the Zhuang Rui sunburned all over the body smoke, the skin on the body are a little red, under the helpless, Zhuang Rui can only stand up, not far from the beach to the coconut grove to go.

This piece of forest is not only coconut trees, there are many branches and leaves with thorns of the tree, but the ground is not much leaves, only some dead tree branches, must be the leaves are blown away by the sea storm.

Although the forest is dense, but almost all are more than ten meters high trees, the forest is very sparse, the spacing between the trees and trees, and the savage mountain like the primitive forest trees are completely different, even in the forest, the field of view is also very wide.

Zhuang Rui just walked into the woods, the blazing sun above his head was covered by the leaves of the trees, and immediately felt a burst of refreshing, if not for the fear that his broken voice would attract any wild beasts, Zhuang Rui was comfortable and almost howled.

“How fucking stupid, why don’t you come over earlier!”

After walking into the woods, Zhuang Rui realized that there were quite a few coconuts on the ground in large and small sizes, which should have all been blown down by the gale, although Zhuang Rui usually didn’t like drinking coconut juice much, but now there was an impulse to shed tears.

Coconut juice can be directly drunk, coconut meat can be eaten as a meal, and both are very nutritious, as long as the safety problem can be solved, Zhuang Rui can have enough patience, waiting for the arrival of the rescue team.

“Dude is really becoming a savage now.”

After picking up a stone of the right size from the reef area and smashing open two coconuts to drink the coconut juice, Zhuang Rui thought somewhat self-deprecatingly.

In the evolutionary history of human civilization, the biggest difference and evolution between apes and humans is that humans mastered and learned to use fire, but Zhuang Rui took two pieces of broken stone, banging and banging for half a day, but also did not see a spark come out.

This result, let Zhuang Rui is very frustrated, dare to say that they are not as good as those who can only use stone tools of the old ancestors?

“Fuck him, Robinson when he was in distress, there is a broken boat and some grain spirits, buddy how a knife?”

After eating and drinking, Zhuang Rui lying in the shade of the tree, began to ruminate, Ouyang Wan, Qin Xuan Bing, Liu Chuan and other people’s figure looks, constantly changing in Zhuang Rui’s mind.

“People have to save themselves, I want to live.”

Zhuang Rui suddenly jumped up, picked up a branch the thickness of a gun barrel from the ground and rushed towards the beach.

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