Chapter 0828 – Surviving on an isolated island (II)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:35:58
A+ A- Turn Off Light

The twenty-first century human beings, compared to the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries of the era of the great voyages of mankind, their survival experience may not be very different, but in terms of insight, the people of that time can not be compared to the modern people.

Not to mention, countless movies about adventure stories, has taught Zhuang Rui a lot of survival methods, such as burning dead branches smoke, of course, this one Zhuang Rui can not do at present, because he simply can not build a fire.

But there are other ways, Zhuang Rui is now busy, is in that open sandy beach, with tree branches to scratch out a big big SOS international distress sign to.

“No, this thing is too thin.”

After Zhuang Rui used the tree branch to draw for a while, looked at the thin lines, couldn’t help but shake his head, not to mention the airplanes in the sky, that is, the distance is farther away, the self can’t recognize what it is.

Casually threw away the branch, Zhuang Rui simply use the palms of his feet to draw on the beach.

By the sun baking hot sand, like a needle in Zhuang Rui feet, pain Zhuang Rui grimace, although you can always use the aura treatment, but the pain, but is real.

Zhuang Rui at this time the most eager, is in the sea swimming in the sea is in the way of that pair of sneakers thrown away, at that time, in addition to untie the shoelace to stay, that pair of shoes is sunk in the depths of the Indian Ocean.

It took more than two hours for Zhuang Rui to draw three SOS letters with a total length of thirty meters and a width of more than sixty meters on the sandy beach farther away from the sea.

After drawing, Zhuang Rui also collected some dead leaves and stones from the woods, and arranged them according to the shape of the letters, in this way, even if the sand is buried again, the font will also bulge upwards.

After finishing these, the sun slowly slopes to the west, the sky has gradually darkened, the entire island is incredibly silent, only the sound of the waves beating on the beach.

If not to see the seabirds returning to the sky to feed, Zhuang Rui will even feel that this is a dead island.

Watching those birds fly into the island, Zhuang Rui heart suddenly envy, if he has a pair of wings, now can fly out, even if called a bird man, Zhuang Rui is also willing ah!

Just when the sun was about to set from the sea level, the whole heaven and earth suddenly turned into a red color, red sky, red ocean, red island and red beach.

“So beautiful!”

This was Zhuang Rui’s first time to see the sunset on the sea, he couldn’t help but feel relaxed and happy, such a beautiful view, perhaps it could only be seen in the depths of the ocean, far away from the coastline, right?

“Oh no, dinner hasn’t been prepared yet!”

Zhuang Rui suddenly jumped up, if there is another storm on the sea today, and revert to yesterday’s situation of not being able to see anything, then he will be hungry for a day, while the sun still has some afterglow, Zhuang Rui is ready to prepare the dinner.

Flying back to the woods, picked up two fist-sized coconuts from the ground, Zhuang Rui and rushed back to the beach, picking up almost three or four pounds of oysters, which is satisfied to return to the reef area near the sea side.

Although the woods can be sheltered from the wind and rain, but Zhuang Rui is afraid of what beasts come in the night, we must know that many beasts are night foraging for food.

Relatively speaking, or stay in the reef area to be safer, anyway, this is a volcanic island, and in the subtropical region, is not afraid of being frozen at night.

As the saying goes, Zhuang Rui pried up the oyster shell this time, the action is much more skillful, holding Peng Fei’s knife, inserted into the oyster, slightly twisting the wrist, the whole oyster will open up.

In a puddle of seawater next to the oyster, rinse off the fine sand inside, Zhuang Rui will be stuffed into the mouth, anyway, yesterday even drank seawater, do not care about this half a point.

After more than half an hour, Zhuang Rui around the oyster shells thrown a ground, and was smashed open by the stone coconut, not only inside the coconut juice was Zhuang Rui drink off, even the coconut meat was also gnawed by Zhuang Rui, just that flavor …… is really not good.

“When can we go home?”

After eating and drinking, Zhuang Rui slowly walk on the beach, the starry sea is unusually calm at this time, in addition to the sea breeze blowing through the distant woods issued by the “clatter” sound, the whole world is incomparably silent, so that the Zhuang Rui heart gave birth to a feeling of loneliness.

“When Robinson side and a puppy, and then there is Friday, buddy how I am so unlucky, a person strayed to the desert island?”

Zhuang Rui heavily kicked on the beach, raising a sky of sand and dust, getting himself all over his face. Zhuang Rui didn’t care about image or not at the moment, in this kind of bird place, it was really pretending to be a bird!

Rambling on the beach wandering a whole three or four hours, Zhuang Rui dragged a heavy pace back to the reef area, looking for a concave inward more than a meter, both sides of the reef place, lying down.

Looking at the stars in the sky above him, Zhuang Rui slowly fell asleep.

“Ow …… ooo ……”

In the middle of the night, from the direction of the island, came the hissing of several wild beasts, making the sleeping Zhuang Rui awakened, holding a small knife against the woods that were as black as a monster’s maw.

“Damn, what kind of beast is it!”

That kind of scream is something Zhuang Rui has never heard before, the more unknown, the more fearful it is, it’s hard to believe that there are really prehistoric animals here?

With a few hissing sounds in the back, Zhuang Rui’s heart slowly put down, the wild beasts screaming in the depths of the island, they are at the edge of the sea, there should not be any danger.

But Zhuang Rui this night still did not dare to go back to sleep, has been fearful of waiting until the day dawn, only to fall asleep in a daze, to the noon time, was baked by the hot sunlight to wake up.

“No, if this goes on, without waiting for the rescue team to find it, I won’t be able to hold out myself.”

Zhuang Rui looked at his small arms, actually being sunburned off the skin, all over the body is red, and hastily used the spiritual qi combing after some, that kind of lurid red color, only slowly faded away.

After dealing with the body, Zhuang Rui immediately climbed to one of the highest reefs, looking out to sea, but in addition to the waves in the sea, nothing can be seen, looking back to the beach, the SOS three huge letters, still there.

After standing dumbfounded for a while, Zhuang Rui walked back to the beach with a disappointed face, and began to prepare today’s food, but the uneasiness in his heart was getting stronger and stronger.

Zhuang Rui couldn’t understand why after two days and more than 30 hours, the rescue team couldn’t find him?

Just Zhuang Rui did not know, he was blown down to the sea by the storm, and then by the waves pushed hundreds of kilometers, now in this sea, is the entire Indian Ocean is the most dangerous, but also the most mysterious and peculiar place.

This sea is located in the western side of the West Indian Ocean “Lesser Antilles”, speaking of this name, many people do not know, but it also has a very loud name, that is, the Caribbean Islands. I believe that even if you have not seen the movie, will also be familiar with this name, the Pirates of the Caribbean in a few centuries ago, across the sea, and their lair, is in the “Lesser Antilles” on the.

However, Zhuang Rui where this island and the sea, from the Caribbean Islands, there are hundreds of nautical miles away, and this sea and the Caribbean Islands, compared to a more resounding name, of course, this name is only in the Indian Ocean life of the people, only know.

This sea has an inexplicable magnetic field, will block all the communication signals, often occur in airplane crashes and ship sinking accidents, and the Bermuda Devil’s Triangle, seems to have an inexplicable connection.

Bermuda once happened a very strange thing, a Soviet submarine a minute ago in Bermuda waters underwater navigation, but a minute later surfaced in the Indian Ocean.

Almost halfway across the world in the voyage, the submarine in ninety-three crew members all suddenly aged five to twenty years.

After this incident, the Soviet military and the scientific community, immediately began to submarine and all personnel to investigate, and finally concluded that, on Earth, there is a very likely than the Earth time faster time tunnel.

At that time, the submarine appeared in the location, is in this sea, which also adds a lot of mysterious color to this sea, in the sea near some of the islands living on the people, here is taboo.

And in the sea around more than 100 nautical miles range, everywhere is a reef, not suitable for ship navigation, not to mention the larger ships, is a small sailboat to here, a little deeper draught, if you will touch the reefs under the surface of the sea. From ancient times to the present, I do not know how many ships because of the wrong into this place, and touch the reef sinking.

Over time, this covers an area of nearly 100 square kilometers of the sea, was living in the Indian Ocean people, called the death of the sea, and Zhuang Rui is now in the island, there is a horrible name: Devil’s Island.

Here from Zhuang Rui plane crash site, full of nearly a thousand nautical miles, do not know how Zhuang Rui appeared here, almost across the East and West Indian Ocean, so even if the sea rescue fleet, again and again to expand the scope of the search, still can not find here.

Of course, the unlucky Zhuang Rui students do not know all this, he is still facing the sunrise, send the evening sun, in the sea looking forward to the arrival of the rescue team, but every day ushered in, are disappointed.

Soon, the third day also passed, the island remains, the waves still beat the beach, Zhuang Rui expects the plane ship, once did not appear.

Four days passed, Zhuang Rui eat oysters in the mouth, already tastes like chewing wax, during the period is practiced to separate the sea urchin’s kung fu, for their own increase in a food.

Five days passed, even under the moisturizing of spiritual qi, Zhuang Rui was still sunburned like an Indian Ocean aborigine, his body was tanned.

By the sixth day, Zhuang Rui had already walked along the island, and according to his estimation, the area of this island was at least a few dozen square kilometers.

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