Chapter 0831 – Skull

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:36:06
A+ A- Turn Off Light

That’s right, what appeared in front of Zhuang Rui was a row of wooden huts, there were probably more than twenty of them, but when Zhuang Rui took a closer look, his heart couldn’t help but be cold.

Even if the distance is far away, Zhuang Rui can also see that these wooden houses have long been in disrepair, he stood on the terrain is relatively high, you can clearly see that a lot of the roof of the wooden houses are already gone, the possibility of someone, it is estimated that it is not very big.

“Is there …… anyone?”

Zhuang Rui clutching the javelin in his hand, walked to the place where there are still twenty or thirty meters from the wooden house, and tentatively shouted, his voice slightly trembling.

Although it has entered the 21st century, but it is not possible to guarantee that the natives on this isolated island, still retain the habit of eating people it, although the roast meat is delicious, but the roast of their own meat, that is not how a wonderful thing.

Anyway, careful not a big mistake, Zhuang Rui intends as long as you see those faces painted with ghosts in general, bare upper body bare ass people, immediately turn your head and run.

Just Zhuang Rui also do not think about it, his current situation and those movie staged natives, there is no difference, in addition to the body of the jeans converted into shoes, there is only a triangle shorts. And triangle pants above also rotted two holes, must also be unable to support for a long time.

At this time, Zhuang Rui’s heart is both looking forward to and afraid, more than a week have not seen people, even if it is a native, it is always a can make a sound is not it?

However, after Zhuang Rui shouted, and did not appear in his imagination, Zhuang Rui’s shout, in addition to the vibration of the wooden house on the dust poof down outside, there is no echo. Even more exaggerated, a wooden house simply in Zhuang Rui’s shouts, collapsed, raised the dust in the sky.

“No one ……”

Zhuang Rui could already ascertain that this was an abandoned village, and although it was a bit disappointing, it showed that there had once been humans living on this isolated island.

Humans who could build wooden houses must have been in contact with modern civilization, and since they weren’t there, there were only two possibilities, one was to move to another part of the island, and the other, was to have already left this lonely island.

Whichever possibility it is, it’s good news for Zhuang Rui, if others can leave, of course they can leave too.

Boat – Zhuang Rui can not build, but as long as you can find tools here, cut down a tree to build a canoe, Zhuang Rui still have a few grasp.

Approaching a wooden house, Zhuang Rui reached out and pulled at the door, the force he used wasn’t big, but the whole door was pulled down by him, and the door handle that Zhuang Rui’s hand pulled on, directly turned into wood slag, and slid down to the ground from his fingers.

This situation makes Zhuang Rui s eyebrows wrinkled, the wooden house actually rotted into this way, the years should be at least two or three hundred years above, could …… it be that a few hundred years ago, the people here had already left?

Due to the awesome wood decay, Zhuang Rui didn’t dare to enter the house, but walked around this village.

“It shouldn’t be built by the natives.”

Zhuang Rui found that these wooden houses were all built from round wooden willow nails, their architectural style was very mature, a bit like the Finnish North American side of the style, although simple, but extremely practical, and outside the village more than twenty meters away, there was also traces of a circle of fences.

“Could it be that this is a pirate’s lair?”

Such a thought suddenly rose in Zhuang Rui’s heart, but it was then dispelled by him. Because according to Zhuang Rui through the movie and books on the understanding of the pirates, these across the ocean robbers, on the lair is very attention, always built easy to defend and difficult to attack, it is impossible to build the lair in the gentle slope down this flat place.

Even in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, those pirates will also build the lair like a castle, not so simple, which if encountered the enemy, want to run are no place to run.

“Let’s look for something we can use first!”

Although Zhuang Rui had billions of dollars outside, but in this place, it was a real penniless proletariat, and he had to fucking use leaves to go to the toilet. As long as it was something that humans could use, in the eyes of the current Zhuang Rui, it was a treasure.

Just these wooden houses dilapidated can be listed as ancient protected buildings, Zhuang Rui can not dare to go in, although the wooden beams above have become rotten, but smashed in the head will still die.

After thinking about it for a while, Zhuang Rui walked toward the collapsed wooden house, the roof of these wooden houses, should be used to sun-dried coconut leaves tied together on the top, but due to the age of the long time, has long been turned into ashes.

Zhuang Rui took the javelin in his hand and fiddled with it inside that large pile of wood, and after lifting up two beams that broke with a single break, only a thick layer of decayed wood slag remained on the ground.

“This is ……”

Zhuang Rui suddenly jumped up an object with his javelin, which was oval in shape, with a piece raised on top and warped back and forth, but again, it didn’t look like it was made of cloth, otherwise it wouldn’t have been possible to preserve it until now.

“A hat?”

A term popped up in Zhuang Rui’s mind, wasn’t this the hat from the 16th and 17th century inside the movie? It was exactly the same as the one worn on the head of the pirate with the painted black eyes.

With a javelin pick that object to get in front of the eyes, really …… is a top fur, covered with a thick layer of dust, if you use the words of the antique line, that is thick pulp, there are years of old objects.

Zhuang Rui took the hat and shook it, and he could not tell what kind of leather it was made of, very tough, after hundreds of years of wind and rain, actually not much deformation.

“This thing buddy received.”

Zhuang Rui took the hat and looked at the body, naked no place to put, simply give directly to wear on the head, anyway, every morning after getting up, this chicken nest head can be rubbed out of the salt and alkali, Zhuang Rui is not afraid to get dirty hair.

“Huh, what is this?”

After putting the hat on his head, Zhuang Rui took the javelin and fiddled with it in the wood again, suddenly a grayish-white object appeared in front of his eyes, Zhuang Rui hastily squatted down his body, peeled off the wood shavings with his hands, and cupped the object.

“Fuck me, shit, don’t bring this to scare people!”

Zhuang Rui picked up the object before realizing that it was actually a person’s skull, when he cupped it up, the two black holes of the eye sockets, just opposite to Zhuang Rui’s vision, scared Zhuang Rui threw it out.

“Pop ……”

After the skull rolled on the ground a few times, a two inch long reptile crawled out from the eye sockets, seemingly displeased by Zhuang Rui who had disturbed his sleep.

“Those who don’t know don’t sin, you have a large amount of adults, don’t blame, don’t blame ……”

Zhuang Rui rushed at the skull on the ground and made a bow, saying a few words in his mouth.

Just now in and that pair of black holes in the eye sockets against the eyes, so that Zhuang Rui can not help but think of the Pirates of the Caribbean inside, those who have been cursed pirates, can not help but a little creepy.

“This hat is not something he has worn, right?”

Zhuang Rui touched the head of the hat, would have liked to throw away, but think of their own now penniless, accumulate some family is not easy, or stay in the head.

After all, Zhuang Rui classmates are also antique line of the circle of people, those expensive antiques, which one is not a countless number of dead people have played?

Coupled with the identity of the current archaeology graduate students, after the initial panic, Zhuang Rui has become calm down, walked forward a few steps to pick up the skull, held in the hands of the end up.

Accurately speaking, this should be only half of the skull, because the mandible and pharyngeal cranium have disappeared, leaving only the eyes and nose three dark holes.

In archaeology, the history of human evolution is also an extremely important course, archaeologists must master from the bones unearthed in the tomb, to determine the deceased’s approximate age, gender and cause of death and so on.

Zhuang Rui naturally did not have this ability, but he can also see a little something, the skull’s former owner, should not be the local natives, but Westerners.

According to the knowledge Zhuang Rui learned from books, the bridge of the nose of the natives are generally collapsed, and the supraorbital rim bulging, but the skull’s bridge of the nose is high, but the supraorbital rim flat, more in line with the physiological characteristics of Westerners.

Archaeology and judgment, are a reasoning process, archaeologists have to be based on physical objects, to determine what happened hundreds or even thousands of years ago, holding this skull, Zhuang Rui can not help but fall into the contemplation.

Look at the color of this skull, it is already white with yellow, it should be a long time ago, a few hundred years ago, why did these westerners come to this island? And how did they leave?

Relatively speaking, Zhuang Rui is more concerned about the latter question, after Zhuang Rui this week’s observation, the four sides of the island, are surrounded by numerous reefs.

Not to mention the huge size of the ship, is the general yacht, a careless will touch the reef and sink, Zhuang Rui do not know, why those people want to come here? And how to avoid the reef to go?

Standing there stupidly meditating after half a day, Zhuang Rui shook his head, just a dead man’s skull, is unable to deduce anything, and there is no scar on this skull, also can not see the cause of death.

After putting the skull back on the ground respectfully, Zhuang Rui rummaged through the wood debris again, but this time the action was much lighter, almost like an archaeological excavation, wanting to unravel the mystery of this man’s death, more physical evidence was needed.

Zhuang Rui’s efforts were not in vain, after more than two hours of cleanup, a relatively complete skeleton of a corpse, appeared in front of him. Although due to the collapse of the wooden house, a certain amount of damage was formed to the skeleton, Zhuang Rui still saw at a glance that this person definitely died an unnatural death and was murdered. The reason was very simple, because at the rib cage of the skeleton, there was a rusty iron piece stuck.

After Zhuang Rui and Huangfu Yun got to know each other, they also studied more about the weapons of the foreign cold weapon period, if Zhuang Rui didn’t see it wrong, this should be a knight’s sword from the 16th and 17th century.

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