Chapter 0838 – Pirate’s Treasure (II)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:36:24
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“Find …… found it.”

Although the heart has long guessed that this deserted island is where the pirates hide their treasure, but Zhuang Rui is still ecstatic, looking for pirate treasure, hundreds of years has been letting countless people rush, did not think that this day was to find a place by himself.

The golden light that the aura came into contact with, it was a pile of gold coins like a mountain of gold coins emitting, a coin-sized gold coin, piled up on the ground like garbage, and beside it, there were all kinds of currencies and jewelry.

Among these objects, all of them were full of aura, after Zhuang Rui’s aura entered them, he immediately rushed to a warmth that surrounded his aura, it was warm and comfortable.

“About three hundred meters, not a big problem.”

Zhuang Rui visually measured the distance between where he was and the treasure, it was about three to four hundred meters, although the route was winding, but for Zhuang Rui who was able to see in the dark, all of this was nothing.

After carefully sizing up the cave he was in now, and firmly memorizing it in his head, Zhuang Rui drilled into the fourth fork in the road, and walked along the twisting path towards the treasure hiding spot.

“Ow ow ow!”

Suddenly, a sound as loud as thunder rumbled from the distance.

“Damn, this is too much.”

The huge sound wave was like the waves inside the ocean, impacting Zhuang Rui’s eardrums, shaking the dude actually shook, not that King Kong’s voice was big, it was really that the echo of this cave was too loud.

And this sound comes very suddenly, let Zhuang Rui a little bit of preparation is not, like a person who is sleeping, was holding a loud gong in the ear knocking the same.

After a full four or five minutes, the echo in the cave only gradually become smaller, Zhuang Rui know, it is estimated that the King Kong waiting outside impatient, the hole is too small, it can not drill in, which is anxious to roar up.

After Zhuang Rui felt that there was no more “buzzing” sound in his head, he hurriedly covered his ears and rushed over to the direction, shouting word by word: “Jin …… just…. …, I …… will go out as soon as …… I …… can!”

In the cave is this point is not good, a little bit of sound, will be unlimited expansion, as if there is a person with a megaphone in the ear shouting general.

After shouting, Zhuang Rui used aura to look back, King Kong is really putting a big head into the hole to look around, but due to the size is too big, how can not drill in, anxious this guy wailed.

Zhuang Rui with aura wandered around in the body of King Kong, and the big guy also heard Zhuang Rui’s return, finally is quiet down, put the head back, four backs on the ground, actually comfortable sleep.

Zhuang Rui didn’t know that this conversation between him and King Kong made the bat roost on the other side of the mountain, the whole thing went haywire, and countless bats stirred up, because the huge echo disrupted their sonic system.

Thousands of bats, just like the dumplings in the pot, “plop, plop, plop” straight to the ground, and more are like headless flies flying around, and I do not know how many bats crashed into the wall of the wrongful death.

Fortunately, although the two sides of the mountain belly is connected, but the road is extremely complex and curved, the riot of the bat group did not run to this side, otherwise Zhuang Rui may be like King Kong when he was a child, was driven out of the cave by these snakes.

Of course, Zhuang Rui would not care about the bats, after pacifying King Kong, he continued walking towards the place where the treasure was hidden.

Due to the ruggedness of the road in the belly of the mountain, there are even some raised stones, like thorns sticking to the ground, so Zhuang Rui’s speed is not fast, almost tripping his feet on the ground to walk.

Walked nearly half an hour later, Zhuang Rui from the treasure place, there are more than a hundred meters.

Now Zhuang Rui deep place, the terrain to be more complex, almost every few steps on a fork in the road, if not Zhuang Rui can directly see through the rock wall, I’m afraid this would have been lost in the belly of the mountain.


A crunching sound from the foot to Zhuang Rui ears, let Zhuang Rui forward steps stopped, look down, seems to be a piece of stone, but also exudes glittering white light.

“Shit, dead man’s bone ah!”

After Zhuang Rui bent down and picked it up, only then did he realize that it was a bone from a person’s body, no wonder it was light to kick it up!

After looking around, Zhuang Rui found a few more bones on the road not far in front of him, the bones were arranged in a very scattered manner, according to Zhuang Rui’s estimation, this should have been destroyed by those animals that unintentionally drilled into the belly of the mountain.

“Huh? A sheepskin scroll!”

Next to that dead man’s skull, Zhuang Rui actually found another sheepskin scroll, the craftsmanship of which, exactly the same as the one found in the wooden house earlier, was also depicted with tedious patterns on it.

Zhuang Rui condensed his spiritual qi and stood in place to check out the sheepskin, and after a while, his brows wrinkled slightly.

The starting point of this map of the belly of the mountain should be the place where he entered, the first hundred meters were correct, but at the back, it became cluttered, and was not at all the path he had taken.

“Dude, count your bad luck, got a fake map.”

Without using his head, he could also think that the person who died here must have come in and not been able to get out, and died of hard starvation here, just that this dude didn’t know that he was only more than a hundred meters away from the object he was trying to hunt for.

Zhuang Rui will map folded up, stuffed in the boots inside, no way, can not be stuffed in the crotch, right? This is the only place where he can put something on his body.

After this small episode on the road, Zhuang Rui and walked almost twenty minutes, finally entered a only two meters high, one meter wide fork in the road, in front of five or six meters, is the treasure hiding place.

Just in front of Zhuang Rui, piled up with rubble, the road ahead is completely blocked.

Zhuang Rui used aura to take a look, this pile of rubble extends three or four meters inward, behind the rubble, is the secret room where the treasure is hidden.

Said to be a secret room, in fact, it is a natural cavern where the front road is blocked, in hundreds of years ago, the pirates who roamed the sea, it seems that they have not mastered the technology of explosives.

“Paralyzed, foreigners are just not creative, pirates still belong to an uncultured group ah!”

Looking at this pile of stones, Zhuang Rui a little laugh and cry, this westerner is the history of the short not see, engage in a secret room is also a whole bit of technology ah! They actually use rocks to block the way?

If this is replaced by the Chinese to do, absolutely is the organs, traps all over the place, guaranteed to come how many people die how many people.

If it is Egyptian buddies undertake this work, that the walls are designated painted with mysterious patterns, cursed to death by those who later seek the treasure, do not die but also to scare people to death.

But the pirates of the 16th and 17th centuries, there is only this ability, and then the deep work they can not do ah!

Anyway, Zhuang Rui has a lot of strength, he is not afraid to work, when a piece of stone moved up, moved out of the stone were Zhuang Rui thrown to the outside of the cavern, otherwise turn back and then block their way.

This busy is four or five hours, when a stone was moved away by Zhuang Rui, he saw a dazzling bright light, not with the aura induction, but actually with the eyes to see.

“This …… is a night pearl!”

Zhuang Rui vigorously wiped his eyes, unusual jewelry even in precious, that can only emit bright light under the reflection of light, only the night pearl, can glow in the dark, this is something that has been scientifically confirmed.

From the gap that was opened to look in, three baby fist size beads, divided into three directions, was placed in the chamber on the raised rock wall, radiating glittering white, green and yellow light.

Three different colors of light, shining on the ground those gold jewelry above, making the entire chamber, are shrouded in beads in the gas, to Zhuang Rui a very unreal feeling, this scene, seems to be only seen in the movie.

“Damn, pirates really fucking rich ah!”

Zhuang Rui see clearly a few night pearl, suddenly excited, hand and foot to the remaining stone piece by piece to throw out.

You know, night pearl in ancient China, with “with the pearl”, “hanging beads”, “hanging thorns”, “bright moon pearl “and so on, but most of the Pearl of the night was found, in fact, just ordinary” fluorite “only, also need bright light, in order to make it luminous.

The real Pearl of the night, is in the darkness of the human eye can see, the number and its scarcity, in the five thousand years of ancient Chinese civilization, Pearl of the night has been the most mysterious, the most rare, the most precious treasure, generally for the imperial power private.

Night Pearl from the collection of ore and get, but its distribution on earth is extremely rare, mining is also very difficult, in ancient Greco-Roman, individual emperors set it in the palace or wear it on the crown, to it as a national treasure to be proclaimed and praised.

Luminous intensity of the larger night pearl, in the dark, people in the distance of half a foot from it, can clearly watch the print on the font, can reach this effect of the night pearl, can be called the world’s most wonderful treasure.

At the end of the Qing dynasty, the old woman died with her mouth, is a precious Pearl of Night, Sun Tingying once so described: this bead is separated from the two pieces, together is a ball, separated from the transparent light, together with a green light through a cold light, within a hundred paces at night can be illuminated hair.

Sun Tingying in order to get away with it, the night pearl to Song Meiling, and Song Meiling will be set to their shoes, and later strayed into the folk, until 1964 was found by the state to recover.

And in 1997, in the London treasure auction, a diameter of twelve centimeters in the night pearl, to sixty-five million U.S. dollars, by an unknown rich man into his private pocket.

These night pearl in terms of size, no less than the bead was auctioned, and even more, if the world, I’m afraid that all the world’s rich and powerful will be moved.

So other things not to say, Zhuang Rui is to take out these several night pearl, are not vain trip.

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