Chapter 0846 – Returning Home (III)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:36:45
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“Gift? What gift?”

Zhuang Rui asked somewhat strangely, but the hand did not stop, greeted Peng Fei together to push the submarine boat to the sea, the whole loaded more than a hundred kilograms of gold, if it is not Zhuang Rui’s strength soared, just by the two of them, really can not push.

“Brother Zhuang, how did you land on this island?”

After finding Zhuang Rui, Peng Fei’s mood relaxed, that mouth began to poor up again.

“How do I know, being blown around by the gale, I got here.”

Zhuang Rui was asked a little puzzled, but immediately reacted, a pair of eyes revealed a cold light, said, “You mean …… Muta?”

“Yes ……”

Peng Fei nodded heavily and said, “I caught him a month ago, and now he’s on a boat outside the reef area.”

“Damn, I’m going to make him regret why he was born into this world.”

If one were to say what person Zhuang Rui hated the most in his life, Muta was definitely at the top of the list. Just because he couldn’t cooperate with his arrogance, he was planted with a bomb on the airplane, causing him to almost not have the life to go back and see his mother, wife and child, Zhuang Rui hated Mu Ta every time he thought of him during these two months on the island.

“Get on the boat!”

Since Klaus’s treasure was too much, at the very least, it would take five or six trips back and forth before it could be transshipped to the yacht, Zhuang Rui, who hadn’t intended to go over there right now, was the first one to jump on the boat when he heard that Muta was actually right outside.

Peng Fei hemmed and hawed and said, “Brother Zhuang, I’ve cut this kid more than two hundred knives, turn around and let’s go all the way to tune up, and then finally let him feed the sharks.”

“That’s all cheap for him.” Zhuang Rui said in a cold voice, he had never hated someone so much, in these two months, besides missing his relatives, Muta was also one of the people he missed the most.

“Ow ow ow!”

Suddenly, from behind came the hissing sound of King Kong, after this guy heard the sound of the speedboat, he ran out from the woods, and realized that Zhuang Rui was actually on top of it to leave, he couldn’t help but roll and crawl and rushed into the sea.

“King Kong, go back, I will be back in a while.”

Seeing King Kong’s action, Zhuang Rui’s heart was warm, he really took King Kong as a brother, if it didn’t exist, Zhuang Rui didn’t know if he could hold on to this island for two months, let alone mentioning Klaus’s pirate treasure.

After hearing Zhuang Rui’s words, Jin just quieted down, a smile suddenly appeared on its ugly face, with its relatively simple intelligence, it would not suspect Zhuang Rui of cheating it.

“Get out of the way, I’ll drive.”

Zhuang Rui was eager to see that scum Mu Ta, and asked Peng Fei for the steering wheel of the speedboat, with the range of his aura’s senses, he could increase the speedboat to its maximum hourly speed without touching the hidden reefs at the bottom of the sea.

The distance of fifty to sixty nautical miles, Zhuang Rui ran to in half an hour, looking at the luxury yacht carrying the hope of going home, Zhuang Rui couldn’t help but get excited.

After getting on the yacht, Zhuang Rui saw Muta who was tied into a ball by the fishing net, this guy actually slept so soundly, the roar from the motor of the speedboat didn’t wake him up.

“Muta, still recognize me, right?”

Zhuang Rui ruthlessly kicked at the combination of Muta’s thigh root and belly, the sleeping Muta howled miserably, and his body curled up like a roasted lobster.

“Chinese …… Chinese, kill me!”

After Muta woke up from the severe pain, he saw that next to the Chinese devil, another black person stood, thinking that there was another devil, at this time, he, only begged for a quick death, and even the words of taking money to buy his life were not said.

“You …… will definitely die, but not now.”

Zhuang Rui found that no matter what kind of tragic things he did on Muta, there would not exist any psychological burden, he even evilly thought, do you want King Kong to give him ……, uh, that is definitely an insult to King Kong.

After kicking Muta hard again, Zhuang Rui didn’t pay attention to this guy anymore, but instead, he and Peng Fei were busy putting the gold coins on the speedboat into sacks, and then used the winch to transport the sacks onto the yacht.

This luxury yacht is divided into three layers, below deck there is a layer of resting place, and there is also a small chamber, is placed with guns, at this time the gold was Zhuang Rui put inside.

After putting the gold coins, Peng Fei looked at Zhuang Rui and said, “Brother, or else throw this guy to the deserted island?”

“Okay, bring it there.”

Zhuang Rui looked at the sky and nodded his head and agreed, this will already be afternoon, it is estimated that it will not be possible to leave the deserted island today, why not just bring Muta to the island and toss him around, two months of life on the deserted island has hardened Zhuang Rui’s heart a lot.

“Ow …… ow ow!”

Seeing Zhuang Rui back, King Kong happily pounded up his chest and went forward to hug Zhuang Rui to death.

This buddy is very simple and realistic, if Zhuang Rui left, it would not have any roasted meat to eat, for the King Kong that has been eating cooked food for two months, this is a hard thing to endure.

“Alright, King Kong, this guy is badass, play it however you want!”

Zhuang Rui threw Muta in front of King Kong with one hand, Muta, who had been bumped around by the punching boat, opened his eyes and realized that a monster had appeared in front of him.

“Ah …… ah! Kill me, kill me!”

Mu Ta’s fragile nerves, really can not stand this kind of stimulation, miserable howls in succession, almost complete collapse, he is now in the heart that regret ah! If he were to start again from scratch, Mu Ta would cut off his own little JJ, and he would never dare to mess with Zhuang Rui.


Hearing Zhuang Rui say badass, King Kong nonchalantly slapped up, Muta’s body immediately flew up, then fell back into the sea water.

“Play slowly, don’t play dead ah!”

Zhuang Rui didn’t have time to care about Muta, there were still a lot of gold coins and jewelry to be transported, he and Peng Fei got busy and kept transporting gold coins and jewelry to the yacht.

After four trips back and forth from the deserted island to the yacht, the sky finally darkened, the treasure on the island, probably still need one more trip to finish transporting it, Zhuang Rui decided to wait until tomorrow morning when the transportation was finished, and then directly leave the deserted island.

Although Zhuang Rui knows that within a hundred kilometers of this nearby sea, there is no ship passing by, but Peng Fei is afraid of accidents, or stayed on the ship, Zhuang Rui returned to the lonely island by himself.

“Ah …… ah!”

A few hundred meters away from the isolated island, Zhuang Rui saw the beach side lit up with a streak of fire, exactly where he had barbecued at noon, and a miserable scream, also into the ears.

“Holy shit!”

After getting closer, Zhuang Rui couldn’t help but be startled by the scene his eyes saw.

It turned out to be that King Kong had found a huge tree trunk and put Mu Ta’s entire body on the fire and roasted it, probably not long after it started, Mu Ta hadn’t finished playing with the broken air yet, and couldn’t stop emitting miserable screams from his mouth.

“King Kong, take him away!”

Although he hated Muta, but after seeing the charred and blackened look of Muta’s legs roasted by the fire, Zhuang Rui couldn’t help but still be a little creeped out. And thinking of King Kong wanting to feed on him, Zhuang Rui’s heart was a bit uncomfortable, eating meat is fine, but definitely not human flesh, this is Zhuang Rui’s bottom line.


Don’t say, King Kong really want to eat meat, in its eyes, there is nothing that can’t be eaten, let alone what Zhuang Rui said the bad guy.

But Zhuang Rui commanded, King Kong is still very obedient, casually grabbed the wood, even people with the wood are far thrown out, just landed in the sea water, fire and water mingled, issued a “ZiZi” sound.

When Zhuang Rui pulled Muta back to the beach, this guy is already in the gas more, out of the gas less, see can not live.

“Kill …… kill me!”

Muta saw Zhuang Rui in front of him, and very laboriously squeezed out these words from his throat.


Zhuang Rui nodded and went back to get an axe over, two months of living on a deserted island had made Zhuang Rui never be womanizing again.

However, Zhuang Rui still wasn’t able to kill Muta with his hands, because when he returned to Muta’s side, the devastated Muta had already taken his last breath.

“If I had known this, why did I bother!”

The death of a human being and the elimination of hatred, Zhuang Rui stood beside Mu Ta’s corpse for a long time, and finally shook his head, dug out a deep pit on the beach, and buried Mu Ta in it.


King Kong saw Zhuang Rui’s action and jumped up next to him patting his chest, King Kong was puzzled, why didn’t he eat that guy?

“King Kong, remember, people, that is, people like you and me, can not be eaten, starve to death …… can not be eaten.”

Zhuang Rui patted King Kong’s shoulder, very laborious to put this obviously King Kong can not understand the meaning, gave it expression, King Kong that big head straight point, also do not know understand how much.

“King Kong, tomorrow I’m going to leave, will never come back, are you with me?” After re-baking some fish for King Kong to eat, Zhuang Rui expressed this meaning in King Kong’s heart.

“Ow ow ow!”

After hearing Zhuang Rui’s words, King Kong suddenly became impatient, circling around the bonfire all over the place, and finally simply took off and ran towards the woods, even Zhuang Rui shouted at it and didn’t pay attention to it.

Zhuang Rui did not expect King Kong will have this kind of reaction, can not help but be a little lost in thought, get along with more than two months, Zhuang Rui really a little reluctant to leave King Kong.

Plus this deserted island has only one creature that has opened up its spiritual intelligence, when he leaves, King Kong will definitely be very lonely.

“Forget it, respect its choice!”

Zhuang Rui shook his head helplessly, lying on the beach and looking at the star-filled sky, he fell into a deep sleep, this was also his last night on the deserted island.

“King Kong, King Kong!”

After waking up the next day, the first thing Zhuang Rui did was to see if King Kong had returned, but to his disappointment, from the traces left on the ground, King Kong had not returned here again all night.

Klaus’s last treasure and the buckskin chest had been transported by Zhuang Rui into the submarine boat, and after Zhuang Rui pushed the submarine boat out to sea, his eyes couldn’t help but look at this island behind him again as he pulled the motor.

“Farewell, King Kong!”

The rumbling motor sounded, and the speedboat broke the surface of the sea, cutting a white trail.

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