Chapter 0852 Press Conference (II)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:37:01
A+ A- Turn Off Light

And the crystal skull in the international mixed reviews, some say it is a modern forgery, there are also said to be the symbol of Mayan civilization, controversial, even if now launched, I’m afraid that there is no Krauss treasure has a sensational effect.

And the gold mask is different, as an important part of the ancient Egyptian civilization, it can be launched as a part of the Klaus treasure, but also as a separate cultural relics on display, I believe that for the world archaeological community, will cause a great impact.

“You …… what did you say? Ancient Egyptian gold mask? Cough …… cough ……”

Huangfu Yun was originally drinking tea, by Zhuang Rui these words surprised a mouthful of hot tea in his mouth swallowed stomach, suddenly choked and coughed, a white face suffocated red.

It is no wonder that Huangfu Yun surprised, Egyptian gold mask is one of the world’s most exquisite, most precious ancient art treasures, to this day, is the main symbol of Egypt’s ancient civilization.

The significance of the gold mask for Egypt, no less than the long missing He Shi Bi for the significance of China, that are witness to the most important inheritance of a national civilization, representing a country’s long and glorious history.

And so far, from the Egyptian pyramids, only unearthed such a gold mask, whether it is the artistic value or market value, are incalculable.

Relative to the gold mask, Captain Klaus’s gold anchor treasure, are much inferior.

Of course, the gold mask is also a part of the treasure, and it is more indicative of how much wealth those great pirates who roamed the seas centuries ago had left to be exploited by future generations.

“That’s right, it’s definitely a gold mask from the ancient Egyptian civilization, and it’s exquisitely crafted, much more so than the gold mask unearthed from the tomb of Pharaoh Tutkhamun. Brother Huangfu, you can prepare, how about announcing this discovery to the world, I think, this will definitely make our museum famous, right?”

For Zhuang Rui’s professional appreciation level, Huangfu Yun is very confident, after listening to Zhuang Rui’s words, he instead calmed down, and after contemplating for a while, he lifted his head and said, “Mr. Zhuang, the most important thing right now, is to strengthen the security of the museum, I hope that you can allocate another sum of money for the security renovation of the museum.”

“Brother Huangfu, our current security facilities are already first class in the country, there is no need to remodel them, right?”

Zhuang Rui froze for a moment when he heard this, he knew that the museum was built with nearly ten million dollars invested in security facilities, how could it still need to be strengthened? Even if the gold mask was worth a lot of money, it wasn’t such a big deal, was it?

Hearing Zhuang Rui’s words, Huangfu Yun smiled bitterly and said: “Mr. Zhuang, you are right, our museum’s security facilities are indeed first-class in China, relative to the current exhibits, the security facilities are sufficient, but with the gold mask, it won’t work, and must be strengthened to the international first-class to work! And staffing, need to be more reasonable, in the museum’s roof should also be configured security personnel, outside patrols must be strengthened twice, so as to ensure foolproof.”

In listening to Huangfu cloud solution finished, Zhuang Rui only know, that the gold mask of the precious, far beyond his imagination, the Egyptian Cairo Museum in order to save this mask, in the security of the investment of nearly spent tens of millions of dollars, even so, there are two times also narrowly by the international thieves get their hands on.

In the international collection, specializing in a number of billionaires, like to collect the most valuable cultural relics in major museums, thus, in the international community has also bred a number of specialized theft of cultural relics of elegant thieves, commonly known as the international cultural relics thief.

Like the gold mask and precious oil paintings such as the reputation of the international art market of precious cultural relics, has always been the target of international cultural relics thieves, Zhuang Rui’s museum has a few Picasso’s sketches, itself is very attractive.

If this golden mask and Klaus’ treasure were added to it, it was believed that Zhuang Rui’s customized light museum would immediately attract the attention of many international thieves.

“Then how much more money is needed?”

Zhuang Rui asked out of the blue, he is now a lot of treasure, but the funds are not much, investing in the uranium mine of 2 billion, almost drained all of Zhuang Rui’s funds, and now there is only more than three million left on hand, but also for the daily expenses of the courtyard and the manor.

“You have to ask Yang Jian about this, he’s the security director.” Huangfu Yun replied.

“Good, then call Yang Jian here!” Zhuang Rui nodded and picked up the phone.

“Mr. Zhuang, you’re back?”

A few minutes later, Yang Jian rushed to the office and was a bit surprised to see the tanned Zhuang Rui, but not as exaggerated as Huangfu Yun, after all, his relationship with Zhuang Rui was not as close as Huangfu Yun’s.

“Have a seat! There are some things to discuss with you.”

After Zhuang Rui let Yang Jian sit down, he talked about the ins and outs of the matter, and finally asked Yang Jian how much money he needed to invest if he wanted to strengthen the museum’s security to become a world-class museum.

Although Zhuang Rui didn’t have any money on hand, but as long as he was putting the word out, I believe that the gold coins in Klaus’ treasure alone would interest countless people, hundreds of thousands of gold coins, how could he turn over a few hundred million dollars?

Not to mention Zhuang Rui that basement, but also hides hundreds of millions of dollars worth of gold bricks it, this thing is a national reserve material, get the bank can be changed into cash.

“Yang Jian, you see how the museum’s security will be strengthened? Also roughly how much money is needed for funding?”

In order to launch the Great Pirate Klaus’ treasure and this golden mask, Zhuang Rui decided to remodel the museum regardless of the cost.

In the early stage of building the museum, Zhuang Rui’s goal is to make this museum, to create a world-class museum like those of the British Museum.

Picasso’s sketch was the first step of Zhuang Rui’s ambitious goal, and now the Klaus Treasure makes the museum one step closer to the goal of a world-renowned museum.

Yang Jian had already heard Zhuang Rui’s words clearly, and after pondering for a while, he said, “Now several unused pavilions, they all need to be installed with infrared alarm equipment, and in addition, like the central air-conditioning and exhaust ventilation ducts, they also need to be installed with special anti-theft systems. The other thing is that the entire museum’s electricity system must be completely remodeled, just in case it will give criminals a chance when the power goes out.”

Now although the museum had a backup generator, but that backup generator, was to be activated some time after the power failure, although the time was very short, but it was enough to allow a lot of clever international thieves to exploit the loopholes.

Finally, Yang Jian estimated a rough offer, actually need nearly 30 million yuan, this is only the hardware facilities, not including the recruitment of security personnel wages and expenses.

And the museum remodeling time, to be up to half a month, that is to say, this half a month, the museum can not be normal business, which also want to lose a few million yuan, but for Zhuang Rui, this amount of money is nothing.

“Director Huangfu, how much is the museum’s turnover in these months?” Zhuang Rui was poor now! If I had known, I wouldn’t have invested in the African uranium mine, for that thing to see benefits, it’s estimated that it would take at least a year or two.

“After removing the staff salaries and daily maintenance costs, there is still 39 million RMB left on the books, Mr. Zhuang, we didn’t pay a penny for the holidays this year when you were away!”

Huangfu Yun said half-jokingly, his right was limited to signing the payroll, while the welfare and some other expenditures had to be approved by the boss.

Zhuang Rui thought for a while and said, “Let’s do it this way! Take out three million as last year’s year-end bonus, and another thirty million as the museum’s remodeling funds, Yang Jian, the engineering issue will be your sole responsibility, it must be built so that water can’t be splashed into it, and a fly can’t be put into it.”

“Yes, please rest assured, Mr. Zhuang.” Yang Jian stood up from the sofa.

“Sit down, sit down ……”

Zhuang Rui waved his hand, signaling Yang Jian to sit down before looking at Huangfu Yun and said, “Director Huangfu, you notify the travel agencies in the capital that have a business relationship with us that from now on, the museum is undergoing an expansion and remodeling, and will be closed for half a month’s time. Also take out a sum of money as the publicity expenses for this golden mask introduction and the Klaus Treasure, I want every person in the world’s archaeology and antique circles to know about this news.”

At the time of the opening of the Dingguang Museum, Zhuang Rui organized a national nature of the industry conference, and ran a professional website, almost all of the top collectors in the country, Dingguang Museum’s prestige, can now be said to be directly compared to some well-known state-owned museums.

And this time, Zhuang Rui’s heart is even bigger, he is ready to organize a world-wide academic conference, inviting the world’s famous experts to participate in the examination of the origin of the golden mask, so that the Dingguang Museum can certainly be famous all over the world.

“Mr. Zhuang, don’t worry! I will immediately send a letter to the professional associations of various countries, and will definitely make this press conference a sensation all over the world.”

After hearing Zhuang Rui’s ambition, Huangfu Yun also got excited, due to China’s cowardice in recent centuries, all the country’s gates are sealed to themselves, seldom exchanging with foreign countries, like some precious cultural relics, it is even more so that there is no entry or exit.

So now the domestic museum collection, basically are carrying the five thousand years of Chinese history and civilization, and international standards less, even the Palace Museum, also far from being an international nature of the comprehensive museum.

If Zhuang Rui said true, really can take out the gold anchor and Egyptian gold mask, then the fixed light museum, absolutely will be in the international scientific research as well as the collection, set off a wave of academic fervor, depending on the light museum will naturally become a comprehensive international famous museum.

By that time, the Dingguang Museum will no longer need to beg the major travel agencies, those travel agencies will certainly be very conscious of the Dingguang Museum as an important exhibition point.

Fame has always been and income equal, otherwise those stars, why every now and then have to make a whole this door that door, is not afraid of being forgotten by the public well!

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