Chapter 0856.

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:37:11
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The reason why Zhuang Rui was willing to publish the coordinates of the pirate island was because not long before the launch, he had already learned that the deserted island was not affiliated with the Virgin Islands, it was an isolated island located in the open sea, and did not belong to any country.

According to the relevant international regulations, the wealth obtained in such a place is completely attributed to the individual, so Zhuang Rui wasn’t afraid of someone taking the island issue again.

“Mr. Zhuang, you’re not mistaken, are you? There’s a treasure map we’re going to find ourselves! What’s the point of auctioning it?”

Huangfu Yun did not know Zhuang Rui’s idea beforehand, and was anxious, and quickly advised.

This treasure map is also as a part of the pirate treasure, if sold is not the loss of the pirate museum? What’s more, according to Zhuang Rui’s judgment, there are pirate treasures elsewhere, sold that would be cheap for others?

Just Huangfu Yun forgot that he has a microphone in front of him, he said, full of people heard clearly, but the crowd and his thoughts, fools only do this sell treasure map this kind of thing it! To know, only a treasure, found so many shocked the world of treasures, according to some people’s estimates, Zhuang Rui this profit at least in two billion dollars above.

If there is another hidden treasure, even if only one tenth of this hidden treasure, that is 200 million dollars of huge wealth, worth many adventurers to explore.

However, those people didn’t know that Zhuang Rui had hidden most of the gold coins, if those gold coins were counted, Zhuang Rui’s harvest this time would be at least over four billion dollars.

“Ahem, everyone be quiet, let me talk about the treasure map first, at that time I was given two copies of the treasure map, the contents on it were not the same, I only searched one of the places and got these Klaus’s treasures. Due to some reasons of resupply, I didn’t have time to search the other treasure map, as to whether there is treasure in the other place or not, I would like to state at the outset that I can only guarantee the authenticity of the treasure map, but I can’t be sure that there is still treasure hidden there. Because of the lack of preparation for this expedition, it can almost be said that it is a nine deaths, it has a great impact on the individual me, I’m not willing to go to that place again, but I’m not willing to have those treasures buried on a deserted island, so that’s why I’ve made the decision to sell the treasure map.”

Zhuang Rui above those words, most of the words are true, but whether there is still treasure on that lonely island, the answer is yes, the bird feathers are there, pearls and scattered gold coins, maybe there are still a few left, as for these objects in front of the eyes, that’s absolutely no.

The reason why Zhuang Rui made the decision to auction the treasure map was also because he wanted to divert the public’s attention, because once this conference was opened, it seemed that the media had focused all their attention on himself, which was something Zhuang Rui was not willing to see.

His adventure trip, mainly due to Muta installed bombs on the plane, although the dude has gone to see Allah, but it is not possible that some people will associate it with himself, Zhuang Rui does not want to let that African maniac to find their own trouble.

Shoot out the treasure map, the media will certainly pay attention to the subsequent development of these pirate treasures in the museum, will also attract attention from all over the world, and he will be able to stealthily go behind the scenes.

As for whether the person who photographed the treasure map can find the treasure, that’s not about Zhuang Rui students anything, anyway, the map is real, find it is your good luck, can’t find it Zhuang Rui also declared in advance, anyway, it is to take themselves off clean.

“Mr. Zhuang, for your selflessness, I express my admiration, but how do you guarantee that the person who obtains the treasure map, can be free from other interference, can be the first to find the location of the treasure? You have to realize that what you are talking about is an auction, which means that the person who gets this treasure map has to pay for it.”

That vice president of the Adventurer’s Association raised his question, if Zhuang Rui disclosed the coordinates of the Pirate Island, then everyone in the world could go there to look for it, and the treasure map wouldn’t be very meaningful.

The vice president himself is a successful businessman, worth hundreds of millions of dollars, adventure treasure hunting is an indispensable spice in his life, so his interest in the treasure map in Zhuang Rui’s hands is extremely strong.

Zhuang Rui froze for a moment at his words, his decision was made on the fly, he hadn’t really thought about it, and after pondering in his mind, he replied, “This gentleman is right, the auction will take place after the conference, and I will make a promise that the coordinates of the pirate island’s location will be announced three months after the auction ends. And as the first guest of that Pirate Island, in order to show my sincerity, I will also tell the person who captured the treasure map the initial location of the treasure, and allow him to take pictures of the treasure map where the treasure has already been unearthed, so that this friend can go and verify it. But there is one thing I would like to reiterate, whether or not the second treasure map will contain Klaus’ treasure is something I cannot guarantee.”

Zhuang Rui’s words were indeed sincere, announcing the location of the coordinates of the Pirate Island three months later was enough for the holder of the treasure map to uncover the treasure, and being willing to provide the first location of the treasure also showed that Zhuang Rui did not have a ghost in his heart.

“Mr. Zhuang is right, no one can guarantee whether Klaus, back then, divided the treasure into two places for storage.”

After hearing Zhuang Rui’s words, that vice president was quite satisfied, for whether or not there was treasure there, he didn’t care very much, what he cared about was the excitement and thrilling process when exploring the pirate’s treasure.

With the gimmick of auctioning the treasure map thrown out by Zhuang Rui, the questions at the back of the conference became a bit of a walk in the park.

Half an hour later, Huangfu Yun announced the end of this press conference, and before the reporters could exit, the people outside who heard the news that Zhuang Rui was going to auction off the treasure map immediately swarmed in.

These people are experts and scholars from all over the world, came to participate in this academic exchange conference, at the same time, many people themselves are quite rich, for this do not know whether there is still a treasure treasure map, are showing a very great interest.

But Zhuang Rui first convened in the international reputation of the famous scientific research scholars, which includes the Beijing University of Professor Zhou, first to the small meeting on the two treasure map, the identification work.

Zhuang Rui is not afraid of these people can remember the treasure map on the crooked lines, even if they remember they do not know the direction of the lonely island, so still can guarantee the fairness of the auction.

Undoubtedly, after more than half an hour of appraisal, the two treasure maps made of parchment scrolls were unanimously considered authentic by several experts and signed their names on the appraisal certificate.

“This thing is also an antique! Shouldn’t we find a trustee and raise the price?”

Holding the appraisal certificate and the two treasure maps in the box, Zhuang Rui couldn’t help but think about it in his mind.

If it is not because that pirate island will shield all the signals of modern communication, Zhuang Rui even want to return it to their own, developed into a tourist resort.

“Mr. Zhuang, this auction was conducted too hastily, right? As soon as you put out this news, my phone hasn’t stopped ringing, all of them requesting to participate in the auction.”

Zhuang Rui had just walked out of the small conference room when he was blocked by Huangfu Yun, he had just been confused by the phone calls, not only people from abroad, but also a lot of rich and powerful people in China, who were also interested in this treasure map.

Zhuang Rui looked around and whispered: ”I’m not the cause of trouble, right? Saving people from thinking about it, brother Huangfu, this fame should also be moderate, not too much.”

Huangfu Yun was still a bit reluctant, and advised, “Then if there really is a treasure, aren’t we selling at a loss? Mr. Zhuang, it’s better to cancel it! Wouldn’t it be better for us to discover it ourselves?”

“One can’t be too greedy, Brother Huangfu, arrange it as I said!”

Zhuang Rui smiled, there is no treasure who is not as clear as he is, but after hearing Huangfu Yun’s words, Zhuang Rui’s heart is a little unimplemented, it seems that there is something that was forgotten by himself.

“Holy shit, almost a big problem.”

Zhuang Rui suddenly remembered something, slapped his thigh fiercely, and hurriedly called out to Huangfu Yun, who turned around and was ready to go arrange for the auction, and said, “Brother Huangfu, you’re right, now that the auction of the treasure map is taking place, there are a lot of people who don’t know about it, and it’s impossible to maximize the benefits, so let’s do it this way! The auction of the treasure map is scheduled to take place a week from now, and will be hosted by a professional auction company.”

“Che, isn’t that still an auction? Come on, when I didn’t say it, I’ll go make the arrangements.”

Huangfu Yun skimmed his mouth, according to his idea, it would be best if Zhuang Rui handed over the coordinates and treasure map to him, and the curator Huangfu would lead the team to carry out another archaeological excavation expedition operation that would shock the world’s science and research community.

After Huangfu Yun went out and said about Zhuang Rui’s decision, the crowd could understand, after all, Zhuang Rui himself was willing to take out the treasure map for auction, it was already a rare thing, and it was justifiable that others wanted to maximize the benefits.

However, no one had noticed that at this time, Zhuang Rui had already entrusted the matter of the Academic Exchange Meeting to his mentor, Professor Zhou, so that he could deal with those experts from all over the world, while Zhuang Rui himself, had already quietly slipped out of the museum and returned to the courtyard.

“Peng Fei, this matter needs you to run again, almost made a big mistake.”

Finding Peng Fei who was recuperating at home, Zhuang Rui directly told him what happened, he wanted Peng Fei to immediately rush to Pirate Island to help him deal with Muta’s problem.

At first Zhuang Rui good intentions, will Mu Ta buried on the beach, buried traces are absolutely unable to hide those professional explorers eyes, if Mu Ta’s body was dug up, I’m afraid that he will have to face a murder testimony.

Zhuang Rui also regretted this, had I known that I would have thrown Muta’s body into the sea.

“Brother Zhuang, don’t worry! I’ll just make a trip, I’ll first take a plane to the Virgin Islands, then hire a boat to go out to sea, and I’ll be able to get this done in three or four days’ time.”

Once Peng Fei heard that it was this matter, he immediately agreed, neither he nor Zhuang Rui thought that someone else would be boarding that mysterious island in the future.

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