Chapter 0861 – Exchange

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:37:24
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“Mr. Zhuang, what are you busy with?”

Zhuang Rui was watching King Kong playing treasure in the manor when he suddenly received a call from Fatty Jin, an associate researcher of the Palace Museum.

“Aigoo, Jin old brother, you mustn’t shout teacher, my heart is not twisted panic.”

Although Zhuang Rui in the antique line of fame is not small, by antique enthusiasts called the teacher, Zhuang Rui when afforded but and Jin fat man these people who come from the science class compared to, or a little less heritage.

“Oh, then call you old brother good, how, a while ago made such a big noise, now bide your time?”

Fatty Jin does not dare to underestimate Zhuang Rui, two years ago when they first met, Zhuang Rui is only a small reputation in the jade industry, but two years have passed, whether from the career or personal achievements, Zhuang Rui has been deservedly the industry leader.

“Hey, old brother Jin, this person of mine is just lucky, in fact, I don’t know much, I don’t want to go out in this hot day, I’m harboring at home, what’s the matter, what kind of care does old brother Jin have?”

Zhuang Rui, while grabbing the small snow mastiff that climbed into his lap and handing it to his niece, casually courteous with Fatty Jin.

Now from the last time he saw Li Dali, a whole month has passed, between him and Boss Li passed the phone twice, Li Dali told Zhuang Rui very subtly, there are three guests from Japan, expressed great interest in these two pieces of porcelain.

About these two pieces of porcelain black market auction, in the last few days will be held, due to this magnetic state official kiln put out the wind, let the cultural relics related departments are also nervous, so Li Dali is very cautious, this time and place of the black market auction, up to now have not been determined.

Zhuang Rui originally did not intend to participate in this black market auction, so this half of the month, are in the manor with the family, the day although slightly bland, but very fulfilling.

“Older brother, let me tell you something, recently in the Langfang area, there is a black market auction.” Fatty Jin’s voice suddenly lowered a few points, appearing somewhat mysterious.

“Elder brother Jin, you’re not talking about the same kind as last time, right? I really don’t have much interest in it.”

Zhuang Rui froze for a moment, then laughed, the timing was so coincidental, then it must be organized by Li Dali, thanks to Fatty Jin who could think of himself.

“Hey, old brother, this black market auction but there are goods, recently rumored official kiln porcelain of magnetic state, have you heard about it?”

Fatty Jin saw Zhuang Rui not move, can not help but a little anxious, he called Zhuang Rui is not idle egg pain, that is the leadership account.

“I say gold old brother, you are not playing porcelain, on this so interested in why?”

Zhuang Rui is really some strange, fat man Jin is a painting and calligraphy experts, although the ceramics is not a stranger, but the art of specialization, this old brother is not so much as to change the line of work, right?

“Ahem, old brother, I’m not aware that you like to play porcelain?” Fatty Jin was a little embarrassed and coughed a few times in a row.

“Hey, I said Jin old brother, we know the time is not short, something you say straight well.”

Zhuang Rui heard a little doorway, dare to say that Fatty Jin is nothing, something to find himself.

“I know that old brother you are quick, then I will say straight ah! It’s like this, the leader knows that I have a good relationship with you, want …… to let me and old brother you discuss, see if you can …… can be between the Palace Museum and the stereoscopic museum, to engage in an exchange of exhibits.”

Fatty Jin still has a few points of scholarly innocence, that is, do not love to beg, this said stuttering, looks like it is also forced by the leadership.

When Zhuang Rui heard that it was this, his eyebrows could not help but frown, some time ago Huangfu Yun did give him this matter. Just Zhuang Rui think pirate treasure and gold masks, are the town of light museum treasure, come to visit the tourists, but also more than rushed to these objects, the reason why the museum can have the current traffic, these objects can not be credited.

On the contrary, the Forbidden City Museum to the outside world to show, more is the Forbidden City itself buildings, for these antiques storage difficulty is relatively high things, most of them are hidden in the library, seldom take out, so Zhuang Rui at that time rejected the proposal.

I did not expect that side does not die, actually let Fatty Jin beat around the bush to find himself, but let Zhuang Rui some difficult to do.

No matter how, at the beginning is the golden fat man introduced to the master to self-knowledge, and the master to Xuan Rui Zhai and the museum are inscribed, this big favor is all going to fall on the body of the golden fat man.

Plus Zhuang Rui asked to visit the Palace Treasury boutique, Fatty Jin is very facetious, not only arranged for the painting and calligraphy Treasury, even ceramic warehouses also let Zhuang Rui visit, this face is given not small.

So Zhuang Rui can be mercilessly rejected those who are leaders, but to fat man Jin, he really can not say a “no” word, this is the country’s human relations.

“Jin old brother, to be honest, I do not really want to carry out this kind of exchange, the Forbidden City is a big family, a lot of points of view, but we just a few highlights, I’m afraid that the exchange will affect the business.”

Zhuang Rui said is the truth, but the phone end of the fat man listening to some of the taste, just want to speak when, Zhuang Rui’s voice came over: “If the old brother of gold your leadership to mention this, I will not agree, but the old brother of gold since you open this mouth, we can not let the old brother of you can not stand is not it?”

Zhuang Rui big breath of speech, so that the chubby face of the fat man is a burst of red a burst of white, but the heart is doubly happy, did not see it, the hall-level officials looking for Zhuang Rui are not good, buddy a word on the deal, how dignified thing ah!

“Jin old brother, I do not know which objects your museum wants to exchange ah?”

Zhuang Rui’s voice from the phone, Fatty Jin quickly said: “is this way, exhibits exchange time roughly positioning a month, your side of the qualitative light sword, Picasso’s sketches, Klaus’s gold anchors and Egyptian gold masks, are we want to exchange the exhibits, old brother you see how ah?”

“Shit, just these few pieces that have something to look at, all of them have to be exchanged to go.”

Zhuang Rui cursed in his heart, and then opened his mouth and said, “Golden old brother, I don’t know which collections the Forbidden City side is willing to give out?”

“Oh, old brother, you can rest assured, the leader said, as long as you agree to take out those four objects to exchange, the things in the Forbidden City, randomly you pick ten.”

Fatty Jin this, let Zhuang Rui heart of the imbalance to go half, the Forbidden City is a lot of good things, if they are really willing to come up with good things, this exchange will not be a loss.

After thinking for a while, Zhuang Rui said: “Qianlong paragraph gold ou everlasting cup can be used as one of the exchange collection, in addition to the yuan dynasty zhang cheng’s carved lacquer cloud pattern plate, the song dynasty jade cloud dragon furnace, zhang zerui’s “on the river during the Qingming river map”, western jin lu ji’s “pingfu post”, the bronze of the treasure of alcoholism Asian square bottle. If the Forbidden City is willing to take out these objects, I don’t mind if you pick up a few more in our museum.”

“Older brother, you are really asking for a lot of money! Come on, this is something I can’t do, I’ll call you back.”

Zhuang Rui did not finish his words, was interrupted by the fat man in a hurry off, although he just said is the things in the Forbidden City randomly pick, but these several objects, none of them is the Forbidden City’s treasure of the town hall, each is a class of antiques in the pinnacle of the work.

Like that Qianlong paragraph of the gold ou yonggu cup, is the masterpiece of the Forbidden City palace cultural relics, the production of this cup, not only call on the inner library of gold, pearl, gemstones and other precious materials, but also had a number of modifications until the emperor was satisfied with the emperor, so that the cup has been the emperor of the Qing dynasty as a precious ancestral treasures.

While Zhang Cheng is a master of lacquer in the Yuan dynasty, his heirloom works are unanimously considered to be the treasures in the carved lacquer works, the Forbidden City is also only a few pieces of his collection.

As for zhang zerui’s “qingming shanghe tu”, that is needless to say, and the western jin lu ji’s “pingfu post” is the representative work of the forbidden city of fazhi, can be called priceless treasure.

Zhuang Rui want these collections to exchange, not to mention Fatty Jin, that is, the leadership of the Palace Museum can not do the Lord, this must be approved by the higher level of leadership.

“Hehehe, exchange chanting, exchange I do not lose.”

After hanging up the phone, Zhuang Rui very sinister smile, who let Fatty Jin said big words, let him pick it, Zhuang Rui naturally will not be polite with him.

Just let Zhuang Rui did not expect is, after a day, fat man’s phone and called, in addition to the “Qingming Shanghe Tu” and “Pingfu post” due to easy to damage did not promise, the rest of the several pieces of the collection, the Palace side are promised down.

On the face of Fatty Jin, Zhuang Rui also nodded his head and agreed to the exchange of collections, the specific things handed over to Huangfu Yun to handle, depending on the light museum, will also usher in a month-long special exhibition of rare national treasures of the Forbidden City.

“Older brother, you don’t know, at that time I gave your conditions to the leader, the leader’s face turned green, almost didn’t fall down from the chair, haha ……”

Sitting on Zhuang Rui’s newly purchased Hummer, Fatty Jin smiled happily, things he did, this associate researcher in front of the word deputy, will soon be removed, he can still eat the state’s salary it, on the level is still very important.

Zhuang Rui sat on the co-pilot, said with a smile, “Come on, Jin Lao brother, I’m just looking at your face, for another person to take more treasures, I don’t love to take care of.”

The person who drove is Peng Fei, the destination of their trip, is held in Langfang antique black market, originally Zhuang Rui is not going to go, but after months of idleness Peng Fei heard about this matter, softly pulling Zhuang Rui must come out to wander around.

Zhuang Rui also want to see those porcelain will actually be bought by who, just Zhuang Rui do not want to be known that he and Li Dali is very familiar with, and then contacted Fatty Jin, came to participate in the black market of antiques.

Langfang and Beijing next to each other, driving out of the city after half an hour, into the Langfang boundary.

Fatty Jin took the phone to contact some after a crossroads, a black Volkswagen sedan, drove to Zhuang Rui’s car in front of the road to cause.

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