Chapter 0863: Manly and Open

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:37:29
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Walking with Miao Fei Fei to a parasol in the corner and sitting down, Zhuang Rui sardonically asked, “Officer Miao …… Miao, how have you been lately?”

Miao Fei Fei temperament straightforward, in once a period of time, and Zhuang Rui is a very good friend, but due to the later two people’s thoughts have undergone some transformation, now in turn become strange, not to say as the same person in general, but also has more than a year no contact.

Miao Fei Fei, although thinner than a year ago, but the spirit is very good, sniffing raised his head and looked at Zhuang Rui, said: “I’m quite good, Zhuang Rui, what are you doing here?”

Zhuang Rui smiled bitterly at the words, this Missy still talks so straight, what can he do here? Of course is to participate in the black market auction of antiques, it is difficult not to come to horseback riding?

But talked about the main thing, but let Zhuang Rui not so embarrassed, then coughed, said: “Here there is an antique art exchange, I came to see, what are the objects did not, you also know that my museum’s bottom is still weak, the collection is too little.”

“Oh ……”

Zhuang Rui’s words let Miao Fei Fei laughed, dare to play this culture, speak is a level, obviously illegal antiques black market, froze by Zhuang Rui said the antique art exchange, really think they are stupid ah?

“Zhuang Rui, we are friends, right?” Miao Fei Fei a pair of beautiful big eyes, staring at Zhuang Rui.

“Ahem, of course! But I hope that you and Xuan Bing can be friends as well.”

Zhuang Rui’s expression was a little less natural, he wasn’t a wooden man, for Miao Fei Fei’s affection, of course he could feel it.

But thinking about his own pair of children, Zhuang Rui didn’t dare to make a mistake! What’s more, Miss Miao has always been synonymous with pugnacity, and certainly won’t dare to be interested in herself as a married man anymore.

“Not mention your wife can die ah?”

Miao Fei Fei blankly glanced at Zhuang Rui and said, “Since we are friends, can I ask you for one thing? I’m recently very interested in antiques, and I also want to participate in this antique art exchange, with your Mr. Zhuang’s reputation, it’s not much of a problem to bring an individual, right?”

After Fifi Miao returned to Beijing, she had been idle for a while, and recently it was rumored that someone was preparing to auction off the Magnetic State Official Kiln Porcelain, the location of which was in the combination of Beijing and Tianjin, and since most of the buyers were Beijingers, the two places decided to work on a joint case.

However, Miao Feifei served in the precinct, this period of time, a lot of cases, can not spare manpower, and Miao Feifei before and antiques related cases, so let her to preside over the Beijing side of the work.

In the previous investigation, the police found that in Handan, Hebei, a crop field, indeed unearthed a lot of ceramic fragments, after expert identification, confirmed that this is likely to be an ancient kiln site in the Song Dynasty.

But this kiln site, has been visited, after salvage excavation, in addition to some scattered ceramic fragments, can no longer find anything of value.

As for whether the inside will be unearthed in the Southern Song Dynasty official kiln porcelain, even the experts do not dare to affirm or deny, can only say is “possible”.

But it is because of the “possible” this three words, let the police nervous, after nearly a month of investigation, Li Dali this antique black market auction gang for the deployment of control.

In fact, even Zhuang Rui also do not know, Li vigorously in order to cloth this bureau, but spent a lot of work, not only spread the news of the excavation of porcelain Magnetic State kilns, but also in a long time to be excavated on the site of an ancient kiln to move the foot, creating a sign of just being excavated.

Can say, Li vigorously do the work, has far exceeded the expectations of Zhuang Rui, this bureau will not only from the network of many collectors at home and abroad, and even the police are blindfolded in the drum.

This layout under the set, is to do nine points true one point false, everywhere to be logical, just like once in the Beijing courtyard house rented that set of master, take out the bait all the real mahogany furniture of the Ming and Qing dynasties.

But everything has its disadvantages, Li Dali also know that the commotion is a little big, was the relevant departments to keep an eye on, and even some people gave him greetings, let him avoid the wind. But Li weighs the pros and cons, was caught by the police, these fake objects can not be convicted of their own crime, while the loss of trust in Zhuang Rui, but he is not willing to.

The lesser of two evils, Li boss or decided to carry on this antique auction, even if the police finally destroyed the transaction, he can explain to Zhuang Rui past.

For this auction, Li Dali is loose on the outside and tight on the inside, in addition to the people he invited, not allowed to bring people to participate, so as to eliminate the possibility of the police to send undercover agents into the venue.

Fatty Jin is also aware of this matter, in order to bring Zhuang Rui to participate in the auction, he also specially to the organization of the application, so that Zhuang Rui can be able to travel.

However, Fatty Jin didn’t know that Zhuang Rui himself was on Li Dali’s invitation list, only that he didn’t intend to participate at first.

Li vigorously out of such a trick, but let the police difficult to do, whether the capital police or Tianjin police, are just inquired out of the auction location, but can not enter the auction venue to go, can not be the first time on the case to make control.

You know, the police case is also to talk about evidence, plus come to the auction of antiques collectors, but also more people with status, if there is no prohibited items in the black market, then not only will be spooked, but also be questioned about their ability to work.

Hearing Miao Fei Fei say that she was into collecting, Zhuang Rui shook his head with a bitter smile and said, “Officer Miao, I know that you guys are rushing to the so-called Magnetic State Official Kiln Porcelain, I can tell you right now that those porcelains are fakes, modern imitations, and they are not worthy of so much fanfare.”

Zhuang Rui is also now weighing the matter, he can not let the police spoil the matter, so after thinking about it in his mind for a while, he said the fact that the porcelain is a fake.

“How do you …… you know? Have you seen those two pieces of porcelain?”

Miao Fei Fei still believed in Zhuang Rui’s professional knowledge, but she didn’t understand why Zhuang Rui still came to this auction when he clearly knew that the porcelains were forgeries.

It seems that not to say clearly is not to dispel the doubts of Officer Miao, Zhuang Rui looked around, lowered his voice and said, “Those two pieces of porcelain was originally mine, you say I’ve seen it or not?”


Miao Fei Fei grew her mouth in surprise, how could she not expect to get such an answer from Zhuang Rui’s mouth.

“Are you …… you not a fraud?”

Miao Fei Fei immediately realized that the so-called ancient kiln site should also be a bureau made by Zhuang Rui.

“Fraud? Who did I scam?” The words were already spoken, and Zhuang Rui let go.

“You first speculated that the ancient kiln site unearthed a magnetic state kiln, and then you borrowed the heavenly ladder (?) to Release porcelain, these means can be recognized bit fraud.”

Miao Fei Fei these years the police is not for nothing, after several times of experience, its insight has long been not that small traffic police in Zhonghai can be compared.

“What fraud ah? My two pieces of porcelain burned out spent more than ten million dollars, and finally do not see to sell so much money, you say I cheated who?”

Zhuang Rui on Miao Fei Fei words are very dissatisfied, he is not empty gloves, these two pieces of porcelain is actually spent more than 10 million yuan to burn out, the world has to spend the cost of so big, so stupid fraudster?

“Two pieces of porcelain spent ten million dollars?”

Miao Fei Fei heard Zhuang Rui’s words and was also confused by him.

“Okay, later have time to explain to you, these two pieces of porcelain will not be sold to the hands of the countrymen, not I will buy it back myself, you police must not add to my mess ah!”

Zhuang Rui see this will have been someone began to enter to the small building, and then look at the watch, the clock hand is also almost pointing to 11 o’clock, then stood up, ready to end this conversation.

“What are you talking about? If you carry out illegal and criminal activities, I have the right to stop it, no, I want to enter into the auction house with you.” Zhuang Rui’s words made Officer Miao, who was all righteousness, very uncomfortable.

“Get, get, go, take you there or not?”

Zhuang Rui saw that both Fatty Jin and Peng Fei had already walked back with their horses, so he quickly agreed, pissing off this little auntie, she could really stir up the situation that he and Li Dali had painstakingly laid out.

“That’s more or less the same.”

Seeing that Zhuang Rui gave in, Officer Miao proudly took out his phone and asked the police forces that were ready to rush into the venue to pull back.

For Zhuang Rui’s words, Officer Miao still believed in them, after all, a billionaire with a fortune of billions of dollars wouldn’t be so underhanded as to risk a huge amount of money to swindle tens of millions of dollars.

Seeing that Miao Fei Fei is going to go to the auction house with a few of them, Fatty Jin couldn’t help but drag back a step, pulling Zhuang Rui, and said with wide eyes: ”Elder brother Zhuang, you …… how did you bring her along again? If this spreads out, the impact on you can be bad ah!”

Zhuang Rui laughed: “Old Brother Jin, it’s fine, she’s just an antique lover, come to see the world.”

“Buddy rather don’t want to bring, then this black market also don’t want to open.” Zhuang Rui slandered in his stomach.

Seeing Zhuang Rui as if nothing had happened, Fatty Jin reminded him, “Buddy, I don’t have the ability to bring her in! It’s just that I brought you here, I still greeted you in advance.”

“I’ll take care of this, that auntie can’t be messed with!”

Zhuang Rui laughed bitterly, fished out the phone from his pocket, found Li Dali’s number and dialed it. He didn’t dare to say bring the police, just said bring a friend, Li Dali naturally won’t have any objections, and immediately used the intercom to notify the people at the door.

Looking at Zhuang Rui brought Miao Feifei Peng Fei in, Fatty Jin’s eyes widened. To know, in the small building outside, there are a lot of people’s bodyguards are stopped outside not allowed to enter, and Zhuang Rui a phone call to bring two people in, which had to let the fat man suspected that Zhuang Rui and the mysterious Mr. Li whether acquaintance?

Just now was pulled by Fatty Jin delayed for a while, after entering the small building, Zhuang Rui found that the large hall, has been filled with people.

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