Chapter 0867: Entering the Urn (I)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:37:40
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Whether it is before the Tang Three Colors, or in front of these two pieces of imitation Magnetic State Kiln, the old craftsmanship can be said to be impeccable, at least Zhuang Rui students with the naked eye alone, is unable to see the cracks to.

Times in the development of science and technology in progress, although a lot of ancient porcelain technology has been extinguished in the river of history, but the wisdom of modern people will only be more intelligent than the ancients, antiquing is even more so. It is estimated that after a few more decades, I am afraid that these counterfeit vessels, even carbon 14 can not be detected.

Pick up Xu Guoqing provided ancient kiln site broken porcelain pieces, Zhuang Rui will be and those two pieces of porcelain comparison, broken porcelain due to earlier excavation, black glazed tires slightly whitish, while the old after the porcelain, but highlights the characteristics of the just unearthed porcelain, the color is relatively bright some.

“High, really high!”

Zhuang Rui sighed in his heart, thanks to take this object to Li Dali, otherwise replace it with another person, Zhuang Rui really don’t know if he can make this porcelain so realistic, in the end, it’s a professional.

“Mr. Zhuang, these two pieces of porcelain is not Song porcelain official kiln?”

“Teacher Zhuang, is it a new imitation or an old object?”

“Hurry up and tell us! If you want to say it’s real, you must keep them today.”

Zhuang Rui look at some slightly longer, enough after nearly 20 minutes, before the two pieces of porcelain put back, the bottom of the people have long been waiting anxiously, immediately can not wait to ask after.

“Cough cough ……”

Zhuang Rui coughed, the following seven voices immediately all disappeared, hundreds of pairs of eyes are staring at Zhuang Rui’s body, even the few Japanese, also put up their ears, ready to listen to Zhuang Rui’s explanation.

Zhuang Rui took Li Dali handed the microphone, said: “the two porcelain shape, one is ornamental play, another Christine, but the daily necessities, more in line with the characteristics of the magnetic state porcelain. The porcelain itself, pure glaze, thick pulp, from the bottom of the following paragraph ‘Chunxing Hall’ three words can be seen, this should be the residence of a consort, Song official porcelain often signed with the name of the Palace of the objects, judging from this point, it is a bit like the Song official porcelain. However, the color of this porcelain and broken porcelain compared to the color seems too bright, there are two possibilities, one is that this itself is new porcelain, the second is in the soil is better protected, after the excavation of the rubbing. Of course, the above views are some of my personal shallow opinions, after all, my understanding of Song porcelain is not a lot, I’ll just say it, let’s just listen to it!”

Today this matter let Zhuang Rui also some difficult to do, say it is true, right? Designated these people in the country also set in, but to say it is false, don’t put those few small Japan to scare away, finally Zhuang Rui can only give an ambiguous answer.

“Mr. Zhuang, then this is in the end is not the official kiln porcelain of the Song Dynasty ah? You are giving an accurate answer!”

“Yes! I’ve been listening for half a day and I’m still confused, are we going to shoot or not?”

“Zhuang old brother, we are old friends, you give a word, if really old brother I demolish the house and sell the land, but also to take them down.”

Zhuang Rui after these words, the bottom and drumming up, a few and Zhuang Rui once interacted with the boss, but also put on a look of Zhuang Rui as the head of the horse, as long as the Zhuang Rui said it is true, it seems that they are really willing to spend all their money to shoot these two objects in general.

Zhuang Rui heard that person’s words, waved his hands and said: “Gentlemen, you all know, I am playing with jade, porcelain is not too deep research, these two objects I really can’t see, or, let’s let Mr. Jin up to see?”

Zhuang Rui said this, the field of people just thought of, the young man but also has the Northland “Jade King” name it, let him identify the porcelain, is indeed a little difficult.

“No, Zhuang old brother you can not see the object, I went up is also blind, but Zhuang old brother has been the object itself positive and negative have analyzed, everyone look at their own ideas!”

Fatty Jin heard Zhuang Rui’s words, but also shook his head like a rattlesnake drum, he knows he has a few pounds, for this controversial object, simply do not dare to make a statement.

See can’t count on Zhuang Rui, those amateur collectors, re-exhibition table to surround, and rely on the crowd, intentionally or unintentionally, the few Japanese to exclude.

But the level of these people, really is a bottle of vinegar dissatisfaction half bottle of vinegar wobble, and Zhuang Rui than are worse than a whole front street, simply can not see anything to, finally still full of confusion back to the chair.

“Mr. Li, we’re all done watching, let’s start!”

“Yeah! It’s past noon and it’s time to go eat, so hurry up and start shooting!”

“Yes, yes, Mr. Zhuang, I’ll treat you later, you must show your face!”

Perhaps it is a heart to heart, these domestic collectors, once seated, in unison, urged Li Li Dali to come.

On the one hand, they do not want to leave the Japanese appraisal time, two if these two pieces of porcelain is really authentic, so that it is possible to fish in troubled waters, with a relatively low price shot to the hand. From the bottom of their bones, these collectors, are still trying to be speculators in the antique market, there are not many people with a pure heart.

“Jun Li, I wish to take a look at these two pieces of porcelain, please.”

Before the crowd’s words fell, the Mr. Yoho Chairman sitting in the front row, suddenly stood up and rushed to Li Liqi on the stage and fiercely made a ninety-degree bow, which shocked the dude and almost didn’t fall down from the stage.

“Paralyzed, the man bowed even if, this small Japanese women do things when still do not forget to bow, this fucking what tradition ah?”

Li vigorously went to Japan a few times, in order to raise our country’s prestige, once looked for a few Japanese women, for this also specially found a translator to learn a few simple Japanese.

But let Li boss depressed is, every time dry is good time, as long as they open their mouth to say a certain command words, the crotch of the Japanese woman, immediately will nod his head and low chest to say “Ha Ee” so this is wildly suddenly action to give a shock.

“Well, look at it! China is a country of etiquette, anyway, you can not see a flower.”

Li Dali waved his hand and said, “A few of you please look, there’s no rush.”

“Damn, dead traitor.”

“Giving birth to a son without an asshole.”

“Succumbs to Little Japan, not a good thing.”

Li Dali words fell, the stage rang a lot of discussion, although the voice is not loud, but enough to let Boss Li heard, listening to Li Dali is a green face, almost did not hold his breath.

In fact, these people are also sitting and talking, if it were a Japanese company to invest in them, I guess the posture is even lower.

“Yamagi-kun, what do you think?”

Nogai and Yamagi each held an object, and after examining it for about ten minutes, both of them put it down at the same time.

“Chairman Wild Hop, judging from the shape of the tire of this porcelain, it is indeed undoubtedly a Magnetic State Kiln, but ordinary Magnetic State Kiln porcelain, the production is definitely not this exquisite, so I suspect that this is the official Magnetic State Kiln porcelain in the records.”

Yamaki family has a book written in the middle of the Qing Dynasty, about the ceramics of the Song, Yuan and Ming Dynasties, which has a detailed depiction of the Song Dynasty’s Magnetic State Porcelain, and also mentions the things that the Magnetic State Kiln has paid tribute to the Royal Family, that’s why the Wild Hopes will ask for Yamaki’s opinion.

And this Yamagi, there is a not known to Zhuang Rui identity, his father, is Zhuang Rui more than half a year ago, in Hebei to see that Yamagi Ichiro.

Out of face, Yamagi Ichiro returned to Japan, and did not say their own encounters in China, but has been urging his research institute, stepped up the development of magnetic state porcelain research work. But the sky has unpredictable, people have every day, after returning to Japan for a month, Yamagi Ichiro due to myocardial infarction suddenly attack, died at home.

As his son, Yamagi came to China this time in order to fulfill his father’s last wish, wanting to buy a Magnetic State Official Kiln Porcelain, which his father had never been able to see until his death.

“Well, Yamagi-kun, I also agree with your opinion, these Chinese people are so ratty that they can’t identify the authenticity of this porcelain, only we, can understand the connotation of ceramic culture.”

Wild Hopper appreciatively glanced at Yamagi, he is a Chinese general, especially on the Chinese porcelain through the ages as a family favorite, after a meticulous appraisal, Wild Hopper did not find out a single flaw from these two pieces of porcelain. And he also Zhuang Rui as a jade expert to appraise the behavior of porcelain, some disdain, in the view of Naohe, only ceramics this single knowledge, it is enough to let a person ponder for a lifetime.

Japan as a nation, has its excellent place, but can not help but say, their way of thinking, there is a big flaw, it is easy to go to extremes. Such was the case with Nohe, whose decades of in-depth study of porcelain had given him a strong self-confidence that bordered on arrogance.

“Yamagi-kun, bring these two pieces of porcelain back to Japan no matter what, please.”

Although Nohe was a titanic figure in Japanese ceramics research, his financial strength was far inferior to Yamagi’s, after slightly bowing his head to Yamagi, Nohe continued, “If you can bring these two pieces of porcelain back, then after your father’s death, when other people grabbed your company’s market share, I will help you to get it back.”

Ever since Ichiro Yamagi died, Yamagi Corporation’s business had gone down drastically, and their original ceramic customers were now being snatched away by other companies, and their market share had shrunk very much.

So after hearing Wild Hop’s words, a hint of redness appeared on Yamagi’s face, and he made up his mind in his mind that he would definitely auction these two pieces of porcelain back to Japan.

“Okay, everyone has finished looking, the first thing to be transferred below is this complimentary piece, the reserve price for the transfer is 1 million RMB, interested friends can start shouting.”

Although these two pieces of porcelain did not identify the authenticity of the scene, but none of the feeling that Li Dali shouted out a high price.

Zhuang Rui in Li vigorously shouted out the reserve price, eyes staring at the few Japanese, layout January, into the jar is imminent!

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