Chapter 0868 Entering the Urn (II)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:37:42
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The Song Dynasty is the heyday of China’s high degree of porcelain development, the world-famous Ru, official, Brother, Ding, Jun five famous kilns of the products for the world’s treasures, but these five famous kilns are official kilns.

The reason why the magnetism kiln is not included in the ranks of the above several kilns, is that it has not unearthed the official kiln porcelain.

Now in front of the two pieces of porcelain, if it is really the official kiln of magnetism, it will change the whole history of Chinese ceramics, perhaps later called the Song porcelain, is the six famous kilns.

So Li vigorously called out the bottom of the auction price of 1 million yuan, and no one felt sudden, if the porcelain is true, not to mention 1 million, is 10 million are worth.

Just in Li vigorously after the bottom price export, the scene suddenly became silent, originally some people are talking to each other, but also stop talking, everywhere turn their heads to watch, want to see if there is no one to bid.

“Everyone, the price of these two pieces of porcelain, absolutely to far more than 1 million, if not the wind is too …… far away, Mr. Xue is the identification of Ji Province Magnetic State porcelain experts, he issued a certificate of authenticity, there will be no fake.”

Li vigorously see no one bid, on the stage and yell up, the rest of the eye is to look at the few Japanese, his heart is not sure, these few small Japan in the end how to think?

Domestic collectors are watching, a few Japanese seem to have no intention to call the price, the field for a time the atmosphere has become a little weird.

No one could have expected, before the auction was fired before the Magnetic State Official Porcelain, actually facing the dilemma of abortive auction.

“Mr. Yoho, these Chinese people don’t think highly of this porcelain, I shouted the price ah?”

Yamagi was still young in the end, and after five minutes of coldness, he became a bit sullen.

Wild Hopper is an old fox, after looking around, lowered his voice and said, “Don’t, it’s better if it goes to auction, that way you can buy it at an even lower price.”

There are auctions will naturally have the phenomenon of abortive auction, antiques of the special auction, abortive generally out of two situations, one is the child raised a sky-high price, this abortive antiques, after the meeting is also very difficult to get out of the way, because if the price is reduced hastily, the auction house is equal to the slap in their own face.

The other phenomenon is out of the antiques themselves, such as the two pieces of porcelain now, it is difficult to distinguish between the real and the fake, the risk of shooting down is very high, this kind of antiques after the abortive auction, the organizer will often reduce the price, after the meeting will be out of the bidding, the wild cooperation to see that no one bid, is to play this idea.

“Damn, just now each and every one of them showed righteous indignation, and now there is actually no bidding.”

Zhuang Rui looked at the performance of these people on the field, really is very speechless, these two pieces of porcelain even if it is a fake, that is also spent more than 10 million yuan before firing success, its value is also far more than just shot out of those fakes to be countless times higher.

“One million, I’ll bid one million ……”

Zhuang Rui didn’t want to make this appearance, but if he didn’t speak up again, Li Dali standing on the stage would probably be even more awkward.

“Hey, Mr. Zhuang made a bid, maybe this porcelain is real.”

“Yeah! I heard that Mr. Zhuang has never hit an eye since he started out.”

“Then what are you waiting for?1.1 million, I’ll bid 1.1 million RMB.”

As soon as Zhuang Rui shouted out the price, the murmurs in the arena rang out, and there were immediately followers, the atmosphere was slightly more active.

“1.5 million, gentlemen, I have a lot of Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasty porcelain in that museum, but there are not many pieces of Song porcelain, everyone raise your hand, let my little brother shoot it down!”

Zhuang Rui added 400,000 at a time, and then arched his hand toward the four directions, there are a few people who originally also wanted to take advantage of shouting a price, all put their hands down.

Zhuang Rui this is no way out of things, if the Japanese do not make a bid, then he will have to auction the two pieces of porcelain back, otherwise, this game is the pit of their own people, in the future, if the word gets out, he Zhuang someone really can not mix in the antique circle.

“Two million yuan.”

A voice drew the crowd to look toward the voice, shouting price is a middle-aged man in his forties, after shouting out the price, somewhat apologetically looked at Zhuang Rui, said: “Zhuang old brother, you also know that I am playing with ceramics, these two objects, although I can not see it, but on the basis of the Song Porcelain Official Kiln this, I also want to get my hands on it.”

“2.8 million!”

Zhuang Rui shook his head with a bitter smile, those few Japanese still did not move, which makes him feel that he is cocooned in his own cocoon, it is hard not to go around in such a big circle, but it is to put himself into the circle.

“This world is really small ah!”

As for the person who spoke, Zhuang Rui is also recognized, last time in Jinan folk treasure appreciation program, he smashed is this surnamed Liu’s boss took out the Tang Sancai. And coincidentally, the last time Liu boss’s Tang three-color and the two pieces of porcelain in front of him, are from the hand of one person.

Zhuang Rui does not know, if these two objects really by Liu boss shot to go, one day a careless to broken, see inside the “Xu” word, will be a kind of mood?

“Three million, Zhuang old brother, your family is big, do not care about these one or two things, right? I think, you let me have it, we two people here to grab a toilet, you say this is called what the matter ah!”

The reason why Liu boss will continue to raise the price, mainly because the last time after the Tang Sancai was dropped, so that he is convinced of Zhuang Rui, along with the appraisal level of Zhuang Rui, is almost superstitious conviction. So Liu boss saw Zhuang Rui shouting price, immediately realized that these two pieces of porcelain may be very important, which is not a step and Zhuang Rui scramble up.

If Zhuang Rui know Liu boss playing in this idea, the expression will be very wonderful, he dropped someone else a Tang Sancai, now is considered retribution.

“Five million, regardless of the authenticity of this object, but this workmanship and character, it is worth the price.”

Zhuang Rui does not want to and that Liu boss in entanglement, directly opened a high price.

After calling the price, Zhuang Rui’s eyes swept over a few people in the first row, just to his disappointment, those few people still remained motionless, seemingly not for this reason.

Although the price of five million yuan, and the five famous kilns of the Song dynasty, compared to the porcelain, there is still some gap, but for this controversial porcelain, is not low.

Then again, Zhuang Rui is shouting the price of 100 million, it is also money not out of the bag, anyway, something is his, Li Li will not find him to commission.

Sure enough, in Zhuang Rui shouted out this price, that Liu boss’s look, become hesitant, spend so much money to buy a can’t see the things, any who have to drum in the heart.

“Mr. Zhuang bid five million, there is no friend shouting? This gong ware is not elegant, but maybe it is used by a certain maiden!”

Li vigorously mouth jokes, but the bottom of the heart is a little bitter, he did not think that he went to great lengths to invite a few Japanese, actually have no interest in these two pieces of porcelain.

Li vigorously asked three times in a row after the stage are no one answered, one to the crowd can not be sure of the authenticity of this object, five million speculation a little bit more than worth it, two Zhuang Rui opened the mouth earlier, they have to give a few points of face.

Seeing no reaction from the crowd on the stage, Li Dali picked up the responsive auction hammer and said, “Good, if no friend opens the bidding, then this Song Magnetic State Porcelain Gong ware, it goes to Mr. Zhuang.”

“Slow down!”

Just as Li Dali was about to strike the hammer down, Yamagi, who was sitting in the first row, stood up and said loudly, “I admire Chinese culture, and I also like this porcelain, I’ll bid ten million dollars.”

“What? Ten million dollars?”

“This little Japanese is crazy, right?”

“Could it be that this porcelain is really the official kiln of Magnetic State?”

“It’s possible, otherwise why would Little Japan offer such a high price?”

Yamagi’s words were like a stone stirring up a thousand waves, making the entire venue boil with excitement at this sudden turn of events.

To know, the five major official kilns of the Song dynasty surviving porcelain is very little, most of them are collected in national museums and foreign museums, the folk almost no circulation, so the price is extremely high, the vessel is a little smaller to be above ten million.

But that refers to the orderly inheritance of the official kiln porcelain, like such a not recorded objects can be shot to ten million high price, is extremely rare.

So although the people here are very dissatisfied with the price of the mountain wood, but no one rashly raise the price, after all, who’s money is not windfall, just a few vowed to protect the national treasures of the people, but also put the head hangs down.

Compared with the complex psychology of these people, Zhuang Rui is quietly out of a long breath, it seems that their own this bureau did not cloth in vain, small Japan in the end is into the jar.

Similarly, standing on the stage of Li Dali is also the same mood, this kid is not do not want these two pieces of porcelain, but played a psychological warfare, the beginning of the price is not bid, to the end of the fierce will double the price, want to take it in one fell swoop.

For this price, Li boss is already very satisfied, only he does not know, Zhuang Rui just firing these two pieces of porcelain, has spent tens of millions.

“12 million this is belongs to the Chinese things, it should stay in China.”

Just when Li Dali all thought that Zhuang Rui would not bid again, Zhuang Rui’s voice resounded throughout the room.

This time not only Li Dali dumbfounded, even sitting behind the Miao Feifei is also open mouth, surprised “ah”, she knows that this porcelain was originally Zhuang Rui.

“Mr. Zhuang, good job!”

“Mr. Zhuang, pure man!”

“Mr. Zhuang is right, Chinese things should stay in China.”

For a while, those horseback hunters, began to brag about Zhuang Rui, almost singing a big knife to the heads of the devils, and the whole atmosphere of the meeting place became enthusiastic.

“Damn, Laozi burned just spent more than ten million dollars, how to make some right? Otherwise it’s not burned for nothing for the little Japan?” No one knew that Zhuang Rui was thinking this in his head at the moment.

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