Chapter 0870 – Heavenly Price (II)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:37:47
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Whether in terms of artistic value or ornamental value, this white-ground black-flower fish and phoenix pattern four-system vase was far superior to that imperial gong ware.

Before Zhuang Rui’s bid, many powerful domestic players are also face with excitement, showing a look of eagerness to try.

However, when Zhuang Rui shouted out the price of 20 million RMB, the field suddenly became silent. A few bosses who were going to shout three to five million, immediately laid down their flag, their faces burned, fortunately did not call the price first, otherwise they can not afford to lose this person ah!

“Mr. Zhuang bid 20 million RMB, is there any friend interested? This is today’s auction of the last Magnetic State official kiln porcelain, miss this village will not have this store!”

The last porcelain auction, also stimulated the Li boss, after Zhuang Rui called the price, began to spare no effort to yell up, but his level of auction host is really not very professional, how to say this is like a vegetable market selling vegetables.

“Jun Li, I’ll add 10 million, 30 million RMB.”

The field was slightly silent for two minutes before Yamaki reared back and raised his hand to shout out a price.

Shanmu loved the feeling when he auctioned the first porcelain, at that time, he felt that all the gazes in the arena looking at him were mixed with envy and jealousy, as if this auction was organized for him alone, this feeling of controlling the auction process was very good.

“Thirty million RMB, Mr. Yamaki has bid, which other friend has bid?”

Li Dali also had a feeling that in the last auction that was about to end more than ten years of black market career, it seemed that an unprecedented sky-high price was going to be auctioned, which made Boss Li’s blood boil all over, and he seemed to have found a bit of the feeling of gallivanting on a Japanese woman.

“Older brother, don’t be impulsive, these two items are unproven, it’s nothing to give the Japanese a shot.”

Fatty Jin see Zhuang Rui and want to bid, and hastened to advise, he was in the antique line hanging around for decades, have seen things is too much, these two pieces of porcelain, although it is not flawed, but the auction is to let Fatty Jin feel a little bizarre.

Although Fatty Jin can not say what is broken, but his nose sniffed out a hint of conspiracy flavor, so this is to pull Zhuang Rui, do not want to let him continue to bid.

Fatty Jin this pull, the field suddenly fell into silence again, originally the crowd are counting on Zhuang Rui and the small Japan to bid, did not expect Zhuang Rui actually silent.

While Yamagi face is a triumphant smile, it seems that the first porcelain bid, has made these Chinese people afraid, no one dares to compete with himself again.

“Forty million dollars!”

Just before the smile on Yamagi’s face faded, it stiffened on his face, and the sound of the forty million dollar offer interrupted his conjecture.

“Mr. Zhuang quoted again?”

“What eyes, that’s Mr. Lu, Mr. Lu of the Dongshan Group.”

“Hey, it’s really the biggest private company in Lu Province, rich and powerful!”

“What do you know, spend a forty million dollars, not only can you get the benefits, but also can do free advertising, inside face have, I want to have money, also do so ……”

The atmosphere of the field with this offer, became boiling up, and that Lu, the general manager, stood up, to the surrounding greetings of the people constantly arching hands to thank, make as if it is a star conference in general.

In fact, Mr. Lu’s behavior, really was given some, he shouted out the price of 40 million, is a bit of a show.

Although this black market auction can not be on the stage, but these people here, are all well-known domestic business owners, can give them a deep impression, for the development of their own business, that is a hundred benefits and no harm.

Just like the domestic that was established in the eighties of the Prince Lippo Group, originally obscure and unknown, is in an international auction held in Hong Kong, spending hundreds of millions of dollars, shot several pieces of precious national treasures.

After this incident, coupled with the media’s push, almost overnight, Prince Ripley Group’s fame spread, in the country is no one knows no one knows, that effect is definitely stronger than spending hundreds of millions of dollars to advertise many times.

Of course, the nature of the black market for antiques was different from the auction in Hong Kong, but the word-of-mouth after these people left the venue could also make Boss Lu famous in the domestic business circle.

“Fifty million dollars!” Yamagi stood up and shouted with an expressionless face.

The price of fifty million dollars was shouted out, and a sound of inhalation rang out in the arena, everyone’s eyes, re-condensed to Shanmu’s body, that is, Zhuang Rui was also taken aback.

Although in recent years the international auction market, Chinese porcelain prices have risen, but fifty million yuan price, enough in the last ten years of porcelain sales history, ranked into the top five, and this is still happening in the black market transactions, it is more rare.

To know, a lot of times shot the price of antiques, in fact, have the components of the show, so the large amount of transactions, basically in the formal auction occasions, like the black market auction, three or five million are considered a large sum of money, but the black market, but the subversion of the cognition of all people.

This price let Lu boss’s heart also deflated, although he can also pull out more money, but ultimately the bottom line is not enough, 40 million yuan price, has been the limit of his psychological tolerance.

Many collectors in the field are looking at each other, they have felt, this porcelain will be shot away by the Japanese.

Some people even began to think in the heart, is not the front foot out of this auction, the back foot to the public security department to call ah? How can not look at the brats to bring things back to Japan ah?

“Sixty million dollars!”

In everyone thinks this white ground black flower fish phoenix pattern four series bottle will be the final price of 50 million yuan, Zhuang Rui’s voice rang out again.

“Older brother, are you crazy? This is not Yuan Qinghua, even the famous porcelain in the five official kilns is not worth this price.”

Fatty Jin looked at Zhuang Rui with hatred, in his opinion, Zhuang Rui’s bid this time is purely a gamble, don’t want to let the small Japan to buy this porcelain away.

“Mr. Zhuang Rui is benevolent.”

“Really is a big collector ah! Bottom is enough, 60 million shouted out are not change color.”

“Of course, I heard that the pirate treasure that Mr. Zhuang got last time was worth billions of dollars, what is 60 million RMB?”

Today to participate in the black market auction of these people, it feels like a roller coaster ride in general, a moment up a moment down, this heart is not good, really can not withstand the stimulation.

However, all people feel that today’s value, absolutely eye-opening, alone the price of this piece of porcelain, now almost more than a lot of auction will be the total transaction price.

“Ancestor ah! See the good thing about it!”

In the field of those who praised the sound, Li Dali is the heart is like ate Huanglian general bitterness, fifty million yuan bid, has been in the test of his heart tolerance, did not expect Zhuang Rui and added a firewood, directly lifted to the price of sixty million.

“Pretend, pretend hard ……”

Miao Fei Fei sitting next to Zhuang Rui, is with the corner of the eye in the contempt of Zhuang Rui, in Zhuang Rui bidding for the first piece of porcelain, Miao police officer will see out, Zhuang Rui this set, is to the Japanese under.

According to this matter is actually considered a fraud, but for one thing, Officer Miao has no evidence, and now advocate the freedom of the market has been more than ten years, a willingness to fight a willingness, but also has nothing to do with their police.

So Officer Miao has always been cold-eyed related, and did not make any move, in her heart, perhaps feel that can make the Japanese people suffer a little loss, is also a thing of great joy, right?

“Mr. Zhuang is really out of this world, the current price is 60 million RMB, is there any offer higher than that?”

With an arrow on the string, Li Dali spoke while looking towards Shanmu, praying continuously in his heart, “Raise it, raise the price.”

Perhaps it was really his prayers that worked, Shanmu stood up as soon as Boss Li’s words fell and said, “I’ll offer 80 million yuan, as an ancient artifact with some long history and culture, I think it’s worth this price.”

Eighty million RMB, in 2006 the exchange rate was just about ten million dollars, which was nothing for Yamagi Corporation, which had total assets of over half a billion dollars.

“I offer 90 million RMB, I agree with Mr. Yamagi’s opinion, but I think it’s better for this thing to stay in China.”

Zhuang Rui didn’t wait for the crowd under the stage to wake up from the shock, immediately threw out another 90 million yuan price, which was like a deep water bomb, making the whole audience feel their brains rumbling, and for a moment some couldn’t believe their ears.

After Zhuang Rui’s words, Yamagi felt that his dignity was provoked, stood up and looked at Zhuang Rui, said, “This gentleman, art has no borders, a good piece of work, it should also be appreciated by people who understand it, I bid 100 million RMB!”

The scene of the two men going head to head has made many people lose their ability to think, tens of millions of hundreds of millions of dollars, in their mouths are like dozens of hundreds of dollars in general, the upper lip touches the lower lip, and so casually thrown out.

If this is to invest in a project, the field of many entrepreneurs can understand, but also dare to go out, but the robbery is such a do not know the authenticity, whether there is the possibility of value-added antiques, which makes the crowd daunted.

Even the bosses who were more bold and decisive in the business world did not dare to participate in this game being played by Zhuang Rui and Mu Shan.

“Hehe, it seems that Mr. Yamagi is determined to win this porcelain, I wonder if Mr. Zhuang is willing to part with it?”

Li Dali’s voice made everyone look at Zhuang Rui, if anyone focused on Boss Li, they could see that Li Dali’s face, at the moment, was smiling harder than crying.

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