Chapter 0875 Turmoil (III)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:38:00
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In fact, the section of the new porcelain and the old porcelain, is very different, but through some techniques, is also able to make up for it, even if it is smashed porcelain to see the section, it is also very difficult to distinguish.

Just deal with the method of porcelain internal tire, the cost is very big, general imitation porcelain, is not going to do that old, so smash off the porcelain, there is a great possibility that the break from the porcelain can be seen from the real.

However, there is a point to note, each inheritance of thousands of years of art, are non-renewable and unique and precious objects, if smashed and proved to be true, it will be an irreparable loss.

And appraisal itself, is a very test professional knowledge of things, if every piece of antique have to be broken to identify, then I’m afraid that the world will not exist how many antiques.

So when Prof. Tian made this request, the whole room was in an uproar, some reporters who know about artwork, already questioning Prof. Tian’s professional level.

“If it’s true, it’s not just a matter of losing money.”

“Yeah! Although broken porcelain can be repaired, its historical and collector’s value is far less than a complete one.”

“What if it’s fake? Didn’t you see that Professor Tian also took out the same two pieces of porcelain?”

For a while, the field was divided into two factions, one faction was in favor of smashing the porcelain for identification, while the other faction thought that this was not proper, and that it was an insult to the heritage of an ancient civilization.

Shanmu’s heart is also very contradictory at this moment, do not agree to Tian Fan’s conditions! It would give people a feeling of weakness.

But if you agree, Yamagi heart really do not have a bottom, after all, these two pieces of porcelain is not from what is called “ancient kiln site” dug out, but in China to buy.

To put it bluntly, Yamagi is really weak, if the porcelain really have any mystery, then it is estimated that even if he is disemboweled, can not wash away this huge shame of the Japanese academic community.

“Mr. Yamaki, what do you think? You can give a price for your porcelain, in front of so many reporters and friends, I can’t possibly renege on my debt, if it’s a real ancient porcelain, I can compensate you according to your price.”

Professor Tian is also now on the string and have to send, if can not unveil the internal mystery of the porcelain, then this matter will always become a case of doubt, there will always be people who believe and people who doubt.

Different from Yamagi’s current affliction, Tian Fan was very trusting of Zhuang Rui, and in his pocket, he still had a check of 80 million dollars sent by Zhuang Rui, which was a sum of money that Zhuang Rui had gathered all the funds to take out.

Thinking of their own received Zhuang Rui’s phone and see that young man things, Professor Tian heart still feel some dream, originally could not test out these two pieces of porcelain is fake, even some members of the expert group are ready to give up when, Zhuang Rui suddenly gave him a surprise.

Tian Fan did not dream that the original eight months before the rumors of the auction of the official kilns of the Magnetic State, actually Zhuang Rui single-handedly planned out, and also left a backhand, seems to have thought of today’s situation at that time.

Yamagi thought about it again and again, but couldn’t make up his mind, after thinking about it for a while, he said, “Prof. Tian, smashing an antique to appraise it, this has never happened in the art market, I need to think about it carefully.”

“Be my guest, if you don’t dare, then stop proclaiming the so-called unearthed ancient porcelain.”

Tian Fan’s words caused Yamaki’s face to darken for a moment, but he didn’t say anything, instead, he asked a few bodyguards to guard his porcelain, and quickly walked back to Noga.

“Nohe-kun, what do you think should be done?”

In this incident, Nohe had always existed as Yamagi’s wise counselor, and now Yamagi, who was a bit hexed, naturally looked to Chairman Nohe for advice.

“I’m going to take a look at the other side’s porcelain first.”

For the sudden appearance of two identical pieces of porcelain, Noshe also has doubts in his heart, after all, this incident has become a big deal, if it is finally confirmed that their porcelain is a fake, not only Yamaki, even he will have to wash away the shame with blood.

After obtaining Tian Fan’s consent, Yoho took a magnifying glass and carefully examined the two pieces of porcelain brought by Tian Fan on the table.

After about five minutes, a hint of a smile appeared on Yoho’s face, he took the magnifying glass back into his pocket, gave Yamagi a wink, and the two of them walked to the side.

“How’s it going, Nohe-kun?” Yamaki asked anxiously.

“Haha, the Chinese aren’t ashamed enough, this time they’ve sent us a fight, Yamagi-kun, agree to his terms, whatever you want to offer, I think the victory must belong to us, the two pieces of porcelain they brought.”

Nohe felt it when he got his hands on them, the porcelain that the Chinese had brought was extremely well-fired though, and there were hardly any flaws in the shape or painting of the pieces.

But there was one thing, the thieving light on that piece of porcelain indicated that it was definitely a newly baked piece of porcelain, completely devoid of the kind of heavy historical vicissitudes that the ancient porcelain itself carried, and Wild Hop dared to take his life to guarantee that he wouldn’t be wrong.

Yes, wild and not see wrong, although Zhuang Rui have enough time to do old, but he did not do that, because if the two pieces of porcelain is exactly the same, I’m afraid that the Japanese side will not agree with Professor Tian’s opinion.

Zhuang Rui cloth is a big picture, from letting out the wind to shoot the porcelain, and now the tit-for-tat, this bureau is already to the end, but also to the climax of the part.

Of course, Zhuang Rui thought not so meticulous, but the development of events, precisely to this point, at this time sitting in front of the television Zhuang Rui, the mood is far more than the scene of any one person is a hundred times more excited.

“Nohe-kun, do you mean …… that you can use the method of destroying the porcelain to gamble with the other side?”

Yamagi saw that Wild Hop was full of confidence, he couldn’t help but also doubled his confidence, he also knew about ceramics, and just now he also saw that the two pieces of vessels that the other party took out, in the subtle points, there were still some differences between them and his own porcelains.

“Of course, Yamagi-kun, you have to know, as long as the smashed porcelain they did not find out the evidence, then it is our win, in front of people all over the world, ruthlessly slapped the Chinese an ear, this is more important than the porcelain itself, I believe that you will become our Yamato nation’s hero. What’s more, you can offer a very high price for it, in that case, it can also make up for the loss caused by the broken porcelain to you.”

Nogai got excited as he talked, and it seemed that he saw the Chinese scientific and academic community crying, and saw the Chinese people, who had always been proud of their country’s long-lasting culture, lowering their high heads in front of him.

Yamagi was also enthused by what Yoho had said, the only thing that had not occurred to the pair of brothers was that if the porcelain was really fake, what kind of consequences would that bring to the two of them?

“Professor Tian, in order to confirm that these two pieces of porcelain are indeed the civilization heritage of our Yamato nation, I am willing to accept your conditions.”

Yamagi and Yoho walked together to the front of the table at the press conference, and after expressing their agreement to Professor Tian’s conditions, Yamagi followed up with, “Art is priceless, and if you, Professor Tian, had to ask me to put a price tag on these two pieces of porcelain, I would think that they would be worth at least five billion yen! If Professor Tian can come up with this amount, I am willing to conduct this unique appraisal with you right …… now.”

After Yamagi spoke these words, he felt his scalp tingle and his blood burn, as if all of Japan was cheering for him at the moment, as if he had already seen the frustrated and disappointed faces of the Chinese.

“Gosh, five billion yen?”

“That’s too expensive, isn’t it?”

“Quickly do the math, five billion yen is equal to how many dollars?”

“It’s …… fifty million dollars, this definitely exceeds the price of that Yuan Qinghua auctioned the year before.”

After Yamagi shouted out the price of these two pieces of porcelain, the entire press conference site was abuzz, and all the reporters were taking the figure of five billion yen and converting it into a monetary amount that they could understand. In the end, the gentlemen journalists realized that it was a bet of up to fifty million dollars.

Yamagi had bought the two porcelain pieces for less than two hundred million RMB, and now he was offering a price, probably around four hundred million RMB, even if he only cracked one piece of porcelain, then he had recovered the cost.

This is simply a matter of fame and fortune, Yamagi eyes staring at Prof. Tian, to this moment, he instead hoped that Prof. Tian agreed. In that case, he would be the hero of the Yamato nation, and he would be the one who shattered the rumor that Japanese culture was inherited from China.

Of course, the fact that the two pieces of porcelain were auctioned from China had been automatically filtered out of the hero Mr. Yamaki’s mind at this moment, academically speaking, this is called self-hypnosis, treating the unreal as reality.

Everyone’s gazes, all looked towards Prof. Tian, even the camera, at this moment, was also aimed at Prof. Tian’s face.

Yamagi had already given a battle cry, and Professor Tian, who had stepped forward beforehand, would meet it? This made the hearts of the viewers, including those in front of the television, lift up.

“Hehe, there is an old Chinese saying that a fake can’t be real and the real can’t be fake, Mr. Yamagi, here is a cashier’s check issued by a Swiss bank for eighty million dollars. All the reporters and friends present and the hundreds of millions of viewers in front of the TV can testify that if smashing the porcelain can’t confirm that it’s fake, you’ll get fifty million dollars right away.”

Professor Tian’s hand also slightly trembled when he pulled out that check, he is just a scholar, usually won’t be red-faced with people, but at this moment, for the honor of the motherland, Professor Tian threw his voice and said the above words.

“Quickly open the TV, that what Phoenix channel.”

“What are you watching? Change the channel, hurry up, I’ll beat you up if you’re delayed.”

“Today’s meeting ends here, below we come together to watch, a collision between our Yamato nation and Chinese culture, I believe that Japan will win.”

In countless places in China and Japan, the above scene is being staged, and countless people are guarding in front of their TV sets, waiting for the answer to be revealed.

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