Chapter 0877 – Despicable Nation (II)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:38:05
A+ A- Turn Off Light

The blood on the porcelain tile was so blinding, and the line of script was so eye-catching, the combination of the two made all those who saw the live broadcast only feel a hot blood burning and boiling in their hearts.

Countless Chinese people clenched their fists in front of the TV, countless Chinese people looked at the blood-stained porcelain tiles, tears blurred their eyes, countless Chinese people were proud of their motherland!

At this moment, Prof. Tian’s skinny figure appeared to be so tall, and that resolute look appeared to be so solemn.

Even Prof. Tian didn’t know that after this incident, he became the competing guest of every major TV station, and became a hero in the hearts of many Chinese people!

The whole of Japan, on the other hand, became silent, seeming to lose all vitality in a moment, the noisy streets became silent, the noisy restaurants all became silent at this moment.

In the subway platform, in the middle of the square, in the crossroads, all the attention to the press conference of the Japanese, all feel bitter in the mouth in the heart of guilt, that originally high head, but also drooped down, hate to stuff it in their pants to go.

“No, this is impossible, impossible.”

To say that the people in the arena who were the most unable to accept this fact was the duo of Yamagi and Noga, at this moment the two of them had an equally stupefied expression, and meaningless noises were coming out of their mouths.

This blow, for the two people is really too big, they not only will the entire Japanese academic community are dragged down the water, and that is to the Japanese government, is also a stain that can not be washed away.

Because just a few days ago, the Japanese government publicly announced this major archaeological discovery, which is not even a week’s work, things have changed, the so-called “major archaeological discovery” is actually in the fake! And fake people, take the porcelain purchased from China, but also said that the Chinese culture ceramics inheritance from Japan, this is simply the world’s most comical thing, this kind of despicable mentality, will suffer from the world’s people’s shame.

Yamagi’s mind is blank at the moment, he can’t figure out how to think that the porcelain that has been tested by carbon 14 is actually a modern imitation, “Could it be that the testing instrument has played a joke on himself?”

“Nohe-kun, you said it, these two pieces of porcelain must be real, why, why is this happening?”

Yamaki was still restraining himself, but the fear and anger in his heart made his voice grow louder and louder, and with the shouts, he reached out his hands and grabbed Noga’s collar.

In Yamaki’s heart, all of this was caused by Wild Hopper, who encouraged him to go to China and buy back the porcelain, and who encouraged him to make a fake and create this series of events.

In short, at this moment, Yamagi had already shifted all the faults to Naohe, but he didn’t think about it, if it wasn’t for his own greed, could he have gotten into the situation he was in now?

“I don’t know, I don’t know what this is about, and also, there is another piece of porcelain.”

Wild Hop was also completely dumbfounded, the scene he imagined of ruthlessly slapping the Chinese didn’t materialize, instead, he received a boring stick on his head, which made him dizzy, not knowing the south-east and the north-west.

When Naohe saw the piece of the four series of bottles on the table, his eyes immediately glowed red, like a gambler who had just exported his wife, and he didn’t know where he got the strength from, as he pushed Yamagi, who was twenty to thirty years younger than him, aside, and rushed to the front of the table in a few steps.


Wild merged and didn’t take a hammer to knock, but directly lifted the porcelain and slammed it hard on the ground, the splattering of broken porcelain made the crowd dodge, while Wild mer was like a wild dog, the whole person was lying on the ground, rummaging through the broken pieces of porcelain.

“I haven’t lost yet, Great Japan hasn’t lost yet, one piece of porcelain doesn’t mean anything.”

Wild Hop’s elbows and knees, were cut with blood by the sharp porcelain pieces on the ground, but Wild Hop didn’t care about it at all, the obsession in his heart had made him forget about the pain, and he was still searching on the ground.

“Haha, hahaha, no, there are no words within this porcelain, Chinese, you have lost, you have lost.”

After raking together all the broken porcelain in front of him, Naohe laughed loudly as if he was crazy, his face was cut through a wound at some point, blood dripping down his cheeks, the whole person was like a madman.

Compared to Professor Tian’s perseverance just now, Noshe’s current performance was like a clown, presented in front of the whole world, his attitude, already said a lot.

“Mr. Wild Hop, is it this porcelain tile that you …… are looking for?”

A mouthful of fluent American English, rang out in the venue, attracting the eyes of all the people.

That is a blonde-eyed blue-haired American female reporter, her hands, holding a piece of broken broken porcelain, facing the crowd on the inside of the porcelain, clearly imprinted with “Xu, April 4, 2006” so several words. Obviously, the two so-called “ancient porcelain” is from the same day, the same person’s hand, this is irrefutable evidence, all the reporters and cameras, loyal record of everything that happened here.

“This …… how is it possible, newly fired porcelain, how can carbon 14 identified as a thousand years ago artwork ah?”

Naohe whole person is stupid, stood there dumbfounded, when he looked clearly at the porcelain in the hands of the American female reporter, then the anger attacked, “puh” spit out a mouthful of blood, the whole person fell backward.

Naohe fainted, caused a mess now, the venue staff rushed to call the emergency call, carry him to the outside.

These Japanese had witnessed what happened today, and knew that the cause of all this was this fainted man, who had brought the whole of Japan an unwashable shame, so they had nothing good to say about Noshe, and after carrying him out with seven hands and eight feet, they threw him on the bench outside.

Did not find, taking advantage of the scene of confusion, Yamagi also in the bodyguards, surrounded by a mess left the venue, he did not know how to face the next Chinese questioning, how to explain to the national so-called “ancient porcelain”.

Watching the TV in the miserable appearance of the wild cooperation, heard the wild cooperation just mouth question, far away in Beijing Zhuang Rui, face showed a cold smile.

China’s antique imitation technology can be said to have really reached the point of pure perfection.

Xu Guoqing initially in the production of these two objects, collected a large number of broken porcelain of the Magnetic State Kiln, he scraped off the glaze on the porcelain pieces, and then ground the porcelain tires into powder, mixed into the porcelain embryo, and then into the furnace to burn.

Wait until the porcelain firing out of eight points after the fire, and then use the original glaze to its color, back to the second firing, this process is very cumbersome, as long as a little bit of error, the whole furnace porcelain will be wasted, or Xu Guoqing will not cost Zhuang Rui more than 10 million.

This firing out of the porcelain, even with carbon 14 detection is no way to take it, unless the whole piece of porcelain broken to detect, alone scrape some of the base glaze powder, then, simply can not detect the true age of the.

There is an old saying is right, want to make it perish, first to make it crazy, after the carbon 14 test, the wild cooperation think it is foolproof, will do to China to provoke things, just he did not think, technology means in the powerful “Made in China” in front of, but also lost the role.

“Good, real happy!”

After seeing this scene, Qin Haoran heavily clapped his hands, almost did not throw the grandson in his arms out, the side of the mother-in-law saw, immediately put Fang Fang embraced the past, smooth hand also pinched in the husband’s waist.

“Aigoo, Xiao Rui, when this Prof. Tian returns to China, you must introduce me to him, and truly raise our country’s prestige!”

Qin Haoran shouted after the pain, eyes and look to the TV, this will be the various news media, is Professor Tian surrounded in the center, as for the wild and Yamagi, but no one is concerned about their whereabouts, the loser has always been unpopular.

“Fellow journalists, what is the truth, now it has come out in the open, the Japanese so-called ‘ancient porcelain’ is a complete farce, and those academic articles they released before, are all false, I hope that the relevant parties can come forward to make an explanation, in order that there will be such a despicable thing?”

In the end, Prof. Tian is still a scholar, although his heart is angry, but using the word despicable, is already his limit, if this were to do Zhuang Rui up there, would directly shout out that this nation are despicable, of course, that way it is estimated that he is also very difficult to leave Japan.

After saying those words above, Prof. Tian let someone pack up the broken porcelain tiles and hurriedly left the venue, but just as his figure disappeared behind the door, Zhuang Rui saw a familiar back.

“Brother Zhuang, how was it, was the play enjoyable?”

After about an hour or so, Zhuang Rui received a phone call from Peng Fei, after looking at his father-in-law, Zhuang Rui took his cell phone and walked outside the house.Beijing in February is still cold and windy, being blown by the cool wind, Zhuang Rui’s excitement just now also dissipated a lot.

“You kid pay attention to safety, also protect Prof. Tian, the right wingers in Japan are still rampant.”

Zhuang Rui knew that Peng Fei had been in the venue just now, he was just better hidden and not exposed to the cameras.

“I know, Prof. Tian just went to take a break and will return tomorrow, Brother Zhuang, this hero role was originally supposed to be you ah, how is it, is there a point of loss?” Peng Fei laughed on the phone.

“Fuck off to the side, what do I have to lose?”

Zhuang Rui laughed and scolded, he was very satisfied with the result, this is something that he can’t show his head, otherwise, people with clear eyes can see that this is Zhuang Rui’s bureau.

“OK, tomorrow night I will go to the airport to pick you up.”

After hanging up the phone, Zhuang Rui took a long breath, he was looking forward to waiting until tomorrow when all the major media publicize this matter, what kind of face will the Japanese government have?

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