Chapter 0885 – Learning to Use

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:38:26
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But whenever a person can make achievements in a certain industry, then he must be a very dedicated person, which was the case for Professor Meng right now, and at the moment, he could no longer see anything else in his eyes other than this Jade Man.

“Good stuff! Such a large piece of whole jade material, and the carving is so superb, it can be considered the finest of Han jade, and it can represent the highest level of craftsmanship in jade carving at that time.”

After more than ten minutes, Prof. Meng moved his gaze away from the jade figure, with a look of amazement still on his face, it was obvious that this jade figure had shocked Prof. Meng.

Professor Meng personally presided over the excavation of ancient tombs, but also never seen such a large size of the jade man, after looking at the jade man, and then looked at the several bronze candlesticks and ceramic figurines, his face showed a deplorable look.

Every ancient object unearthed from a tomb was a treasure left behind by historical ancestors, and looking at the broken bronze candlesticks, Prof. Meng’s face wasn’t very pretty.

“Xiao Zhuang, what age do you think these things, are they from?”

After looking at the objects, Prof. Meng asked Zhuang Rui, with an interrogative meaning in his words.

“Teacher, these things are undoubtedly from the Han Dynasty, but I can’t analyze whether it’s specifically from the Eastern Han or Western Han.”

Zhuang Rui answered honestly, letting him identify the authenticity, Zhuang Rui didn’t have any problem, but letting him break the generation to tell a one, two, three out, he was still not capable of doing so.

Dr. Ren, who had been following Professor Meng, suddenly spoke up and said, “This should be the Eastern Han Imperial Tomb.”

“Dr. Ren, why do you think so?”

To say that the learning is not as good as the tutor, Zhuang Rui is convinced, but their own this elder brother a word on the conclusion is the East Han imperial tomb, let Zhuang Rui heart a little small unconvinced, he looked at half a day, but also did not figure out in the end is the East Han or the West Han’s?

Dr. Ren smiled, pointing to the jade man said to Zhuang Rui: “Zhuang Rui, look at the costume of this jade man, for the straight train clothes, cuffs and lapels that is long and wide, and downward vertical, this is the characteristics of the Eastern Han Dynasty dress. There is also this bronze above the shape of the woman, the lapel is open to the right, while the Western Han costume lapel is open to the left, plus at that time can accompany the burial of the jade man’s tomb, must be the emperor’s tomb, the general courtiers even if you are a noble noble prince, but also do not dare to be buried so thick.”

When the Western Han Dynasty was established, it basically followed the clothing system of the Qin Dynasty, which was “curved train Zen clothes”, i.e., the placket was curved from the collar to the armpit, and when it came to the Eastern Han Dynasty, the dress became “straight train Zen clothes”, which was the placket was vertical from the collar downwards.

After the excavation of many burial objects, this view has been confirmed in the academic world, so generally in the excavation of Han tombs, from the terracotta figurines or figures figurines on the clothing, you can determine whether it is the Eastern Han Dynasty or Western Han Dynasty objects.

Of course, these things are simple to say, but if one is not engaged in the archaeological profession and has a wealth of operational experience, it is also very difficult to judge from those pottery figurines whose glaze is not lightly mottled.

“Xiao Ren is right, Zhuang Rui, you have also learned this knowledge, don’t memorize it by rote, you have to learn it now and use it, you have to combine it with reality.”

After Dr. Ren finished these words, Professor Meng nodded approvingly, and even educated Zhuang Rui some more, it was natural for a teacher to remind his students at all times which knowledge was the key point to learn.

“I know, teacher, listening to senior brother say this, it’s really true, senior brother, you can’t hide it in the future! Be reminding me a little bit more.”

After listening to Dr. Ren’s words, Zhuang Rui also felt his own shortcomings, all these things that Ren Chunqiang said, he had studied, but in terms of practical application, he was still much worse than this senior brother.

Dr. Ren was a little embarrassed by Professor Meng and Zhuang Rui’s words, and waved his hand repeatedly, “Oh, teacher, Zhuang Rui, you two don’t praise me, if I hadn’t presided over a few on-site excavations of Han Dynasty tombs, I might not be as good as Zhuang Rui!”

“Well, Ren’s basic knowledge is more solid, and Zhuang Rui you have rich experience in the appreciation of antiques, in the future, as long as you go to some more excavation sites, you will slowly be able to apply it to practice.”

Looking at his two students, Professor Meng heart extremely proud, Dr. Ren do things in the middle of the road, and now stay in the school to teach, the future is sure to go and their own is a road.

And Zhuang Rui act is a bit of heaven and earth, make some things are often unexpected, but also can bring people a big surprise, like the discovery of Klaus pirate treasure, let the Chinese scientific research community in the world greatly showed a face.

As for the previous period of time rumors of the “ancient porcelain” event, Professor Meng also heard, if he is not wrong, this thing in all likelihood is also from his own handwriting of this favorite students.

Although Zhuang Rui’s behavior is not very open and aboveboard, Professor Meng has a few words, but the effect is very good, at least let a few neighboring countries shut up about the so-called “cultural disputes”.

Of course, Zhuang Rui himself will not admit that he means underhanded, antique line itself is a trickster, it is difficult to distinguish between the real and the fake, their eyes bought a fake object, that will have to beat the teeth and blood swallow, who let you level is not enough and want to take advantage of ah?

Although this is hard to hear, but is the antique line of reasoning, do not believe that you buy a fake object all over the world to yell, others will be able to comfort you and say that as a tuition fee, and there will be no one to condemn the sale of fake people. Because it is the sale of fake people, perhaps did not see the authenticity of the object to the antique line of this doorway, playing is the eye, which is the fun of Taobao collection.

“Xiao Zhuang, where are the two peasant brothers you mentioned? Let’s go, go to Henan now, we can’t let this great tomb be vandalized again.”

After going through all the objects brought by the two brothers Zhang Daniu, Professor Meng’s grave face carried a hint of excitement, although this tomb had already been opened, there should still be a lot of things inside that were worth examining.

In fact, from the point of view of cultural relics storage, antiques placed in those sealed inside the tomb, far more than excavated to be kept more perfect, because after the tomb is opened, the circulation of air will make these more than 1,000 years of burial goods suffered destructive damage.

At least until now, there is no good way to excavate without destroying the burial goods of ancient tombs.

Therefore, from an archaeological point of view, it is not favorable to open the tomb on a large scale, in many cases, archaeological excavation is a last resort, usually after the tomb has already been patronized by grave robbers, and then carry out remedial excavation.

Like the mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang, although the specific location has been explored clearly, but the country has not made up its mind on its excavation, one is because of technical factors, now there is no way to properly solve the mercury filled in the mausoleum surface, and secondly, it is afraid of destroying the mausoleum within the burial objects.

The sealed imperial tomb is opened, the result of weathering is inevitable, at that time those precious artifacts that have been preserved for more than two thousand years will probably be turned into flying ashes, this is also the main reason why the relevant departments have examined many times and still can’t make up their minds.

“Teacher, only these two brothers know about that tomb, it’s fine for now.”

Zhuang Rui did not expect Professor Meng’s temperament is so urgent, immediately have to run to Henan, he can not be prepared for it, Zhuang Rui a little reluctant to leave just will call out to their father’s son or daughter.

Prof. Meng shook his head and said, “Alas, the tomb passage has been opened, the burial goods inside won’t be properly stored and will soon decay, we’d better hurry over there!”

“Okay, teacher, I’ll go see if the police have finished their questioning?”

Zhuang Rui had no choice but to nod his head and agree, anyway, he was going to go to the archaeological excavation site for internship this year, so why not just take this tomb to practice? Although the burial goods have been moved by the two Da Niu brothers almost empty, but that sarcophagus they did not move, the most valuable things are likely to be inside.

“Officer Miao …… Miao, how is your side of the question?”

Zhuang Rui walked to the backyard, the statement of the two brothers of Zhang Da Niu has been done, look at Miao Fei Fei frowned, must also be Zhang Er Niu this bastard to be angry.

Miao Fei Fei raised her eyes and looked down at Zhuang Rui and said, “Zhuang Rui, you come with me.”

Zhuang Rui didn’t know what Miao Fei Fei was shouting at him for, and followed behind while saying, “Officer Miao, what’s wrong? If there’s no problem, I want to take the two of them to Henan, that ancient tomb is going to be salvaged and excavated.”

Although he knew that it was a cliff tomb built on a cliff, Zhuang Rui didn’t know the exact location ah! Mang Mountain was so big, if there was no Zhang Daniu brothers, where would he go to find it?

“Hey, what are you doing?”

When Miao Fei Fei heard Zhuang Rui’s words, she suddenly stopped in her tracks, causing Zhuang Rui, who was following behind, to almost bump into her.

Miao Fei Fei looked at Zhuang Rui and lowered her voice and said, “Zhuang Rui, those two people are obviously grave robbers, and you still say that they are donating antiques, what exactly do you mean?”

Just now when making a statement, Zhang Da Niu is okay, is in accordance with Zhuang Rui words, but Zhang Er Niu is full of firecrackers, every word is not away from digging graves to make money, Zhang Da Niu even kicked him to ignore, the two brothers almost did not fight.

Not to mention that Miao Fei Fei also handled a lot of big cases, is a new hand, can also see the cats and dogs in this, so Officer Miao exceptionally angry, this is clearly a major tomb raiding case, how did it become a farmer to donate antiques ah?

“Hey, Officer Miao, as the saying goes, the return of the prodigal son, these two brothers are not bad people, subjectively have no sense of crime, and the harm caused to the tomb is not too great, so this is something you lift your hand, let them off the hook!”

Zhuang Rui originally didn’t expect to be able to hide from Miao Feifei, the reason why he called her directly is that acquaintances are good at their jobs, if a different police officer came, he might be able to bring the two Da Niu brothers to the bureau for the sake of this major tomb raiding case.

“Zhuang Rui, so you’re using the law as a favor?” Officer Miao glared at Zhuang Rui in dissatisfaction.

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