Chapter 0894 – Long Bright Lights

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:38:48
A+ A- Turn Off Light

The noon meal is the old Zhang Tou personally to send, he specially went to the town in the morning to cut a few pounds of meat, made a large pot of potatoes roast meat, the main food is steamed buns, in addition there is a bucket of egg flower purple vegetable soup.

Although the old Zhangtou’s craftsmanship is not as good as the big hotel’s cook, but the crowd has been working all morning, all tired, eat up feel especially fragrant.

The morning’s harvest is not small, the hearts of all people are a little excited, from the current signs, this tomb has not been stolen, a large tomb has not been found in the Han Dynasty, will shock the entire Chinese archaeological community.

Like the domestic has been excavated Mancheng Han Tomb, Turtle Mountain Han Tomb and so on, although the size of the tomb is large, but in more than two thousand years of time, have been more than ten times or even dozens of times more than, most of the things inside have been swept away by grave robbers. Even then, more than tens of thousands of artifacts were unearthed, so one can imagine how many unknown treasures would be inside a complete Han Dynasty tomb.

“Zhuang Rui, when you go down in a while, bring the probe stick and ladder down, the tomb passage behind, I’m afraid it’s not very safe.”

After resting for a while at the top of the hill, the people had tied ropes around their waists, ready to go down again, while all the artifacts unearthed just now were placed in the tent of the armed police warriors, specially guarded by an armed police officer.

While Zhuang Rui and the others were eating, the blower was working all the time, and once again going down into the tomb passage, the air had become very fresh, even the unpleasant odor in the chamber had disappeared, there was only a faint smell of decaying earth.

“Ren, you walk in front, pay attention to the ground and the sides of the tunnel, the arrow organs shouldn’t be of much use anymore, but be careful of the traps and the Dragon Breaking Stone.”

Before even coming to the first chamber, Prof. Meng started dividing up the work, Ren Chunqiang was relatively more experienced and young and strong, so Prof. Meng had him scout the path in front.

“Teacher, it’s better for me to walk in front! I’m younger than Ren and have good eyesight, so I can quit if there are any problems.”

Zhuang Rui took the initiative to come forward and ask for help, this tomb passage behind the door had long been seen through by him, if he was looking for a candidate to lead the way, he was definitely the one to do it.

“Alright! Then be careful, use the probe stick to probe the reality before you walk, and then take a step.”

Prof. Meng nodded at his words, if you want to become a real archaeologist, just watching won’t do, you have to go in there with your own experience, the so-called experience, that’s how you get it.

Zhuang Rui just drilled into the first chamber, and suddenly saw a vague bright light coming from inside, and quickly turned back and asked, “Teacher, when we went out just now, we brought out all the lights, right?”

Professor Meng turned back and asked, “Did anyone leave their lamps in the chamber when they went out?”

“No, I brought mine out.”

“I brought mine out too.”

“Xiao Zhuang, is it your own light?”

A group of people answered back, but none of them left their lights in the burial chamber, which made Zhuang Rui’s scalp a little numb, and he hurriedly released his aura to observe, but there was nothing to be found.

In addition to those burial objects in the distant tomb emitting abundant aura, there seemed to be no human presence, because of this, Zhuang Rui’s heart’s only became more and more nervous.

“Old …… teacher, there are lights inside, but when I left just now, the lights …… lights were brought out ah!”

Zhuang Rui speak also become some stuttering up, not he timid, really this thing is too bizarre, in such a sealed tomb, themselves and others just slightly left a moment, the tomb appeared in the light, it is difficult to ……

Zhuang Rui words are not finished, it seems that there is only one explanation, that is, people light candles, ghosts blowing lamps, in the tomb of the ghosts wandered out, lit the tunnel wall of the long-lasting lamp!

After hearing Zhuang Rui’s words, a few people at the back immediately felt a sense of coolness on their bodies, and couldn’t help but look around, even the originally normal sound of the blower, at this moment has become a little weird, like a ghost crying.

Although Zhuang Rui is not small, but this fact in the fact can not be explained, people for the unknown things, has always been exceptionally fearful, like ghosts, said thousands of years no one has seen, but the living from the heart, or will fear this kind of ethereal statement.

“Xiao Zhuang, what are you afraid of? You get out of the way, I’ll go in first, so many big living people, can they still be scared by ghosts?”

Professor Meng’s voice suddenly sounded, Zhuang Rui was back to him, and did not see in Professor Meng’s face, with a faint smile.

“Old …… teacher, it’s okay, or I’m advanced.”

Hearing Professor Meng’s words, Zhuang Rui’s face reddened for a moment, grasped the probe stick in his hand, gritted his teeth, and drilled into the chamber from the broken stone door.

After entering into the chamber, Zhuang Rui could see more clearly, that faint light was indeed coming from the other side of the tomb passage that he and the others had opened when they left, the light was very dim, and it seemed like it could go out at any time.

The other few people’s faces were no better than Zhuang Rui’s, as could be seen from the knuckles of those holding the object, several people unconsciously used their strength, their knuckles were protruding and whitening, showing the nervousness of all the people.

For a while, no one dared to take the first look into the tunnel, as if the ghosts were entrenched there, and in the not-so-large chamber, the breathing of the crowd seemed a bit heavy.

Inside these people, it seems that only Prof. Meng remained calm, his face as usual, after sweeping a glance at the faces of these people in the tomb chamber, he looked at Zhuang Rui and asked, “Xiao Zhuang, afraid?”

“Afraid …… not afraid, teacher, or I’ll explore the road.”

Say not afraid of that is false, Zhuang Rui students this does not say that the knees are soft, but also is all weak, this thing is fucking weird a little, they opened the tomb door when, inside is completely dark, but now suddenly there is a light out, how to look through the bizarre.

Not to mention Zhuang Rui, is another few are some archaeological experience staff, also never encountered this situation, everyone’s eyes, are unblinking staring at the door after the tunnel.

“Click …… click …… click ……”

On the way out, the tomb door was half-covered, Zhuang Rui braved it and pulled the half-covered tomb door open, his eyes took a look inside the tunnel, and his face suddenly turned deathly white.

In a place about one meter and a half high from the ground, a bronze lamp, is quietly burning, and from this lamp about three meters away from the wall, also burning such a lamp, three meters after that is the corner, there is also light coming.

It seemed that a man had taken a lighter and had gone so far as to set all the lights in the tunnel ablaze.

The light will be half kneeling on the lamp on the bronze portrait, illuminated very clearly, the original expressionless portrait, at this moment seems to be smiling at Zhuang Rui.

“Old …… teacher, this …… what is this all about ah?”

Although forcefully to calm himself, but when Zhuang Rui said the words, or involuntarily stuttered, the heart has always believed in the theory of godlessness, at this moment also a little shaken.

“Zhuang Rui, tell me what is the reason for the oil lamps going out in the tomb?”

Professor Meng did not directly answer Zhuang Rui’s words, but instead asked a question.

“This you said in class, if the tomb is sealed well, the reason is that the oxygen is depleted and the oil lamps naturally go out, and the second reason is because the lamp oil burns out and also goes out. However, teacher, this tomb is both well sealed and was buried more than 2,000 years ago, it’s impossible to really have this thing called a long-lasting lamp, ah? How much oil does it have to burn?”

After conversing with Prof. Meng, the fear in Zhuang Rui’s heart dissipated quite a bit, just that if this doubt is not solved, Zhuang Rui really doesn’t have the guts to enter into the tunnel, his own aura can observe living beings, but may not be effective against ghosts, ah?

“Zhuang Rui, do you know what is called a long light?”

Professor Meng pushed away Zhuang Rui who was in front of him and walked into the tunnel, carefully observing the lit bronze lamp.

“Know ah! Changming Lamp is also known as Endless Lamp, that is, the lamp that is always bright day and night in front of the Buddha, although this is also used in the tomb passage, but teacher, I haven’t heard of any tomb where the Changming Lamp is still unextinguished ah!”

Zhuang Rui looked at the front of Professor Meng, the bottom of his heart that is admirable ah! Such a large group of young men themselves are afraid to go forward, but the teacher simply cares.

Professor Meng smiled and shook his head, saying, “Oh, you guys! When you see something you don’t understand, you give planning to the legends of ghosts and gods, Ren, you wouldn’t be unable to figure out the principle of lighting this oil lamp as well, right?”

“Teacher, I don’t believe in ghosts and gods, but in the tombs I’ve excavated, there really isn’t such a phenomenon present, so you can explain it to us!”

Dr. Ren scratched his head, also a little embarrassed, the panic in his heart just now, than Zhuang Rui is more than ever, after all, associated with the ancient tombs that he has entered before, afraid that there is an unknown ghost possessed in his own body.

“Okay! The mystery of the unextinguished Changming Lamp has always been the focus of debate in the world of archaeology, but after many field excavations in our country, the conclusion of the laboratory tests made on the internal substances of the Changming Lamp has already come out.”

Prof. Meng let the crowd move forward a little and pointed to the wick of the bronze lamp and said, “This wick is containing white phosphorus and other chemicals that are easy to spontaneously combust when exposed to oxygen, and the sealed grave is oxygen deficient. When someone opened the tomb, a large amount of fresh air containing oxygen rushed into the sealed tomb, causing the white phosphorus and other chemicals to spontaneously combust, causing the lamp to be ignited. And we opened the tomb door and went out at that time, during this time period, these bronze lamps spontaneously combusted, how about it, knowing the principle, will you still be afraid in your heart?”

Professor Meng’s words made Zhuang Rui and the others realize, dare these bronze lamps played a time difference with themselves and the others, if the people stayed in the tomb for a little longer, I’m afraid that they would be able to see this phenomenon of spontaneous combustion with their own eyes.

“Teacher, it’s better for me to walk in front!”

After figuring out the principle, Zhuang Rui was naturally not afraid in his heart, and when he saw that Professor Meng was going to walk inside, he hurriedly grabbed the front.

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