Chapter 0895 Amoy Sand

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:38:51
A+ A- Turn Off Light

In this world, often it is all about scaring yourself, when you don’t know the principle of the long bright lights, Zhuang Rui’s heart that is really scared, but now that you know it, and then you look at these self-burning bronze lights, the feeling in your heart is completely different.

“Xiao Zhuang, be careful, inside the tunnel is the least peaceful, with the size of this tomb, I’m afraid there will be quite a few mechanisms.”

Professor Meng saw Zhuang Rui venturing inside, and hastily reminded him from behind, in fact, he hadn’t initially stated the principle of the spontaneous combustion of the long bright lamps because he wanted to test the boldness of his two disciples. The result made Prof. Meng kind of satisfied, although Zhuang Rui was afraid, and did not fall off the chain.

However, the academic knowledge of the two disciples is what makes Prof. Meng somewhat dissatisfied, the debate on the Changming Lamp has long been said in the world of academia, and these two disciples actually did not even bother to pay attention to it.

“Teacher, I know.”

Zhuang Rui promised, I’m afraid that no one knows the situation in this tomb better than him.

Although the aura in Zhuang Rui’s eyes couldn’t see physical objects, through the auras emitted by the different burial objects in the tomb, Zhuang Rui could still sense the situation inside each chamber.

It was those arrow organs that also had a faint aura coming from them, and there was indeed some uneasiness underneath this tunnel, which Zhuang Rui had long since sensed.

Although the light from these lamps in the tunnel is dark, it can’t help that there are many lamps! There was one every three meters, showing the entire situation of the tomb passage in front of everyone’s eyes.

“Teacher, something’s not right up ahead.”

When walking around a corner, Zhuang Rui stopped his steps, one meter in front of him, there was a deep trap, due to the angle, the light on the wall couldn’t shine in, and he couldn’t see what was going on inside.

“Xiao Ren, bring a ladder, boy, this trap is not small!”

After Professor Meng heard Zhuang Rui’s words, he came forward, took a strong flashlight and shone it inside, his mouth suddenly “eeked”.

“There’s someone inside.”

Borrowing Professor Meng’s flashlight, Zhuang Rui also saw the situation inside the trap, two meters deep and four meters wide inside the trap, dozens of swords and spears were inserted upside down, although they were all rusted, but still stood at the bottom of the pit.

Zhuang Rui’s words were half right, there was indeed someone inside, but it was a dead man.

Right in the middle of these sharp blades, a white bone was inside, the skull and body of the dead man had been completely separated.

The skull with two empty eye sockets was left alone at the bottom of the pit, and under the light, it looked so hollow and deep, as if it was expounding to the crowd about its miserable encounter.

“Another grave robber.”

Professor Meng’s brow furrowed deeply as he picked up the torch and looked towards the top of the tunnel, a modest robber’s hole appeared in front of everyone’s eyes, it was obvious that this grave robber was not very lucky, and after opening the robber’s hole, he fell in a trap.

But this made the prospect of the tomb a bit confusing, who knows if there was ever a grave robber patronizing the chamber in front of them anymore.

“Teacher, make way, I’ll set up this ladder over.”

Zhuang Rui took the alloy ladder handed over by Dr. Ren and set it up on top of the trap, then reached out his foot and stepped on it falsely, feeling that it was still quite stable.


As Zhuang Rui was about to pass over the ladder, his eyes swept over the deep pit that was used as a trap and suddenly stopped.

“Teacher, there seems to be something in there!”

Zhuang Rui realized that underneath the bones of the corpse, there was a small copper plaque that had a spiritual qi present in it, and it was very thick.

“Where is it?” Professor Meng followed Zhuang Rui’s finger and looked over, but did not see it.

“I’ll go down and bring it up for you!”

Zhuang Rui handed the torch to Ren Chunqiang and prepared to go down, there were gaps in the middle of these swords and spears in the trap, as long as the body did not go down horizontally and stepped on the gaps to land, he would not enjoy the treatment of that grave robber who had 10,000 feet penetrating his heart.

“Xiao Zhuang, it’s better to forget about it, that’s probably something left behind by the grave robber.”

Prof. Meng didn’t want Zhuang Rui to get involved in danger, the trap was dug too deep, if he wasn’t careful, he would step on the blade of a knife.

“It’s okay, teacher, will be right up.”

Zhuang Rui said, both hands propped up on the ground next to the trap, slowly put his body down, and touched those swords and spears with his feet, and these sharp blades that seemed to still have a role to play, suddenly broke into two, and fell into the deep pit.

However, the swords and knives below that had not yet decayed were still enough to penetrate the person who had fallen into the trap, Zhuang Rui did not dare to be careless at all until his feet were on the ground and the two hands propped up on it were loosened.

“Brother Ren, pass me the wooden stick.”

Zhuang Rui reached out to Ren Chunqiang and asked for the wooden stick used for probing, picking at the corpse bones, the corpse bones, except for the skull that fell off, suddenly clattered and loosened up.

“No wonder, man no wonder.”

Zhuang Rui was startled, and hastily clasped his hands and made a bow to the corpse bones, before he stretched out the wooden stick and plucked a sign under the corpse bones in his direction.

“Hey, it’s not light!”

When his hand was able to reach it, Zhuang Rui bent down and took the bronze plaque, which was the size of a baby’s palm, in his hand.

Due to the erosion of time and age, the copper medal had lost its luster, dissatisfied with the patina, and there was a layer of dark black substance on it.

Zhuang Rui and this dead body bones stand together, unavoidably a little uncomfortable, also do not care to take a closer look, at the same time will be the sign in the pocket, hands a force, climbed to the ground.

“Found something?”

Prof. Meng was also a little curious, for the ancient grave robbers, also divided into north and south, and there are official robbers of all kinds. It could be said that the history of grave robbers was developing at the same time as the tombs, and in the archaeological world, there was also a study specifically for grave robbers.

The owner of the tomb is trying to do everything to prevent theft, while the grave robbers are trying hard to get into the ancient tomb, both of them have been fighting for thousands of years, but from the view of those tombs that have been unearthed, it seems that the grave robbers still have the upper hand.

“It’s a copper plaque, teacher, take a look.”

Zhuang Rui pulled the bronze medal out of his pocket and handed it to Professor Meng.

“Ren, get some water gauze and sandpaper.”

Professor Meng shone his flashlight on the plaque and couldn’t find anything, but stroking his thumb over it, he was able to feel the unevenness and seemed to have embossed lettering.

Receiving the water handed over by Ren Chunqiang, Prof. Meng first cleaned the bronze plaque, and then carefully polished the surface of the plaque with fine sandpaper, and the layer of patina was soon wiped off, revealing a touch of yellow color.

After wiping off the patina, Professor Meng wiped it vigorously with gauze, and the color on it showed that it should be a brass plate.

Prof. Meng will finish wiping the brass plate spread in his hand, standing aside Zhuang Rui saw, in the surface of the brass plate, carved with a high mountain surrounded by clouds, under the mountain there is a river through.

Professor Meng flipped his hand and the other side of the copper plaque was presented, on it were supposed to be two words, it was just that Zhuang Rui was standing at the wrong angle and failed to see what was written.

“Amoy Sand!”

Without waiting for Zhuang Rui to ask out loud, Prof. Meng was already saying it.

“Amoy Sand? Teacher, what is this?”

Zhuang Rui had originally thought that this was the token of Cao Cao’s Gold Toucher, but he didn’t expect to hear two unfamiliar words.

“Hehe, this is also an official position, this trip is not false! It turns out that the historical record of the Sand Amalgamation Officer really does exist.”

Prof. Meng smiled at his words, and seeing Zhuang Rui’s puzzled look, he continued, “In ancient times there could be more than just Cao Cao’s Official Pirates, in the Southern Song Dynasty, the Jin Dynasty occupied the Central Plains, and once supported a puppet emperor called Liu Yu, with the country’s name being Daqi.”

Including the back of Dr. Ren and others, are quiet in listening to Professor Meng elaborated on this history, the original, Liu Yu, originally a governor of the Southern Song Dynasty, surrendered to the Jin Dynasty, was set up as a Daqi state master.

Although this Daqi regime is a grass-roots team, but also by the financial taxes as the operation of the start-up capital, but unfortunately, the pseudo-Qi area under the jurisdiction of the Jin soldiers through the many looting and ravaging, ten room nine empty, agriculture and business have been greatly damaged, the tax is not collected up how much, the pseudo-Qi regime of the poor ding-dong.

At the same time, the pseudo-Qi Jin master also faced a problem, rich, too rich is also a problem? Indeed is, the Golden State whether plundering the Northern Song Dynasty or require the Southern Song Dynasty to pay tribute to the annual currency, are gold and silver.

Problems in the gold and silver, because China does not produce silver and gold, and the West is different, China since pre-Qin has been to copper as money, that is, copper-based monetary system. Therefore, although the Jin Dynasty was holding a mountain of gold and silver, it could not exchange commodities in the trade with the Southern Song Dynasty. The pseudo-Qi Liu Yu not only did not have copper money, not to mention the gold and silver precious metal currency, so the person who has been stealing since childhood, remembered to rob tombs such a way out.

As a result, Liu Yu set up the “Amoy Sand Officer” such an official organization of grave robbers, first of all, robbed the tomb of the Northern Song Dynasty, as an example, in order to alleviate the tension of military expenses, Liu Yu’s army also began to follow suit, and robbed their own ancient tombs.

However, Liu Yu’s scope of activities, has been in the current boundaries of Shandong Province, and now actually found in Henan Province, “Amoy sand official” which also gives the study of the year the pseudo-Qi regime, adding a solid evidence.

Just let Professor Meng is not understand is that the official thief is always violent grave robbers, why this amassing officer died here, and no traces of excavation around? Can’t it be that Liu Yu had a guilty conscience and retreated on his own?

Ancient legacy of the mystery is too much, Professor Meng thought for half a day is also puzzled, and finally can only shake his head, the copper plate put away.

This tomb passage was more than twenty meters long in total, after passing this trap, there was another trap in front of it, only that the wooden boards laid on it had long since decayed, and the trap had already lost its role as a surprise, allowing the crowd to easily dodge a bullet.

“Teacher, this …… should be the Dragon Breaking Stone, right?”

Coming to the end of the tunnel, a huge horizontal stone, blocked in front of the crowd.

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