Chapter 0896 – Yellow Intestine Questioning (I)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:38:53
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“It’s not the Dragon Breaking Stone, the Dragon Breaking Stone is usually at the entrance of the mausoleum, after the burial is done properly, someone will put down the Dragon Breaking Stone, once it falls down, the tomb door is both closed, and from then on, the yin and yang are separated.”

Prof. Meng surveyed the horizontal stone in front of him, and kept striking it with his hammer, and after a long time, he said, “Xiao Ren, Xiao Zhuang, let’s go back and prepare the chisel to punch through this horizontal stone.”

“Punch …… through?”

Dr. Ren was startled and said periodically, “Teacher, instead of punching through this stone, we might as well dig through it from the side, looking at the thickness of this stone, I’m afraid not to have several meters ah?”

The archaeological team to dig is not false, but the work of breaking this mountain, indeed some difficult for these scholars, to break through such a large piece of stone, I’m afraid that without three or five days of work, certainly not down.

Prof. Meng shook his head and said: “No, the integrity of the tunnel can not be destroyed, let’s do it this way! Let’s go back first today, I’ll have someone find a manual stone crusher to come, and we’ll be able to get through in a day’s time.”

According to Prof. Meng’s idea, after the excavation of this ancient tomb, it could have been handed over to the local archaeological department as a demonstration of a large tomb of the Han Dynasty, and it could also be developed into a tourist attraction, if the canal is destroyed, where to find these Han bricks to fill in the future ah?

Blocked in front of the cross stone, today’s work is not continue, the people can only return to the mountain in great numbers, with the results of a day of excavation, returned to the home of Zhang Daxiu.

In addition to the “sand” sign, Professor Meng all the unearthed artifacts, are handed over to the local archaeological department to bring back, as for the bronze, Professor Meng would like to do some further research, do the registration, Professor Meng will be left behind.

The next day the local cultural relics department to find a stone crusher, re-entered the tomb, Zhuang Rui took the stone crusher in the cross-stone drilling holes in different locations, and then chisel chisel.

A group of people were busy for a whole day before the horizontal stone weighing more than thousands of pounds was broken down, revealing the door of the tomb inside.

The tomb door was about two meters high and consisted of two doors, which were carved out of whole blocks of Chinese white stone, one door was carved with a pattern of a dragon flying to the nine heavens, and the other door was a phoenix soaring, the two divine creatures in ancient China, which were vividly represented on the stone door.

After seeing the stone door, Prof. Meng showed great excitement, stroking the polished jade-like white stone with his hand and muttering, “Unexpected, unexpected! This is a major discovery in archaeology.”

“Teacher, it’s normal to use Chinese alabaster as a tomb door in a tomb!”

Zhuang Rui was a bit puzzled by the emotions shown by Prof. Meng, he had once been to the Ming Thirteen Tombs for a tour, and the tomb doors in the underground palace were made of Hanbai stone, and many of the buildings within the underground palace were made of Hanbai stone.

“Xiao Zhuang ah! You …… alas, you later take a look at some more excavated tombs.”

Professor Meng is excited, was Zhuang Rui this disciple to interrupt the drop, hate iron is not steel pointed at Zhuang Rui, then said: “Han white stone is also called Han white jade, according to historical records, Han white stone mining is in the Tang Dynasty before and after the time of the Nanzhao, and this Han tomb at least two thousand years before the present day, do you understand?”

Professor Meng’s words let Zhuang Rui suddenly realized, the Tang Dynasty is only a thousand years from now, the appearance of this stone door, for the history of China’s application of Hanbai stone, and forward a lot, this is indeed considered a major archaeological discovery.

Zhuang Rui saw Prof. Meng at the gap of the Hanbai stone door, constantly surveying, went up and said, “Teacher, this tomb door is behind the horizontal stone, there shouldn’t be any organs and hidden weapons, right?”

Zhuang Rui had already sensed with his aura, in the groove behind the stone door, there was no barred stone blocking the door, and there were no organs seen on either side of the stone door. However, in the chamber behind the stone door, Zhuang Rui sensed a very strong and rich aura, that’s why he spoke out, in fact, Zhuang Rui’s heart was to see what exactly was inside as soon as possible.

“This is hard to say.”

After observing the Hanbai stone door for a while, Prof. Meng said, “This stone door should be able to be pushed open directly, Xiao Zhuang, you have a lot of strength, stay and push the door, remember to hold your breath and back off after pushing the door open, everyone else back off a little farther, and wait for the door of the tomb to open, let the air circulate a little bit before going in.”

Tomb room due to year-round sealing, the inside of the formation of some toxic gases, in ancient times many grave robbers opened the tomb room, can not wait to enter, often but by the poisonous gas attack suffocation and death. And some of the toxins, not by air transmission, in the contamination to the human body, will also cause some never seen lesions.

In the first into the Egyptian pyramids inexplicable deaths of those people, widely rumored that the pharaoh’s curse, is the pharaoh’s ghost took their lives.

In fact, after the autopsy and examination of the bodies of the dead people, their bodies were infected by an unknown virus, most likely caused by the pyramid’s constant sealing.

Most of the ancient tombs excavated by Prof. Meng in the past had undergone ten or twenty times of robbing and excavation, and the air had long been circulated, which was why he was able to enter directly into the burial chamber. But this tomb, from what I can see now, seems to have not been opened, and what is inside is anyone’s guess, which is why Prof. Meng is so careful, and only after instructing Zhuang Rui again and again, did he lead the crowd to retreat backward.

After Professor Meng and the others retreated to the first chamber, Zhuang Rui looked at the clean white stone door and took a deep breath, behind this stone door was an unknown world, a world that had driven countless grave robbers crazy through the ages.

Zhuang Rui hands on the beast head of the stone door, pushed hard, the two carved dragons and phoenixes of the stone door, with a “click” sound, slowly open inward, so that it is difficult to believe that this more than 2,000 years has never been opened the door of the tomb, actually will be so flexible.

Push open the stone door at the same time, Zhuang Rui figure backward, in leaving, only with the weak light, see the center of the tomb, there seems to be an altar, but did not see the imaginary coffin.

Even walking and crawling over that trap, Zhuang Rui really can’t hold his breath, opened his mouth and breathed a mouthful of air, what made him a little shocked is that this mouthful of air, seems to imply a faint flavor of the trees’ fragrance.

“Shit, it can’t be poisoning, right?”

Zhuang Rui heart was shocked, martial arts novels written inside, the more poisonous the more beautiful, like what the crane red and so on, that is in the person sharp death, no medicine can be solved ah!

Holding the mood of loss and gain to the first chamber, Zhuang Rui said loudly: “Teacher, quickly exit, inside a bit of very strange flavor, I suspect it is poisonous gas.”

Anyhow, since I have aura protection, perhaps not afraid of this gas, but the teacher and others will be difficult to say, if this crowd today all fell in the tomb, tomorrow will be designated to shock the entire Chinese archaeology community.

“Weird smell?”

Professor Meng froze for a moment, but his body didn’t move, then asked, “What kind of odor is it? Rotting odor or what?”

Zhuang Rui shook his head at this and said, “It’s not a rotting smell, it’s a bit of a scent, right, kind of like the fresh scent of trees, teacher, it’s better to exit first! Where the dead are buried, who knows how this smell comes out.”

“Fresh scent?”

Professor Meng’s eyes suddenly widened after hearing Zhuang Rui’s words, his body didn’t go towards the back but towards that tomb passage, he also sniffed his nose vigorously, as if he wanted to smell what Zhuang Rui said.

“Senior brother, you persuade the teacher ah! Hey, I say, you also ……”

Zhuang Rui couldn’t help but be shocked after seeing Professor Meng’s actions, and hurriedly asked Dr. Ren to persuade his mentor, only to find that Ren Chunqiang was actually heading towards that tunnel, just like Professor Meng.

“Haha, hahahaha, Xiao Zhuang, no wonder, we have discovered an extraordinary Han Tomb!”

While Zhuang Rui was a bit puzzled, Professor Meng suddenly laughed out loud, his cheerful laughter echoed in the tomb passage for a long time.

“This is not poisonous gas oh, didn’t think of that, no, should have thought of that.”

After Professor Meng smelled that odor, he exited the tunnel and walked back and forth in the tomb, his face looked extremely excited, it looked like he was dozens of years younger.

After Zhuang Rui heard Professor Meng’s words, he knew that he was afraid that he had made some kind of joke, and said resentfully, “Teacher, this …… this even if it’s not poisonous gas, it’s been accumulated in the tomb for more than 2,000 years, and there’s no benefit to smelling it, right?”

“It’s no good, but it’s not much harm yet, let’s wait for an hour and then go in!”

Professor Meng was obviously in a very good mood, couldn’t stop walking around the tomb, looking at Zhuang Rui a little puzzled, elbowed Dr. Ren, who was also excited, and said, “Brother Ren, what’s wrong with this …… teacher?”

“Hey, Zhuang Rui, this tomb we found this time can be marvelous, this is a ‘yellow intestines title together’ tomb.”

Ren Chunqiang more excited than Professor Meng, can’t wait to rush into the chamber now, for the Han Dynasty “yellow intestines” tombs, he has only heard of never seen with their own eyes.

“Yellow intestines question together?”

Zhuang Rui heard froze for a moment, “title together” is a kind of burial style, began in ancient times, mostly seen in the Han Dynasty, after the Han rarely used again, to be more accurate, after the Western Han Dynasty, including the Eastern Han Dynasty, are used less.

Zhuang Rui now sort of understand why the two are so excited, yellow intestines of the tomb in the country, although repeatedly found, but are for the Western Han Dynasty, and most of them have been stolen, and is not very complete.

If this tomb really for the Yellow Gut, then the ancient emperors since the Eastern Han Dynasty in the history of Mangshan built mausoleums, and will be rewritten.

“Alright, let’s go in and take a look.”

The ever-steady Professor Meng, after waiting anxiously for more than two hours, led the way towards the tunnel, and the answer to who the owner of this tomb actually was would perhaps be revealed.

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