Chapter 0897 – The Yellow Intestine (II)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:38:56
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The so-called “yellow intestines” is because of the timber used in the Tijiao, all are peeled off the bark of the cypress Fang (rafters), to the wood color yellowish and named.

Yellow intestines together, that is, specifically refers to the coffin of the Western Han Dynasty emperor around the coffin with a circle of wood walls, covered with a roof, like a house, there are rooms outside.

The use of “yellow intestines together” this way of burial, on the one hand, is to indicate the identity and status of the owner of the tomb, on the other hand, is also conducive to the protection of the coffin, so that it will not be damaged.

According to the ritual system of the Han Dynasty, the yellow intestines and Zigong, room, outside the coffin is an important part of the emperor’s tomb, but by the court special gift, individual ministers and relatives can also be used.

Like the Han Dynasty general Huo Guang died, Emperor Xuan of Han Dynasty “to give the Zi Gong, room, yellow intestines question of the Minato each one” and “yellow intestines question of the Minato” the name of the first record in the historical documents, is appeared in the “Han Book – Huo Guang biography”.

“Teacher, it is very late today, don …… t we come back tomorrow?”

Zhuang Rui looked at the time, it’s already seven o’clock in the evening, his stomach is hungry not to mention that, after a day of physical work, Zhuang Rui is also a little tired, although the yellow intestines theme of the tomb is very attractive, but it is also always necessary to take a rest, right?

After hearing Zhuang Rui’s words, Prof. Meng shook his head and said, “No, we must go in today, Xiao Liu, you go up and bring the food down, pay attention to the safety in the dark, or let the small comrade of the Armed Police give us a tent, I’ll live in the tomb at night.”

The darkness of the tomb room and the daytime is no difference at all, are to be electric lighting, in the Mang Mountain found the yellow intestines of the title of the Han Dynasty Tomb, the significance is extremely significant, the archaeological community will have a lot of history will be rewritten, so Prof. Meng is already can not wait.

“Then …… well! I’ll go in and take a look too.”

The teacher is almost sixty years old, did not shout bitter and tired, Zhuang Rui naturally embarrassed to say it again, a few people playing a torch, carefully through the passage with traps, came to the door of the Han white stone tomb.

White as jade white stone, not because of the passage of time and become dull, in the light of the irradiation, still looks crystal clear, above the dragon and phoenix pattern is exquisite, seems to come to life in general.

Professor Meng walked in the forefront, after a foot crossed into the tomb, the whole person was stopped there, did not move his body for a long time, making the Zhuang Rui who followed behind itchy in his heart, and hurriedly looked inward from the teacher’s shoulder.

“I fuck, this …… this is the yellow intestines topic to get together?”

Through the light in Professor Meng’s hand, Zhuang Rui saw a lifelong unforgettable scene.

This was a large chamber that was nearly five meters high and more than a hundred square feet in size, and in the middle of the chamber, there were countless pieces of wood, all of which were stripped of their skins and slightly yellowed under the light.

Zhuang Rui does not know what kind of wood these woods are, but standing at the entrance of the chamber, the faint fragrance smelled by the nose, but it is a shock to the mind and soul, and the previous tiredness has dissipated a lot.

And let Zhuang Rui shock is, these wood all were decomposed into wooden strips, the size specification is exactly the same, densely built into a huge house, and there is a roof above.

In the roof above the top wall, is carved with the sun, moon and stars, yellow intestines next to the title, is a tall bronze carriage, in the car and ceramic figurine driver, fierce look, as if real people.

In the bronze carriage around, standing six and the size of the generals figurines, are dignified, left hand lowered, the right hand is pressed on the waist of the sword above, gazing at the four directions, seems to be guarding their masters.

Around the yellow intestines of the subject, a circle of white stone built into the mountains and rivers, surrounded by maids of honor guards, all shrunken terracotta figurines, extremely realistic appearance, brightly colored, lifelike, at first glance, it seems to have come to the little people’s country in general.

All around the wall, placed more than a dozen of glittering white light of the night pearl, although not as Zhuang Rui in the island treasure in the large crystal, but after thousands of years is still intact, must not be mortal goods.

“Could …… it be that …… is the tomb of Qin Shi Huang?”

Thinking of the historical description of the tomb of Qin Shi Huang, Zhuang Rui mouth ghostly out of such a sentence, immediately attracted several contemptuous eyes, Qin Shi Huang’s tomb has long been a public opinion, not can be arbitrary speculation.

“Zhuang Rui, Qin Shi Huang that is wearing three springs, under the copper and to the coffin, the palace view of the hundred officials, strange weapons and strange migrations hidden full of it. To mercury for the hundred rivers and seas, machine phase infusion. Upper with astronomy, lower with geography, to mermaid cream for the candle, the degree of non-extinguishable for a long time ……”

Dr. Ren had a very good memory and recited the passages describing the mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor in the “Records of the Grand Historian” written by Sima Qian, but he was also shocked by the sight of this chamber in front of him, and I am afraid that the owner of this chamber, without fail, had in his mind the idea of imitating the mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor.

Professor Meng has walked into the burial chamber, quietly observing those mountains and rivers landscape, after a long time, said: “This is a horse emperor, you see, the generals with weapons, and this map of the mountains and rivers, is the Han Dynasty when the map, Yang Guan ancient road, desert steppe, all embodied.”

Generally from the furnishings within a tomb, one can tell the general identity of its owner, like within the tomb of a Peaceful Emperor, there are mostly terracotta figurines of maids eating, drinking and having fun, while the tombs of generals and immediate emperors are mostly guarded by weapons and guards.

The map of the mountains and rivers within this tomb and the guards with swords are all indications that the tomb owner must have been a land-expanding figure in his lifetime, which is why Prof. Meng said this.

“This is the middle of the mountain to hollow out, and look at this, other burial pits will never be less, such a big project, I’m afraid that no twenty years absolutely dry down, in the end, which emperor it is?”

Professor Meng looked at the burial chamber in front of him and fell into deep thought.

The scale of this tomb was too huge, to excavate all of it, it was by no means a momentary effort, I’m afraid that it would take at least half a year or more, so Prof. Meng wasn’t in a hurry to do it.

“Teacher, those terracotta figurines, they need to take protective measures right away.”

Dr. Ren was the first to come to his senses and whispered a physical sentence to Professor Meng in his ear.

After hearing Ren Chunqiang’s words, Professor Meng woke up as if in a dream, and hurriedly said, “Oh, yes, yes, Xiao Ren, you take them to protect the terracotta figurines quickly.”

As a result of contact with the outside air, colored terracotta figurines unearthed at the beginning of the painted layer and the surface of the ceramic body of the adhesion has been very weak, colored pottery unearthed after the color metamorphosis, painted off, will gradually lose the color of the body, and become like a colorless terracotta figurines.

Protecting the glaze color of Qinhan terracotta figurines was once an international problem, and then through in-depth and systematic research on the material composition of the painted material, process, experts revealed the damage mechanism of the painted, on the basis of which to study the protection of technical methods.

Dr. Ren took a plastic bucket at this time, poured the liquid in the bucket into the basin and stirred it, and then brushed the colorless liquid on one terracotta figurine, which is one of the methods, which is the joint treatment method with anti-wrinkle shrinkage agent (polyethylene glycol) and reinforcing agent (polyurethane emulsion).

The role of polyethylene glycol is anti-wrinkle shrinkage, the reagent can absorb water from the surrounding environment, so that the painted lacquer layer to remain wet, followed by slow water loss, so that the reinforcing agent in the painting before the painting is completely dry, you can act on the painting, so as to achieve the purpose of reinforcing.

Due to too many terracotta figurines in the crypt, Professor Meng also joined in, six or seven people were busy for three or four hours, only to be considered these terracotta figurines are brushed on the reinforcing agent, even the food brought by Xiao Liu did not have time to eat.

“Alright, everyone has worked hard today, go up and rest first! We’ll continue tomorrow.”

Professor Meng in the end is old, after busy work, tired even waist can not lift up, Zhuang Rui also realized that before the old often said that field archaeology is hard, now it is considered to have experienced. Although these archaeologists, can be the first time to see the evidence of history, but the hard work, but also is far from ordinary people can not imagine.

After returning to the mountain, Professor Meng will be the results of this time, to the State General Administration of Cultural Relics made a report, such a large-scale Han tombs, in the domestic has been found in the tombs, is also second to none, to Zhuang Rui and others now the technical force, seems to appear a little thin.

The relevant leaders immediately made instructions, at the latest in tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, will organize a group of experts team to come to reinforce, which also let Professor Meng long breath, just rely on a few of them, I’m afraid that after two years can not be this tomb in the world.

After the people up the mountain, it was already 11 o’clock at night, everyone is tired and exhausted, and can not go back to the old Zhangtou home to go, simply snuggle in the armed police fighters set up a tent next to sleep.

Although the weather in May has been very hot, but the people are still covered with those prepared to wrap the cultural relics of the white cloth, which if the uninformed people see, but also thought to come to the ghostly world, a row of quite a corpse of people.

“The youngest, where are you? How to even call for two days, can not find you ah?”

Zhuang Rui called home before he went to sleep, he didn’t have time to charge his cell phone in the past few days, and usually turned it off right after the call, this time, before he turned it off, Zhonghai Wei’s phone called in.

“Brother Wei, I’m in Yu Province, excavating an ancient tomb from the Han Dynasty, I’ll tell you, this tomb is something special! I reckon it’s only the Mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang that’s bigger than it.”

Zhuang Rui heard is Yang Wei’s phone, can not help but some excitement, although graduation for several years, but the brotherhood has always been very deep, plus this day was stimulated by this tomb, Zhuang Rui in the phone on the gushing said up.

“The youngest, let’s not talk about this first, something happened to the oldest four, do you know?”

Brother Wei’s tone was a bit anxious, not waiting for Zhuang Rui to finish introducing the world-unrivaled ancient tomb he had discovered, he cut Zhuang Rui’s words off.

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