Chapter 0916 – Stud (I)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:39:44
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“Xiao Rui, don’t be impulsive, a handful of wins and losses is nothing, besides you still have a lot of chips now, don’t always think about stealing chickens, after you get a big hand, then place a heavy bet.”

Although Qin Haoran for gambling is also a half-understanding, but since I think since he said this is right, just he also do not think about it, in order to Jervis’s gambling skills, Zhuang Rui got the card as long as it is not touched points, the other side may follow?

Although the TV show pairs betting pokies is very addictive, in fact, in reality, those flush touch four or Faulhaus things, or very rare, often a pair of cards can decide the winner of the gambling game, just like that color game just now.

“Dad, I know, won’t be impulsive, I’ll throw away small cards when I see them in the future, anyway, a few hundred million dollars of bets are enough to lose for half a day.”

Zhuang Rui nodded at the words, the old man shouted to stop, his own countermeasures will have to change, otherwise still put on an impulsive look, I’m afraid that Jervis will be suspicious.

“Right, just bet like this, seize a loophole in the other side, just win him over.”

Seeing Zhuang Rui readily accepting good advice, Qin Haoran couldn’t help but feel old-fashioned relief, but what he said was all on paper, was the loophole of the World Gambling Champion that easy to catch?

Compared to the gravity of Qin Haoran’s side, Jervis’ side is much more relaxed, Liu Minghui attentively handed him a functional drink and said, “Mr. Jervis, it looks like that kid’s good luck has run out.”

Jervis proudly said, “Of course, next I’m going to make him spit out all his winning chips.”

As a veteran of 20 to 30 years in the gambling world, Jervis could naturally tell whether Zhuang Rui was a member of the gambling world or not, and with the way Zhuang Rui folded his cards and his youthful performance when betting against him, he had already decided that the young man was a raw player.

Gambling talk about luck, but more about technology, from the cards and other gambling techniques, to observe each other’s face and eyes, to the language of psychological tactics, this is a master must have the quality, on the contrary, Zhuang Rui, it seems that one of them do not have.

“Both of you, break time is up, please return to your seats.”

The fifteen minutes of rest time quickly passed, the dealer spoke out and reminded Zhuang Rui and Jervis.

Zhuang Rui’s complexion had become very calm, the impulsive look just now didn’t seem to be happening to him in general, Jervis also couldn’t help but look at Zhuang Rui a few more times, it was obvious that a calm opponent was much harder to deal with.

However, Jervis still has enough confidence to crush Zhuang Rui, as long as he grasps an opportunity, he can force Zhuang Rui to pike, so that a game to determine the winner in Jervis, is a frequent occurrence.

“No call.”

The first hand after the reopening, Zhuang Rui got a four of hearts, while Jervis was the ace of spades, Zhuang Rui directly covered the card.

“Zhuang, this is not your style!”

When the Dutchman opened a new deck of cards, Jeeves took the time out to jab at Zhuang Rui, this dude never forgets to put psychological pressure on Zhuang Rui.

“Oh, the cards are not as big as yours, of course I won’t call, my chips are tens of millions more than yours!”

Zhuang Rui smiled at the words, but a hint of lack of confidence shown on his face was captured in the eyes of Jervis, and he was instantly delighted, it seems that the other party has already become skeptical of his own good luck.

“No call.”

Zhuang Rui threw his cards out again, this is already the tenth hand, it’s strange to say that for ten hands in a row, Zhuang Rui’s first card is smaller than Jervis, he bit the bullet on this reason and folded his cards.

“Strange! How is it that every hand of Zhuang’s is smaller than his opponent’s?”

“Yeah! Ten hands in a row, this young man’s luck is a bit too bad, isn’t it?”

“What do you know? In casino gambling, there’s been a streak of eighteen in a row, what’s this?”

The people under the table saw the strange situation on the table, and immediately had a discussion, Zhuang Rui after ten hands of folding, it is too hurt the momentum, on the contrary, Jervis, at this moment is full of momentum, almost every hand will call out more than 5 million raise.

At the moment the game seems to have entered a stalemate, Zhuang Rui will not call, Jervis is not in a hurry, a handful of eating the bottom of the bet, and in the Dutchman shuffled the cards when the attention is still very focused, without the slightest relaxation.

“Mr. Zhuang Q of spades, Mr. Jervis 9 of hearts, Mr. Zhuang speaks.”

At the eleventh game, the cards finally changed, which made everyone in the gambling hall tense up, wondering what choice Zhuang Rui would make?

“Haha, the time has come, it’s finally my turn to go big, Jeeves, ten million dollars.”

Zhuang Rui knocked on the Queen of Spades, seemingly as if he had gotten a royal flush, and smiled triumphantly as he pushed out a stack of five 2 million chips in front of him.

“Ten million dollars? I’ll call.”

Jervis didn’t hesitate in the slightest, because his bottom card was a nine of diamonds, and now he was already holding a pair of nines in his hand, and Jervis had just strongly memorized a card, and if he remembered correctly, he should have a three of a kind in this game.


Jervis is not in a hurry to raise the bet, he is afraid of Zhuang Rui to escape again, after ten hands of cards have not been able to catch Zhuang Rui, in Jervis thought, Zhuang Rui is already a bird of prey.

“Mr. Zhuang J of spades, Mr. Jervis J of diamonds, Mr. Zhuang please bet.”

After the third card is dealt, because Zhuang Rui is a flush draw, so it is still Zhuang Rui’s card is big, both sides of the cards are a little unmatched, and now can’t see how the situation is.

“It’s all Jacks, don’t call or I’m still big ah? Fifty million dollars.”

Since both think they will not bet, Zhuang Rui simply make a look like an amateur, directly launched the fifty million, he is the original color performance, can not see a trace of artifice.

Zhuang Rui has already prepared to end the battle in this game, because in the previous ten games, although he also had the opportunity to get a big card, but the other party’s cards are not big, and his big cards will be revealed in the open, the other party will not call.

In this game, Zhuang Rui saw that in the end, there will be a situation where the king is against the king, such a good opportunity, Zhuang Rui naturally will not let go.

“Zhuang Rui!”

Seeing Zhuang Rui so impulsive, sitting behind him Qin Haoran and Lao Si could not help but shout together.

He had already lost 48.5 million in front of him, and with the 5 million he had just lost in the bottom bet, half of the 100 million chips Zhuang Rui had won had gone in the blink of an eye.

This hand of cards just to the third, Zhuang Rui called out 60 million, if the last card to the other side of the stud, then Zhuang Rui faced a very serious situation.

“Please keep the guest next to you quiet.”

The Dutchman warned the duo, when the two sides were playing against each other, the bystanders were strictly forbidden to do anything that would interfere with the behavior and language of the two betting sides.

“For ten games in a row, I’m smaller than you, this eleventh game, it’s my turn, Mr. Jervis, are you going to follow?”

Zhuang Rui changed his previous sluggish appearance and became scorchingly compelling, his body seemed to exude a powerful confidence, as if he could definitely win this hand.

“I follow.”

Jervis for Zhuang Rui provocation kindly smiled, not to mention ten consecutive first card face small, is even twenty consecutive gambling, he has seen, the other side of this theory is obviously very funny.

What’s more, Jervis found a hint of panic in the other party’s eyes when he and Zhuang Rui looked at each other, which made Jervis think that Zhuang Rui was the outside strongest, and wanted to use the big bet to steal the chicken again, forcing him to fold his cards!

“Damn, don’t believe you won’t take the bait.”

The panic in Zhuang Rui’s eyes was real, because he was afraid that Jervis wouldn’t follow, after playing for most of the day it was easy to come across a hand with a flush against Faulhaus, Zhuang Rui was naturally afraid that Jervis wouldn’t feel right to run away.

“The fourth card Mr. Zhuang is the eight of spades, Mr. Jervis is the nine of peaches, Mr. Zhuang has a big flush, please bet.”

As the fourth card was dealt, the situation on the table slowly became clearer, Jervis was a pair of nines with a jack, while Zhuang Rui was the eight of spades, jack, and queen, with a chance of a flush.

Of course, the people here are not optimistic about Zhuang Rui getting a flush, because Jervis has already got two nines, if they know that Jervis’s bottom card is still a nine, then they will definitely announce Zhuang Rui’s death sentence immediately.

“Mr. Zhuang, please place your bet.”

This time Zhuang Rui didn’t push tens of millions of chips in a single bold move, but a rare hesitation, the other side of the card is bigger than his own, and then throw up a fifty million dollars, that’s definitely here and there.

Jervis followed the Dutchman and said, “Zhuang, you won’t be intimidated by my pair of nines, right?”

Now Zhuang Rui escaped, Jervis can take 60 million dollars for nothing, but the chance of not winning more with three in hand, Jervis naturally refused to stop.

“Isn’t it just a pair of nines? If I had a flush, wouldn’t I still be able to eat you steadily?”

Zhuang Rui laughed coldly, pushed his big hand forward and said, “Ten million dollars, follow or not?”

Zhuang Rui’s action caused a laughter in the arena, not only Jeeves, that is, the crowd watching the game, also see his colorful expression, obviously do not want to follow, but by the other side of the stimulus threw out 10 million, this young man is too immature.

Only Qin Haoran felt a little wrong, in his contact with Zhuang Rui, his son-in-law seldom do things to lose, almost every investment is a target, does not look like it will do the battle of wills.

“Follow, of course follow, 10 million is 10 million, deal the cards!”

Jervis didn’t want to stimulate Zhuang Rui at the moment, he wanted to overwhelm Zhuang Rui with a thunderous force after the last card was dealt out, so that he would discard his cards and run away, which would show the elegance of the King of Gamblers.

“Mr. Zhuang 10 of spades, Mr. Jervis J of hearts, Zhuang is a flush deck, Jervis is two pairs, flush talk.”

The dealer reported both sides of the card face without expression, but the field and the people watching the game in the private room were exploding with activity, flush vs. two pairs, this kind of card face seems to be seen only on TV.

All eyes are focused on Zhuang Rui’s body, although the card is still Zhuang Rui big, but Zhuang Rui’s chance of losing, is also infinite.

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