Chapter 0917 Stud (II)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:39:46
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Although Zhuang Rui’s cards this hand, is always pressing Jeeves, but can get a hand of flush odds, than the lottery won a five million is not much worse.

Plus Jervis has got two nines, Zhuang Rui just want to take a nine to make a straight odds are not big, and the straight can only win 2 pairs, in case Jervis is Fuhrhaus (three stripes with a pair), then Zhuang Rui will lose without a doubt.

So now all the pressure is concentrated on Zhuang Rui’s body, if he folds next, the front seventy million dollars will be collected by Jervis, and can not even see the bottom card.

“I’m betting two hundred million dollars, the face of the flush, there’s no reason to be scared by you, right?”

Zhuang Rui suddenly pushed out a bunch of chips in front of him, this crazy move made a lot of people exclaimed out in shock, no one knew what he was thinking, it’s already such a face of the cards, can’t it be that he really got a flush?

In fact, Zhuang Rui is now also very difficult, it is his turn to raise the bet, he is faced with only two choices, one is no straight or flush fold, the second is to bet a little money to see the other side of the card.

The first choice is of course impossible, but the second is not the best choice, so Zhuang Rui decided to bet a heavy bet, so that the other side think they still want to steal the chicken!

Betting two hundred million chips, Jervis might suspect that he got a flush, but he would also suspect that he was stealing a chicken, so that the other party would have a high probability of calling the bet, on the contrary, if he himself had studded the hand, I guess the dude would definitely fold.

“This young man is crazy.”

“Yes! This kind of card bet two hundred million dollars, could it really be a flush?”

“Impossible, if it was a royal flush, he wouldn’t have bet only 10 million last hand.”

“Zhuang Rui, don’t be impulsive! There’s no such thing as losing a bet, it’s okay to continue on the next hand!”

The moment Zhuang Rui’s 200 million chips were introduced, the whole room immediately boiled up, and this also reached the climax of today’s game, everyone couldn’t hold back the excitement in their hearts, as long as they could stand up, they stood up from their chairs.

Flush deck, betting two hundred million is not much, but now there are two nines on the table, Zhuang Rui want to get the nine of spades, the chances are too small, everyone is not optimistic about Zhuang Rui.

Since Zhuang Rui had already finished placing his bets, the dealer didn’t bother to warn Qin Haoran who was reminding Zhuang Rui to calm down, and looked towards Jervis, saying, “Mr. Jervis, are you calling the bet?”

“Two hundred million dollars?”

To be honest, Jervis was also startled by Zhuang Rui, which made him feel a little bit of doubt in his heart.

Jervis hand is three nines with a pair of jacks, the difference is a spade nine, “Could that spade nine really be Zhuang Rui got?”

“No …… it can’t be, if he really has a flush in his hand, then he will definitely pike to force me to duel.”

Jervis brain was spinning rapidly while carefully sizing up Zhuang Rui, suddenly, Jervis’ eyes lit up.

“Good boy, actually trying to bluff again.”

Jervis saw that Zhuang Rui was holding a 500,000 chip in his hand, and was fiddling with it over and over again, and in terms of psychology, this kind of unconscious action can often react to the nervousness in a person’s heart.

As a world gambling king, speculate on human psychology, that is also Jervis’s necessary courses, he can see, Zhuang Rui is absolutely unconscious action, which shows …… Zhuang Rui weak heart.

With the precedent of Zhuang Rui’s fraudulent card, Jervis naturally thought, Zhuang Rui this hand is still trying to steal the chicken, forcing himself to retreat without a fight, thinking of this, Jervis pulled an arc out of the corner of his mouth, revealing a hint of a smile.

Zhuang Rui heart is indeed nervous, he is afraid of Jervis does not follow, so the bet is bound to fall into a stalemate, a few hundred million of gambling capital, ghosts know to gamble until when ah?

In terms of patience, Zhuang Rui is far worse than Jervis.

“Two hundred million right? I’ll call.”

Jervis’ words made everyone’s eyes focus on him, a simple “Call.” Two words, plus the original chips on the table, that would represent nearly six hundred million dollars of gambling money, which was extremely rare in the gambling world.

Just Jervis concluded that Zhuang Rui steal chicken, and refused to stop, after the introduction of two hundred million chips, then said: “But want to see my bottom card, two hundred million is still not enough, I Stud.”

Jervis also does not care how many chips in front of him, directly stood up, open arms, a pile of chips in front of them together, violently pushed out.

A small mountain of chips like dominoes, clattering down on the gambling table, making a crisp ringing sound that seemed to knock the hearts of everyone present.

Jeeves Stud’s move brought a strong shock to the scene and everyone in the room, all of them were red in the face, as if they were the ones who were betting against each other in the arena.

Even Mr. He sitting in a wheelchair, but also a long time have not seen such a big and exciting gambling, the opening of the game after ten flat, who did not expect, to the eleventh game, actually see the situation of Mars on Earth?

Whether it is the gambling world or other industries, the top people always have their own characteristics, and Jervis has a nickname is called the viper.

As the world’s gambling king, Jervis’s gambling skills are naturally needless to say, the most important thing is that he is good at observing the situation, encountered in their own favor when the situation, often like a viper in general, in the moment to reveal the fangs, as fast as lightning to the opponents of a fatal blow.

In the expert duel, it is difficult to see the situation of the Stud, because these people often refuse to let themselves into a desperate situation, and ultimately rely on the last chip points to win, but today’s situation is different.

Zhuang Rui is not even considered to be a person in the gambling world, and also not calm enough, repeatedly by Jervis from the color of his face to see the cracks, the first time is to steal the chicken, now actually dare to play again, Jervis absolutely will not be polite with Zhuang Rui, or else his nickname of the viper is also called in vain.

“Worthy of being the King of Gamblers! That young man is probably going to lose.”

“Definitely going to lose, can the King of Gamblers poker without certainty?”

“Over the top, really over the top, I didn’t realize that this gambling game is really similar to what is staged on TV, a handful of pokies, good spirit.”

The people in the gambling hall and the private rooms were all talking, but none of them were optimistic about Zhuang Rui, what can a flush card do? As long as the last card was not a nine, it was tantamount to a wasted card!

For Liu Daheng even voice over, even the Qin brothers did not say anything, silently sitting there, perhaps they also think that Zhuang Rui will definitely lose, right? As for Liu Minghui and others sitting behind Jervis, their faces were joyful, this time they made another 500 million, although they had to give Jervis 200 million, the rest of the money was enough for them to squander. Even if Zhuang Rui has a background in China, they are not afraid, the world is so big, the Chinese government has not even managed to catch back a few fugitive corrupt officials, what can they do?

“Mr. Zhuang, the other side pokies, do you call the bet?”

After a while of chaos in the arena, a dealer rang the bell, the crisp sound made the arena become quiet, this will be the crowd only thought, Zhuang Rui has not made the final decision.

“Damn, don’t know how to die, actually dare to pokies, in the future buddy will be called the King of Gamblers Killer.”

Zhuang Rui’s heart is happy at the moment, his own Stud is afraid of scaring away Jeeves, I did not expect this guy to be so cooperative, and even went along with his own mind Stud, Zhuang Rui just want to let out a big laugh.

“Shit, that Thousand Doors should be more than just cheating a few hundred million over the years, right? Gotta find a way to make them spit out a little more.”

Thinking about this, Zhuang Rui’s face looked a bit cloudy and suddenly spoke, “Mr. Jervis, is it so hard that I can’t get a flush? Why do you dare to poker?”

“If you have a flush, I’ll lose convincingly.”

Jervis replied unconcernedly, the game was in his hands, and in his opinion, he was a sure bet on the table.

“I’m calling, all in.”

At the time when Jeeves’ words just fell, Zhuang Rui also stood up and swept the chips in front of him into the croupier, although the length of this table is five meters, but the scattered chips are still intermingled together in the croupier, it is impossible to tell which is Zhuang Rui’s and which is Jeeves’.

“Huh? How could it be, he also studded?”

“Could it really be a royal flush?”

“It’s possible, otherwise you wouldn’t know that you’re losing and still follow the pokies, it’s really possible that it’s a royal flush.”

At this moment, those slightly older tycoons, immediately felt that the heart’s tolerance was a bit insufficient, this is also too exciting a bit, even with their wealth, this kind of betting is the only thing they get to see in this life.

“Okay, you open the cards!”

Jervis also did not expect Zhuang Rui will follow the Stud, the heart also suspicious, but now it is already difficult to ride the tiger, victory or defeat is here, he also does not have time to regret.

Zhuang Rui smiled coldly and said, “Want to see my bottom card? Jeeves, your chips don’t seem to be enough!”

In the previous color betting game, Zhuang Rui had won two hundred million, although the first game of pokies lost back tens of millions of dollars, but in terms of the total number of chips, Zhuang Rui still outnumbered Jervis by more than 130 million.

That is, at this moment, Zhuang Rui Stud, and so is another 130 million big Jie Weis, so Jie Weis must make up the difference in gambling capital, in order to let Zhuang Rui open the card.

After hearing Zhuang Rui’s words, Jervis is calm down, eyes staring at Zhuang Rui, seems to be from Zhuang Rui’s eyes to see what clues to.

“Just fold if you can’t afford it!”

Zhuang Rui face with a cold smile, but in his hands are tightly clutching the chips that have been playing, the back of the hand veins exposed, it can be seen that his mood is also very nervous.

Jervis, after locking eyes with Zhuang Rui for a while, raised his hand and said, “I demand a break and seal the cards.”

Each person on both sides of the betting table had two chances to ask for a break, even in the middle of the betting game, so the three lotteries immediately took out a transparent glass cover and covered both cards on the betting table.

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