Chapter 0918 Stud (III)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:39:49
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Four casino security guards with weapons in their pockets surrounded the table in four directions, not allowing anyone to approach the table.

However, the eyes of the people in the venue were still fixed on Zhuang Rui’s card, and in everyone’s heart, they were eager to reveal the answer, to see whether Zhuang Rui had really gotten a flush, or was it another speculative fraudulent card?

“Xiao Rui, could it be that your card is really a flush?”

After Zhuang Rui returned to the place where Qin Haoran and Wei and the others were sitting, Qin Haoran immediately asked anxiously, even the total assets of Qin’s Jewelry was only three to four billion Hong Kong dollars.

Although what Zhuang Rui lost was not his own money, but as an old husband, Qin Haoran felt obligated to remind Zhuang Rui not to act impulsively.


Zhuang Rui was about to reply to his old husband’s words when he suddenly felt a gaze staring at him, following his gaze, it was that Fai, his mouth was talking to Jervis, for some reason, his eyes were looking at himself.

Zhuang Rui heart moved a little, already to the mouth of the words, but and just wanted to say completely different, Zhuang Rui intentionally looked to the four sides, put his mouth to Qin Haoran’s ear, said: “Dad, I said you can not be surprised ah! I’m swindling them, now if I don’t follow through I’ll lose a few hundred million dollars, so I might as well take the money and smash them.”

Zhuang Rui spoke in a very low voice, even Wei and Lao Si, who had their ears perked up beside him, didn’t hear it.


Even though Qin Haoran had experienced many storms, at this moment, he was also startled by Zhuang Rui, but he was also a person who had been in the shopping mall for a long time, he only flashed a trace of panic in his eyes, and did not reveal any breaks on the surface.

Qin Haoran was completely speechless to this bold son-in-law, this is 500 million Hong Kong dollars ah? Ordinary people can not earn ten lifetimes, Zhuang Rui even dare to use to steal chicken, Qin Haoran at the moment really do not know whether to say he has the courage or stupid bold good?

“The youngest, what exactly is your bottom card?”

Brother Wei and Lao Si really couldn’t hold back their curiosity and surrounded Zhuang Rui, even Uncle De was a bit curious, his eyes staring straight at Zhuang Rui.

“Of course it’s a flush, what else could it be?”

Zhuang Rui’s behavior this time was different from just now, speaking loudly, even the people sitting around not far away heard it.

“That’s good, damn, that guy just wants to follow also have no chips, the youngest, you play this hand well.”

After hearing Zhuang Rui’s words, Brother Wei excitedly slapped on Zhuang Rui’s shoulder, he and Oldest are like a dream today, it is estimated that there is only one chance in this life to see such a thrilling gambling game.

Uncle De, unlike Wei and the others, saw that Zhuang Rui spoke a bit out of turn, and asked a bit skeptically, “Xiao Rui, are you telling the truth?”

“Of course it’s true.”

Zhuang Rui laughed bitterly, no one believes in telling the truth these days, do you have to force yourself to bullshit to get it right?

“Old Liu, when this person’s luck comes, it can’t be stopped! See, Zhuang Rui touched a flush.”

Inside the private room on the first floor, Qin Lao Er was beaming with joy, and his eyes weren’t so respectful when he looked at Liu Daheng.

“It’s hard to say, no one knows the answer until the bottom card is opened, wait and see!”

Liu Daheng shook his head, he wasn’t fighting with Qin Laosan, but his thoughts were similar to Jervis’, they both thought that Zhuang Rui was stealing the chicken, after all, there was a precedent in front of him, and Zhuang Rui’s performance in the betting game did have the suspicion of stealing the chicken.

This person, the more head smart, consider things is the more, in the scene full of dozens of people, it is estimated that there are nine out of ten people, now still do not look favorably on Zhuang Rui, but it is Qin Lao Er, this head of paste old dude, Zhuang Rui special confidence.

“Mr. Jervis, what do you think the chances of winning this hand are?”

Directly opposite Zhuang Rui and the others, there was also a discussion going on about this game, but looking at that Liu Minghui’s face, he didn’t seem to be worried much, as if he had plenty of confidence in the King of Gamblers.

Jervis’ face revealed a confident smile and said, “Seventy percent, I have seventy percent certainty that I can win.”

If he was allowed to shuffle the cards, then Jeeves could guarantee that he would catch a straight flush, but if he was allowed to shuffle the cards, unless that person cheated, then the probability of getting a straight flush would be quite small, not much different from winning a five million dollar lottery.

To the Lisboa Casino’s reputation, Jervis believes that they will not help Zhuang Rui cheating, not to mention that Zhuang Rui and Lisboa Casino before there is also a beam, the bounty officer will not be biased in favor of helping Zhuang Rui, shuffling such a pair of king against the king of the tazza card to the.

So Jervis is still convinced that Zhuang Rui must be trying to steal the chicken, he thought he could not get so many chips, want to force himself to discard.

In fact, according to international practice, Stud can only bet all the stakes on the other side of the table, Zhuang Rui’s behavior has exceeded this category.

Just before sealing the cards, Jervis did not raise objections, so the Dutchman did not say anything, after all, the bet is dead, people are alive, who knows whether Jervis’s side will raise the bet to follow up?

The reason why Jervis did not protest, because he has a bottom in his heart, this game how he will follow to the end, even if his employer has no money, Jervis will take out the money himself, continue to fight with Zhuang Rui.

After more than twenty years in the gambling world, a few tens of millions of dollars of gambling money, Jervis can still take out, of course, if Liu Minghui does not come up with this money, after he wins, I think he will be able to get more than twenty percent of the dividends.

“Good, Mr. Jervis, I believe in your judgment, I have a banker’s cashier’s check for forty million euros here, and later on you’ll big the other side another three hundred million Hong Kong dollars.”

Liu Minghui’s eyes swept a glance at Zhuang Rui’s side of the oldest four and others, his face showed a hideous smile, “When the old man ran the jungle, you bunch of little brats are still in the womb, and I fight?”

“Big brother, this …… isn’t quite right, right?”

After Brother Hui made this decision, that Fire General and another person beside him looked a little ugly.

The same as the people in the Thousand Sect, they know that this 40 million euros is their old base, if this money is lost, I’m afraid that the brothers will have to go to Africa to beg for food, because the country is absolutely unable to stay.

“It’s okay, since they want to send money, our buddies of course to take it.”

Hui a peaceful face smile a little sinister, see the boss this look, those two are not talking, because so many years down, whenever Liu Minghui show this smile, the bad luck is always someone else.

The reason why Liu Minghui can take out the old bottom to fight again, because he “see” what Zhuang Rui just said, yes, not hear, is “see”.

Liu Minghui from a thousand door family, their family is before the liberation of the domestic run to Southeast Asia, when Liu Minghui is very young, received a thousand door heritage training.

Liu Minghui is proficient in twelve foreign languages, can be said to be a serious language expert, just that many people do not know, he also has a mastery of deciphering the spoken word, other people look at the upper and lower mouth flip in the eyes of the process, in the eyes of Liu Minghui, but a complete sentence.

In Liu Minghui thought, Zhuang Rui this twenty-something years old hairy little guy, surely will tell the truth to his old man.

So when Zhuang Rui opened his mouth, his attention was especially focused, and although Zhuang Rui spoke in a very low voice and the movement of his lips wasn’t very big, he still didn’t manage to hide it from Hui’s fiery eyes.

As for when Zhuang Rui later told Wei and the others that the bottom card was a royal flush, Fai already didn’t really take that to heart, although Zhuang Rui was very serious when he said that and couldn’t see the slightest hint of lying, but could Fai be fooled by Zhuang Rui?

“Liu, thank you for trusting me, I’ve decided that a dividend of just nineteen percent will do.”

Although Jervis didn’t know what is called “a man who knows a friend dies”, but Fai took out the 40 million euros, it still moved him a lot, so Mr. Jervis very “generously” subtracted one percent of the dividend.

“No, Jervis, you’ll get what you want, and I think that after a little while, we can leave here to have a celebration banquet.”

Fai laughed with ambition, and Jervis laughed as well, as if the bet was over and the chips had been exchanged for a check in his pocket, drawing sideways glances from the crowd in the arena.

“Gentlemen, break time is up, please sit back in your respective seats.”

Fifteen minutes passed very quickly, after Zhuang Rui and Jervis sat back down, the expressionless dealer then said, “Given that Mr. Zhuang’s bet is larger than Mr. Jervis’s existing chips, so Mr. Jervis can make a choice to allow Mr. Zhuang to draw out his excess 138 million chips and then open the cards.”

Before this, Zhuang Rui’s chips were still more than one hundred million more than Jervis’, and according to the rules, the other party had already poked, and the Dutchman could have ruled that the bet Zhuang Rui had placed behind him didn’t count.

“How can this be? How can my bet not be counted? He does not have the money to open the card that should be counted as my win ah!”

Zhuang Rui really do not know much about the rules of pokies, after hearing the words of the Dutchman, immediately yelled out, Zhuang Rui is really anxious, if this does not count, he did not win more than 100 million less?

However, Zhuang Rui’s behavior, look in the eyes of the crowd inside and outside the venue, but “steal chicken” after the weakness.

Jervis naturally also saw Zhuang Rui’s “performance” immediately said with a smile: “I agree with Mr. Zhuang’s bet, and I also want to big him 300 million.”


“Holy shit!”

“Wife, the casino appeared aliens.”

Jeeves this word out, just ass sat steady the crowd, immediately popped up again, today these two a more than a fierce? The original one billion dollar bet, now it seems that the total amount is already going to become 1.6 billion dollars.

“This is indeed a cashier’s check from a Swiss bank, which can be drawn on for cash at any time, Mr. Jervis, this is your three hundred million in chips.”

After the casino’s specialized treasurer verified the check, several thick stacks of chips were placed on the gambling table in front of Jervis.

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