Chapter 0922 – Fai’s Ambition

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:39:58
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The general yacht is equipped with a winch, and fishing for sharks, naturally there can not be a hand to pull the fishing rod, in the fire will be busy half a day, several large fish hooks were tied to the thick cable, skewered a few pieces of bloody pieces of meat, was thrown into the sea.

And Mr. Jervis was reluctant to be buried at sea, once the reigning king of the gambling world, but fell into such a miserable end, which should be the old saying that people in the river drift, which can not get cut.

“Big brother, we really want to go to Africa?”

Before this incident, Liu Minghui did buy an island in Africa, and that island has a beautiful scenery, but it cost Brother Hui a lot of money.

Just want to live a heavenly life as an island owner, his several tens of millions of dollars knocked from Jeeves, but it is far from enough, I’m afraid to develop the island, these brothers can only live the life of the African natives.

“Go to Africa?”

Liu Minghui glared at the fire general, although this time it is his error in judgment, resulting in the entire organization are exhausted funds, but one or two decades left behind the cumulative power, but let the fire general and others still do not dare to blame Liu Minghui.

“Going to Africa to see the tits of those black African pussies? Damn, don’t let us take the right path, then we will go as pirates.”

Liu Minghui also did not know whether he was stimulated by Zhuang Rui, after coming out from Macau, that white face has always been full of killing energy.

But to say that Liu Minghui ancestor, really pirate origin, in the last century, do not know is his grandfather of several generations, is to follow Zhang Baozai across the sea, killing and setting fire to the gold belt, living a big bowl of wine and large pieces of meat days.

When later Zhang Baozai was recruited as a government soldier, Liu Minghui’s ancestors are not willing to be subject to discipline, although also washed his hands ashore, but somehow into the line of a thousand doors to go.

Hui’s old man and grandfather, back then, but no less in front of him touted his ancestors as pirates when the wind, just Hui play is the technology, always look down on straight to the plundering behavior, but this time it is estimated to be stimulated, actually raised the idea of being a pirate.

These years Liu Minghui are activities in Southeast Asia, for the waters here can be said to be very familiar, and they in order to hide the trail, in several uninhabited islands have a lair, now since they do not want to go to Africa, Liu Minghui thought of pirates this way at once.

“Big brother, where do we go to do pirates ah? Caribbean?”

Fire will love to watch “Pirates of the Caribbean” that movie, after hearing the words of the boss, excited almost did not jump up.

“Caribbean? You’ve watched too many movies, right?”

Hui kicked over, the fire general did not dare to dodge, hard to take it, good thing Liu Minghui body is weak, this kick did not put the fire general how.

“Go to Malacca, Lao San, you contact the familiar shipyard, find a way to buy an old cargo ship, and then refit it, the horsepower must be enough, Lao Wu, you are familiar with the black market of arms, buy some weapons, damn, in the future, men will be pirates.”

Liu Minghui was talking, the thick fishing rod in front of him suddenly moved, Hui hastily probed into the sea, a shark’s fin, like a knife across the surface.

“Quickly, quickly retrieve the cable, damn, I’m going to kill you, deep frying and clear cooking for a change.”

Fai at this time is the eyes red, the impulse of bloodthirsty in his heart is completely stimulated, perhaps in his heart he has already taken that unlucky Jervis and the shark, as is the Zhuang Rui who has caused himself to go to the end of the road.

“Achoo! Who misses me?”

It was no coincidence that Zhuang Rui was now at sea.

However, Zhuang Rui is in this boat, but than Hui brother’s luxury yacht is a thousand times bigger, just the boat side from the sea, it is enough to have seven or eight floors of buildings so high, to be directly jumped into the sea from the boat, it is estimated to be able to be seawater shocked to death.

After having a simple meal with Wei at noon, Zhuang Rui went back to the booked room to rest, this sleep lasted for three or four hours, and only when the sky was darkening did Mr. He send someone to receive Zhuang Rui on the pier.

“Uncle Ming, what is Mr. He looking for me for?”

Zhuang Rui just got on the boat through the elevator, the person who went to pick him up was the old banker who bet against Jeeves in the morning, hearing others call him Uncle Ming, Zhuang Rui called him that.

Seeing these people around him are in awe of Uncle Ming, Zhuang Rui also understands in his heart that the identity of this old Dutchman is not only as simple as a Dutchman, but at the very least, it is also Mr. He’s beloved person.

“Mr. Zhuang, call me old He on the line, do not dare to be your name.”

Uncle Ming had changed his clothes at the moment and looked like a butler, but no matter if it was in the car or after getting on the boat, everyone was respectful when they saw him.

“Uncle Ming, you are old, naturally you deserve it, right, Mr. He.”

“Mr. Zhuang, what Mr. He is looking for you for, I don’t know, I’ll understand when I see you later.”

Uncle Ming interrupted Zhuang Rui with a smile, in fact, he was also a little strange in his heart, he hadn’t been on the gambling table for at least four or five years, he didn’t know why Mr. He valued this young man so much, and allowed himself to personally preside over this gambling game.

In Uncle Ming touched a soft nail, Zhuang Rui also did not continue to ask, but walked and watched the sea scenery, they are from the stern of the ship on board, is now along the deck to the bow of the direction of the ship, the length of this ship body is a couple of hundred meters, walking also have to walk up for a while.

“Peng Fei, if we had such a ship, how enjoyable it would be to go out to sea!”

Standing on the boat far above the sea, Zhuang Rui could clearly see the beauty of the setting sun in the distance, the red and fiery sun at the time of setting, not blinding at all, but the surrounding sea and clouds rendered like burning clouds, exceptionally beautiful.

It was only with such a big boat that one could see such a beautiful view, if it were to be replaced by Brother Fai’s yacht, then at most one would be able to see a few strands of the setting sun sinking into the sea.

“Brother Zhuang, didn’t you just win money? Take it out and build a boat like this well, nothing we can still go to the pirate island to see, with a boat like this, the sea is not afraid of the wind and waves.”

Peng Fei driving that luxury yacht in the sea looking for Zhuang Rui days, but ate enough sea wind and waves of suffering.

Don’t look at that yacht with ocean-going function, but a wave hit down, stay inside is like riding a roller coaster, heart almost people can’t stand that stimulation.

Peng Fei is a whole more than a month to enjoy, to the shore are almost can not walk, so in the see this big boat, Peng Fei this encourage Zhuang Rui also buy a.

“It’s not impossible to buy such a ship.”

After hearing Peng Fei’s words, Zhuang Rui stopped and thought seriously, he didn’t want to return to the Pirate Island in such a boat, but he wanted to have such a big boat to go for marine archaeology, it would definitely be a very pleasant thing.

Zhuang Rui also ate the waves of the bitter, know the sea temperamental, if those ordinary salvage ship, to salvage their own coordinates of those ocean wrecks, may be in the sea and will encounter what kind of risk it!

And such a big ship is different, as long as not learn the Titanic to the reef icebergs, almost can travel across the five oceans, even if the sea winds and waves again, live on the ship is estimated to feel not much shaking.

The old Dutchman saw Zhuang Rui stopped to contemplate, and did not urge, smiled and said: “Mr. Zhuang, do you know how much the cost of this one ship?”

“How much? It shouldn’t be less than a billion Hong Kong dollars, right?”

Zhuang Rui raised his eyebrows, looking at the meaning of this old Dutchman, as if he still can’t afford to build it? Zhuang Rui was a bit unconvinced in his heart.

Uncle Ming smiled and said, “This ship has spent a whole 3.2 billion Hong Kong dollars, it took two and a half years to launch, and there are a total of more than six hundred employees on this ship, and just the expenses that have to be incurred every month are as high as nearly ten million Hong Kong dollars.”


Zhuang Rui this time is really ate a shock, he knows that he last time to go to the Neptune gambling ship, but the construction of the cost of six billion Hong Kong dollars, but the volume of that ship is much larger than this one, Zhuang Rui did not think that their feet of this ship, actually also want to spend more than three billion to build up.

And this month to consume 10 million Hong Kong dollars of costs, is not Zhuang Rui can afford, a month of 10 million, a year can be more than 100 million ah? Unless Zhuang Rui does not do shit, all day on the ship around to salvage wrecks, maybe can fill these expenses.

“Looks like dude is still poor!”

For Mr. He’s bravado of using this multi-billion dollar ship as a private yacht, Zhuang Rui was ashamed of himself, and then he also dismissed the idea of using the whole ship like this as a salvage ship, it’s not something he can afford to play with at all.

Just Zhuang Rui does not know, the construction of this ship, initially the King of Gamblers in order to fight against Ye Han in Hong Kong to engage in the Princess gambling ship, just land gambling saint is not the King of Gamblers’ rival, but in the sea, Mr. He is indeed lost to Ye Han.

In the case of spending a huge amount of money and can not recover the cost, the King of Gamblers finally ended the business of the sea gambling ship, several ships are sold out, but the largest of this one, but was left by him, with his hundreds of billions of dollars of wealth, to raise such a ship, or more than enough.

On the bow of this large ship, Mr. He wore a very cool outfit, sitting under a sun umbrella, the round table beside him was filled with all kinds of fruits, and there were two women around him, one on the left and one on the right, waiting for him.

In about twenty meters away from the King of Gamblers, four people in black suits, vaguely surrounded the bow of the ship, Zhuang Rui and other people over, but also by them to check before being released.

Zhuang Rui really admire Mr. He, more than ninety years old, actually can still left and right, I’m afraid that is the famous playboy Picasso reincarnation, also want to feel inferior to it?

Uncle Ming stood still when he was still five or six meters away from Mr. He, and respectfully whispered, “Mr. He, Mr. Zhuang has arrived.”

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