Chapter 0927 – Luxury Salvage Ship (I)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:40:10
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“Brother Huangfu, how is my fourth brother doing these days?”

Zhuang Rui was wearing a fancy beachwear, sitting on the same seat where the old ship king had originally sat, casually peeling fresh lychee and throwing it in his mouth, while Huangfu Yun was sitting beside him, also wearing a very casual attire.

“Your classmate is very capable, it’s very reassuring for the foundation to be handed over to him.”

Huangfu Yun wearing sunglasses, eyes from time to time to not far away from the swimming pool, where not only his own daughter-in-law, but also Qin Xuanbing and Peng Fei’s wife, Zhang Qian, a few beautiful women are convex in front and back, so that Huangfu Yun, this was not a gentleman of the guy to feast his eyes.

“Shit, what are you looking at? To see your wife at night slowly look to go.”

Zhuang Rui a lychee smashed to Huangfu Yun’s sunglasses, he knew that the eyes of this dude under the sunglasses, estimated that this will be fast staring out.

“Cough cough …… I’m that kind of person!”

Huangfu Yun took down his sunglasses and wiped them off, saying, “In the last two months, the foundation has spent a total of 32 million RMB to build twenty Hope Primary Schools in Gansu, Guizhou, and other places, and subsidized sixty out-of-school children with difficult families. These are all handled by your classmates, and they are handled very well, and our Fang Yuan Foundation has gained some fame in the country.”

The Founder’s Circle Fund that Huangfu Yun had mentioned was created by Zhuang Rui in the name of his son and daughter, and it had been supervised by Huangfu Yun before, but ever since the oldest four had this incident, Zhuang Rui had handed over this piece of business to Bi Yuntao.

Bi Yuntao, who left from the family, did not fail Zhuang Rui’s trust, and in a few months’ time, the foundation was well organized and had done a lot of practical work, and was basically on track.

“Dad …… dad …… hug ……”

Zhuang Rui, who was chatting with Huangfu Yun, watched his son, who was walking shakily, trip over his front foot and sit on his butt on the deck, was both angry and amused, and hurriedly walked over to pick Fang Fang up.

“Good son, who did you learn this from?”

Zhuang Rui hugged his son, vigorously kissed on the apple-like red face, making the little guy “giggle” straight laugh.

“King Kong!”

Speaking of King Kong, little Fang Fang spoke inside sharply up, and also made a face, obviously imitating that big guy.

“This brat, bringing my son down.”

Zhuang Rui was very dissatisfied with his son’s performance, only that he didn’t want to blame his son, and put the fault on King Kong, who was frolicking with Yuan Yuan in the distance, and completely didn’t realize that he had turned into a bad element in Zhuang Rui’s eyes.

At the beginning of the year, Zhuang Rui once invited a famous domestic biological experts, to give King Kong did some physical examination, after the expert’s test, King Kong’s age is not more than six years old, really really a little guy.

From Zhuang Rui received this luxury ferry, time has passed more than two months, July is the hottest season in Guangdong, but with a family living on the boat, is a different experience.

In Zhuang Rui promised the old King of Gamblers gambling, returned to Beijing, as for the transfer of this ship handover matters, Zhuang Rui all over to the Huangfu cloud couple, these two is Zhuang Rui’s financial butler, one is responsible for Zhuang Rui external legal advice counseling, it is to be handed over to the Huangfu cloud to deal with it.

Just the school has been on vacation, and Professor Meng and others are still in Mangshan, Yu Province, busy with Liu Xiu’s tomb, back in Beijing, Zhuang Rui seems to have nothing to do.

In that tomb of the founding emperor of the Eastern Han Dynasty, from time to time there are shocking discoveries in the archaeological world, originally Professor Meng wanted to let Zhuang Rui continue to participate in the excavation of the tomb, but Zhuang Rui decided not to go after considering it for a while.

It’s not that Zhuang Rui is afraid of suffering, the main thing is to know that the owner of the tomb is Liu Xiu, has lost its attraction to him, in the eyes of Professor Meng and others mysterious tomb, but in the eyes of Zhuang Rui is a glance, not a little challenging.

On the contrary, the new arrival of the luxury ferry, was Zhuang Rui put great expectations, he arrived in Beijing, immediately began to make arrangements, asked the domestic rich salvage experience and shipping experts, the hull was modified.

Because many shipwrecks are in the water depth of thousands of meters of deep sea waters, ordinary salvage equipment, simply can not be salvaged from the bottom of the sea, so Zhuang Rui adopted the expert’s advice, in the luxury ferry installed a thousand tons of floating cranes as well as 700 tons of drilling platform.

Just these two modifications alone cost Zhuang Rui nearly 200 million yuan, and in addition, Zhuang Rui also spent more than 100 million yuan to purchase a thirty-meter-long electronic survey ship.

Survey ship has the world’s most advanced electronic equipment, can scan the deep sea waters, very powerful, there are many parts, are military, if not looking for Ouyang Lei’s relationship, Zhuang Rui is not to get this ship.

After two months of idleness at home, Zhuang Rui received a phone call from Macao, said it has been modified almost, bored out of his mind Zhuang Rui immediately brought a family, came to Macao.

Qin Xuan Bing since childhood is in Hong Kong Island grew up, on the sea and ships is nothing unusual, but together to come to the vacation Huangfu Yun and Yunman couple, but the luxury ferry is full of praise.

Now this society is not like the last century 20’s and 30’s, want to go abroad must take the ferry, now take the boat to travel around the world, is definitely that kind of rich and leisure class.

Although Huangfu Yun and Yun Man have both been abroad for many years, they have never been on such a big ship, and after coming for a few days, they are still excited.

Fangfang Yuanyuan has also never seen the sea, every morning at four or five o’clock, will clamor to see the sunrise, the ocean is wide and broad, Zhuang Rui is very hopeful that the two sons and daughters, in the future, can also have a broad mind like the sea.

“Hubby, didn’t you say that boys should be raised poorly and daughters should be raised richly? Why are you still favoring your son so much?”

Draped in a wide bath towel, will be a beautiful body wrapped in the inside of the Qin Xuan Bing, walked to Zhuang Rui side, looking at this playful father and son, face reveals a wave of happiness look, children and daughters, her husband is so capable, Qin Xuan Bing from the eyes of the heart to feel satisfied.

Before Zhuang Rui said to come to Macao, Qin Xuan Bing thought he was trying to take himself and his children on vacation, and by the way, let himself go to see his grandfather’s, after all, the old man is old, Qin Xuan Bing a year back to Hong Kong to live a few days.

But no matter what Qin Xuan Bing did not expect, as soon as she got off the plane from the Macau airport, Zhuang Rui brought her to the pier and gave her a very big surprise.

On the hull of this luxury ferry, the three big words “Xuan Rui ship” can be seen from miles away, Qin Xuan Bing did not expect that Zhuang Rui, who has never been much of a romantic, would use such a way to interpret his feelings for himself.

“My son understands things, of course he should be spoiled.”

Looking at his pink son, Zhuang Rui couldn’t help but give another kiss on that little face, and had long forgotten his own words about boys being poor and daughters being rich to the ninth cloud.

“Daddy, eat, eat ……”

Little Fang Fang broke free from Zhuang Rui’s arms and stretched out her white and tender little hand to take out a lychee from the fruit plate next to her and put it into Zhuang Rui’s mouth.

“Haha, look …… how understanding my son is!”

Zhuang Rui happy a pick up the son, peeled off the lychee, after the nucleus stuffed into the mouth of the little guy, although he did not eat, that the heart is to be sweeter than eating.

“Ho ho ho!”

Hear Zhuang Rui’s laughter, King Kong also ran over, the shoulder also sits like a porcelain doll like a small round, came to the front of Zhuang Rui will be round down, King Kong did not forget to do a signature show muscle action.

Inside the manor stayed for so long, came to the sea, King Kong do not mention how excited, although the ship has several swimming pools, but King Kong or several times secretly from the elevator to climb down, to the sea to swim a little.

This up to dozens of meters high hull, simply can’t stop this arm long and strong guy, fortunately King Kong go down to the sea are in the night, otherwise really want to give those tourists a scare off.

“No sneaking into the sea at night ah! In a few days we’ll go out to sea, then just go down to the yacht to play.”

Zhuang Rui on King Kong is really a headache, this guy with age, become more and more intelligent, but also more and more naughty, all day to change the pattern to play.

If not Zhuang Rui watch closely, I’m afraid that this guy can bring the square and circle to the sea, this is not a joke, Zhuang Rui has some regret to take it out to sea.


King Kong understands Zhuang Rui’s words, excited vigorously pounding up the chest, leading to the workers who are working in the distance for a while chills, although a few days to get along with down, King Kong is very good to deal with, but in the face of such a big guy, it is a person’s heart will be afraid.

“Zhuang, your child is too cute.”

A bearded middle-aged man, walked over from the deck construction place, waved his hand to Zhuang Rui from afar, he couldn’t help but be enthusiastic, because this was his new boss.

The bearded man was called Clyde Welborn, perhaps because of the long years of blowing the sea breeze, Clyde was very rough looking, he was Scottish and was the captain of this luxury ferry.

In Clyde’s words, from his grandfather’s grandparents’ generation, he had been drifting on the sea, and their family’s ancestral motto was: don’t seek to live on the ship, but definitely die on the bed on the deck.

“Oh young Boss, can you keep this big guy away from me?”

As soon as Clyde walked into King Kong’s side, he was given a very warm hug by King Kong, and even though Clyde was more than five-foot-nine, he was still barely able to catch his breath from King Kong’s hug.

“Oh, Captain Clyde, King Kong is a good helper, if the ship’s anchoring system breaks down one day, but you need King Kong to help you pull the anchor up!”

Zhuang Rui smiled and joked with Clyde, he liked this bearded captain very much, in him, there was a unique seafarer’s brash nature.

“Boss, do you really want to change this beautiful and luxurious passenger ship, into a salvage ship?”

To be honest, after Zhuang Rui took over this ship, Clyde’s income also increased a lot, but for Zhuang Rui’s decision, he was very incomprehensible.

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