Chapter 0931: More Promising than Deception

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:40:21
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The “buyers” of arms traffickers are mainly of two types: one is the government of war-torn areas, anti-government forces or guerrilla organizations, and the other is international terrorists.

For the former type of buyers, arms traffickers are often responsive to requests, both to sell weapons to government forces, but also do not “treat” the anti-government forces, because the more protracted the war between the two, the arms traffickers will be more profitable.

For the latter group of buyers, the arms dealers have no scruples, and they have thus become a “facilitator” of global terrorist activities.

These arms dealers do not care how many lives will be lost as a result of what they sell, and the types of weapons they sell range from small firearms to heavy firearms, from land and sea weapons to aerial weapons, from ordinary weapons to high-technology weapons, and from hard-to-kill equipment to soft-to-kill equipment.

A small number of countries and regions, in order to obtain the dreaded nuclear, biological and chemical weapons, are trying by all means to buy all kinds of raw materials and weapon components from clandestine arms dealers.

Not long ago, the Russian military has openly admitted that Russia has lost as many as a dozen nuclear warheads. According to the analysis of observers, it is very likely that these nuclear warheads have entered into the logistics of clandestine transactions, while it is not excluded that some of them have been acquired by individual countries or organizations.

In the past, there was a long period of history, the major arms exporting countries adhere to the principle of “only sell their own obsolete, obsolete weapons”, so the world arms market are some second- or third-rate weapons and equipment, and even in the sixties and seventies, the early eliminated some of the heavy firearms of the Second World War, can still find buyers.

Nowadays, it is different. The main battle weapons installed by the armies of developed countries, including the most advanced warplanes, warships, tanks, anti-aircraft missiles and so on, can be bought in the open arms trade.

Some arms exporting countries, in order to earn more hard currency to reorganize their armaments as soon as possible, even sold some of the main battle weapons that their armies had yet to officially equip to eager buyers.

“Damn, these people dare to sell anything!”

Zhuang Rui was dumbfounded by Peng Fei’s words, even selling the main battle weapons of some troops, if this happened in China, it would simply be an unimaginable disaster.

“What’s so strange about this, the weapons that our country has purchased from Russia since the turn of the century is tens of billions of dollars to say the least, it’s just that this is smuggling at the national level.”

Peng Fei skimmed his mouth, the reason why he knew about this information was because they themselves had performed the relevant handover tasks, and the fact that Peng Fei was able to get these arms in just one week also relied on the facilitation given by certain departments.

Peng Fei is not a brainless person, of course, will not be so loud to buy these heavy weapons, his behavior has been tacitly approved by certain levels, otherwise it is purely to find trouble for Zhuang Rui.

“Shit, those people who carry their heads and sell drugs, if compared to these arms dealers, it’s just like a fucking street vendor.”

Zhuang Rui shook his head and burst out a foul mouth, the most fundamental reason that led to the world’s arms trade was still profit.

Arms smuggling is the world’s most profitable line of work, even higher than the profits of drug smuggling several times, some arms smugglers are often worth billions of dollars, and some of the total annual income is even roughly equivalent to the gross national product of a medium-sized country.

The lucrative profits have prompted arms traffickers to “go forward and backward”, with one batch falling and a new batch standing up again. For their own interests, some countries and groups either explicitly or implicitly condone and support some arms traffickers, and many arms traffickers are condoned and sheltered by certain big countries, which ultimately enable them to go unpunished for a long time.

In addition, arms traffickers have replaced “money and goods trade” with “barter trade” in their trading methods.

Like some countries in Africa want to get arms, is to use diamonds for arms, eliminating the money laundering link, directly into the “legitimate income” In this way, the original difficult to detect the arms smuggling, become more and more foggy.

“Brother Zhuang, look at this.”

Peng Fei said excitedly, took out a folded paper from his pocket and handed it to Zhuang Rui.

“What is this?”

Zhuang Rui took it and looked at it, it was written all over in English, but a closer look at the content immediately shocked him.

“Holy shit, an American M1 series tank with a unit price of 3 million dollars and 20 rounds of shells attached?”

Zhuang Rui’s eyes immediately glazed over when he saw the line at the top of the row.

Peng Fei heatedly laughed: “Brother Zhuang, you continue to look down, there are many good things!”

Zhuang Rui then look down, the same grade of Russian T-72 tanks, the unit price of only 1.8 million U.S. dollars, cheaper than the old U.S. nearly half, Zhuang Rui understand, dare to arms dealers on this quotation, deliberately made a comparison.

Peng Fei suddenly came to Zhuang Rui’s side, pointing to a quote below, said: “Brother Zhuang, you say we buy an air-to-air azimuth missile system how? It doesn’t seem too expensive, just over ten million dollars.”

“Get lost, we’re going out to sea to fish for treasure, you think we’re going to war!”

Zhuang Rui looked at the offer, immediately full of black lines, this is actually the Russian C-300 air defense missile system offer, and actually only sold 12 million dollars a set.

Speaking of the Russian C-300 air defense missile system, we may not quite understand, but its performance, than the famous U.S. “Patriot” air defense missile system hit rate is higher, and the price is only “Patriot” of the Half.

Zhuang Rui is found, to his own family, if you want to equip up, it is estimated that the merchant ship can be converted into a destroyer, as long as the money, in the arms smuggling world seems to have no thing that can not be done.

“Alright, go to the bilge and keep an eye on it, don’t let those crew members know about these weapons.”

Zhuang Rui waved his hand powerlessly, he came to a ship for nothing, but he didn’t expect to spend several hundred million dollars on these weapons expenses alone, he really didn’t know the value of those undersea treasures, whether he could earn back his expenses.

Not far from the Strait of Malacca there is a deserted island, the whole island is long and narrow, the depth of four or five hundred meters, the natural formation of a very hidden harbor, from the outside of the ocean can not be seen in the slightest, in which there is a hidden draught level is very deep port.

At this time in the harbor, parked a more than two hundred meters long huge oil tanker, tanker before the bow stood seven or eight people, not far below their feet on the deck, there are a number of stalls of bright red blood, obviously on the deck had happened some unpleasant things.

“Big brother, this ship of oil, how can it be sold for one hundred million dollars, right? And this oil tanker, how can it be worth a few hundred million dollars, right? The other party is only willing to give 80 million dollars, isn’t it a bit too black?”

If Zhuang Rui was in this place, he would definitely be able to recognize that the person who just spoke was the same Thousand Doors Fire General that he had seen.

This dude and a few months ago suited and booted look completely different, wearing a tight undershirt on the top, all the muscles, a gold-colored bullet chain, from the shoulders diagonally back on the body, very a little bit of Arnold Schwarz hard work in the Terminator.

“200,000 tons of oil tanker, a total of more than a million barrels of crude oil, if according to the market price theory, at least to be in more than 150 million U.S. dollars, but old five, this time the death of a person, can not let the owner of the goods to ransom goods, can only be disposed of at a low price to others.”

The person who spoke was exactly Liu Minghui, Hui’s image and a few months ago is also very different, wearing a U.S. Navy camouflage uniform, wearing a pair of large sunglasses on his face, the original white and chubby skin, and now it is also by the sun of the sea tanned, but the spirit of a very good.

Since they left Macau, they spent a whole twenty million dollars to buy a frigate that was eliminated by the Russian military from the arms black market.

However, due to Liu Minghui hand tight, this frigate missiles, depth charges and anti-submarine torpedoes are removed by the other side, in addition to leaving a few heavy machine guns, that is, the bow of the 100 mm gun, but also for show, a round of shells are not.

This is the reason why the frigate is relatively inexpensive, if it is replaced by a destroyer or torpedo ship, I’m afraid that 20 million dollars, only enough to buy a set of electronic equipment on board.

But in Malacca this place, can have such a frigate, enough to let Liu Minghui as the head of the newborn pirate group mixed with the wind and water.

This is only a short period of two months, Liu Minghui has robbed three to and from Malacca for trade merchant ships, in front of this one, is just half a month ago, hijacked a Nepalese shipping enterprise belonging to the “Fratelli Damato company” oil tanker.

Only in the hijacking of this tanker, there was a little accident, in warning the tanker to stop boarding, Hui is not calm enough, shot dead two crew members, which makes this hijacking event has changed a little.

Originally pirates hijacking ships, especially like this expensive but difficult to get out of the tanker, the ultimate goal of the general pirates, is to make the owner of the ship to come up with a sum of money to redeem.

But dead people will be very difficult to do, so Hui through the previous way, contacted a big buyer in Malaysia, ready to even the ship with oil are sold to the other side, but the price is very low, only sold to half of the money of the oil, equal to the ship is for nothing.

“Eighty million dollars is eighty million dollars! Boss, it is better to do this promising ah! Counting this job, it’s only been more than two months, we’ve made almost a billion RMB, it’s really fucking cool.”

The fire will be very adaptable to this kind of blood licking days, the previous decades of hard work, every day fearful of life, only to earn four or five hundred million dollars, I did not think that this in the sea for more than two months, has exceeded the previous half a lifetime to earn the money.

“Ancient people honestly do not deceive me ah!”

Hui suddenly said a literary words without a head, but he was thinking of the old ancestor’s deeds across the sea, dare his dad and grandfather said are true, this line than a thousand door line of cheating has a much more promising future.

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