Chapter 0934 – South Sea

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:40:28
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“Or this ship is sitting comfortably, that is, on the deck to set up a vice of mahjong, it is estimated that there is no shaking at all.”

Zhuang Rui stood on the bow of the Xuan Rui ship, wearing a pair of sunglasses, his loose clothes were blown tightly against his body by the sea breeze.

Looked at the dozens of meters below the bow of the ship breaking a white wave, and then look back at wearing a bikini swimsuit, outside covered with a towel of his wife, could not help but whisper: “Xuan Bing, do we want to come to a Titanic modeling?”

Although the child was born, but Qin Xuan Bing’s body is a very good recovery, and much more rounded than before, between the mannerisms revealed a young woman’s flavor, even Zhuang Rui, but also often look at the eyes.

After yesterday’s maiden voyage, today early in the morning at seven o’clock sharp, “Xuan Rui ship” sailed away from the Macao wharf, toward the South China sea and the Malacca strait bordering on the place, there will be Zhuang Rui salvage wrecks of the first station.

Now is just 10 o’clock in the morning, Huangfu Yun two families went to play in the Macau casino yesterday, sleep late, in addition to Zhuang Rui husband and wife on the deck, it is with Fangfang Yuan Yuan Yuan in the play of the King Kong.

“Go to your bar! You are not afraid of shame, I’m still afraid of it!”

Qin Xuan Bing sniffed her face red for a moment, snuggled her body in Zhuang Rui’s body, the soft skin, immediately let Zhuang Rui want to get up, the following can not help but support a small tent.

“You this person, really ……”

Qin Xuan Bing felt the small abdomen at the hard things, suddenly did not have good temperament white Zhuang Rui a glance, but that flavorful look in the eyes of Zhuang Rui, is the wife like their own signaling it, that hands were not honest up at once.

“Don’t, you don’t really want it?”

Qin Xuan Bing felt a pair of big hands at the chest peaks, was immediately startled, but the body is also a little soft, and quickly said, “Don’t, I don’t know how many people are watching you!”

When Zhuang Rui heard this, he immediately remembered the camera installed on the ship by that kid Li Zhen, and the lust in his heart receded by half, dare I say that if I want to go a little bit too far, there will be people in the monitoring room watching the Western scene.

“Oops, Little Fang Fang ran to the poolside again, I’m going to watch.”

To say that this parents gave birth to children, almost a large part of the time is to live for their children, Qin Xuan Bing is no exception, see Fang Fang sneak run to the pool side, and quickly let go of Zhuang Rui, walked toward his son.

“Hey …… hey, I say, you ……”

Zhuang Rui underneath is still supporting the tent, daughter-in-law this go, suddenly revealed, see the distant Peng Fei out of the cabin, and hastily turned a body, make a look to view the scenery.

“Brother Zhuang, this boat sits really energized, 100 times stronger than that yacht we sat on the sea last time.”

Peng Fei didn’t pay attention to Zhuang Rui’s appearance, stood to Zhuang Rui’s side, comfortably breathing in the sea breeze, last time he searched for Zhuang Rui for more than a month, it was simply half of his life dropped.

“You kid, now you also learn to enjoy ah!” Zhuang Rui smiled and scolded.

“Che, I say brother, who wants to suffer if he can enjoy? We didn’t have no choice in the first place?”

Peng Fei waved his hand, said uncaringly, like his original troop, the level of secrecy is extremely high, but there is a good point, that is, not the general troops so much constraints, so that the people out of this troop all seem to be a little bit lazy, and do not like to follow the rules.

Not to mention Peng Fei, is the former Zhou Rui, just entered Tibet when he got a few sub-machine guns, completely disregarded the national regulations that do not allow private gun possession, and now Li Zhen is even stronger, almost did not transform this merchant ship into a warship.

“Okay, don’t bullshit, is the bilge all modified?”

Zhuang Rui is most concerned about this matter, in his mind, two cannons plus a torpedo launcher, if it leaks out, the relevant departments will never turn a blind eye.

“Brother Zhuang, relax! Cabins three and sixteen, have all been closed up, and the stairs going down have also been remodeled, the crew can’t enter these two places at all.”

Peng Fei still looks like a hangdog, he knows a little bit more than Zhuang Rui, just like this arms deal, it simply can’t escape the state’s monitoring, if not someone has greeted him, he can’t buy these things at all.

“Well, these crew members are not our own people, in the future, recruit some in the mainland, and slowly replace them all.”

To be honest, the crew of this ship, in addition to the bearded ship is very Zhuang Rui’s temperament, the other like some of the Portuguese crew, Zhuang Rui are not much to look at.

These lazy and accustomed to the guys, in the absence of sailing tasks, almost always soak in the island of Macao.

If a serious home in Macao, Zhuang Rui will not say anything, but these guys are not in the casino to hang out, is to call prostitutes to the hotel overnight, fights and assaults are dry, the next day back to the ship, are topped with a panda eyes.

Although this ship is white, but Zhuang Rui on it to give great expectations, fishing all the five oceans of the seabed treasure all count on it, if it is not a moment of Zhuang Rui can not recruit manpower, long ago these guys to send off.

“Hey, is this not a good idea? We have many retired soldiers in the navy, when we find the South Sea Fleet, those guys are still not happy as hell?”

Peng Fei is from the army, as soon as he heard about this, he immediately proposed a solution, naval service is five years, this time is enough for many ordinary soldiers to master the basic skills of a sailor, and discipline is also high, it can be said that it is pulling over to be useful.

Now the troops do not care about the allocation of soldiers discharged, many rural soldiers want to turn into non-commissioned officers, and each year the troops to promote the number of non-commissioned officer’s quota is limited, Zhuang Rui side to some retired soldiers, just to the leadership of the troops to solve the problem it!

Zhuang Rui heard is really such a reason, immediately said happily: “Good, this approach is good, I turn back to the big brother to call, let him want a number of people.”

“What a big deal! Brother Zhuang, turn around and I’ll take care of this, so don’t bother that one.”

As soon as Peng Fei heard Zhuang Rui’s words, he was immediately happy, something as trivial as having to find the Vice Chief, Ouyang Lei was really a bit stifled as an official.

“Uh, I’ll leave it to you then.”

Zhuang Rui touched his nose, also feel that he is a little fuss, at this time the ferry has sailed into the South China Sea, the original vast sea, from time to time you can see some small islands reefs.

As the world’s third largest continental sea of the South China Sea, a vast area, with more than three million square kilometers of the vastness of the sea, which is dotted with thousands of islands, reefs, beaches, sand, etc..

The South China Sea is not only rich in fishery resources, deep-sea plant and animal resources, but more importantly, the seabed of the South China Sea also contains eye-popping oil and gas resources, which makes the important strategic position of the South China Sea even more important and not to be underestimated.

Before the middle of the last century, China (Qing Dynasty, the Republic of China, the People’s Republic of China and other regimes) has always claimed sovereignty over the South China Sea, and has not aroused the dispute of other countries, but since the large-scale exploration of undersea oil and natural gas resources, the South China Sea disputes have become complicated.

However, the disputes in the South China Sea have become more complicated since the extensive exploration for oil and gas resources in the seabed. If one owns an island or reef, according to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), it means that one owns the resources underneath the island or reef as well as in a certain area of the sea near the island. After occupying Chinese islands and reefs, the countries concerned have brought in external funds and carried out frantic predatory development of oil and gas resources.

At present, except for a small portion of the islands and reefs in the Nansha Islands under China’s control, the rest have been divided up by neighboring countries. Among them, Vietnam occupies the most, with more than 30 of the 44 islands and reefs illegally occupied by Vietnam.

These years around the development of the South China Sea, friction, China repeatedly concessions, but caused those small countries to intensify their efforts to scramble into the South China Sea.

Although the ship went to the high seas, but after entering the South China Sea waters, from time to time you can see some of the foreign flagged warships in the sea surface shuttles, see Zhuang Rui and Peng Fei are very uncomfortable.

“Damn, if they come to provoke, they must fight with them.”

Peng Fei’s bones were the character of the sky and the earth, coupled with the fact that this ship had been transformed by him to be no less than a normal small warship, so the dude spoke with a big mouth.

“Come on! Don’t get involved in politics, we’re just salvaging a shipwreck, and it’s in the open sea waters, what we salvage all belongs to us, no one can touch it.”

Although Zhuang Rui was also angry in his heart, he didn’t want to get involved in these national level exchanges, and he didn’t have this qualification.

What Zhuang Rui wanted to do the most now was to open up a marine shipwreck museum in the Qualitative Light Museum before the school year started in September.

To say that the king of gamblers sent this ship, really a gift of charcoal, because Zhuang Rui if in accordance with the domestic shipwrecks and wrecks salvage management regulations, he even salvage qualification can not get, but with this ship, Zhuang Rui simply do not consider in the waters belonging to the Chinese salvage of shipwrecks, and directly run on the high seas up to the salvage.

According to the International Maritime Organization in 1995 a provision, in the open sea salvaged shipwrecks, all items belong to the individual, is those shipwrecked countries, Zhuang Rui can also completely do not give a damn about them.

“Brother Zhuang, can we really salvage the wreck this time?”

Peng Fei does not know where Zhuang Rui confidence, directly to the ship to the South China Sea near Malacca’s waters, which if there is no shipwreck underneath, is not a blind toss?

“Hehehe, there is no you will know by then.”

Zhuang Rui smiled at the words, but did not explain the reason, he could not explain clearly ah! Can’t say it’s feeling the aura emanating from the antiques at the bottom of the sea, right?

When returning from Pirate Island, they were taking this sea route, Zhuang Rui wrote down dozens of coordinates along the way, all of which were shipwrecks that contained a rich spiritual qi.

As for the destination this time, it was in the open sea waters bordering the South China Sea and Malacca.

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