Chapter 0936 – Insider (II)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:40:33
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Out of his usual habits, Li Zhen was very clear about the ship having several satellite phones and devices that could communicate with the outside world, but today he suddenly found a strange new number, which made him listen in.

Once he listened, he actually found that there was a mole on the ship, although he did not know for what purpose the other party was inquiring about the ship, but he certainly did not hold any good intentions, so Li Zhen shouted Zhuang Rui up at the first time.

“Do you know who it is?”

Zhuang Rui frowned, he couldn’t help but worry, now his wife and children were all on the ship, if something happened, it would definitely make him regret it.

But now it’s far away from the coastline, even the helicopter can’t fly back, after Zhuang Rui thought about it for a while, he said, “Otherwise, let’s return to the ship first! When we enter the South China Sea, we won’t be afraid of accidents.”

In the waters of the South China Sea, because all countries want to compete for maritime resources, so the warships shuttling back and forth on patrol are very many, and the general pirate organizations do not dare to enter.

“It’s Jack’s first mate on the ship, Brother Zhuang, there’s no need to return to the ship, is it possible that these hundreds of millions of dollars on our ship were spent in vain?”

Li Zhen laughed when he heard Zhuang Rui’s words, this ship had spent more than 10 million dollars on the monitoring and scanning system alone, and the ships that appeared in the hundreds of nautical miles of sea nearby, don’t want to escape the monitoring of the scanning system on board.

Coupled with the weapons that Peng Fei had purchased, although it wasn’t so much as armed to the teeth, but against a normal small warship, it could definitely not be outdone.

With such weapons and information monitoring facilities, if they had to flee against some ungrateful pirates, then in the future, Li Zhen would not even have the face to say where he came from.

“Don’t take any chances, there are many women and children on the ship, in case something happens, it won’t be good.”

Zhuang Rui shook his head, he would rather withdraw back first, investigate the matter clearly and then re-do this salvage work, than to let his family get into danger.

After hearing Zhuang Rui’s words, Peng Fei shook his head and said, “Brother, it’s fine, turn around and let sister-in-law and the little ones go back to their rooms and stay there, with our torpedoes and artillery, there’s no one to be afraid of on this sea.”

In the sea combat and land is different, long-distance weapons play a vital role, like this cruise ship equipped with weapons, are all countries regular warships equipped, as long as it is not touching the large cruiser, even if it is a number of small warships, Peng Fei feel that can be and they can fight some of the.

What’s more, listen to the words inside the recording, the other side should be some sea grubs, Peng Fei knows these people very well, it is some open a broken ship robbing merchant pirates, at best, there are a few heavy machine guns, and the firepower on the cruise ship is not a level at all.

“Brother Zhuang, it’s really fine, this fifth floor room is also remodeled, all added steel plate, even the general machine gun can’t penetrate, sister-in-laws in it is guaranteed to be foolproof.”

Li Zhen also knocked on the side drum, after coming out from the army, this day is more and more ordinary, now encountered such a fun thing, how could he let go!

Do not say that the pirates come to the door, even if it is calm all the way, Li Zhen also thought of intentionally running to which country’s sea, and exchange with some people who are not open-minded!

“Is it really okay?”

Zhuang Rui saw that on the monitor in the room, Zhang Gong had already commanded those technicians to get busy, the drilling platform had also been moved out of the deck, across the sea surface, the two tall grasping arms were also raised high, all the preparations were almost ready.

It would be a bit inappropriate to return to the ship, so Zhuang Rui also hesitated a bit.

Peng Fei on the side patted up his chest and said with conviction: “Brother Zhuang, my daughter-in-law is also on board, something I can rest assured?”

“Okay! Later we will go down, let them all stay in the room, in addition Li Zhen you should pay attention to, in our surroundings if the ship appears, immediately have to be ready for defense, not only we can’t be harmed, all the people on this ship, you have to protect their safety.”

On the ship, besides the crew, Zhuang Rui and Peng Fei and other people’s families, there are dozens of staff members, if they encounter any harm, it will be a very troublesome thing for Zhuang Rui as well.

“That’s right, Peng Fei you go and arrest that first mate, ask him clearly who is hitting us, he is Portuguese, there is no need to hand him over to the district court, just let him disappear!”

A hint of ruthlessness appeared in Zhuang Rui’s eyes, for those who wanted to harm his family, he would not have any thoughts of being merciful, in this world, only those who have disappeared from the physical body are the least able to harm themselves.

“Don’t mention it, Brother Zhuang, I’m still counting on him to talk to the other side one more time, just now the time was a bit short, I wasn’t able to track the other side’s exact location, as long as there is one more time, I’ll be able to decipher their signals, and then I’ll be able to directly listen to the other side’s phone calls.”

Zhuang Rui’s idea was vetoed by Li Zhen, the ship’s more than ten million dollars of information monitoring facilities are not installed for nothing, the whole is a militarized information ship, if Jack is arrested, the back will not be able to control the other party’s whereabouts.

Peng Fei also said at the side: “Brother Zhuang, you can rest assured! That kid won’t be able to jump up, I’ll personally watch him.”

“Alright! I don’t know anything about professional matters, you guys watch over it! I’ll go call them up.”

Zhuang Rui was worried about his wife and child on the deck, and after explaining to the two, he hurried out of the room.

After Zhuang Rui left the room, Xiu Luo looked at Peng Fei and asked with a smile, “Peng Fei, Brother Zhuang is also a ruthless master! Have you gotten blood on your hands yet?”

“Dragons have reverse scales, as long as they don’t provoke Brother Zhuang, he has always been rarely angry.”

Pang Fei mouth said words, but thought of the poor Muta, that buddy in Africa when the power, I am afraid how could not think of their own was grilled to death, right?

Peng Fei of course does not know, that is just King Kong wanted to eat barbecue meat at that time, until now, he still thought in his heart that it was Zhuang Rui who did it!

“Assistant Liu, put in the underwater robot and scan the seabed.”

In the room on the drilling platform, Zhang Gong was methodically conducting the command, while Zhuang Rui was sitting on the side, looking at the display screen on the opposite side.

The so-called underwater robot was actually an unmanned remotely controlled submersible, a kind of extreme operation robot working underwater, due to the harsh and dangerous underwater environment and the limited diving depth of human beings, underwater robots had become an important tool for the development of the oceans.

This ship is equipped with an unmanned remotely operated vehicle, is developed by the French National Center for Marine Development “Orca” unmanned cableless submersible, the maximum depth of 6,000 meters, can continue to work for 250 hours.

Although this is a product of 1980, but the function is very powerful, are generally used for marine oil exploration, Zhuang Rui will be used in the salvage of shipwrecks, can only say that it is rich.

Weighing several tons of unmanned remotely operated submersible was put into the water by the tower crane, and immediately sank downward, and on the screen in front of Zhuang Rui, the pattern in the seawater was also displayed.

This submersible has cameras placed at different angles, which can transmit the underwater situation to the ship in real time, and in the front and back, up and down, left and right directions, are configured with two sets of power units and small grabbing arms, which can fully meet the needs of the deep sea to collect samples.

After the submersible had sunk tens of meters, the light on the screen was already gray, and after Zhang Gong performed some operations on the remote control station, the sea water immediately became bright, that is, the two strong lights on the submersible were turned on.

A group of colorful ocean fish, from time to time in the screen flashes, they seem to be very interested in the light of the iron guy, chasing swimming in the vicinity of the submersible.

Occasionally a shark was attracted by the light, causing the fish to panic, the submersible’s sensing and sound transmission function is very good, you can clearly hear the sound of the fish hitting on the submersible.

When the omnidirectional thrusters on the submersible after the opening, the descent speed inside became faster, the depth of this sea is more than three thousand meters, with the speed of the thrusters can only reach 10 knots of horsepower to calculate, to reach the bottom of the sea will take at least more than two hours.

But this process is not boring, because the depths of the seabed that beautiful scenery and a variety of strange fish, enough to let Zhuang Rui and others dazzled, if it is not afraid of security issues, Zhuang Rui even want to call down the wife and children to watch.

“Brother Zhuang, Brother Zhuang, hear please ask.”

Just as Zhuang Rui was viewing the beauty of the seabed, Li Zhen’s voice rang out from the wireless headset in his ear.

“Roger, go ahead.” Zhuang Rui stood up and walked to the outside of the platform.

“Brother Zhuang, just now Jack called out again, I’ve monitored the location of the other party, it’s at the Malaysian Islands, about 400 nautical miles from here, don’t worry, everything is under control.” Li Zhen’s voice came out from the headset.

“Has the identity of the other party been identified yet?”

Zhuang Rui didn’t know exactly who was targeting him, according to the fact that this ship has been altered beyond recognition, and the news revealed by Jack also indicated that this has been turned into a salvage ship, those pirates wouldn’t also be thinking of hijacking this ship of theirs to salvage the undersea treasures, right?

“No, the other party didn’t use that phone except to talk to Jack, I can’t eavesdrop.”

Although Li Zhen had high technology and advanced equipment on the ship, but the other party didn’t use that phone, he couldn’t know the identity of the other party, and could only monitor their coordinate movements through satellite positioning.

“Alright, if the other party comes in our direction, you inform me immediately.”

After hearing Li Zhen’s words, Zhuang Rui’s put his heart down, with Jack as the mole, at least he won’t be caught off guard by them.

Moreover, the other party is still more than four hundred nautical miles away from their location, even if they have full power, if they want to rush to their own sea, at least they need more than fifteen hours.

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