Chapter 0942: Immortality

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:40:49
A+ A- Turn Off Light

“Liu Minghui?”

Zhuang Rui froze for a moment, he did not expect that after a few months of work, the original “Brother Hui” actually still lingers on, it seems that this is not an accidental incident, it must be that the other party has been staring at himself for a long time.

“Brother Zhuang, what should we do? Kill their ship?”

Zhuang Rui was there in deep thought, but Peng Fei on the deck, his days were not so good, the other party’s squad machine guns pressed them to death, they didn’t dare to raise their heads at all.

And the ship’s several strong lights, but also by the machine gun broken off, the morning this will be the time of the greatest fog, through the eyes can not see the situation on the other side of the ship, haphazardly shot a few shots the result is to cause the other side of the machine gun fire suppression.

“Shura, what the fuck are you doing? Blow up that ship straight away!”

Peng Fei was lying on the deck a little bit suffocated, although he switched a few positions to take out the other side’s machine gunner, but for one thing, the sky was dark and foggy, and for another, the machine gun had a baffle in front of it, so even if he hit it there, he wouldn’t be able to do any damage to the people behind the gun.

Xiu Luo was also a bit anxious at the moment, pointing to a bright spot on the monitor, he said to Zhuang Rui: “Brother Zhuang, the other side wants to run away, their ship has already started to move, in the end what to do, you give a word!”

With the firepower of his ship, if he was escaped by such a frigate, Li Zhen also felt his face was dishonored, although that torpedo cost a lot of money, but with such a quasi-military ship to accompany the burial, it is also considered to be value for money.

When Zhuang Rui heard Li Zhen’s words, his face changed and he said, “Fight it off, we can’t let him escape.”

If you don’t get rid of the root of the grass, it will eventually become a big problem, last time he won the money and didn’t care about it, Zhuang Rui also didn’t think that Liu Minghui was actually waiting for him here? If he let the tiger return to the mountain this time, he might even shoot himself in the dark next time.

Even if Zhuang Rui has someone to guard, but his family does not ah! Zhuang mother usually live in the courtyard, go out to buy food for what and the general old lady, if the gang to hijack, Zhuang Rui then can not find a place to cry.

After returning from Africa, Zhuang Rui understood a truth, in this world, to live a moist, can not be merciful and soft, from the physical elimination of the enemy, is the best way.

“Okay, Brother Zhuang, you see well! Immediately set off the fireworks.”

After hearing Zhuang Rui’s order, Li Zhen was excited, his hands quickly operated, and he kept entering the password on the keyboard.

Zhuang Rui on the side saw, the screen appeared on the bottom of the cabin, that more than a meter long torpedo bomb, at the moment is lying flat on a launcher, along with Li Zhen’s action, the launcher slowly moved up.

At the same time, one of the walls in the room, also rose upwards, revealing a two-meter-square hole, and from the screen, one could clearly see that outside of the hole, was the undulating sea.

“Target, frigate 200 meters ahead, locked, speed thirty knots, launch!”

Li Zhen mouthed the specialized terminology that Zhuang Rui could not understand, and after inputting another large string of responsible numbers on the keyboard in front of the screen, his right hand heavily hit on the enter key.

The launcher on the screen seemed to move a little, a green smoke came out, that more than a meter long torpedo bomb was ejected, only in the air flying distance is not long, only a short five or six meters, it fell headlong into the sea water.

“This …… thing won’t turn around and give us a shot, right?”

Zhuang Rui saw the torpedo bomb as water distance, and his cruise ship is very close, the heart can not help but be a little worried, this thing launched out slowly, where is like installed what rocket propulsion?

“Damn, Peng Fei this kid won’t buy a fake, right?”

Zhuang Rui the first time to associate it to his own profession, this foreigner sells arms, may be substandard, in the fish inside to give you less material is not allowed to say.

“Brother Zhuang, do you really think this thing is a rocket ah? It’s going to fly with a whoosh?”

Li Zhen heard Zhuang Rui’s words on the side, then a little laughable, torpedoes are not shells, can directly hit the target in the air, if you want to do that, it would be better to move out of the two artillery, but then the movement will be a little too big.

Speaking of this work, has been more than ten seconds past, Zhuang Rui see the screen shows the torpedo bright spot, from the other side of the ship is still more than a hundred meters away, can not help but say: “that will not be so slow it?”

“Come on, Brother Zhuang, you’ll see! If I don’t get a hit, I’ll swim over and blow up the ship with an explosive packet in my arms.”

Li Zhen was completely defeated by Zhuang Rui, the amateur, and simply stopped talking, his eyes tightly staring at the trajectory of the torpedo’s travel.

While ordering the machine gunners on the ship to suppress their fire, the frigate that Hui was on had already started up and was slowly heading in the opposite direction from the cruise ship.

The frigate’s maximum speed was thirty knots per hour, but now that it had just started up, it hadn’t been able to pick up speed yet, and it didn’t look like it was distancing itself from the hill-like cruise ship in front of it.

When Lao San saw Brother Hui ordering a retreat, he couldn’t help but step forward and grab Liu Ming Hui, pleading with tears and snot in his eyes: ”Big brother, you can’t leave Lao Wu behind! He is an old brother who has been with you for almost twenty years!”

When Lao San used to make white paper fans, he once cheated in Indonesia, and was recognized by the other party, and detained him at that time, and the other party had a relative who was a general in power in Indonesia, and said at that time that he would drag Lao San to the shooting gallery.

In Malay and Indonesia, these two places, the military is extremely powerful, can be shot without trial, Lao San that would have been resigned to their fate, did not expect one night, the fire will single-handedly kill that businessman’s rubber plantation, will be Lao San rescued.

So at this moment when it is not clear whether the fire will live or die, Lao San is quite righteous, bitterly begging Liu Minghui to save Lao San.

“Save, how to save?”

Hui’s face showed a hint of helplessness and said, “With just these four or five of us to save?”

After removing the twelve people who went to attack the cruise ship, there were only four or five people left on the ship, besides the one who drove the ship, only the machine gunner was considered a combatant, as for Liu Minghui and Lao San, although they were not unarmed, they were no better.

The whole twelve people, in the twinkling of an eye by the other side to solve, Hui also heartache ah! There could be five or six of his old brothers in here, not to mention Fire General who had always been the organization’s number one fighter.

“Accelerate, get out of here.”

Fai kicked Lao San, who was blocking his way, down to the deck, and yelled loudly into the cockpit, his face full of grimace, his hands clenched into fists, his fingernails had sunk deep into his hands, and crimson blood flowed out from the cracks of his fingers.

There is an old Chinese saying, called the green mountain in, not worried about no firewood, as long as they do not die, with the hands of the money, not much time, as usual, can pull up a gang of outlaws.

Fai this will have been in the calculation, is not the Malacca waters of several groups of pirates are united to deal with Zhuang Rui, money is not money Fai now already do not care about, he wants the most, is Zhuang Rui’s little life.

Suddenly, the retired soldier of the former Malay Navy in the cockpit, stammered, “Big …… brother, on …… the other ship launched a torpedo.”

This ship, although the heavy weapons and guns were dismantled, but a set of early warning information equipment was retained, the torpedo on the cruise ship just launched, the alarm on the frigate rang frantically.

“What …… what? Fish …… torpedoes?”

Hui heard the man’s words and was dumbfounded for a moment, he couldn’t even dream of Zhuang Rui actually equipping a torpedo on a merchant ship?

Such a thing was just as unbelievable as having a missile hanging from a civilian airplane.

“Accelerate, accelerate!”

Fai knew that if he was hit by a torpedo on this dozens of meters long small frigate, it would definitely be a fate of fire and explosion plus sinking into the sea, he couldn’t help but panic, and while loudly asking the pilot to accelerate, he ran towards the back of the ship.

“Big brother, wait, wait for me ……”

Lao San knew that there was another speedboat at the back of the ship, which was presumably their only hope of escaping, and also followed closely behind Fai, swinging and running over.

As for the life and death of the fire general, at this moment has long been Lao San forgotten to the clouds, as the saying goes, dead friends do not die of poverty!

The boat is so big, the alarm can be heard by everyone, not only Fai and Lao San thought about the speedboat, even the machine gunner also stopped and ran desperately to the back.

“Quick, start the motor!”

Under the combined efforts of several people, the speedboat was put into the sea, Fai kept urging, fortunately the dogged situation of the motor not starting did not occur, with the roar of the engine, the speedboat rushed out like an arrow out of the string.

Just a minute or so after the speedboat sailed away from the frigate, a dull ringing sound, from the back of the speedboat, and then a ball of fire light up, a radius of several hundred meters on the surface of the fog, in an instant by the explosion caused by the shockwave washed away.

Regardless of whether it was Hui on the speedboat, or Peng Fei and the others on the cruise ship, at this moment, they could clearly see that the frigate, which was about thirty meters long, began to disintegrate from the front and rear hulls amidst the successive explosions.

Due to Li Zhen’s excellent maneuvering, the torpedo had impacted on the frigate from the side, and although it was only a miniature torpedo that was more than a meter long, it was still more than enough to take out such an old frigate.

That rushing fire, splashing around the hull, so that the people on the speedboat are shuddering, the oldest three this time is really scared by the other side to break the guts, stuttered: “Big …… brother, this …… this time if we can escape, still …… still go to Africa, right?”

“Bullshit, I Liu Minghui not die, there will be a future blessing, surnamed Zhuang’s boy, the old man and you will not rest in death.”

Hui slapped the oldest three down on the speedboat, hands pinched waist rushed to the direction of the cruise ship to let loose curses, he actually used this to eliminate the fear in his heart.

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