Chapter 0944 – Aftermath (I)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:40:54
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“Surrender, we surrender!”

As the saying goes, a good man does not suffer before his eyes, the oldest three, who had just become the boss and had a small minion under him, after seeing the man in front of him with blood soaring from his brain, the whole person almost collapsed, fearing that he would be the next to take his turn.

The oldest three is a person who has seen the fire will rectify people, very nimbly threw away the right hand oar, two hands holding the head crouched in the speedboat with the gentle undulation of the waves.

The other bandit, seeing his accomplice’s appearance and Lao San’s behavior, also obediently squatted down, the helicopter’s long barrels and black holes in the muzzle of the gun, but it is directly to their own brow!

Li Zhen, who was piloting the helicopter, was slightly irritated to see the two remaining people being such wimps, and cursed under his breath, “Shit, is this over?”

“How about I give the nod and send them away.”

Peng Fei tightened the sniper rifle that was resting on his shoulder socket, there were still six undead prisoners on the ship, it seemed that more of these two were not much, and less of these two were not less.

“Don’t, listen to Brother Zhuang’s opinion!”

Li Zhen and Zhuang Rui’s relationship is still relatively thin, plus this job is not very sharp today, he doesn’t want Zhuang Rui to think that he is not disciplined at all, and is a person who likes to make decisions without authorization.

“Brother Zhuang, what about these two?”

Peng Fei cocked his head and said into the headset microphone, he knew that Zhuang Rui could see what was happening here in the monitoring room, and the helicopter itself was equipped with monitors that could send the images over.

“Bring it back! Ask what’s going on.”

Zhuang Rui replied quickly, he still had a sentence left unsaid, “Dude this torpedo round can be millions of dollars, someone has to reimburse it, right?”

“Understood, understood ……”

Peng Fei agreed, then threw down a soft rope ladder from the helicopter, took a megaphone, and shouted at the bottom, “You two, throw away your weapons and climb up the rope ladder.”

Three or four minutes later, the helicopter, which had been resting more than ten meters above the sea, pulled up high, with two frightened men dangling below, and flew toward the cruise ship.

“One group is responsible for guarding the captives, and the second group is on martial law, not allowing everyone to enter the deck.”

This pirate attack, finally a big part of it was solved, Peng Fei methodically set up, the blood stains and bullet holes on this deck can’t be seen by those honest platform staff.

“Zhuang Rui, it’s alright! What the hell happened?”

Zhuang Rui had just walked out of the monitoring room, and as he passed by the door of Huangfu Yun’s room, the dude pulled the door open and tugged Zhuang Rui.

The series of explosions just now had long woken up many people on the ship, but of course, there were so many guys who were as drunk as dead pigs and were still huffing and puffing.

On the balcony of the fifth floor stateroom, it was just enough to see what was happening on the sea, just now, Huangfu Yun hid behind the curtains, but he watched a real-life version of a blockbuster gunfight, this would be exciting!

“Hey, I say, you let go of me first, okay! Already all right, a group of pirates want to hijack our ship, was Peng Fei they beat back, specific I do not know, will go down to ask.”

Zhuang Rui will be busy going back to his room to see his wife and child, and the following things also need to be handled by him, which has the free time and Huangfu Yun here to gab?

“I’ll go too, it seems like there are still a few captives on the deck, right?”

Hearing that things are over, Huangfu Yun’s guts are also bigger, these years can often hear about Somalia as well as Malacca pirates, now can see these rumored godly guys up close, Huangfu Yun’s heart is also very curious.

“Come on! There are some scenes you’d better not see, stay at home with Yunman!”

Zhuang Rui shook his head, these few captured down pirates, he did not think to stay alive, hit the snake is not dead will be bitten back, now Zhuang Rui has a child and a daughter, do not want to leave themselves any hidden trouble.

“Zhuang Rui, you ……”

Huangfu Yun is what kind of shrewd person, listening to Zhuang Rui’s words, and then look at his face to show that a trace of sinister, immediately understand Zhuang Rui’s mind, can not help but inhale a mouthful of cool air.

Whether it is China or the United States, the social level is still in accordance with the law to regulate, Huangfu Yun and is considered to be the upper class, although the dark side has seen a lot of people, but the dead things are not seen much.

“Alright, brother Huangfu, you let Yun Man come out and go to my room to chat with Xuan Bing! Don’t go down to the fifth floor, I’ll let you know when I’m done solving this matter.”

Zhuang Rui patted Huangfu Yun’s shoulder, after this experience of life and death, the life and death of others is relatively much lighter, if Zhuang Rui did not have the experience of those two months on the deserted island, I’m afraid that he would not have gotten up to kill.

“Then you …… pay attention ……” Huangfu Yun did not say more, returned to the room to call Yun Man.

Huangfu Yun is learning law, naturally know that killing on the high seas, only by the ship belongs to the country only have the right to pronounce judgment, this ship is subordinate to Panama, and those pirates have no sufferers, and no one will go to Panama to sue Zhuang Rui when they die.

So from the legal level, even if Zhuang Rui personally killed those few pirates, also do not need to bear any legal responsibility.

“Hubby, is everything alright?”

See Zhuang Rui with Huangfu Yun couple came in, Qin Xuan Bing also can’t care about outsiders, a pounced in front of Zhuang Rui, looked up and down, afraid that Zhuang Rui suffered any harm.

“I said it’s fine, you guys are watching TV here, I’m also watching a gunfight movie in the monitoring room!” Zhuang Rui smiled, casually picked up the remote control to turn down the sound of the TV a little.

“Daddy bad, look …… at the TV.”

Just Zhuang Rui did not expect, their own actions but annoyed is watching the two children, the little one is very dissatisfied with Zhuang Rui frowned.

“Come on, you two continue to watch.”

Zhuang Rui smiled and handed the remote control to Qin Xuan Bing, said, “You wait to call Zhang Qian also, stay in the room do not need to go out, turn around I will give you a call.”

Peng Fei has long given Zhang Qian said not to go out, but Zhuang Rui is afraid that Zhang Qian stayed alone in the room afraid, deliberately gave Qin Xuan Bing another explanation.

“How do you …… still have to go out?”

Qin Xuan Bing saw Zhuang Rui open the door to go, his face could not help but be nervous again.

“Hey, all said it’s fine, the pirates have all been arrested, I this ship owner of course to go to solve the problem ah!”

Zhuang Rui laughed and pushed his daughter-in-law back into the room, raised his eyes and looked, King Kong this guy is standing ghostly by the door!

“Go! Don’t pretend to be pitiful, be obedient in a while!”

Zhuang Rui didn’t have the good sense to look at King Kong, but a thought turned in his head, this time he let King Kong follow.

“Boss, Zhuang, BOSS, honey, what the hell happened? I, the captain, am under house arrest, your security won’t let me out!”

Zhuang Rui had just gone down to the first floor when he received Clyde’s phone call, it seems that this dude was pushed to the edge, he even shouted out his dear, hearing Zhuang Rui’s creepy bones, the sweaty hairs on his body stood up.

Although Clyde drank a lot yesterday, but as an alcohol-tested captain, he was still awakened by the burst of gunfire and explosions in the morning, of course, he woke up after things had developed to the end.

After decades of hanging out on the sea, Clyde had also encountered the time when pirates were trailing, so the first thing that came to mind was that he should have encountered pirates, and in general, pirates would not hurt anyone, they were only seeking money rather than life.

Clyde is also regarded as a responsible person, at that moment, he wanted to go out to negotiate with the pirates in the capacity of the captain, but he did not expect that the whole third floor was closed by Zhuang Rui’s men, which made him hastily dial Zhuang Rui’s cell phone.

“Clyde, something a little unpleasant happened, we were attacked by pirates, but after the security personnel fought hard, things have been alleviated. The ship is now being searched for any leaks, so you and all the crew, must stay in your rooms and not come out.”

Zhuang Rui’s tone was completely one of command, without the slightest bit of negotiation, because he couldn’t let Clyde see that there was still a survivor, or else it would be a very troublesome thing in the future as well.

Clyde froze for a moment after hearing Zhuang Rui’s words, but then shouted, “Oh, Zhuang, you can’t be like this, I’m the captain of the ship and have the qualifications to understand the whole thing, I have to come down.”

After thinking for a moment, Zhuang Rui said, “Alright! Mr. Clyde, let me tell you something, your first mate, Mr. Jack, has been confirmed to have dealings with pirates, and that this pirate attack was led by your first mate. Now I suspect that there are still pirates’ accomplices on board, including Clyde you, everyone is suspected, so no one can leave their rooms except the security staff, now …… do you understand?”

The report of this incident still needs Clyde to write it, that’s why Zhuang Rui used Jack’s reason to let Clyde stay in the room, otherwise with Clyde’s captain’s identity, he does have the qualification to participate in the incident.


Clyde froze at his words and said immediately after, “Boss, are you mistaken? Although Jack likes to drink and gamble, he is still a competent sailor!”

“Clyde, you may be right, he may be a competent sailor, but he is equally a greedy guy, don’t worry, you will meet Jack after searching this ship.”

Without bothering to listen to Clyde’s defense of Jack after he finished speaking, Zhuang Rui hung up the phone and hurriedly made his way to a room on the first floor.

The ship’s security staff was a bit low, and although a few occupied floors were closed off, it would inevitably arouse the suspicion of these people after a long time, so Zhuang Rui had to learn the truth about this incident and deal with those guys in the shortest possible time.

Of course, the loss of that torpedo bomb is still to be claimed, and the repair of those bullet holes on the deck side of the ship, all have to ask for money, right?

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