Chapter 0945: Aftermath (II)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:40:56
A+ A- Turn Off Light

There was still a light mist floating on the sea in the early morning, but the night sky had already taken on a light blue color, and it seemed that just in an instant, a red haze appeared at the place where the sky and the water met, and the red haze was slowly expanding in scope and getting brighter and brighter.

A bullet-like fiery red bright spot appeared at the place where the sea and sky met, the sun seemed to be burdened with a heavy load as if step by step, slowly striving to rise, and at the end of the day, it finally broke through the clouds and completely jumped out of the sea, with a very lovely red color.

In a flash, this deep red round thing, suddenly emitted eye-catching bright light, shooting people’s eyes hurt, the clouds next to it also suddenly have a luster.

This kind of scenery Zhuang Rui is not the first time to get to see, but every time he sees the sunrise on the sea, will still let him wholeheartedly intoxicated into, the sun that kind of tenacious vitality and unstoppable greatness, will let everyone’s heart, will feel the unparalleled impact.

“King Kong, let’s go, I didn’t expect you guys to know how to appreciate the sunrise.”

Zhuang Rui smiled and patted King Kong’s shoulder, returned to the rear cabin, in order to see the sunrise has been delayed for seven or eight minutes, now it’s time to deal with the gang of captives.

Only Zhuang Rui didn’t know that five or six nautical miles away from them, several speedboats were sailing in the distance, from different directions, and all of this happening in the night was seen by the people on the speedboats. Of course, they only saw the frigate catch fire and explode, as for the details such as the firing of torpedo bombs, naturally, they did not get to see it.

These people are the sea of various pirate organizations scouts, Liu Minghui anxious to take out Zhuang Rui hijacked the ship, have long fallen into the eyes of these pirate organizations, they may not have let Liu Minghui hit the head of the intention.

But any of these pirates how rich imagination, have not guessed the final result, actually Liu Minghui and others were wiped out, the ship was destroyed.

To know, Liu Minghui pirate organization, although in Malacca can only be regarded as a rising star, but the firepower of the fierce warships, can also be ranked in the top three, such an ending so that those who did not hastily out of the pirate organization are calling for a fluke.

Although I do not know what means this merchant ship, but these pirate organizations will be listed as a force that can not be offended, the impact of this battle, but Zhuang Rui did not think of beforehand.

Seeing Zhuang Rui come in, Li Zhen hurriedly greeted him and said, “Brother Zhuang, the people are all here, did not run one, but Liu Minghui ……”

Zhuang Rui waved his hand and interrupted Li Zhen’s words, how Liu Minghui died, he is clearer than anyone else, opened his mouth and asked, “I know, our brothers have no injuries?”

See Zhuang Rui came in and asked himself and other people’s safety, those few security personnel standing at the door with a gun, the waist can not help but straighten a few points, look at Zhuang Rui’s eyes also added a few more points of respect.

Not to mention the generous treatment Zhuang Rui gave them, at the very least, in this matter, gave them the most important respect and concern, which let the scattered in the room around the heart of the few people are warm and baked.

Peng Fei came over and said, “A brother was grazed on his arm by a stray bullet, nothing serious, just rest for two days.”

Early in the morning that will be fog on the sea, the other frigate on the heavy machine gun is simply the place where there is a light randomly strafing, this kind of inaccurate shooting is the most people’s headache, it is difficult to make effective avoidance.

That wounded buddy is also quite unlucky, originally hiding position is very good, is the dead angle of the shooting, but the luck is not good, by a hit on the ship’s side of the ricocheting bullet to be injured.

“When we return to Macau Harbor, for each brother on the ship, a bonus of one hundred thousand dollars, and two hundred thousand dollars for the one who was injured, Peng Fei, you remember to send the money down when the time comes.”

Zhuang Rui nodded, and then said the words, but let a few security personnel eyes light up, and then look at Zhuang Rui’s gaze, not only with respect, but also a trace of gratitude within.

Zhuang Rui from Ouyang Lei’s former division commander of the special division to come these retired personnel, most of them are from rural areas, family situation is not very good, with such a generous boss, even if it is to sell their lives, they have also recognized.

“Brother Zhuang, thank you, I thank you on behalf of the brothers.”

A little out of Zhuang Rui’s expectation is that Li Zhen, after Zhuang Rui said these words, uncharacteristically put away that playful smile, with a serious expression, saluted Zhuang Rui.

This world is originally a lot of injustice, some people in certain unknown areas of life and death, but often in exchange for the peace of the family. Li Zhen’s situation is so, his father died a few years ago, his mother is seriously ill in bed, he was in the army to get the salary is not enough to give his mother to see a doctor, which chose to transfer to Zhuang Rui here.

But Li Zhen looked a little dangling, but things are rules and regulations, Zhuang Rui before giving him more than 10 million dollars, all used in the cruise ship renovation, they did not take a penny more from it. And his family difficulties have never been Zhuang Rui said, so this time Zhuang Rui each rewarded 100,000 dollars, is also considered to solve the urgent need of Li Zhen.

“Okay, don’t mess with those false heads, have you interrogated those prisoners yet?”

Zhuang Rui waved his hand, he is a little unaccustomed to this kind of being stared at with respect, his idea is very simple, these people are also mother and father raised, is also considered to follow him into death, always can not treat them poorly.

Just Zhuang Rui did not expect, he just pay some money, harvested a bunch of loyal men, is Li Zhen, also began to re-conceptualize Zhuang Rui to.

In fact, these soldiers are relatively simple, give them enough respect plus a small amount of interest, can let Zhuang Rui master a quite combat armed forces.

“Ask Peng Fei, he’s good at this, this kid can bring back memories of wetting the bed at the age of three.”

After hearing Zhuang Rui’s words, Li Zhen resumed his original appearance, some people are grateful in their hearts, they don’t put it on their lips.

“Brother Zhuang, the few people who were captured earlier, they have all been interrogated, but the two captured in the back haven’t had time to be interrogated yet, so let me tell you the situation first! They are indeed organized by Liu Minghui, and have already committed three crimes at sea, this is the fourth time we’ve done so, previously hijacking a yacht and two oil tankers, and killing all the people on the last tanker.”

The mouth of these few sea bandits is not much hard, Peng Fei didn’t waste much effort at all to pry it open, but the fire general guy is a dead pig not afraid of boiling water, from the beginning to the end didn’t spit out a word.

“Damn, that Datu how did not come together.”

Hear is that Malaysia’s tycoon in the idea of their own ship, Zhuang Rui cold snort, as for Liu Minghui, is a person dead account eliminated, and the death is still so miserable, Zhuang Rui on him already can’t mention the hatred.

“Brother Zhuang, how to deal with these people?”

When knocking on the stick, Peng Fei’s hand was very measured, six people didn’t die, all of them were tied up and gagged, and thrown in the room next to them.

These people are very troublesome to dispose of, because it is a murder on the high seas, there is no way to hand over to a specific country for trial, and alone these eight people, there are six nationalities.

Another main reason was that if they were handed over to Interpol, the other side would definitely trace the source of their defense weapons, and that would also be a very troublesome thing for Zhuang Rui.

After Zhuang Rui lowered his head and walked back and forth in the room for a few times, he said with some difficulty, “Leave those last two behind, the rest, you go and deal with it!”

It’s not that Zhuang Rui is pretentious, it’s really that one sentence makes so many lives disappear, he has a kind of feeling in his heart that he can’t say, he can’t describe it in words.

There is a kind of free flow, but also a little bit of uncertainty blocking the heart, more is a kind of will control everything in the heart of the feeling, this may be the ancient characters like the power of the reason right?

“Brother Zhuang, each of them had several lives in their hands, they should have deserved to die in the first place.”

Peng Fei knew Zhuang Rui very well, and after hearing his order, he spoke out to enlighten him, which made Zhuang Rui’s face look a lot better.

“Go! Don’t move the gun, do the aftermath cleanly, don’t get caught in the crossfire.”

Zhuang Rui let out a long breath, hitting a snake without dying but being bitten, he didn’t want to leave any aftermath for himself, these people were just as Peng Fei said, one by one, they were all outlaws, they wouldn’t be grateful for letting them live.

Peng Fei glanced at the two people at the door, beckoned and said, “Liu Wu, Zhao Jun, you two come over as well, no problem, right?”

Peng Fei’s men, although usually well-trained, the only thing that was lacking was the lack of real combat experience with real swords.

And in the era of peace as a soldier, although it is from the special forces, but a lot of people’s hands have not been stained with blood, Peng Fei this is also want to let them really experience a life of blood and fire.

The two security personnel at the door immediately stood upright with both feet when they heard Peng Fei’s words and shouted, “Reporting Captain, no problem.”

After the two followed Peng Fei into a nearby room, Li Zhen turned his head to Zhuang Rui and said, “Brother Zhuang, what about those two people?”

“Our ship has suffered so much damage, we always need someone to compensate for it, right?”

Zhuang Rui smiled at his words, then said, “That skinny-looking guy is the oldest three in Liu Minghui’s organization, I believe he will know a lot of things, Xiu Luo, this matter depends on your means!”

Zhuang Rui had seen Lao San in the Macau casino and knew that he was the think tank in Liu Minghui’s organization, and people like that knew the most.

“Brother Zhuang, don’t worry, my means are not much worse than Peng Fei.”

After hearing Zhuang Rui’s words, Li Zhen stood up and wanted to go to the room where those two people were being held separately.

“Wait, turn around and I’ll go with you.”

Zhuang Rui suddenly heard a few muffled grunts coming from the room next to him, knowing what was happening inside, his heart couldn’t help but feel a little clogged.

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