Chapter 0947 – Honesty

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:41:01
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Although the drink yesterday, drunk a lot of people, but there are also many sober, after the security personnel lifted the ban, many people are out of the room, came to the deck.

The blood on the deck had long been cleaned, but the bullet holes on the ship’s side and hull, could not be eliminated, coupled with the fact that these people had originally heard the sound of gunfire and explosions, coupled with the traces that were left behind, these people instantly knew what had happened.

“Quickly look, that’s from the bullets.”

“It really is! I heard a gunshot and thought I was dreaming?”

“Hey, you were sleeping too much! The explosions were so loud, you didn’t hear them?”

More than a dozen crew members and the staff that Zhuang Rui had hired surrounded the side of the ship that had been attacked, looking at the pitted iron hull of the ship, and spoke out.

But comparatively speaking, the staff of the platform was more excited, while the crew was pale and unimpressed, because they knew what kind of consequences it would be to be targeted by pirates at sea.

Whether it was taking hostages to extort ransom, or killing hostages to hijack the cruise ship, it would be a disaster for these crew members, looking at the bullet marks from the 10MM machine gun, many of them even turned around and ran to find Clyde.

“Zhuang, there is no need to release anymore, I believe that Jack is the mole.”

Clyde had been invited by Zhuang Rui to a room inside the bilge at the moment, and on the table in the middle of the room, there was a tape recorder, which was playing Jack’s last conversation with the pirates.

Zhuang Rui did not let Jack and the pirates disappeared together, the pirates appeared things can not be hidden, and the ship is missing a first mate, that is also unable to account for Clyde.

So Zhuang Rui selected Jack and the last paragraph of the dialogue of the old three, brought to play to the captain of Mr. listen, sit down Jack collusion pirates plotting to misbehave after the matter.

Even if he had known Jack for more than twenty years, at this moment Clyde could not speak out to protect Jack, and if his first mate had a problem, it was Clyde himself who was to blame.

“Boss, please believe in my professional ethics, I will bring this ship back safely before resigning as captain.”

Clyde’s face was a bit gloomy as he spoke, he couldn’t let go of this cruise ship that he had worked on for more than twenty years, and after this incident, he would no longer be able to drive the ship on the sea. To know, under the first mate and pirates collusion such a thing, enough to let him lose his reputation, I’m afraid that no ship owner, will be assured that their ship to Clyde.

“What are you saying?”

Zhuang Rui smiled at his words, walked to Clyde’s side, patted his shoulder and said, “This has little to do with you, this ship is still counting on you to escort me!”

Finding a captain with rich sailing experience was not that easy, and Zhuang Rui himself had a very good impression of this bearded captain, and did not have the slightest intention of firing him.

“What? I can still be this captain?” Clyde stood up excitedly after hearing Zhuang Rui’s words.

Clyde was only just about fifty years old now, it was the time when he was rich in experience and stamina, if he was allowed to retire now, then Clyde would go crazy, Zhuang Rui’s words gave him a glimmer of hope.

“Of course, but Captain Clyde, there is one thing I would like to remind you of, many of the crew members on this ship are lazy and eat, drink and gamble, I personally think that they are not very suitable to work on this ship anymore.”

Zhuang Rui had just taken over this ship before, it wasn’t too good to turn on some of the sailors on board who had been working for more than a decade, but their behavior really made Zhuang Rui look bad, taking this opportunity, Zhuang Rui mentioned it.

“I know, boss, it’s because I’ve indulged them too much, after this return voyage, I’ll clean some of them out, in addition to recruiting some new crew up.”

Clyde had no room to bargain at all at this moment, and he understood very well in his heart what kind of goods those crew members of his were, the prosperity of Macau had long since lost their eyes and hearts.

Zhuang Rui waved his hand and said, “There is no need to recruit new crew members, I will send a group of people over, they have all been professionally trained before, and they will be able to get started directly at that time.”

“Okay, as you wish, boss ……”

Clyde was submissive to Zhuang Rui at this point, no longer had any contempt for him because of Zhuang Rui’s age, to be able to successfully repel a pirate attack without a single casualty, at least Clyde couldn’t do it himself.

“Alright, I’ll go outside and take a look, you pacify the crew, don’t have any ideological emotions.”

Zhuang Rui stood up, this took care of Clyde, but also to go and give those platform staff a piece of mind, otherwise they heard that they were attacked by pirates, this mind designated unstable.

Clyde saw Zhuang Rui standing up, and hurriedly also got up from his chair and said, “Boss, I will order the return flight now.”

“Return flight? Oh …… no, no, we have to stay here for at least another week, that undersea wreck has already been detected, just waiting for the final salvage work.”

Hearing Clyde to pull his legs and leave, Zhuang Rui shook his head and said, “Clyde, could it be that you are scared by these few pirates? Could it be that you’ve forgotten the original purpose of our sea voyage?”

“Oh, of course not, boss, I’m a brave sailor.”

Clyde puffed out his chest, but then his face fell again and continued, “Boss, our defense force is not good! Only I have a pistol on board, this pirate wants …… if it comes back, then …… what can we do?”

Clyde’s words made Zhuang Rui couldn’t help but laugh, this old boy is really interesting, does he think that the gunshots he heard in the morning, is his own security personnel in the firecrackers?

Zhuang Rui frowned as he walked back and forth in the room a few times, suddenly stopping and looking at Clyde, saying, “Captain Clyde, can I trust you?”

As a captain, if he didn’t know the defense of his ship, then in many times, he would make wrong judgments and decisions, that’s why Zhuang Rui was considering whether to give this bearded captain a handover?

Zhuang Rui didn’t intend to work on this ship himself for a long time, even Peng Fei and Li Zhen, he didn’t intend to stay, so being honest with Clyde was very necessary.

“Boss, if you don’t dismiss me, I, Clyde, will sell this life to you, you can trust me completely.”

Clyde stood straight, thumping his chest, Zhuang Rui was a little envious of this old guy, so old, his figure was actually so good, a captain’s uniform worn on him, especially looked majestic.

Zhuang Rui smiled and pondered, he is also on Clyde is also considered to understand, this person was married once, but due to the fervor of the sea, and his wife divorced, a child to the ex-wife with, now living in Ireland, almost no intersection with him.

And Clyde itself is more disciplined, although occasionally go down the place of fireworks, but this is human nature, the most critical is that he does not gamble, in Macau this place can resist the temptation to gamble people, that mind is not generally firm.

Thinking of this, Zhuang Rui face showed a smile, to Clyde stretched out his right hand, said, “Clyde captain, I think …… you should re-recognize this cruise ship belonging to you.”


Clyde was a bit unsure, he had worked on this ship for more than twenty years and was exceptionally familiar with almost every screw, he didn’t know what Zhuang Rui meant by getting acquainted.

After Clyde reflexively shook Zhuang Rui’s hand, he stupidly asked, “Recognize what?”

“Just come with me.” After Zhuang Rui smiled, he led the way in front towards the bilge.

“Brother Zhuang!”

When going down to the second floor of the bilge through a separate elevator, as soon as Zhuang Rui came out, Liu Wu, who was standing outside the elevator on guard, immediately stood at attention and saluted.

Next to Liu Wu, there was another security personnel who also saluted at Zhuang Rui with respect, the matter of Zhuang Rui rewarding all the security personnel with 500,000 RMB this time had long been spread to their ears.

Can’t help but say that money is really the most effective and direct way to buy people’s hearts, at least now the more than ten security personnel on this ship are willing to fight for Zhuang Rui at any time.

“Why don’t you take a break? It’s all pretty hard in the morning.”

Zhuang Rui smiled and greeted Liu Wu, pointed back to Clyde and said, “Liu Wu, notify, in the future, what Captain Clyde says, you must comply with it completely.”

As the saying goes that one should not use a person without suspicion, since Zhuang Rui was ready to hand over to Clyde, he had to let the captain master such an armed force so that he could make the most favorable judgment in the first place when he encountered an unexpected event.

“Yes.” Liu Wu did not ask about the original reason and directly answered loudly, his attitude made Clyde rather sweaty.

Originally, there were a few security guards on the ship, but they were lazy, when they were driven away by Zhuang Rui, Clyde still had quite a few words, now it seems that those few security guards and Liu Wu in front of him, there is not even a hint of comparability.

Zhuang Rui pointed to the room that housed the torpedo launchers and said to Liu Wu, “Alright, open that door!”

“Boss, what exactly are you going to take me to see …… see …… days, days! This …… is a torpedo launcher?”

Clyde was originally confused about Zhuang Rui bringing him to the bilge, but when Liu Wu opened that door, the bearded captain was stunned, he never dreamed that his merchant ship was actually equipped with such a powerful offensive weapon.

“Oh, I didn’t realize that our captain is still a military expert, huh? The things that will surprise you are yet to come!”

Zhuang Rui laughed beside him when he saw Claude’s excitement, now he won’t ask to return to the ship again, right?

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